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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50845666 No.50845666 [Reply] [Original]

I live in Belgium. it's not really worth it here.
if you make 5000 eur / month before tax you take home 2800. better to not work hard its not worth it anyway. muh career hardworkers make maybe a few hundred euros more than those who do a pleb job. so why work hard? Personally I don't work at all at this moment. Ex DevOps engineer. Man have I been deceived. my first job I took home 1600 eur NET and my last job I took home 2000 eur NET ( 4 years later ). I also switched jobs 3 times. I had to quit cause they didn't want to give raises. fucking scammers. so glad I got into Bitcoin else i'd probably KMS

>> No.50845695

How did they get us to accept such oppressive tax rates?

>> No.50845790
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I don't know. What I do know is that I stopped putting in effort and I just do as the immigrants do. minimum effort, leech the system. FUCK IT. Oh my dreams were shattered quickly. I was so happy when I aquired my degree in IT. Oh I'm gonna work and build a nice carreer, get a good paycheck! I had to do the hardest / most difficult work (DevOps) and got paid fucking SHIT. the office stacies drink a coffe, fill an excel and do meetings about company culture for 6 hours a day and earn as much if not MORE than me. FUCKING SCAM.

Oh I remember when I was a young boyy hoping to make it with my fancy IT degree. no one wants to pay, only exploit you.

>> No.50845817

Bong here. My tax and student loan repayments come to 35% of gross and I net £3300ish working in a city (not London).

>> No.50845839

Btw is it easy to marry a Flemish girl? I want a tall blonde to make my children stronger.

>> No.50845871
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no, most of them are very whorish and most of them don't want kids. just sex for fun, godless country. Even my chad friends have given up on relationships with woman here. I'm personally interested in latina and middle eastern girls.

>> No.50845923

Shame, I wanted my sons to be taller than me. Greek girls are nice-looking but short. Latinas are time-bombs so I wouldn't bother if I were you.

>> No.50845955

i hope you manage to find a girl that wants a family. most don't. even latinas in south america dno't want it anymore.

>> No.50846076

I found an Asian girl but I don't really want hapa sons. Gl finding your wife too though.

>> No.50846078
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checked, enjoy the neetbux fren.
Sadly I havent done enough work to get a lot of neetbuxies, so I have to go back to the wagiecagie
>tall blonde
try the netherlands

>> No.50846147
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I haven't gotten any benifits the past year. I went travelling a lot. have been buying crypto since 2017. checked out of workslavery completely. Now I have to think about things. I am thinking about exiting to Brazil or Colombia. but im worried about the violence and kidnappings. I could live freely and like a king for many years, decades with what I have accomulated thanks to crypto. I don't want to wageslave for 40 years to pay off the mortgage here. I also don't want to cash out my crypto and pay a big tax. FUCK THIS BS

>> No.50846233

Don't be an employee. You are the dumbest niggerest ape there is. You dumb nigger. Get into freelancing.

>> No.50846270

>I just do as the immigrants do. minimum effort, leech the system
Everyone does this lol, just do enough that you don't be embarrassed in the next day's standup.

>> No.50846273
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godspeed anon
I have a similar plan/idea, but south EU. However climate change seems to be assraping it there. Maybe east EU is the best

>> No.50846284
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Freelancing still sucks if you register the company in Belgium. social contributions are a lot. my friend does freelancing. he has to get projects else he's FUCKED. I would like to to some projects but idk.

>> No.50846303
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I am still thinking about a farm in Galicia since I learned spanish and shit. then I wanted to put solar panels and make an XMR offgrid mining system. lets hope. I don't want to wagecuck frens. I don't. I can't anymore. I can't

>> No.50846420

I've given up too, this country needs to crash and burn before anything good can happen again.

>> No.50846508

girls arent that tall here for some reason, only the men are all literal lanklets

>> No.50846532
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chase your dreams anon
mining XMR doesnt burn much electric on top of already running a PC for browsing so you should do it for sure

>> No.50846680

I don't actually care about the woman's height, I just want my sons to be taller than me (5'9"). Your women must be carriers at least.

>> No.50846692

of course.it burns.electricity, you fucking tard.an idle cpu eats a few watts, if you make it.mine xmr, it will eat the maximum wattage it can, which is anywhere from 35 to 300-400W

>> No.50846727

>which is anywhere from 35 to 300-400W
we're talking about a CPU in full load vs 5-10% load, it's really only a difference of 30-40W at most. Get a wattmeter and test it yourself

>> No.50846761 [DELETED] 

you'll probably save more money by setting your monitor to sleep after 3 min than you'll spend on mining XMR while already using the PC

>> No.50846839

>Making 60k in Belgium
>Wonders why he's poor

Lad, get a better paying job for fuck sake .

>> No.50846888

60K/year is top percentile here.

>> No.50846893

Wait, I'm in Belgium and I only make 3700 a month before tax, but take home 2300. So it's really not worth pushing for a higher salary?

>> No.50846920
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its not fren. tax brackets fuck you. the more you earn the more tax you pay. you can even take home less if you move up into a new tax bracket.

>> No.50846935

iv' seen calculations and the TOTAL effective tax rate of Belgium is 71%. this is when you calculate in ALL taxes, not just taxes on paychecks. (also VAT, property taxes, regionaltax,watertax,etcetc

>> No.50846940

This, I have my home server mining XMR and it uses literally 30 more watts. Barely get any shares though.

>> No.50846969
File: 222 KB, 1417x1336, tax-rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here fren. Belgian taxes.

>> No.50847185

>2000 eur NET
You were paid this low in DevOps? Something doesn't add up here.

>> No.50847224


>> No.50847231

Figured this long time ago. That's why I wage only in clubs In belrin. On weekends and take home with tips ~2200 varies depending how busy it's been but this is for Friday and sturday Friday work only.

>> No.50847271

you only get good pay after 10 to 15 years.

>> No.50847343

Bro just get a remote job in a better country

>> No.50847370

you are not going to find many tall blonde women among the flemish, go in the netherlands for that

>> No.50847496

if you do that you pay approximately 2/3rds in tax for any take home pay you can actually spend
if you are freelancing you need to keep it in the company and put it all into high beta tech stocks unironically

>so glad I got into Bitcoin else i'd probably KMS
just to remember that taxes and banks will fuck you up, get your escape plan to malta or elsewhere ready before you need to sell

>> No.50847920

>just to remember that taxes and banks will fuck you up, get your escape plan to malta or elsewhere ready before you need to sell
if shit goes bad my escape plan is south america. I wont stay in the E.U where they can find me

>> No.50847967
File: 585 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220811-003507_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Germany. I can understand you /biz/bro. It's all fucked. Just leech until it hopefully collapses

>> No.50848188

i'm unironically top 0.02% iq and i have never worked a regular job in my life in great part due to this
the one day i decided to make money, i threw €20k into crypto and turned it into €18m within a couple of years
it's all nonsense. not the size of these gains, but rather the lack of path towards outsized benefits when performance is similarly outsized
no proportionality = brain drain. simple as. the number of us who could do useful work yet are pushed to neet it up or move to the states, vs the number of useless politicians and middlemen. EU is a joke

>> No.50848459

18Million :O