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50831733 No.50831733 [Reply] [Original]

And my landlord found out, she told me today I have 30 days to find a new place to live since I'm so ill I can't work anymore.
I'm actually going to just kill myself instead but I didn't tell anyone I just nodded and said "Okay"

This world doesn't want me in it anymore, I lost everything already and then my health, there's no empathy in this world.

It was nice being a part of /biz/ it was the only place who accepted me as me because you guys couldn't tell when or when I didn't post so I always felt welcome.

Thanks for the ride /biz/

>> No.50831754

No begging for funds ranjeet

>> No.50831755

Fight for your life and never surrender. I'm worst than you and I will kill everyone who is in the way of my dreams. I'm motivatdd as fuck.

>> No.50831769

Just be yourself :)

>> No.50831777

Not asking for money, it wouldn't change my health regardless, I have no desire or will to fight for my life any longer.
As I said above there's no will left regardless someone could drop 100k on my lap and it wouldn't change anything or motivate me to continue my long suffering.

>> No.50831785


>> No.50831793

Did you smoke and drink a lot? Or is it just bad luck?

When did this all start?

Are you jabbed?

>> No.50831804

A new life after your death is not guaranteed, let alone a life of as human, and even worse odds of life as a pure white male. Don’t do it

>> No.50831807

I used to smoke and drink in my 20's but gave up alcohol, but continued to smoke and no I was never jabbed.

>> No.50831813

You can’t evict someone just for being sick, are you already several months behind?

Do a heroic dose of mushrooms, I hear it helps people cope with their mortality

>> No.50831828
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feel bad fren...
Hope you get reincarnated in a better life.

>> No.50831834

How old are you?

>> No.50831835

Sad if true anon :(

>> No.50831838

How old are you now? And how much did you smoke and drink in your 20s? Did you do any other kind of oral cancer causing activities such as eat HPV vagina juices?

>> No.50831874

Mid 30's
Completely true.
I'm not even behind they just don't want to deal with a sick tenant, I've been late before due to being sick on and off from the cancer, I just had got a job as well but honestly any will has be sapped from my existence from fighting this illness.
I ate a few pussies and in comparison to most frat bros I barely drank it wasn't a huge factor on and off for a few years.

>> No.50831892
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I can understand ppl who fear having a shitty life, but i never understood ppl who fear death. Don't they know our soul is immortal and we get reincarnated endlessly?
Like, wtf is wrong with those fags. If there is one thing i'm welcoming in this life, it's death.

As you said, maybe shrooms can help them understand this basic truth everybody was aware of not so long ago, before the talmudic clownshow erased all concept of spirituality and intuition among ppl.

>> No.50831894

Why in gods name would I want to be reincarnated my life has been a pure living nightmare and I fully plan on ending it, deciding if I just take all my prescription drugs at once or go get my gun back from my friend I sold last month and drive out to the woods and shoot myself.

I'm leaning towards the latter I don't want to force someone to clean up a bloody mess or walk into my rotting corpse.

>> No.50831906

What about family? Parents or siblings?

>> No.50831915

It's illegal for her to evict you like that. Call your local HUD office.

>> No.50831959

I have a brother I feel heartbroken over, he lost his wife to suicide and now I'm going to follow up and do it as well, I had actually planned on killing myself before she did but she beat me to the punch and I spent years rebuilding him while my body withered, he knows even though I haven't told him he begged me to think straight and try not to succumb but he feels it in him since I didn't even say anything and he sent me a message a few hours ago.

It doesn't matter my fren, money or housing nothing fixes what my body is doing to itself, I just had to have most of my teeth removed because my body consumed them.
Thanks for entertaining me /biz/ it was the only place I visited for the last few years.

>> No.50831972

Maybe OP shouldn't have sucked so much dick

>> No.50832015
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You hit the lucky 777s anon... fight. A friend's mom survived jaw cancer. it's been over 10 years and she's doing well.

Stay strong fren

>> No.50832016

Capsaicin is the cure because cancer is a fungi. Peppers evolved to be able to BTFO fungi. Some Italian doctor got ruined for pointing this out.

I had a tumor in my cheek. Been chewing tobacco for years. Really bad pain. You know how I shrunk it? Capsaicin. There is a connection between cancer and a runny nose when it comes to capsaicin or hot food like peppers. When you eat a habanero your nose runs right? That snot is part fibrin. And that same whitish fibrin surrounds cancer/tumors. And it also melts the fibrin around the tumor, enabling your immune system to get at it. Construction workers in the know will put cayenne pepper in their socks to keep warm. Proving the oil goes throughout your body.

So I ordered some Dr. C’s hot cayenne pepper extract. Which is liquid fucking fire. Dropped a few dropped underneath my tongue and INSTANTLY I could feel the tumor twinging and dissolving... it was a weird but good feeling that felt good. Couple days later the almost unbearable pain was gone. It probably shrunk down maybe 70% but it will only shrink down the malignant part.

I read a story a while back... how one of the popes from Italy who died at an old age in the 1960’s or whatever... was actually dying of cancer in the 1880’s when he was 10 years old. One night he gorged himself in hot peppers and the next day he was basically fine.

You know what the lowest cancer mortality state in America is? New Mexico. Why? They put hot chiles and peppers on everything.

Here is a video of the engineer of the Carolina Reaper which is the hottest pepper in the world. He is being interviewed here in the today show. As you can see he has bad genetics, and has a few tumors removed. And they kept growing back. Started eating a reaper everyday, they stopped growing back and haven’t come back in 5 years.


>> No.50832027

Do you at least have any gnarly cancer pics you can post? Otherwise no one is going to remember this shitty thread.

>> No.50832030

>king of the pity party

>> No.50832035

Ivermectin, or fenbendazole, or sodium ascorbate, or ascorbic acid.

One of these will hold the answer to your cancer.

Good luck fren.

>> No.50832046

Fuck off dude

>> No.50832048

Also if you start drinking and holding your urine in your mouth for 15 mins at a time it’ll start BTFO’ing cancer easily.

This article saved my asshole.


>> No.50832068

>Don't they know our soul is immortal and we get reincarnated endlessly?

We live the same life over and over

>> No.50832075
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>Why in gods name would I want to be reincarnated my life has been a pure living nightmare
The thing is it's not up to you lol. We shouldn't get reincarnated. It's not our natural state. Let me give you the QRD after 15 years of learning this shit on the astral plane.
>earth is a prison-planet
>it's under total control of reptilian entities
>they don't have a physical body, they are on another vibrational plan of existence and they live for millenias
>they rule over this planet with an iron fist and are advanced technologically to a point we can't even begin to imagine
>they feed themselves with the strong emotions who are stored in our DNA
>our soul is basically the etheral backup of our DNA
>once we die, our soul try to free itself to go on another vibrational plan
>but then the ayyy (who are souless robots created by the reptilians, it's a slave race genetically engineered) capture our soul
>they drain your soul from all the DNA emotions you gathered in this life time, "reboot" it (this is why you can't remember things from your previous lives unless you work on it really hard) then they store your soul in a kind of facility for human souls
>after a while (can take up to 100 years, sometimes it's only few years) they reinject your soul in a newborn body
>then the ayyy give your "emotion juice" to their reptilian masters who feed on it
>basically this planet is a soul farm, we are the cattle and this cycle have repeated for millions of years
>from times to times few very strong souls can escape this hellish cycle
>the elites of the mystery schools are very well aware of this and the malevolent ones (jews) made a pact with the reptilians to provoke the maximum suffering on this earth (bad emotions like terror, stress, trauma.. are marking your DNA the most) in exchange of the promise of getting their soul liberated (protip : they are getting scammed every time)

Now you know. I know this sound completely schitzo, but this is the reality we live in.

>> No.50832082
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Catch u on the flipside OP

>> No.50832098

Take a massive dose of LSD or Mushrooms. Enjoy the trip. And I promise whatever happens at the end of it — you’ll be the happiest you’ve ever been.

>> No.50832099

Factually untrue. However, it's true that there are charateristics we retain between every life. It's rare for a man to get reincarnated in woman, and it's never happening that you change of race between reincarnations.
Sorry niggerbros, you are bound to remain niggers for all of eternity.

>> No.50832101

You are cool fren. I wish you the best and will be thinking of you.

>> No.50832119

Don’t do it anon.
You can beat this.
At least lean on your brother as he has leaned on you.

>> No.50832124
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>> No.50832133

be lucky ur getting a ticket out of this hell hole of a planet.

>> No.50832139
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maybe you'll just be horribly disfigured and only pray for death but I guess this fag did die eventually. two thumbs down!

>> No.50832165

Most you can see is my teeth falling out, there's a large golf ball sized cancerous lump under my right jaw, you can't see if it it's constantly shifting and pulsating and causes my lymph nodes to feel like a buzzing ring around my throat with unimaginable levels of pain that never go away now, it used to come and go and last few months it's been on 100% of the time, removing the teeth was to hopefully balance out some pain issues because it's connecting to the nerves inside of my head.

>> No.50832180

Why wouldn't you at least go on vacation or do something fun instead of killing yourself? What stage of cancer are you on, what are your chances of making it?

>> No.50832185

do some good on your way out, rape and murder your landlord. if anyone is truly that heartless you would be doing the world a favour by ridding us of them.

>> No.50832198

What were some of the early symptoms OP?
Are there things looking back you wish you had picked up on?

>> No.50832205

Killing myself is my vacation, not that I would enjoy "visiting" someplace that's normie tier shit for those who are healthy and wealthy not people dying rapidly of cancer.

>> No.50832209

Throat cancer has a high survival rate, OP. Seek treatment, it won't be the same without you.

>> No.50832218

The jaw pain I thought was just TMJ,Stress or bad teeth, it was cancer and it was obvious when people complained of tooth pain and I'd share stories my symptoms wouldn't match with other peoples, and the night sweating I thought I just ran hot, it was my body fighting it off.

>> No.50832224

I dunno man, if you're around the Boston area I can take you sailing. It sounds like if you take painkillers you might be able to enjoy yourself.

>> No.50832230
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>> No.50832232

How does someone get jaw cancer?
I can even understand the throat cancer with alcohol intakes and all that but jaw cancer? How much do you even weight my friend..

>> No.50832241

Anon u should take out some politicians and become a true hero while you an hero.

>> No.50832245

Damn bro, I'm very sorry you're in this situation. Life is ultimately a piece of shit gamble where some people just lose through no fault of their own.

Please enjoy the time you have left fren, at least leave this shithole with some good times behind you. Rent whores, do drugs, rig explosives, kill jannies, whatever you need to vindicate yourself.

Godspeed anon.

>> No.50832250

Dip can cause it. Maybe the most common cause.

>> No.50832253

I'm nearly 6'6 and I'm down to 175 lbs from my ath of past 300
I have no idea I assume smoking, genetics, environmental, stress etc.

>> No.50832264
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I prayed for you anon. Wishing you the best and sending you my good energy. Try to find the strength to hold on. Look into bitter raw apricots seeds. They might stop the spread.

>> No.50832265

6'6? manlets win again
t. turbomanlet

>> No.50832268
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You'll shitpost eternal shiny and chrome

>> No.50832277
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>> No.50832289

Well thank you I suppose but I have zero interest in surviving this, my brains ruined from my experiences, money, housing, fame, fortune.
It's all just delaying the inevitable, even asking for a miracle cure is just delaying my rotten existence, it's over for me I haven't posted in awhile and won't be any longer, this is my farewell letter to maybe some of the only people who showed remorse,empathy and understanding towards me in my final years.

>> No.50832290

When was the first time you went to doctors about it?

>> No.50832297

The is housing discrimination. You don't have to leave.

>> No.50832303

About two years ago.

>> No.50832308

exactly lmao in the first world they will rape the landlord
t. landlord

>> No.50832322

I mean like, how bad was it at that point?

>> No.50832327

Of course it is, I know it I don't care it's simply a catalyst for my realization that no matter what I do, or what I might have it will always boomerang back onto me, I'm simply trying to swim to shore when I'm trapped inside a glass box, it's pointless.

>> No.50832346

Hardly noticeable pain wise, the night sweating and drenching my bed was what concerned me, I was convinced it was lymphoma but it's sarcoma inside my jaw and spread to my lymph nodes.
I was developing rancid smelling boils throughout my body as well, which haven't healed in years.

>> No.50832354

That sucks bro. Have you thought about volunteering in Ukraine? Much cooler to die fighting Russians than strapping a belt to your neck.

>> No.50832405

“I did some lsd with my stoner buddies in college and the spirits told me” is not proof.

>> No.50832412

Thanks. If you wanted to share anything else it'd be helpful. I worry that my sore back might be something like this. I should probably get it checked.
No boils. I have sweated at night before but only when I have the flu so I'm not having that issue.
Praying for you OP

>> No.50832424

Wishing you the best, fren<3

>> No.50832459

I read your thread OP. Me nor probably anyone here can imagine what your going through. I don't believe there's anything at the end, so I hope you take comfort in the nothingness that is waiting for you. My girlfriend stopped talking to me because I've been a NEET for too long, so I'm bummed out about that. Did you live a fulfilling life? >>50832354 might be right. Dying looking at the sky after being ripped up by ordnance can't be as bad as withering away. Trying a million cancer remedies that might work doesn't sound great either. I understand you accept your fate. You wont die in vain. I will remember you.

>> No.50832477

You've been through your share of suffering OP.
May you find solace in the afterlife, (if there is any) that you didn't in this humanly one.
We will be joining you shortly, and when we do I hope to shitpost with you once more.

>> No.50832482

It's every single night now no matter even if I'm feeling fine it's fairly obvious, doctors assumed it was just infections but after pounding me with months of antibiotics they quickly realized that wasn't the case.
I got other issues back pain, bad bones etc this pain isn't like anything I can describe.
I've broken bones and felt 1/10000th of the pain of cancer eating your body from the inside out, it's like a on and off where you get sick but then suddenly bounce back until it slowly beats you down till you get to the point where you aren't ever feeling normal, like flu amplified except you remove the sinus and lung issues, and it never ever stops.

Only when you sleep, you wake up and the cancer wakes up with you, you'll feel fine and then suddenly all your lymph nodes start buzzing, it feels like I'm wearing invisible jewelry where every lymph node is, not painful except where the main sarcoma has taken over my jawbone.

>> No.50832519
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You can come back. Do not give up. Focus on just getting through the next day. Take things one day at a time. If that is too hard, focus on getting through the next few hours. We don't know what comes after death. You can re-establish your wealth with crypto easily. Things WILL get better. Even if you don't believe it just say it, say it out loud. And look into your local laws. It sounds like your bitch slumlord is breaking some laws. If not for anything, stick around just to give that bitch what she deserves and sue her.

>> No.50832522

I don't give a damn about political wars, politics etc is all the normie tier sideshow, you can tell someone who's feeling fine if they give a damn about other people's problems, it's just gossip shit for bored humans who haven't suffered yet.
But believe me being ripped into a thousand pieces instantly seems welcoming, if I joined a war I'd immediately charge into enemy territory on purpose and be very obvious about it.
But I refuse to kill or harm another human, so I can die with a tiny bit of dignity left.

>> No.50832526

I'm just some stupid brainlet, but for what it's worth anon, I'm sorry to hear your story and I wish you all the best in life and in death. I'm going to try and pray for you.

>> No.50832567

>our soul is immortal and we get reincarnated endlessly?
What is your assurance of this?

>> No.50832574

Na none of you guys are stupid, you wouldn't be in this tiny section of the internet if you weren't intelligent, stop being self degrading it doesn't help you enjoy this shit world.

The idea of becoming normal again of course runs through my mind constantly, but I know I can't undue the damage, mental damage, physical changes that have occurred, I was hoping to i could enjoy my last few years but it's honestly just been an absolute nightmare, I can't say I've felt normal for even two days, and I'm still trying to carry the weight on my shoulders when my body is collapsing into itself.
It's not meant to be sustainable to survive this world while fighting disease.

>> No.50832591

Hey Op have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?

>> No.50832663

you should use your remaining days for something useful and murder vitalik buterin.

>> No.50832666

No, hpv from sucking dick causes it

>> No.50832686

can you post a pic of yourself in your current state. I’m curious. Just of your teeth or something?
Maybe it can serve as a memento that will be on the /biz/ archives forever.

>> No.50832698

Godspeed jaw cancer anon, your suffering will not be forgotten.

>> No.50832701

Immediately put your body into ketosis by fasting for 48 hrs, refrain from eating any sugar or carbs (also sugar) for 90 days. Take reishi (red) and turkey tail mushroom with d3, and zinc every morning with your coffee- you’ll be fine-
You won’t listen, but that’s how you cure cancer

>> No.50832729

Wtf, at least kill your landlord first. One less parasite in the world

>> No.50832764

I took a picture of the removed teeth and you can see the rotten ones that I'm suppose to have removed but It really doesn't benefit anyone to show people that.
Don't worry nobody really will remember or care and honestly I'd rather keep it that way.

>> No.50832768

literally die fucking peppernigger

>> No.50832786

Good luck op. I hope you find the will to try. And if you do I hope that you succeed

>> No.50832814

Just refuse to leave, it's not like you're going to move much anyway.

>> No.50832827

Unironically thank you, I'm mentally steeling myself for it currently and thinking about my life and knowing even if I somehow turned a miracle out and restored my life the past makes the present and nothing inside my world will ever be the same.

My brother said "Shit's about the hit the fan" when talking to me about politics which I entertain him with and out of my voice was "Shit already hit the fan in my world"
Which he knew what I was saying without me saying it.

I can't even find the will to continue this charade of a life so I hope i do find the will to end this awful timeline.

>> No.50832842

Maybe reading about/talking to others in the same situation as you would be cathartic.

>> No.50832873

Please read Neville Goddard...NOW.

Feeling is the Secret.

I believe in you. You have a secret power to change your circumstances. This whole world is a reflection of your subconscious. You are God, asleep in the form of man. Your whole life the world has been whispering this to you, and this is the moment you believe. God is with you. He is your imagination and he wants to cocreate your dreams with you. The whole world, even matter is just consciousness. Change your conditioned self, to change your inner world, and the outer world will reflect it.

>> No.50832911


Nice trips fren

>> No.50832924

You can reverse tooth rot.

>> No.50832933

Wake the fuck up anon - I’ve seen people survive this. This too shall pass. I am cheering for you. Be strong.

>> No.50832946


>> No.50832949

If I wasnt in the state I'm currently in I would speak to you further about this because before I was sick I definitely had moments where I could sense something like this but it's long faded.

>> No.50832958

Niacin + vitamin C. Read everything from the raypeatforum. I was diagnosed with metastasis three years ago and I'm better than ever. Don't take anything official