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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50828212 No.50828212 [Reply] [Original]

post your:

>> No.50828222


>> No.50828286

WFH neet

>> No.50828308

>wfh NEET

>> No.50828325

>He doesn't know about WFH

>> No.50828334

Job: Landlord
Country: whichever one I want
Salary: 200k net

>> No.50828349

You first bitch

>> No.50828359

non sai il significato di neet o cosa

>> No.50828367

That's not a job

>> No.50828386

>Database system admin

State gig so lower than market wages.

>> No.50828421

>Nothing at all, no savings either
Just slowly waiting for death

>> No.50828463

Ceo of JIDF

>> No.50828476
File: 1.86 MB, 2000x1367, ANIME-PICTURES.NET_-_750828-2000x1367-va-11+hall-a-jill+stingray-selcky-single-long+hair-looking+at+viewer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2k USD from disability welfare

I do some side gigs on upwork.

>> No.50828500

>Technical support in e-commerce
>1100 USD

>> No.50828636

>Laborer (Manufacturing)

>> No.50828735

software developer

>> No.50828762

NEET / Early retirement (Førtidspension)
$ 2765 / DKK 19360

>> No.50828780


>> No.50828810

ADHD diagnosis and a whole lotta bullshit and hard truths.

>> No.50828815
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whatever dollars mommy gives me

>> No.50828826

144k + 24k (counting my gf who pays 50% rent and groceries here and there)
Operations/software-engineer/self employed -- multiple clients + full 40 hour contract that requires 10 hours of work to keep taxes, health-care and other administration items in check.

Both mid 20

>> No.50828831

technical support wfh
1500€ net per month

>> No.50828852

Flipping houses

>> No.50828853

>is a simp
checks out

>> No.50828862

>no garanteed revenue since i depend on my trades

>> No.50828881

>ticket/luxury good scalper

>> No.50828883

No U

>> No.50828889

Software Engineer
96k BRL / 17k USD

>> No.50828891

a literal parasite
your father was a realtor?

>> No.50828903
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€96k per year
public office

>> No.50828952

>PFC in the Army
>$1646/mo after taxes & TSP

>> No.50828961

USA (remote)
Software Engineer

>> No.50828963
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>about 30 to 60k ... really depends because I am hustling a lot

>> No.50828970

Big Law, red state
$250k, iffy bonus
>Yes, (You)'re here forever
Not doing an AMA

>> No.50828984

>they give the gross salary


>> No.50828992

>Reselling consumer goods bad
Nobody needs concert tickets or $800 sneakers to live anon, yet you're happy to get fucked on food prices lol

>> No.50829000


>> No.50829004

Net salary is depressing, plus people are posting their net monthly, just add up your two paychecks. This was created by SWE faggots who are sad about their massive tax cuts at higher pay

>> No.50829008

Cybersecurity Analyst
$67k net + bonuses

>> No.50829060

>my real salary is depressing


>> No.50829264

Pic related

Seethe harder noodle arm

>> No.50829273
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>> No.50829310

Kek. Sounds dope asf. Keep it up brotherrrr

>> No.50829335

Of course it is. My job is to charge you rent, bitch

>> No.50829387

lol thanks. Btw 130 a week* obviously. Pp faded and had to deal with a family funeral where.my mum went full retard at the end. High as a kite in my dead nannas bed.

But to stay on topic. If you want to make it get yourself a hoe. She doesn't have to be perfect as long as she holds down home. As they say "behind every great men is a great women". For the better or less ... This is a fact and becomes more true as you excel and grow as a man.

>> No.50829471

I smoke in all my rentals and spill shit everywhere on the carpet and have undocumented animals inside too fuck you landcuck I have never even lost my security deposit but I know for a fact that each time I rent a place it loses thousands of dollars in value because I hate faggots like you

>> No.50829529

Car sales man
150 to 220k

>> No.50829687

Whatever. I have insurance against pests like you. You can't harm us with your petty little pranks

>> No.50829880

That rental insurance premium is about to go 100x on your nigger leech ass whenever you make the mistake of letting someone like me into your unit. Yes I will trick you and lie to you while destroying your investment and there's nothing you can do about it except cry. I spend a few days a month calling people like you up complaining about trivial shit just to waste your time and also I put your phone numbers online for various accounts and services. Your life will become a living hell should you ever have the misfortune of letting someone like me live in your property because I hate your fucking guts and you will pay dearly when you find out in 5 years all the foundation has been rotted away by termites and mold that I put there on purpose.

>> No.50829909

That's why we carry out an investigation on your ass. You think you can get away with that shit more than once? *Laughing my ass off*

>> No.50829937

Ahh yes, my favoraite country Africa

>> No.50829962

That investigation will mean fucking nothing after you get a new tenant within 1 month. You're a retarded leech and you might as well say goodbye now to owning a property that lasts more than 5 years at this rate. You will never catch me or anyone like me, and there are millions of us out there with the sole purpose of devaluing your rental "investment" and then continuing to harass and disrupt your life for many many years after we leave. You want to be a parasite? I will treat you like a parasite.

>> No.50829967

Depends on how much I make betting on sports

>> No.50830100


>> No.50830382

Yeah yeah, rent is still due, though...

>> No.50830417

>lol, lmao

>> No.50830481
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> Singapore
> IT Consultant & Landlord
> 120k + 50K

>> No.50830503
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>crypto trader
>average 150k/mo

>> No.50830552

>drive commuter heavy rail trains
>made $126k AUD last year, should be about $130k AUD this year. That’s a shitload of overtime though, frequent 48 hour weeks.
>also sounds kinda pathetic when you convert it to USD at about $90k USD because Americans have monstrous salaries these days compared to Aussieland

>> No.50830553
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Installer for a WISP
Not on salary. 44k so far this yr

>> No.50830559

wow, literally me

>> No.50830584

Me too and I have anemia.

>> No.50830604

I'm a professional simp
No income

>> No.50831596

Grocery store stocker

Not sure how everybody got these high paying $100k jobs. Must had some rich parents who paid off their college tuitions.

>> No.50831620

>PhD Student
>25k/y stipend + up to 10k/y from TAing.

>> No.50831626


>> No.50831629

> Finland
> wfh code monkey
> 180k$ / year

>> No.50831647

Niga I'm in the army too stop paying into ur tsp and dump it all in bitcoin I'm srs. Also get into doordash I make a substantial sum just doing delivery around base cuz sm are lazy as fuck. Also stand at parade rest when you reply to my post.

>> No.50831684

Yeah plus I just got really lucky graduating as soon as covid hit and got a remote job right off the bat, with no need to pay for rent or move

>> No.50831817

>Customer Support
>92600 annually
I kind of hate my new job but they offered to train me later on in other areas and I can maybe make six figures if I play ball.

>> No.50831893


>swe at faang
>275-300k depending on bonus

>> No.50831902

>neet bux and about £800k in crypto

>> No.50831934

> portugal
> full stack dev
> 110k usd/year

>> No.50832045

Self employed construction niche part time
$40,000-120,000 US dollars

>> No.50833365

UFO Repair man
Enjoy your data.

>> No.50833394
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El Salvador
Senior fullstack dveloper at a local company
$2.4k USD per month

>> No.50833437


>> No.50833450
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- Congo
- Mercenary
- Blood Diamonds ($180k USD)

>> No.50833468

well atleast someone isnt larping in here but i feel bad for you bro, the brazil poster makes as much as you lmfao

>> No.50833494

Senior software developer
80K a year (government job, so get 43 paid vacation days per year)

>> No.50833513
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Don't worry bro, 99% of the people on here are LARPing. It's just that some have fun with it, while others are so delusional, they actually try to make it sound realistic to cope with their actual life situation.

>> No.50833547

>Albania (Originally from USA)
>POS systems support
>40k USD per year

>> No.50833561

United States
Supply Chain Analyst
~$110k + $25k

>> No.50833619

I can guarantee you that mine is real, albeit 80k a year is not all than impressive if you don’t take into account my vacation days. I could be at 100K a year if I started working at a more commercial company, but that would mean less vacation days.

>> No.50833642

Software Developer (0.5 yoe)
$56k a year, around $15k in taxes.
Very high cost of living

>> No.50833645 [DELETED] 

Account Manager
3k per month plus benefits.
wut now?

>> No.50834008

based toothpaste anon, keep up the good work

>> No.50834089
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Grand poobah
100 mil/yr

>> No.50834092


Anon car sales man what state and dealership do you work at?