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File: 766 KB, 1079x2042, Screenshot_20220810-094427_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50829705 No.50829705 [Reply] [Original]

What is biz opinion on the state of social media and whether there's any blockchain alternatives? If anyone has been paying attention zoomers are moving away from Facebook and snapchat at an alarming rate. Tiktok is the new thing and YouTube and instagram are trying to compete with their reels. To my knowledge there's nothing in the blockchain space offering an alternative despite the big names proposing to incorporate NFTs and/or their own digital currencies.

The problem with those big well known apps though is the typical funding model behind them which just sells the user's data and pays the user a pittance I.e. heavily centralised and censored.

I've seen some blockchain alternatives pop up but they lacked the simplicity apps like tiktok have.

There's a project called glimpse (GLMS) that has a fully functioning social media app which is shortly releasing a Facebook/tiktok competitor app in a week with the function to mint and sell nfts of a user's social media for the project token.

>> No.50829743

Thank you sirs many redemptions will be had

>> No.50829759

Twetch.com is a pretty nice Twitter alternative where you can actually get paid for posting

>> No.50829786


Just had a look and seems ok.

Could that be impacted by bots though like twitter?

>> No.50829824

>what if tiktok,but every time a zoomer watches a 5s clip, several hundred computers around the world all have to process the transaction

Is there something I'm not getting here or is this just completely retarded?

>> No.50829828

I do hold several tokens that aim to create decentralized alternatives to social media, however right now the space is still immature. I'd equate it to Web1.0 before the dotcom and Web2.0 before the smartphone. What I'm really waiting for is a decentralized image board, a self moderated 4ch with no mods and jannies where posting requires shitcoins and (((you)))s generate shitcoin rewards

>> No.50829857

Now you realize why instant finality and high transaction throughput will be incredibly important for web3.0. On the bright side, you will have the ability to monetize trolling once the world is built

>> No.50829930


>> No.50829946


>> No.50830000

You're approaching the social media space in the wrong way. Web3 socials wont exist as independent protocols, that's absurd and would render them closer to web2 than to web3. You have to invest in the protocol that enables web3 socials seamless development. See >>50829930

>> No.50830005


Yea my understanding is the social media app I referred to in my post doesn't work like that at all.. The only aspect of blockchain/crypto is in reference to minting nfts.. Posting and shit posting is just as per the norm and doesn't require as you noted users to verify etc.


I agree completely and moreso for the fact that for any of these new social apps to take off they need a user base..

Theoretically, couldn't an only fans type model work with nfts (including factionalised NFTs)?


Isn't that already what we see with YouTube and people like Andrew tate? Just talk shit, troll, garner attention > profit?

>> No.50830055


Whilst those examples utilise blockchain tech I don't see the hook or incentive for users to leave traditional social media..

At least with glimpse it offers users the ability to buy and sell nfts of user's social media.. The obvious question with that though is who would buy that stuff.. My thoughts are that if people are prepared to buy jpegs of monkeys then they're certainly prepared to buy nfts of celebrities they follow which could even be factionalised for experiences (shows etc).. Obviously though there would need to be celebrities on Glimpse for that to occur.. But it isn't out of the realm of possibility..

>> No.50830081


Fractionalised* ffs

>> No.50830091

Integrating Web2 socials into Web3 would just be Web2 social media with extra steps. None of "your" posts, ideas, photos, videos, etc, are "yours" if posted on Web2 socials, it just how it is. Web3 aims to bring ownership of YOUR data back to YOU.

>> No.50830106

>Isn't that already what we see with YouTube
Yes and no, YouTube still facilitates as the middleman between the advertisers and their content creators. Web3 aims to connect revenue directly to the content creator, YOUR content is YOURS and the revenue it generates is YOURS.

>> No.50830114

I mean you're just asking me what web3 is, adoption will come simply because web3 protocols are more efficient and composable with other services. Removal of unnecessary middlemen giving more power to content creators and open governance of platforms (DAOs) are some of the benefits. First a small group of ppl will use and then it'll spread exponentially, the same way it happened with web2.

>> No.50830136

Is for you

>> No.50830199


Fair point I guess we'll watch the space and see how it goes although I think that if the bigger platforms are to survive they will look to incorporate various blockchain tech so it could get spicy.

Either way I'll be happy if Facebook goes the way of MySpace and relegates zuck back to the shadows.

>> No.50830796
File: 57 KB, 666x666, photo_2022-06-15_08-43-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is Plebbit that replicates Reddit in a P2P way.


There's a new release coming this week I think

>> No.50830838

imagine actually believing this shill

>> No.50830841

Dead on arrival, put it on a platform where it becomes easily composable and interoperable with other services. Also it takes 10 minutes to finality.

>> No.50830848


>> No.50830899


>> No.50830921
File: 359 KB, 680x905, 29c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's slower than Reddit, that's not debatable. But at least you can speak your mind. No one stands behind you to make sure that you use the correct pronouns and other 1984-like behavior. The desktop version is fast enough for me.

>> No.50830928
File: 63 KB, 200x200, croak_anim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebbit *is* decentralized Reddit

>> No.50831042
File: 63 KB, 666x666, 657576575757656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the only implementation that can be even remotely considered web3 in a sense that it is hard to censor from outside and it is decentralized.
Filecoin devs are the most legit devs in the blockchain right beside btc and eth devs. IPFS and GossipSub are the real deal; read the papers describing how they operate.
IPFS will take off within next 10 years due to the features they offer given how centralized modern web is.

>> No.50831101

A man of culture

>> No.50831224

Blah blah we've heard it a thousand times and they always turn out to be empty promises. Hey here is a decentralized version of something that already exists, but it's slower and has much more worse UX. Muh but it's decentralized though ammirite?

>> No.50831257
File: 64 KB, 960x1280, photo_2022-08-09_08-39-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but it's slower and has much more worse UX. Muh but it's decentralized though ammirite?

Exactly, but it actually has sound protocol behind it.

github com/plebbit/plebbit-js
if you know js check for yourself

>> No.50831320

I'm sorry I don't want to be a piece of shit about it but we already have that degree of censorship resistance on web2, (you're in a website with barely any censorship rn) and if you want an obscure, expensive to run, and slow protocol just use the dark web. This isn't what web3 is about

>> No.50831362

Plebbit is free to run. If you want to run a full node (MBs) you can use desktop client. Or you can use browser version.
It uses IPFS to serve files (similarly how torrents work).
Chans are allowed to run because glowies use it as a containment medium.

>> No.50831562
File: 38 KB, 712x500, IMG_20220403_155658_773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I understand, you can build on the underlying tech

>> No.50832516

Pleb-chan is so cute and funny...

>> No.50832717

I don't see the appeal of plebbit.

I really think the whole 'decentralised' meme gets pushed along way further than it ought to.. For example plebbit as decentralised isn't really that appealing.. I mean you can pretty much post whatever you want on any forum on 4 chan.. So I don't necessarily get the appeal or incentive for users to use plebbit simply because it's decentralised unless I'm missing something..

I'm genuinely just waiting to see a proper use case for crypto/blockchain in the social media space and i don't think we're far off.. adoption will be another story.