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50838664 No.50838664 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know what's wrong with me, but nobody wants to give me a job. Applied to over 100 jobs already, got 2 interviews both rejected me.
I have a degree and experience as a programmer, yet I get nothing.

>> No.50838708

If you post rubbish on social media, they probably saw that.

>> No.50838736

no social media

>> No.50838771

do you have any work experience or is it your first job?
do you have a portfolio on your git or whatever? if not, do some simple application like a Library where your app is connected with SQL database, that way they'll know you at least know something.
do they ask you some kind of questions you don't know?

i'm a code monkey and it took me over 6 months to get a first job. first job is always the hardest, maybe you're asking for too big salary?

>> No.50838793

Shit's falling apart. I doubt this one is about you in particular.

>> No.50838826

*headpats Mio*
It'll be okay

>> No.50838875

>do you have any work experience or is it your first job?

yes 2 internships and am already in a job currently, but want to switch because it's not focused on development
yes I have a git and even a project with over 100 stars on github, yet the HR girls seem to not care about that

>do they ask you some kind of questions you don't know?
yeah actually one of the interviews I had, the guy asked if i knew docker or kubernetes and i said i legit didn't know. Also that I did not have experience with scrum/kanban, because i don't.

but everyone says they're getting jobs easily and being flooded with offers

>> No.50838971

>but everyone says
My dick is 7 miles long and I received 200 job offers just in the time it took you to reply. Nothing personnel, kid.

>> No.50839032

then you're just unlucky i guess.
you can always try and create linkedin, then you'll get tons of offers for sure.

like i said maybe you're asking for too big salary idk

>> No.50839230

i'm applying on linkedin already
maybe i should pay someone to make me more marketable or correct my resume?

>> No.50839247

idk, i mean your resume cant be that bad

>> No.50839275

Post Resume, feel free to block out any personal information

>> No.50839488

I applied for my first job out of uni in the middle of 2020 when nobody was hiring either due to the coof. It sucked and I got tons of rejections, which really made me feel terrible. In the end, the single offer I got was in an industry that was kind of my third choice and not my favorite there either. It turned out to be a stroke of luck, because they paid more than almost every other job I applied to would have, the company culture is great and I couldn't be more happy with it.

I know it can be hard, but think of it this way: in a downturn like we currently have, the companies that do hire are the ones that are growing substantially despite the bad macro conditions. Those are usually ones with a good product, healthy company culture and tons of opportunities for additional responsibilities and therefore promotions. So while it can be tough and demoralizing, you might have better chances at entering into a good situation than you think.

Good luck anon. Don't give up

>> No.50839634
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here, tell me what you think about it

thanks anon, I've been losing hope recently but your encouragement is appreciated

>> No.50839892


"Independent contractor" is a red flag most of the time. You might jump ship. Also, you have that as present with your current job? Looks like you are moonlighting which corporate doesnt like.

>> No.50840021

Hire a resume writer, OP. You have good experience (smart contract dev is rare as hell and pays very well) but - at least here in the local business ecosystem I'm in, what I'm used to seeing - this is a weak presentation.

Off the top of my head:
- education is before experience? experience should be first
- weird formatting leaves a lot of white space
- I bet you have a ton of cool uni projects you could add to experience (jury's out on whether that's a good idea but I had great success having my senior project on my resume back when i graduated 5-10 years ago)
- voicing is a little weak, this resume is an ad for you. it's good you want to be precise and honest, but let them decide in the interview whether you can back up your cool-ass resume. did you "build xyz", or "independently design, test, and implement xyz under strict deadlines"? did you "create xyz" or did you "create xyz, improving abc metric by 40,000%"? etc etc

there is hope for you!

oh, also: it's a huge pain in the ass but tweak the wording of your resume for every job you apply to, it is 100% true that the resume is run through auto-scoring filters that match blindly based on the words in the job description

anyways back to my initial point: spending $100 or something on a resume writer might help a lot

>> No.50840125

Don't lose hope. I think your experience is actually pretty strong, but I'm not from the US so I can't really judge the language and cultural nuances of your CV. You do seem to be good at what you do. Something my father always said that stuck with me is 'good people are always needed'. If you know you are good, then eventually someone will recognize that and you will be able to prove it. From there onwards it's smooth sailing.

The only thing I can imagine someone thinking of as a red flag is you taking 6 years for a CE BSc, especially if you're not a Europoor like me. Don't let HR roasties with a background in communications judge you for that. I took 9 years for my mathematics BSc + MSc and I'm not useless either. Sometimes life gets in the way of a 'perfect career' and that's okay. The people who expect you to have walked this picture perfect path are probably not the ones you want to work with or for, anyway.

Good luck anon. You'll find something soon I'm convinced.

>> No.50840137

Yeah I do have both listed as present. You're right it might be better to take off that one as contractor.

Thank you bro, I'm taking notes on your entire post. I should hire someone to make me more presentable.

>> No.50840195

Add colours.
Explain more what the programs do.
You have a lot of the tech key words, but none of the soft skill key words, such as 'Gathered and clarified requirements from stakeholders', 'Drafted technical documentation to create knowledge base' etc.
Also, learn what Scrum/Agile is and put that on your resume, it's not very difficult to understand, but it is the predominant way projects (particularly IT) are managed. You don't need to be a licensed Scrum Master to put it on your resume, and a basic understanding is all you need since every company varies anyway.

Last I looked for a job was late last year- I applied to hundreds of placed, got a handful of interviews. My goal was 25-50 applications every day. At a certain point, unless it was a dream job, I would only spend <5 minutes per application. Workday for example can share an account across multiple companies, Indeed has the 1-click applications for some jobs, and very short forms for others.

Good luck!

>> No.50840402

Definitely great tips anon, thank you!

>> No.50840442

I have a project with >1k stars on github. I don't think anyone bothered to so much as glance at it when I was applying for jobs. Tech is such a big space and no one will be bothered to spend several hours digging through your repos to try to gauge your fitness for the job.

Every company has its own unique series of hoops, so it just comes down to how well you can jump through them. I've seen companies take this to stupid extremes, don't worry about it. Some will be reasonable, especially larger companies with a more well-tested hiring process.

>> No.50840527

Everyone's freezing hiring.
Expect it to get even harder to get a job unless it's in an Amazon warehouse.
I didn't have any of that stuff, no projects or internships or whatever.
I got my first SWE job right out of college in 2018.
Honestly, you just rolled a bad time to look for a job.

>> No.50840642

i was like that after graduating. for a 2 year period couldn't get jobs. didn't have mommy's basement to crash in, no money, just fucked.
now i get job but they're all shite jobs that pay barely more than min wage

my hope is that everyone who took the jab will die, so i can be poor but happy

>> No.50840663

>but everyone says they're getting jobs easily and being flooded with offers
My honest anecdote.
I sent out 50 low effort applications in a single evening, frustrated after a bad day at work.
I had 5 call backs, 2 interviews and no offers.

>yes 2 internships and am already in a job currently, but want to switch because it's not focused on development
My exact situation, but mechanical engineering.

>> No.50840760

>I sent out 50 low effort applications in a single evening, frustrated after a bad day at work.
someone else does this kek

>> No.50843080

probably that unironically

>> No.50843103

Just make social media & post some 3-4 normie posts, tard

>> No.50843146

Dude just get a temporary mcdonald job and earn for webshop and product advertising


>> No.50843154

A hundred? Those are rookie numbers. Try 200 or 300. Don't feel bad about the places that never called back, you wouldn't have liked working there anyway.

>> No.50843177

When you're gonna have like $5-10k (if you don't have it rn) just build a webshop, find some product on aliexpress, advertise it and if people buy it just ship the product with their home adress. It's what worked for me, best advice you're gonna ever get on BIZ

>> No.50843197

Why did you do computer engineering if you want to do web garbage?

>> No.50843244

if you cant get a job then make your own job

>> No.50843460

Where do you live?

>> No.50843816
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yea, its not that simple. for example, how are you getting traffic. theres a million dropshipping aliexpress websites out there.

>> No.50844681

you dont hold enough $vinu

>> No.50845180

Just advertise and you will find buyers after finding a winning product
use aliinsider and alihunter chrome extensions, you can see weekly buys with alihunter it helps a lot, if they but it a lot it means it might be a winning product

>> No.50845289

so how much do you make from this?

>> No.50845334

You're a bad programmer. I apply for 10 jobs, get 8 interviews, and 5 offers.

Work harder. Nobody is going to pay 300k for a bad programmer when you can pick this up in India for 20k. You need to have a portfolio of Github projects and apps.