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File: 369 KB, 672x936, leg-62-invoke-prejudice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50850726 No.50850726 [Reply] [Original]

are MTG cards a good investment?

>> No.50850778
File: 234 KB, 1024x1024, Starlight Stratos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got me a set of these

>> No.50852153
File: 129 KB, 750x468, 1611746171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say yes, especially the older stuff and stuff getting older. Most of the new stuff is really over printed and the money there for now is scalping. If you can buy some boxes and hold them for 15 years or so you will be in good shape.

>> No.50852245
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>> No.50852279

cards individually not really, controlling the market of old scarse boxes of old collections is how I have heard some frinds make good money, but you have to know a lot about hwtas good and what is truly scarse/desired in the future.

>> No.50852417
File: 573 KB, 1535x909, Rampant Growth 7th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very yes monsieur

>> No.50852439
File: 388 KB, 1277x867, Thran Dynamo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is also true, if you don't know what you are doing, you're gonna fail 100% guaranteed. You must master the game to be a good mtg investor.

>> No.50852460

that card has ridiculous synergies. wtf

>> No.50852547

The liquidity is non existent for a lot of cards and never invest in standard cards nearing an end of their rotation as even the MVPs will quickly crash to 0. Things in eternal formats might have large book values and see large paper gains but there is almost no demand for them as most paper tournies now allow fakes of old cards (reserve list) to be played (fakes are now better quality than the real deal so you have that to contend with). For example a black lotus might have a 20k+ book value but it sells like 1 every couple of a years at that price and if you have a few of the fuckers and needed cash there isn't exactly a whole load of buyers lining up and you will decimate the price.

>> No.50852565
File: 483 KB, 1542x938, Battlefield Forge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally i don't like the boxes investment. I mean, if you are like Rudy and don't know shit about the game and it's mechanics, it's the way to go since it's pretty much risk-free if you target old boxes (and by old, i mean pre-8th). But you have to keep in mind you will have a lot of cash idle for a while, and the liquidity for them is REALLY low and a chunk of your margin end up being eaten in package insurance and shipping fees. It aint cheap to send a fragile 1Kg box compared to a 2gr individual card.

Personally since the only gift i have is to be extremely good at evaluating cards' potential, i don't hesitate to target singles in preorder in each set.

Even though my biggest "coup de génie" over the years was to see the potential of buy-out for old border foils before everyone (rare old border foils pre-Torment have basically the same printrun as Alpha rare lol, but nobody did the maths before me apparently), and aggressively -but discretly- targeted few popular EDH staples up until i was owning basically 80% of the supply availible in the EU for few cards.
Then i listed them back for a huge mark up one by one and it triggered the shit out of the pricing bots. Everything spiked like x10-15 instantly on the charts and it snowballed out of proportions worldwide as ppl didn't want to miss out.

Since then the prices haven't come down, and i made an absolute killing with what was just a risky bet (i've put 5k down on this bet initially, in retrospect i wish i'd put 15k).

>> No.50852584

>new stuff is overprinted
Just buy boxes and sit on them for years. There is a stupid amount of money to be made on new products.

>> No.50852596

>buying new boxes
Kek. Literally the worst advice possible to make money.

>> No.50852995

Yeah man. War of the spark, Core 2020 and Throne boxes are doing all so terribly. Buy cases near the end of the lifespan and perform just as well as the S&P or better. Legit retarded if you think it doesn't work.

>> No.50853045

I have a lot of singles from back in the day when I played and invested. I'm trying to move them now

Where do you sell? Ebay?

>> No.50853070
File: 473 KB, 839x768, 50C0E0C8-1281-4EF8-A5D3-CA3E0292573F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give us a card to invest in

>> No.50853075

Any guilded drake chads present? Checking in.

>> No.50853146

anything in reserved list. these are the btc of the magic game.

>> No.50853162
File: 23 KB, 188x268, magictheracewar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50853163

Want to buy some dual lands?

>> No.50853289

post more anti-redit cards

>> No.50853306

as an old fag i can guarantee you that shits not worth fuckall because its a modern reprint look at that shit it even has a 2015 date. i remmeber having tons of of these in my green decks when visions and mirage was out

>> No.50853348

is this a real card? i stopped playing around when urzas came out, the game was getting just way too gay and when they started adding sparkly cards to the cartoon pictures i quit because i didnt want to play a game that was being targeted to little toddlers and their pokemon faggotry

>> No.50853447

basically this. dual lands and power are blue chips and the rest are shitcoins

>> No.50853561

80% of cards are not a good investment. You know which ones are? Limited editions, old cards from a popular artist, and so on. Don't be a normalfag, don't buy bulk or sealed, instead of investing in 2k stupid cards buy 10 that are worth the same, and in a couple years you can double your investment. Cards will only go up until the end of time, they will never stop

>> No.50853586

Clear sign that you should not invest in Magic cards. Thran Dynamo is shit and has never been good.

>> No.50853631

>Cards will only go up until the end of time, they will never stop
This only works with vintage high power cards, the "condemned" cards, and dual/fetch lands. Almost everything in high in value in Standard looses its value immediately once it gets out of rotation. I cant believe people here actually invest in card games without knowing anything about them. Actually, yes I can.

>> No.50854968
File: 48 KB, 1318x382, ledger shredder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, that's weird baits...
>80% of cards are not a good investment.
more like 95%
I could list you many cards, but if you don't understand shit about the game, the safest bet you can make are duals/mox diamond/gilded drake/gaea's cradle/intuition/LED/serra's sanctum/metalworker/memory jar. If you have the money : Timetwister/Tabernacle/Mishra's Workshop.

>Thran Dynamo is shit and has never been good
lul, maybe you shouldn't either fren.
>Almost everything in high in value in Standard looses its value immediately once it gets out of rotation.
It's not 2014 anymore grampa. Standard drive literally zero demand, especially for physical copies. Expensive staples from standard sets are for 99% of them because of their playability in edh or/and pioneer/modern, and they climb UP when they rotate out, unless they lose the reprint lottery and end up in precons. Which is now the main risk of investing in recent singles, bcuz no matter how good you are at finding staples, you can always get randomly fucked by their reprints madness.

Pic rel to prove my genius

>> No.50855059

I didn't remember this one. Seems powerful.

>> No.50855076
File: 790 KB, 759x1024, g0dsunch4ined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are MTG cards a good investment?
no, but g0ds unchain3d cards are

>> No.50855089


>> No.50855577
File: 197 KB, 1419x954, s-l160011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Artist proofs. The print runs are between 50-200 for each card. They are the rarest cards yet you can still pick them up for a few dollars each in a lot of cases. Not for long though, once they are bought up you will have trouble finding them for sale at all.


>> No.50855743

>thinks Thran Dynamo is good
Anything you say is completely invalid. I thought the same thing when I was like 10, so I understand, but its a completely shit card. Wasnt useful when it was made, hasnt ever been useful in any format since.

>> No.50855815

I sold my collection under priced during 2019 for about 7k, so many cards spiked in price.

I had like 30 zacama's from junk trading and they were like $11 each when I sold them

>> No.50855958

I have a ton of these from when I was younger

>> No.50856121

The Pokemon cycle just ended. Bull run in 1999-2001 and 2016-2021. Have fun holding for another twenty years. Magic is shit and the inflated flashy card era will not end well. Have fun scooping up those bigger vikings in Kaldheim, though.

>> No.50857027
File: 528 KB, 1395x883, Diabolic Intent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My former fully pimped legacy MudPost deck would like to disagree. I can't even begin to grasp what there is to hate about a fucking ramp rock lol, it's not a card where you can debate weither the effects are over or under appreciated, this is just a simple mana rock, the fuck is wrong with you?

Legit a good advice, that said, the liquidity for those for the moment is near zero, and it's mainly due to both being tourney illegal and because most ppl ignoring they even exist. A smart move would be to pay a big jewtuber like saffron olivette to shill them in one of his vids to make them more visible and generate hype after you scooped the majority of the most iconic ones, especially drawn by Terese Nielsen or Rebecca.

>the inflated flashy card era will not end well.
You could already use tense past for this one : it already ended up badly. From the recent sets (could go back to the nu-ravnica block, especially WAR onward) the premium for foils is literally NEGATIVE unless we speak of the very few staples. Imagine the level of judaic abuse required to make the pimp version worth less than the regular one lmao.
JOTC tried to milk the pimp cow way too hard all while driving the quality down the shitter, especially once they started to relocate some of their Cartamundi production back in the US where the quality control is vomit inducing. Ppl fear buying recent foils because chances are it will pringles so hard it will disqualify you for card marking if you tried to play them in tourney.
What a shitshow seriously...

If it was mostly modern cards, i wouldn't sweat it frens, most went down in value as powercreep became so insane, especially with ELD then MH2. If you sold RL staples/old border foils back in 2019 in the other hand, ouch..

>> No.50857079

woops misquoted, was for you :

If it was mostly modern cards, i wouldn't sweat it frens, most went down in value as powercreep became so insane, especially with ELD then MH2. If you sold RL staples/old border foils back in 2019 in the other hand, ouch..

>> No.50857324

>Legit a good advice, that said, the liquidity for those for the moment is near zero, and it's mainly due to both being tourney illegal and because most ppl ignoring they even exist. A smart move would be to pay a big jewtuber like saffron olivette to shill them in one of his vids to make them more visible and generate hype after you scooped the majority of the most iconic ones, especially drawn by Terese Nielsen or Rebecca.

I don't really have a strategy. I have bought around 1500 pre year 2000 proofs. I think it is just a matter of time before the market recognizes them. I got some nifty bulk deals from artist connected individuals.

When you think about Alpha the print run is around 1100 each right? Well the artist proof of the Beta/Alpha is 50 print run. And sets after that are between 50-200 or so. A lot of the good Arabian nights cards are like 20k print run. Artist proofs are very rare in comparison to anything else.

A lot of new entrants to MTG do not play the game, kind of like people that buy Pokemon cards. That is why I am not too concerned about playability and instead focus on age, rarity, condition.

>> No.50857638
File: 52 KB, 750x738, 1544823628239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A lot of new entrants to MTG do not play the game, kind of like people that buy Pokemon cards. That is why I am not too concerned about playability and instead focus on age, rarity, condition.
mhmm really not so sure about that. But it is true that you shouldn't be too worried about playability for this kind of products. That said, it would be smart to focus on the artists proof who see some play in EDH, as the legality of the card isn't really much of an issue there, after all it's edh who pumped the value of the World Champion Decks' cards even though they are not legal.

You know what you should do? Launch a Scryfall search, ranked by EDHREC plays, for all the cards 1994-2000. Then you identify the ones seeing the most play and target them. It will be stuff like STP, Demonic Tutor, Counterspell, Rampant Growth, Rhystic Study, Birb, Crop,...
but don't forget to put an emphasis on the permanents : coommander players will be more interested to buy expensive pimp who will stay on the board for everyone to see. ;)

Those are the ones you should prioritize above all.

>> No.50857725

>I got some nifty bulk deals from artist connected individuals.
Also give me more tips about this, you had those connexions beforehand or you simply emailed the artists to know if you could bulk buy their proofs?
Don't worry i wont steal your corner of the street, and i don't even live on the same continent. Just interested as there is one EU artist i'd like to buy from if he have some left.

>> No.50857735
File: 133 KB, 672x936, sld-702-bearscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cards like the OP are banned from all formats (even Vintage, which otherwise lets you use at least 1 copy of cards that are banned for being broken) for being problematic.

Pic related is what you can expect from the modern game.

>> No.50857895
File: 17 KB, 256x256, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I watch Rudy Alpha Investments for a few years now. First MTG product I bought was artist proofs because I weighed up the age/rarity against price. Before that I was considering buying Alpha rares. Rudy would always mentioned how limited they were, like 1100 print runs. When I discovered Artist proofs I was like woohoo they are cheap and much rarer.

I try to buy artist proofs where I like the artwork. An artist proof I have struggled to find is Ayesha Tanaka for example. I pick that because it has Japanese Geisha, fits with weebo culture. The initial print run has to be at least 20k, whereas the artist proof would be like around 100 or so. Also some of the other Legends cards with cool artwork.

One of things to consider, a big factor that holds back sets like Legends are that the print runs are like 20x Alpha. With Artist proofs it levels out the supply of each set to some extent. In this way I think some of the other sets can shine brighter with artist proofs. Even stuff like Revised artist proofs are almost as rare as Alpha/Beta artist proofs. So potentially I would value them similarly, so I get some of the cards that are valuable alphas in Revised artist proof version for a small amount of dollars.

I appreciate your way of investing and it is more traditional, but I am just a tourist that comes from buying Pokemon and dead CCGs such as Illuminati, MECCG, X Files, Monty Python, Harry Potter etc. My approach will always be more about age, rarity and what I like the look of weighed up against cost. Especially if the market hasn't noticed it yet.

>> No.50857927


No feel free to. I will give a hint 'Jay Z'. I am mostly done buying artist proofs, but I still scan eBay and stuff.

>> No.50857971
File: 79 KB, 300x300, 1546061994784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jay Z
wat? I don't get it fren..

>> No.50858029


Also I don't discriminate between Artist Proof languages much. As the rarity is similar across the board. Artist proofs in other languages don't tend to cost much even when it is an iconic card.

>> No.50858128 [DELETED] 


Born and raised in New York City, Jay-Z first began his musical career in the late 1980s; he co-founded the record label Roc-A-Fella Records in 1995 and released his debut studio album Reasonable Doubt in 1996. The album was released to widespread critical success, and solidified his standing in the music industry. He went on to release twelve additional albums, including the acclaimed albums The Blueprint (2001), The Black Album (2003), American Gangster (2007), and 4:44 (2017).[10][11] He also released the full-length collaborative albums Watch the Throne (2011) with Kanye West and Everything Is Love (2018) with his wife Beyoncé, respectively.[12]

Through his business ventures Jay-Z has become a billionaire.[13][14] In 1999, he founded the clothing retailer Rocawear,[15] and in 2003, he founded the luxury sports bar chain 40/40 Club. Both businesses have grown to become multi-million-dollar corporations, and allowed him to start up the entertainment company Roc Nation in 2008. In 2015, he acquired the tech company Aspiro and took charge of their media streaming service Tidal.[16][17] In 2020, he launched "Monogram", a line of cannabis products.[18] (distraction section copy pasted from wikipedia, real section below)

jay_zeman wholesale feeds a lot of the resellers like badmagic

Why not bypass the middleman?

Prices are going up though on certain cards. Might be advisable to get a price list and pick the cards that have not gone up loads (i.e going for foreign languages, funny print runs etc). Bulk deals direct paypal family and friends always advisable for best price.

>> No.50858195


There will be other people too that have large amounts of artist proofs. A small amount of people monopolized most of the artist proof buying by being in close contact with the artists and buying large amounts directly. These make up most of what is being trickled out to the market. As well as that you also have some of the artists that held onto a lot of their artist proofs and they are selling directly too. People like Myrfors also periodically paint up some artist proof backs and auction them into the market through ebay and stuff.

>> No.50858246

amazing how no one is even talking about the new hype in TCG: sorcery contested realm.
Watch this pull a flesh and blood in no time.

>> No.50858266

Reserved list cards - yes. Alpha, beta, unlimited- Yes. Sealed boxes of older sets - Yes.

Everything else is a total gamble. I've made decent money on newer cards and non reserved list cards but only because I would buy massive collections for little money (I have more money on hand than local stores).

>> No.50858421


Its a very illiquid/non matured market. Can get some vintage artist proofs for like 2-8 dollars each in bulk. Some will cost $500-1500 or something and everything in between. Depending on your budget, you can chose to get a bulk of vintage artist proofs at the lower prices for very cheap and you still have exposure to very rare cards without the bigger prices of the more obviously attention catching cards. They are all rare in contrast to Alpha rares compared to Alpha Commons or Legends or something. That is part of what makes artist proofs different, the 'commons' are as rare as the 'rares'.

>> No.50858426

Sealed Product tends to appreciate well over a 5-10 year period and old singles, especially those that have had few or no reprints, and ESPECIALLY the cards on the Reserved List, historically perform very well. I wouldn't call Magic a 'good' investment as it requires you to be familiar with the game and is more involved when it comes to buying/selling than stocks, but if you do it well and accumulate a significant collection, you can do well for yourself. Yugioh and Pokemon, hell ANY TCG will pretty much be the same.

Source: spent most of last year paying bills exclusively through buying/selling Magic cards.

>> No.50858656

I got banned from reddit for making fun of this faggot card. Magic, unfortunately, is completely cucked and faggoty now.

>> No.50858706

One thing to think about Magic card, is that only the really useful cards or the old time vintage cards are extremely valuable. Many of the cards nowadays have a supposed price, but you will never be able to sell those cards for that much. It's literally fake bullshit to make you feel better about how much money you sink into the game. It's not worth it when you know these are nothing but game pieces. And a seemingly endless supply of new cards, reprints etc. Getting any sort of value out of your collection is a serious chore.

>> No.50858798

>this 4 cmc card with absolutely no protections is good!

If you have anything that costs more than 3, you've lost.
The existence of steel leaf champion puts the game on a 6 turn timer unless you can do something about it.

>> No.50858879

Removal spells have gotten better as well. Even board wipes at 3CMC. Power creep is a bitch

>> No.50858912

Also this.
You're not going to have a reason to play "moat" because you're not going to play a format with it and actually have a good reason to compete to NEED that card.

>> No.50858957

Luv me mono green stompy.
The power is all yours, only with green, for 2 mana.

>> No.50859500

And most of these luxury prices are fueled by speculative money. If the economy collapses, expensive hobbies such as magic will be cratering in value. People were standing in bread lines during the great depression, there is probably going to be severe selling pressure on magic. Most Americans can't even come up with $500-2000. Most of their paychecks go to financing things like their house, cars, kids etc. People are absolutely going to be looking for value to sell and magic cards will be flooding the market. I would love to get 70% of the supposed value out of my collection.

>> No.50859907

Sure, just buy sealed product and you're gold. Singles might seem like a good buy at first, especially if you know the game and recognize which cards will be highly sought after in Standard and Commander, but they tend to cap off at a point and then crash, while sealed only goes up. I advise against buying sealed right as a set comes out, people like to gouge the shit out of you when the hype is high, stuff tends to return to MSRP about 2-3 months after release, thanks to lower interest and reprints, so that's the best time to buy. Like any physical investment, do not buy unless you have a safe and secure place to store them, obviously.

I don't recommend buying the naughty list cards. Seems like an easy W, because you're probably like me and don't give a shit about this goofy lib nonsense, so why not capitalize and buy some rare stuff while everyone else too onions to do the same. The problem comes later, when you'd like to sell these fucking things. It's a coin flip, either the world stays this fucking lame or we get past all of our current societal hangups. Worst case scenario, it gets worse, and now you're the guy listing some racism cards for sale. Watch TCGplayer and Ebay ban your accounts for trying to sell illicit racism, watch you lose your email because Ebay tattled to google on you. Sell them on your own website? LUH-MAO, your host and ddos protection drops you like a hot rock because you dun a racism with cards. I think the most likely scenario for these cards is you sell them to another guy who basically has the same plan you had, but he doesn't know better yet. Players will not want these because they're banned, collectors will not want these because they cannot show them off in their reddit posts unless they want to get banned, stores obviously don't want them because they can and will be cancelled by some fruity libshits, there's no market for these cards. Maybe a museum will pick them up when you're in your 80's.

>> No.50862077

No, you don't. This just came out within the last year or so. It's the highest rarity Stratos in TCG.