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50827144 No.50827144 [Reply] [Original]

I‘m 23 yo and the only time a girl was interested in me was at age age 18. she eyefucked me on the hallway for weeks but I never did anything

I realized I have a nice guy persona and there is nothing exiting about me and my being is just a Husk of itself. Guess because I was bullied as a kid

I spend the last 5yrs in crippling solitude, and I am not delusional enough anything just anything Will change about my situation and I am turning into someone desirable . Also didn’t consider to start chugging SSRIs that won’t do shit, will have to try psychedelics and otherwise it’s over for me

Disclaimer: not a NEET, not living in my parents, have a job, go to the gym, have my license….

>> No.50827163

>I‘m 23 yo
Stopped reading there. I am nearing 30 and therefore way more adult and smart, nothing you post here is worth my time. Good bye

>> No.50827172

This is /biz/ related because you phoneposting faggot try >>>/r9k/ or >>>/pol/

>> No.50827220
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>> No.50827247

>I realized I have a nice guy persona

there's no such thing as nice guys. It just called being too pussy to treat women objectively

>> No.50827250

Nice blogpost faggot. Get fucking jacked. Get rich. Hire a couple surrogates and raise your kids. Disregard women.

>> No.50827284

I’m also 23 but growing up I have been Unironically sexually assaulted borderline raped by several different women growing up

>> No.50827299
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>> No.50827322

It was probably all the hot female on male rape messing with your head

>> No.50827389

I remember in middleschool in 7th grade I lived in Los Angeles and there was a bunch of fatherless whore children and literallt being forced by 8+ Girls in a circle to take my pants off and suck my dick I shit you fucking not now this will be cool and all but I had a very small dick and 8 girls vs 1 dudes there’s nothing I can do so when they fully pulled off my pants they literally just laughed but then proceeded to take turns making out with me

>> No.50827409

I used to be a shy socially awkward guy then at 25 I started doing testosterone and fucking escorts. Now I really don't give a shit loool. I call fat women fat to their face. I make fun of single mothers. I tell guys they have small dicks. I will probably make some girl fall in love with me then leave her after getting her pregnant.
Ha ha. Fuck this material plane :)

>> No.50827435

Well at least you learned the easy way that women are whores and mostly only care about flexing on other women. Much easier than marrying one and finding out a decade later.

>> No.50827447

>eye fucked
This is what normal eye contact feels like when you have autism. Anon, I'm sorry but...

>> No.50827448

jack of the oasis is a convicted child rapist

>> No.50827461

Women suck but don't abandon your children. Children are everything.

>> No.50827481

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.50827501

My pp is way bigger now and ngl I have developed a fetish for dominant women, I like mean ruse roasty women so I don’t need escorts or anything since females can use me as a bunching bag kek

>> No.50827533

This sounds like a fantasy and not reality

>> No.50827536

Like the “Stacy” type of girls make my cock so hard

>> No.50827560

I don't get it. I'm 29 and still fuck 18 year old girls like it's nothing. Sounds like you may just be gay or ugly. Have you considered sucking dick or working out?

>> No.50827572

Well I’m black so I’m assuming since porn rotten these motherfuckers brains they assumed I had a huge cock at that huge but nope, that’s reality I have several stories like that.

>> No.50827595

>at that age*

>> No.50827609
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>I realized I have a nice guy
You will never a GREAT guy

>> No.50827698

If it wont be me, it will be some nigger or white convict. There's nothing more that women love than spreading their vagina to the shittiest men in existence. You think Becky wants to fuck and marry Mr Nice Guy Tom from the office working his dogshit $50k job because he has a ton of migrants to compete with? Nope.
She wants to get rawdogged by a piece of shit. That piece of shit will abandon her 100%, hence our high single motherhood statistic rate. I will contribute to this statistic because as far as I'm concerned its really a race as to who cums into the piece of shit first.
All succesful civs controlled their women. Ours doesnt which means its time to put out this low fertility high incel high single mom civ out of its misery.

>> No.50827801

i own chainlink too :(

>> No.50827871

30 year old kissless dateless never-had-a-gf virgin here.
I've never even seen a vagina irl.
If you don't get laid in highschool or college it's basically never gonna happen.
The only thing left to do is plow every paycheck into crypto and hope you eventually make it.

>> No.50827909

If you have height + frame it can always happen dawg, especially if you have a nice face. Once you figure out what works it just starts rolling in

>> No.50827931

prostitutes until you don't care... then it's easy to get a normal woman.

>> No.50827950

We made a containment thread for people like you

>> No.50827962

>likes dominant women who beat him
>dominant abusive women
>black women
I guess you were born in the right body

>> No.50827984

Kek, ya I was dating this one girl and she just got dumped by her ex who had a whole family she knew nothing about. Didn't work out with us thankfully but she was off to fuck another nigger over the weekend.

The ex she broke up with left her holding the bag for a house he's trying to get from her with her paying for it.

>> No.50827994

Actually every time a women has violated my personal space on a illegal level has been white and Latina women.

>> No.50827997

you are never going to make it
you need fundamental shift in your thinking

>> No.50828037
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Not even a KISS BRO

>> No.50828074

>I realized I have a nice guy persona
A nice guy would have at least said hello to her and tried to make small talk.
You're just a coward.

>> No.50828092
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>> No.50828100

Nice fan fiction.

>> No.50828129

Womens base desires are stuck in caveman days. Civilization is only possible when they are kept down in check. We are actively reverting back to more primtive beings. You know how many single engineers, compsci, etc men I know? Meanwhile stupid useless niggers like me just work out and get tattoos lmao. Haha so cool just live like a useless retard but as long as you look good and smile a ton everyrhing is great.
Actually fun fact I was a very productive man before with ambitions of high knowledge but snapped midway through my degree.

>> No.50828187

You probably have much more to offer than the stupid niggers or at least did at one point, but you're just playing the game. I do that myself too, play along with the bullshit.

This particular chick on the fast track to single motherhood and cripping debt unless her family props her up, but her addiction will be the end of her if she doesn't get lucky. She also did have a lot to offer as a human being.

>> No.50828263

I wish I could go back and change it
But even at that time I had to fear getting set up by my bullies

I wish,

I never had a positive word of encouragement. I know she eyefucked me so I could approach her, but at that time I already were held back so much
I couldn’t phantom what to talk about with her
I was involuntarily reclusive

>> No.50828267

In order for things to function normally we would need to ban women from workforce and impose serious social controls. This would basically instantly fix everything wrong with our society - but big money interests that treat us like a giant plantation to extract resource from will NEVER allow this. So the game favors men with physical qualities and primitive behavior or wealth which is easy to minmax.

>> No.50828341

It'll happen again anon, with another girl

I guarantee you'll think the next person is more attractive, but you gotta make these moves quick.

There's a tendency to think that because she's into you have all the time in the world, you don't. Every missed opportunity with a woman is seen as you rejecting her. They don't know how to not take that shit personally and they usually don't take risks.

Just don't fuck it up next time, its shitty to have to live with the what-ifs for however long that lasts

>> No.50828358
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agreed, its play the game and/or make it, really

>> No.50828545

Men in supposed ""first world"" countries don't even know how fucked up our shit truly is - they live under worse conditions than actual dumps with nothing going for them. Our countries are so dominated by financial interests that they actively harm not only our reproduction but also literally our ability to lead healthy sex lives.
I really do feel for the less fortunate guys though man, you shouldn't have to be a literal slave just because you didn't luck out on some traits that make you amazing.

>> No.50828558

Post body.

>> No.50828663

>Writes "normie" instead of normalfag or normalnigger
Hello normalnigger newfag how about you go back.

>> No.50828737

Ive Never been on a date or called or texted a girl really

I don’t think I could make a girl laugh or have her being Intrigued

>> No.50828859

Look at any toktok or instagram, their brains are less sophisticated than ours so they find memes and cat pictures entertaining. Memes are the great equalizer in terms of humor, anyone can be funny now.

Ask her to a bar and show up before she does, buy a beer sip it so you feel less tense when she shows up. DOn't get drunk or anything, just a light buzz if you're nervous.

For texting just send her songs on spotify and memes. I had a convo yesterday that was literally a woman sending non-stop song suggestions.

>> No.50828870

whenever you meet someone I mean, do the above