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File: 672 KB, 1125x1740, 9448D370-BCD4-482A-8DC8-5E5D61BACB58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50817871 No.50817871 [Reply] [Original]

Seachan is much faster now, even on mobile

ICP chads we can’t stop winning

>> No.50817898

begone ICP tranny pajeet shill, alternative chans never make it and sure as hell wont make it on a slow ass blockchain

>> No.50818694

Very cool, so are all the old boards gone and starting it again?
When seachan dao

>> No.50818748

It's hella fast now. Great job Seachan team, now onward to the marketing efforts.

>> No.50818904

Seachan will be trash purely because ICP holders are retards, but many alts make it purely by not appealling to modern 4channers and want to remain rather small.

>> No.50819187

Who got to say nigger first? Show yourself.

>> No.50819225

Not decentralised or uncensorable. If there’s ever a successful alternate chan it will run on top of the plebbit protocol. That’s why the plebchan girl is a thing.

>> No.50819259

thanks anon. main reason I didn't use it before was the shite performance but it's much better now

>> No.50819275

Nice work. I’ve been meaning to post there but haven’t gotten around to it.

>> No.50819335

Cheers to the devs. It is definitely much faster now. Also was there a reason to why it's using ipfs?

>> No.50819366

wow so this is the same thing that people did with xrp 5 years ago

>> No.50819409

there's a working kadena board that runs on the blockchain but I wont tell you the url :-)

>> No.50819486

biz, random, and meta were backed up and exported to the new canister. We won't switch canisters again, the back-end code was too different between old and new to do a regular migration.
We are working on a whitepaper for the DAO but no ETA.
IPFS is used since it was easier for development and due to canister size limitations. Users will be able to upload directly to asset canisters once that can get developed..

>> No.50819523

shills are so fucking obvious, kys

>> No.50819566

Should I say it and spoil the sekrit club?

>> No.50819581


>> No.50819584

I saw an ad for a dev job at ICP, they paid really well

>> No.50819589

What's the URL anon

>> No.50819662

Then they hire friends of their family totally not nepotism and do nothing while extracting all the raised money.


>> No.50819678

Awesome work, seriously

>> No.50819708

Icp threads are full of retards, non of them are Icp holders- Icp threads are inundated by mouth breathing faggots who have nothing better to do than come into threads and FUD retarded talking points for no reason. Begone you little whore.

>> No.50819729

are you allowed to be racist on the internet computer?

>> No.50819752

Absolute cope. ICP holders act just like linkies, they fud their own threads all day long then wonder why their threads are shit.
>Icp threads are inundated by mouth breathing faggots
You could have stopped typing after this and posted.

>> No.50819780

Actually the biggest fudders are the biggest bag holders. It’s pretty funny honestly.

>> No.50819825
File: 952 KB, 666x666, plebchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, frozen piss retards ITT will missing out on pleb while sharing its mission. it's sad to watch

>> No.50820765
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>> No.50821212

It’s so fast bros, wtf- this is awesome

>> No.50822063
File: 439 KB, 1170x2532, 951D3CB3-AEDB-4EA3-833D-82780FC7F39A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what is this. no racism or sexism in the plebbit discord. This is just like regular reddit

>> No.50822101

ICP is a shitcoin.

>> No.50822107

Its a pajeet scam, were you really unable to detect the shitty ESL Indian vocabulary in these posts

>> No.50822129

It's worse. It's called Plebbit so no redditor will use it, and it's a reddit design so no 4channer will use it.
It's literally retarded. They'd have a 100x better chance of scamming people by calling it anything else. Even just a single word like "Trail" or "Pineapple" would do better. They also act like it's a revolutionary first of a kind P2P social network, but it's not novel at all.

>> No.50822332

read and educate yourselves

>> No.50822370

Hello mysterious new IP.
Linking to a short whitepaper with no breakthroughs doesn't change reality.

>> No.50822383

You're basically torrenting 4chan, you're distributing all the posts posted there if you're in the ICP bullshit "contracts" which are essentialy code running on your pc in non-shill wording.
Enjoy FBI and jail retard anytime CP gets posted, god why the fuck web3 retards are brain damaged?
You're trying to create another TOR network stupid idiot

>> No.50822431

its honestly superfast now, like it was just too slow to use before it was annoying but now it feels like web2 speed awesome... lads WAGMI- ICP is the next evolution of blockchain JOIN US

>> No.50822448

When your shitty centralised board dies and plebbit is a thriving ecosystem you’ll have to face the reality that you’re a dumbass

>> No.50822476

>let's just see
>we'll see
>you'll just have to wait and i'll show you
Let me refer you back to >>50822129.

>> No.50822536

>scammer sees legit project as a failed scam because he projects his scammer mindset onto everyone else
Get some theory of mind man

>> No.50822597
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>much faster now
Holy kekerinos only took 7 seconds from clicking to open the board. My dialup 15 years ago was faster than this.

>> No.50822602

>>scammer sees legit project as a failed scam because he projects his scammer mindset onto everyone else
Yes, this is how I avoid scams. Everyone is a scammer until proven otherwise and Plebbit reeks of scam. I'd feel safer buying fucking dogcoins than that shit. Whitepaper sucks, project has retarded shitty marketing to appeal to the dumbest of dumbs on 4chan by le owning the NPCs and "taking over their site".

>> No.50822965

th2xf is the old slow canister.
New one is https://sfjch-siaaa-aaaak-qarnq-cai.ic0.app/
but I don't think the domains are redirecting yet.

>> No.50823033
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Hello There Sonny I'm Posting On My Internet Computer!

>> No.50823937

it redirects with seachan.org
seachan.icp.xyz isn't working seems to be an issue with icns though

>> No.50826282

Do you autists never consider the fact that bag holders are genuinely just happy to see a DAPP being developed into a good, efficient product? Literally none of the text in those posts encourage you to buy in any way.

>> No.50828376

Oh please. I shitposted in the ICP board and next thing you know you need ICP to be on that board.

>> No.50828388


>> No.50828661

Congrats it's actually quite fast now, on par with web2 for sure.

>> No.50828987

I started an XSG general.
>inb4 desperate cope posting
It's already up.

>> No.50829405

Great work its a massive improvement

>> No.50829519




>> No.50829565

It’s so fucking fast

>> No.50829579

It’s probably full of disgusting, fat, manlet, pedophiles- just join so you can send screenshots to the police

>> No.50830271

I'm a baggie, but wholy fuck do I lol (with mirth, not sarcasm) with these posts. The name is indeed stupid, the hoops a developer has to jump through to get a basic site working are hilarious, and the end result, as you well put, is laughably unimpressive.

STILL... I gotta say this piece of shit network has something going for it. You can actually do stuff, however crappy, with it. The identity system makes sense. Transactions are near instantaneous. And yes, you can do it all on-chain (however stupidly).

All of crypto is, for the moment at least, a quagmire of unfulfilled promises. Frozen piss is quite simply the one instance where a project _might_ (but probably won't) have a real shot at this vaporware fest called web3.

>> No.50830308

my thoughts as well. i don't even own any cold piss but they're the only chain doing anything other than yield farming or nft ponzi. people wised up to what crypto is in its current form and there's really no usecase. with blackrock bootloading through coinbase, you basically destroy the 'decentralized' aspect and the whole point that bitcoin was made anyway which was a trustless payment system. i just don't know where we go from here if not ICP.

>> No.50830544
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>i just don't know where we go from here if not ICP.

Ex-fucking-actly. Bitcoin is just... flabbergasting. Can't buy shit with it, which was supposed to be its primary use case. Fees are too high, transactions are too slow. (Maybe buing Teslas makes sense, but I wouldn't know... haven't Made It (tm) yet.) Too volatile to be a store of value. Anonymity? LOL. And, oh, it's basically pegged to the Nasdaq, so forget using as a hedge for inflation.

Ethereum? Fuck. It may just take the crown from Bitcoin in a bit, but what's the point? All the same crap applies. What the hell can you actually DO with it? Buy some vapor land with an L2 token? Have folks here even TRIED going on Decentraland? Worlds Chat from 1995 worked better, I shit you not. (Pic related.)

Privacy coins? Dead in the water. No self-respecting government is going to allow any of it... which means they'll continue existing, much like PirateBay, but only in a very marginal sense.

But getting crap off of EC2 and S3? Shit, I can get behind THAT.

>> No.50830850

Why is icp at bottom of coinbase list? What determines that? Are we about to pump and thier hiding at bottom of usd catalog.

>> No.50830960

Which games this, can't find it on kinic

>> No.50831076
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>> No.50831568

Web3 and DeFi isn't going anywhere, there's too many problems with the current web, which every day are coming more into the light of the collective psyche, and the unstoppable march of progress is leading us toward greater autonomy and decentralization. BUT the market as a whole will go through a purge of shitcoins and dead-end projects as happens during every bear market. The weeds must be purged from time to time to allow the fruit-bearing plants room to grow.

Best bet is to load up on under the radar projects that are likely to survive. And that's ones that have great dev activity and a growing ecosystem despite downward price movement. By all metrics except price, ICP is the most likely to come out on top come next bull market.

>> No.50831646
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>> No.50832085


yeh these posts are stupid,
people are looking at it from the stand point - internet is fast and cheap + 20years ahead. ICP can't compete.

what they arn't looking at it from is
Crypto L0's , L1's L2's are slow, expensive, centralised, dapp restictive and security prone ICP is 20+ years ahead of these.
Other chains can't compete.

>> No.50833190

ICP is actually cheaper than regular AWS hosting if you have a static web page not to mention. Also you don't have to worry about Gates or Bezos shutting you down

>> No.50833335

And you don't even need to go through a bunch of paperwork and bill bullshit to get your hosting+site live. Somehow every retard misses just this one important part.

>> No.50833417

With ICP hosting no credit cards, email addresses, phone numbers, assholes calling you to verify your credentials, marketers, doxxers. Yup but ICP is a centralized scam everyone with 0 usecase. Fucking retards are going to miss out when the token starts going parabolic once bobo stops shitting

>> No.50833647
File: 3 KB, 447x127, d06e6432960955f97e13be0d9c5b1090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

much better anon... not as laggy, looking forward to having a decentralized board. however, wtf, can't reply yet?

pic related.

>> No.50833690

As a retard, its hard for me to grasp that I might have actually hit the mother lode. I'm worried though that I only have less than 500. I'm accumulating dry powder in anticipation of Europe's economy going to shit come winter.

>> No.50833700
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>Fucking retards are going to miss out when the token starts going parabolic once bobo stops shitting

Anon, this should go without saying. Anyone who'se been too dumb/shallow to see the value of ICP deserves the rope. it's been said again and again here, that the only way that we ALL make it, as frens, is to max out our ICP holdings, because us autists are the only ones who will hodl through 50/pee, and through 500/pee, and at least to 2k.

You want to spoon feed normies who flood this board? These people are the very retards who lead to shitty price action... so fuck them. Send the normies to literally all other coinis (they'll all be obsolete once a few years of development on icp finishes up) this way anons hold very large portions of the total ICP market, and thus have a stronger influence on the basic future of the internet.

>> No.50834395

this is the most midwit post i’ve ever read.
a total lack of understanding

>> No.50834537

Yeah, if something is great there's no reason not to talk about it. Everyone gets a chance to make it, no reason to be spiteful.