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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5082916 No.5082916 [Reply] [Original]

>buy a coin
>it crashes
>sell a coin
>it pumps
What the fuck?

>> No.5082923

look at the charts

>> No.5082934

I bought $3000 more of alts 2 hours before the Bitcoin tantrum. Kinda upset.

>> No.5082937

many such cases

>> No.5082941

Learn to hold.

>> No.5082953

I think somehow these whales know how many coins are at each level and they don't move on until they buy everything up.

>> No.5082993

>buy low
>it crashes lower
>price looks too high?
>it pumps even more

>> No.5083003

This is crypto.

>> No.5083011

bought 15k worth of ETC because it looked stable and wasn't pumping like the rest of the coins - figured it would have its time to shine. NOPE.

>> No.5083019



>> No.5083028

hold you faggot

>> No.5083048

its because you don't know how to quantify low

>> No.5083076

>guy gets lucky
>acts like hes a TA genius
TA doesn't work in crypto. the reason it appears to work is because twitter faggots make "calls" on arbitrary lines so of course it bounces

>> No.5083091

>bought altcoin
>it slowly dips to 40% as I held it for over a month
>right after I sell, it moons 400%

>bought another altcoin
>it dips 50% as I held it for over a month
>right after I sell, it moons 200%


>> No.5083107

I've been justed so many god damn times like this.

HODL is literally a meme. It ties your money up with a coin that continues to tank.

>> No.5083128

Yeah that's actually why I pulled some money out of a coin thank went to shit yesterday. Yeah it'll recover, yeah I probably won't lose any of the money, but I can make it all back and then some by using it elsewhere.

I should really start holding some bitcoin full time so that when it shits on alts I can take advantage of the dips though.

>> No.5083131

>Buy 10$ of everything
>Entire market crashes

>> No.5083137

If you can't hodl you are weak-willed and are NEVER GONNA MAKE IT

>> No.5083151

Say that to coins that never recovered from July

>> No.5083415

hodl only works on good coins

>> No.5083532

Don’t sell until it’s up

>> No.5083631

>coin has no active development and no community except for occasional posts on a message board
>never shilled anywhere else
>slowly moons to high price over the course of a week
>slowly dips 50% afterwards but maintained the floor above a certain level for months even after the volume dropped significantly

>> No.5083654

>finally make some serious gains
>solar EMP wipes out the entire crypto market forever

>> No.5083672

Are you me? Or am I you?

>> No.5083724

We are one.

>> No.5083739

>buy a coin at ATH
>sell a coin at dip

This is you

>> No.5083805

You do realize that if >>5083091
actually HODL'ed he would of made gains ?

And /biz/ wonders why it's not making money.

>> No.5083812
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>buy Ripple
>nothing happens
>sell Ripple to chase POT coin gains
>Ripple moons nonstop
>FOMO buy back in

The universe hates me with a passion

>> No.5083836

Normies are cancer but we just can't beat them

>> No.5083855

I used to do,this. Buy something and hold it

>> No.5083860

Did you at least not get Justed by POT.

>> No.5083890

>buy and hodl
>it does nothing but bleed while everything else moons

>> No.5083897


>ripple 30% increase
>nah ripple always crash after pump
>next day ripple 70% up
>well now I'm too late
>later that night ripple increases 60% more

Skipped it but the spirit of crypto

>> No.5083900

story of my life pajeet

>> No.5083926
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>> No.5083933
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>tfw i know whatever coin i buy will drop
>buy both ETH and LTC to be safe
>they both drop

>> No.5083991

I barely made gains back...held it longer than I should have. Sold it when Rodman opened his mouth and started talking like a drunk.

>> No.5084039

Lol, got out much sooner than me then. I took a 25% loss or something like a retard. If I'd held bitcoin instead of rebuying an alt I would have made it all back too zzz.

>> No.5084285
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>>buy a coin
>>it crashes
>>sell a coin
>>it pumps

>> No.5084484

made me kek

>> No.5084690

>stay in btc because I fear it'll pump
>miss all the moon mission for a week
>ok it looks really stable now with all those fucking 1k buy and sell walls
>go in alts
>btc goes for ATH one hour later
>lose 10% of my stack

>> No.5084741


Oh god this, except it was ETH and NEO. Of course they both mooned when I sold, of course.

>> No.5084758

The fact that it was stable meant it was going to go ballistic in one direction soon...

>> No.5084809

yeah but how soon
it was sideway for 4 days I thought I could go sleep and wake up with like 5% profit on xmr and neo

>> No.5084850


>> No.5084868

y'all bunch of weak handed faggots
You don't sell with a loss
Speak after me
You DON'T fucking sell with a fucking LOSS

>> No.5084879

buy high sell low, you're doing it right you whiny little bitch

>> No.5084895

Buy link and you will be set

>> No.5084951

lol there are so many cryptos that lost 70% of their value in sats including big ones like eth, ripple

of course you sell when your coin has no real reason to pump while normies are buying millions of dollars of bitcoins everyday

>> No.5085280

Yeah this is probably true. I constantly refuse to buy BTC because it sucks dick but that's where the money is...

>> No.5085897

>BTC goes up
>ETH goes down
>sell BTC
>buy ETH
>ETH goes up
>BTC goes down
>sell eth
>buy BTC

feels good man been doing this for 2 months now as day trading

>> No.5086226

I want to do this, but the risk is BTC not going down again. Should be impossible but it's sadly not.

>> No.5086236

bots, and more normies = more bots = more manipulation

>> No.5086243

I sell BTC when ETH drops by more than 10% (unless BTC is also dropping). I do this shit daily, works p gud

>> No.5086258

I should probably try it with ETH. I've done it with other alts but it's far more risky since they're so unstable.

>> No.5086286
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>> No.5086307

Honestly is there some psychological theory to this? Why is it always that when we make a move we lose in the very short term instead of win?

>> No.5086318

buy a coin after it crashed

>> No.5086334


start a signals group and tell people to do the opposite of what you do and charge them for it

>> No.5086355

think Request will start pumping on Wednesday
It started pumping on Saturday, 5 days earlier than I anticipated

>> No.5086362

Same here. Went short on EOS when it was 0.5$, after it was there for 2 months. Then 6 hours after I shorted it went 10x from there.

>> No.5086384

Doesn't really work when you get liquidated. I can't HODL when I get liquidated from BFX.

>> No.5086476

You go and take risks and have large expectations. Any bump in that makes you loose spirit and make bad decisions. It gets way out of proportions.

Same when you go out hunting and say: I will get my biggest buck ever. And then miss the shot because of anticipation.

Or go out with the purpose of getting laid and the opposite happens, and when you go out to have fun you fuck some slut in the toilet.

>> No.5086530

You have just fixed my mental leaks. What the fuck, I actually understand myself a lot better right now, even though I knew this already.

Thanks anon, you are gods gift. So easy and well put what you just said. I've been quite depressed and beating myself over failing lately, even though everything was mooning. I'm gonna screen cap your comment and read it everyday to not do dumb shit again.

>> No.5086675

Really? That's good cause every once in a while I try to learn about this macd shit, how to analyze candlesticks but I'm too retarded and every explanation just creates more questions..and apparently that's not that great with real stocks, let alone bitcoin

>> No.5087002

I am part of this secret society. I have gone from 40% gains to like 10%
>buy low, sell high? coin moons
>buy back in, crash to where I started
the only one making money is the exchange, like that office space George Michael dude.

>> No.5087071


>> No.5087156

when you have the patience of a two year old what do you expect. Some people are into holding coins/stocks for YEARS. Ill tell you this nowquit crypto and investing in general. Even if you held stocks you'd lose because you'd sell out as soon as it dipped in price.
There is a reason only a small percentage of people have money and types like you prove it everyday.

>> No.5087423

get gud fggt

>> No.5087501

>buys coins that are pumping / nearly ath
>blames luck
>cuck status confirmed

>> No.5087564

okay heres the run down OP

some people like to have down to the second analytics on this shit.
Day Trading ikr?

So say you go to lunch and check the charts and you decide its a good time to buy a coin.
So you purchase said coin.
Transaction logged.
Some day trading fucknut sees your transaction, and wants to sweeten the pot.
SO he short sells his shit immediately to get you to buy his shit and he can get that sweet sweet liquid.

Same thing for a selling a coin
some day trading fucknut sees you selling and also wants to sell so he raises the price ever so slightly to make it appear like theres upward movement.

or possibly the reason it gets pumped is becuase theres people in play that want to price out all the buyers.

alot of trading is done on algorithms, and alot of market behvaior as I see it is based off of "money see, monkey do"
So when people get the hint that there buying action they also jump on the train becuase they see you getting rid of your coin so they want to get rid of their coin too. And if they see you buy a coin they want to buy too.

>> No.5087576


>> No.5087622
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>buy a coin
>it moons
>sell a coin
>it crashes

>> No.5087639


I got liquidated because of the thought ripple always crashes. My leverage was only 3x.

>> No.5087646

This fundamental problem of this board is that ~90% of people here don't know shit about economics or trading.

>> No.5087782
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>> No.5088013

> people think the others actually do their own homework and research so they follow the herd
pretty much
once the majority starts selling, everyone will sell, there is no need for reason

>> No.5088523

RSI, EMA and MAC-DADDY are your friends