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50819246 No.50819246 [Reply] [Original]

Does capitalism even work?
You can't buy land/property with money you accumulate while working so what's the point?

>> No.50819393

I'd eat an entire toilet full of her diarrhea just to suck on those milkers

>> No.50819411

It doesn't work, but it's too late to change now.
Pray your parents leave some inheritance to you or you're fucked

>> No.50819426

Anything and everything works, it all depends on what your goal is.

>> No.50819872


>> No.50819904

It’s works for everyone but you. Think about that.

>> No.50819909
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>> No.50819963

There is a housing and property crisis for Y and Z gens.

>> No.50819977

You absolutely can.
>Buy land and a tiny home.
>Start building your main home, either from a kit or from raw lumber
>Move into the main home, sell your tiny home
Most people don’t do this because it’s a lot of work, requires skills/experience, and will take a lot of time away from watching TV, being with friends, etc.

>> No.50820018

It's more about the fall of Western culture/society in general. Extremely downtrend for decades on families, on newborns, on marriages, on monogamous long term relationships of any kind as well. Just a huge neverending rug in all those departments with the downtrend only getting steeper.

Back in the day men accepted even shitty jobs because even that job allowed them to provide for their family, get a house/car and raise their family. Today a man wageslaves just to survive the next month, no hope to ever buy a house, can barely even afford to ride his shitbox car, no prospect to ever be able to raise a family.
So why even wagecuck, why spend 8 hours of your day working for someone else just to survive and that's it? At that point you accepted slavery.

>> No.50820057

KYS thotposter

>> No.50820162

>dude just build a home lmao
Only a clueless kid would state something like this.

Do you know how expensive it is to build a house from the ground up nowadays? Do you know how much any building material costs these days? Just getting water and electricity to your house alone will cost you a fortune, without even laying a single brick anywhere at all. Hell, just getting the permits to do all those things will cost you a huge amount of both time and money.
>Most people don’t do this because it’s a lot of work
Most people don't do this because they're broke. There are extremely skilled builders who know the entire process, but can barely afford to build a damn wood shack let alone an entire house. Otherwise every single construction worker would live in self built beautiful villa, not month to month in small ass hood cardboard rat shacks because that's all they can afford.

>> No.50820206

>Does capitalism even work?
It works pretty well.

>> No.50820229

It works of you're early

>> No.50820332

Capitalism like Mercantalism and Socialism are simply tools that society uses to achieve the best economy, example;
>Mandatory education is a socialist policy that results in a better workforce, IT drones are still more value added than 'Jeet bricklayers
>Yet you have private schooling in the system to allow those with more resources to invest more resources into their children, who in turn become more value added and more prosperous personally, via the Capitalist free market, Doctors>IT drones>Bricklayers
>The state uses said private and public education systems to entice foreigners to come over, without refugee quotas and humanitarian bullshit, this means you attract the cream of the crop away from your global and regional competitors, making society more value added and prosperous and damages the enemy, but it also incentivises home growing said skills as otherwise the state is DEPENDANT on another for essential functions, hence Mercantilism
These systems when balanced properly and operated successfully, i.e. by cold mechanistic beaurocrats and technocrats and not populist politicians, the systems work well, but once politics starts ruining things as it always does, especially in democracy, is when you get emotions gumming up the works.

>> No.50820484

>to achieve the best economy
for whom?

>> No.50820514
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Oh, you wanted one for free?
Here's a soviet prefabricated shitbox with more than one family living inside each one.

Why does it sucks? Because it's cheap and nobody can run away for better apartments and incentivize the owners (in this case the state) to actually put effort in building homes and dispose the population efficiently.

>> No.50820658

Ideally all, in practice this means bread and games for the masses provided they contribute by working and producing children, in turn the better classes skim off the top and maintain the bread and circuses(doctors, entertainers, beaurocrats) and don't get greedy, likewise for the meaner sort, of course this is an ideal and while the baser class is simple in their desires and means to achieve those desires, the nobler are divided between "Lions", strongmen who will keep the stable course of society through force and coercion at the top and bottom, and the "Jackals" who are opportunists and get their way via oration, treachery and blackmail. The best of the worst is powerless and of no consequence unless he is aided by the worst of the best. And while the most destruction is wrought by and "for" the lesser kind it is always by definition organised by a disgruntled member of the better, so a society should place great emphasis on honor and decency among the upper classes.
t. Parapatetic

>> No.50820667

Who the fuck said it should be free? Also just so you know people pay to live in those commie blocks, only the connected commies who sucked off other big player commies got that for free, ask any ex soviet country slav.

>> No.50820730

>bureaucrat and technocrat classes becomes corrupted
>system fails again
Oh well, it was a good ride.

>> No.50820764

I used to live in Russia and have never seen more than one family per apartment, that must only happen in really poor areas. They're not much smaller than American apartments, a typical one bedroom apartment in America is about the same size. If you lived in one, you would have the benefit of living in a Europoor city, so most of the things you'd need like stores, schools, and medical shit would be within walking distance; most of America can't say the same.

>> No.50820840

So how do you solve it.

>> No.50820877

Yes unfortunately, that's the way of every human civilisation, and note that I said how one can atleast extend the good times for by keeping the uperclasses in check, what number Chinese dynasty are we on now? 20+ give or take, but any civilisation will eventually become decadant, where the locous of power moves away from those in the market and production of resources and into the political sphere, the primary Pmperors are warriors birthing the civilisation, the secondary are beaurocrats and merchants growing and maintaining the civilisation, and finally the last Emperors spend their time in the harem and the Prime Minister schemes against the Field Marshal and the Treasurer is richer than the Emperor and the system collapses as Provincial governors and Barbarians rise up against the old order and replace it as the new Emperors.

>> No.50820883

too many words faggot

>> No.50820906
