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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50817195 No.50817195 [Reply] [Original]

Please tell me you bought, anon.

>> No.50817214

Bought another 5k during the Luna situation, got lucky with SSS around the corner

>> No.50817236

what price prediction for this coin?

>> No.50817256

Many moonbois are saying outrageous things like $50 or $100, but that is not happening. I've held since August last year, personally I'm expecting $10 EOY

>> No.50817509

I'm unironically selling.
I will buy this scam back at $1

>> No.50817974


>> No.50818119

$100 is reasonable at the peak of the next bullrun, somewhere in late 2023/2024.

But EOY? I'll be very surprised if this can touch double digits. Even $5 is just too high. The macroeconomic situation is just not possible to support that.
I expect this to maaaybe reach ATH / $4 if BTC goes sideways till next year. Hell, I'll be happy if this can hold $3.

>> No.50818265

I agree with $100 in a couple of years, but I definitely think $10 is reasonable EOY. Previous ATH was just shy of $5, and the narrative right now (on Twitter) seems to be GMX has already pumped, so buy GNS instead until it reaches the same market cap at least, which would be around 10. Obviously macro needs to hold on a little longer for that to happen, but it's not unreasonable in the slightest. Last pump through December even coincided with BTC dumping for weeks.

>> No.50819146

We will pump to $5 when staking comes out brah

>> No.50820147

if GNS reaches the marketcap of GMX then GNS will keep pumping far beyond
when you buy GNS you aren't just buying a great product
you are investing in Seb's weaponized autism
this man has an ego and wants to see his coin in the top 10
i have no doubt he will get there
this thing is still young, the new add ons to the team will continue to be productive
meanwhile we have the following coming after SSS
- multichain
- casino
- more trading pairs (in a scalable fashion)
in two bullruns this thing could literally be trading at $1000 at the peak

>> No.50820250

Basically I'm staking my 10k GNS and not selling till we're in the top 10

>> No.50820312

same-ish here
i would consider selling some around top 25 - 50
if I see another opportunity that I feel is as phenomenal to this one
like if silver were to be at its current price and my GNS stack did another 25x in value I would probably sell i decent chunk for some metals.
something like that

>> No.50820330

top 100 you mean, right? top 10 is pretty tough competition lol.

>> No.50820435

$5 is less than half GMX mcap. If the narrative picks up, especially with staking, we can go there ez

>> No.50820479

> ADA & SOL is tough competition
No i mean top 10
but realistically top 100 is kindof a given
top 50 is ez
I agree top 10 is tough but possible at peak
for fucks sakes APE coin is sitting at #35 right now
just go through coingecko and look at how many products are up there that do nothing. its like 1/2 of them

>> No.50820572

true i could see top 50. but even top 100 in the peak of the bull run is minimum $2b mcap.

>> No.50820807

If gns becomes a household name in crypto line AAVE etc, no reason it can't.

Obviously im still gonna try to swing local tops like everyone else but this project definitely will go places. Even if i sell i will always keep a 10k bag in case this thing starts seeing CEX-tier usage and adoption

>> No.50820988

the real crazy idea is if DEXs become more popular than CEXs
though the problem with this model is then how would the price be made for GNS....

>> No.50821246

checked, remember that GNS is exposure to link (because of the no-scamwick oracle solution), Matic and GNS itself and somewhere in between of those, its price is determined.

>> No.50821483

this is actually one of the most retarded takes
LINK is exposure to GNS (and the broad crypto market)
if GNS does well then LINK will
however if GNS fails that does not mean that LINK will fail, LINK could still be used many other places
GNS is exposure to the protocol revenue of the platform along with the hype surrounding it... nothing more, nothing less

>> No.50821620

>if GNS does well then LINK will
If Link does well, the chances of GNS doing very well are high
If GNS does well and uses Link, the chances of Link doing well are high

>> No.50821720

Bought almost thirty thousand of them right before dump. Thanks a lot biz

>> No.50821822

Look at the December chart, it dumped 20-30% several times and then pumped +80% a day later

>> No.50822032

you're welcome.
Tbh you're buying together with twatter right now.
/biz/ bought in exactly 1 year ago.
But I guess you were into dogcoins or chink scams back then.
Just do yourself a favor this time and dont sell this one till it's double digits at least.

>> No.50823039

ui update is mid fr fr

>> No.50823199

people a little too hyped about this v6.2 its a literal tenth place decimal upgrade. nothing burger.

>> No.50823276

At $4

>> No.50823337

can you anons tell me how to purchase this? im a retard so pls help

>> No.50823385

On the next halving when shitcoins start pumping hard again I don't think north of 10 is unreasonable

>> No.50823395

sure, dm me

>> No.50823521

withdraw matic on polygon from coinbase/binance/whatever

go to quickswap.exchange

search for gns and swap for it

>> No.50823530

>send matic to metamask/wallet on polygon (works from binance for example)
>go to quickswap
>change matic>dai>gns

>> No.50824354

What went so terribly wrong?

>> No.50824409

the ui update. it got immediately blasted in the tg

>> No.50824652

That bad? Everyone on the team except seb has been awful

>> No.50824688

not terrible, in fact it's a step in the right direction. just a bit clunky but could be fixed with some slight tweaks

>> No.50824860

It wasn't. Most people like it, some just made suggestions and the devs listened. What's the problem here?

>> No.50824866

Vault is $900k overcollateralised right now.
In $ terms it never got this fattened up.
Just because the TVL is so high we're not at 110% yet.
Gov fund has 1.2 mil in the bank
Hype is not just about the burn.
Protocol is healthy as fuck and tokens are going to earn.
The risk factor is totally gone and it is now getting revalued.

>> No.50824881

>Hype is not just about the burn.
Meant to say update. not burn.

>> No.50825096

I've been here since Aug 2021. The only pattern I observe is the price is ALWAYS dumped after an announcement.
DESU the team (specifically seb) is terrible at tempering expectations, the community got hyped to the moon before an update, the reality doesn't meet the expectation, then and consequentially the price is dumped afterward.
It happened after the marketing hype back in Sept 2021, the trading update back in Dec 2021, the long-term strategy update back in April (or was it March? I forget), and most probably now after SSS update.

No problem with the technical btw, the project is good. Just need better crowd management (or better PR) i guess

>> No.50826902

You don't like pumps?

>> No.50827487
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watched this fucker climb from 1$, trying to convince myself its a scam all the way up

>> No.50828840


What made you think this was a scam? Literally a working improving protocol for over a year?

>> No.50829675

So if 80% of GNS is staked, what would it’s price be?

>> No.50829761

Tfw didn't buy in December at .7

>> No.50829845

You can’t really determine price based off of the % staked. There are some charts floating around for the apy you would receive based on %staked and volume though.
If a large amount is staked though it means the liquidity will be low so the price action (both ways) will be more significant

>> No.50830863

It only fundamentally changes the whole project and the value proposition of GNS. probably nothing

>> No.50830966

>and thats a good thing heres why
thats essentially admitting failure. ok switch everything and hope it works this time

>> No.50832225

>Product survives extreme stress test and improves as a result

>> No.50832299

What's the deal with the volume of this shit? Is CoinTiger a legit exchange? It has like 98% of GNS' volume but everything I read on it says it's a scam.

>> No.50832313

No. Don't use coinmarketcap, it's CZ fud.

Use coingecko and quickswap

>> No.50832361
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god damn it, i wanted to buy this for so long, but stayed out due to fears of general market conditions
not saying this to hear some bag holder cope, it will get fucking nuked when everything else finally dumps hard but it still hurts

>> No.50833045

Funny how everyone with sidelined capital is waiting for the dip. Well guess what there is billions in stables waiting for the dip.

What if the dip doesn't come? Dip buyer capitulation soon

>> No.50833061

Its entire selling point is... Gmx except lower mcap... Woah...

>> No.50833073

Gmx but it's actually has more than 4 pairs

>> No.50833081

GMX holders HATE this little known fact

>> No.50833498

>not saying this to hear some bag holder cope
damn you did NOT listen
gonna hurt

>> No.50835108

Will a CEX list GNS?

>> No.50835225

No, because gTrade essentially makes CEXs obsolete

>> No.50835266

but binance and coinbase both constantly repeat "We are very supportive of DEX"

>> No.50836218


>> No.50836267

>still no staking

>> No.50836299

the fuck are you talking about? Coinbase/Binance list DEX tokens all the time

>> No.50836330
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>> No.50836335

touch grass

>> No.50836346

I don't buy retarded shit, only MATIC and ETH for me anon thanks.

>> No.50836405

hey if whoever made this bot reads this thread you might want to change the script. these auto-replies are pretty standard and obvious trollbait

>> No.50836490


>> No.50836902

topkek. Whatever money that shit makes you, buy sum GNS

>> No.50836932
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>Blessed Captcha: ASSYY

>> No.50836990
File: 1 KB, 161x48, wtfwtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50837713

sassy bought mate

>> No.50837739


>> No.50838613

you are a two digit iq anon
sorry to tell you but again if GNS totally failed it would have very little affect on the short term price action of link
and absolutely no effect on the long term price action of LINK
in short
>If Link does well, the chances of GNS doing very well are high
no, they are independent events. Though if LINK fails then yes, of course GNS will fail
>If GNS does well and uses Link, the chances of Link doing well are high
no, if LINK is used by SWIFT for international payments GNS's affect on LINK will be irrelevant

>> No.50840493

I don't care about your iq digits and im not talking about effects but possible correlations
>Though if LINK fails then yes, of course GNS will fail

>> No.50840508

if you aren't a troll then im sad that people with your intelect can breathe

>> No.50840626

You see some game everywhere but it’s much easier than that

>> No.50841356

we will dump when SSS releases, the income will be pennies on the dollar

>> No.50841435


>> No.50841533

>project and coin sparks sincere, organic discussion the moment it is released.
>no insiders, just one based autistic developer.
>working, PROFITABLE, growing platform with one of the only true real world use cases in all of crypto.
>certik audits.
>loyal community full of long term holders motivated to bring this thing to the top 100 (if not the top 20).
>half of /biz/ ignores it.

>> No.50841600

Truly a one of kind opportunity to make it kek

>> No.50841674

checked, wgmi gaybros

>> No.50841831

As a poverty nigger with 1k stack I sure hope so

>> No.50841955

will we ever see $2 again bros?

>> No.50842048

maybe in 2024 after a 1000:1 token split

>> No.50843126


>> No.50843903


>> No.50844239


>> No.50844770

desu I doubt this will break 30 B market cap
I am hugely bullish on this too but I think 1-10 billion will be the top next bullrun
and we wont be seeing 2 more bullruns before 2024...

>> No.50844772


>> No.50845818


>> No.50846438

Glad I threw in a few bucks into this but I'm only in for short-term goals. I'm heavy on privacy gems like SCRT and BEAM as I see them playing a major role once the regulation comes.

>> No.50846484

>I see them playing a major role once the regulation comes.
yep, getting sanctioned like tcash?

>> No.50847003

SCRT for example can't get sanctioned annon. Their programmable privacy smart contract features make them able to evade sanctions.

>> No.50847419

Amblet is that you?

>> No.50848564

Grabbed a bag. Can’t wait for SSS to go live!

>> No.50849428
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At todays volume of almost $50M, fair value should be closer to $5. Lots of upside senpai

>> No.50849509

the pump that never ends

>> No.50851199
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I still think $20 is FUD.

How many projects in the top 200 are profitable? This fucker is undervalued even by traditional finance standards.

>> No.50851287


Already earned more net income than AirBnB, Pelaton, Lyft, Snap, Uber, and WeWork combined.

>> No.50851395

I feel too comfy bros. FUD me

>> No.50851646

No fud only comfiness now

>> No.50852890

Based. My own picks are MATIC and ORE for the long term.

>> No.50853683

Sorry but this only takes into account fee revenue to SSS.
In actuality at least half of the value of this token comes from being a counterparty to degen traders that lose all their fucking money to you.
So 2x whatever you got.

>> No.50853709

SS GNS staking also receives part of the closing fee, so >>50849428 is a lower bound on the income you can expect.

>> No.50853883

i didnt slurp below a buck and feel like i missed the train. choo choo

>> No.50853988
File: 156 KB, 1024x1024, photo_2022-07-28_15-52-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just can't stop winning GNSbros. $4 EOW

>> No.50854486

You know it's based when you feel comfortable with your bag. Same way I feel holding RAIL as privacy crypto gains more adoption in the space.

>> No.50854626

sauce on painting?

>> No.50854660

Pretty sure it's a DALL-E thing somebody slapped the logo on

>> No.50855813

Of course I did but did buy it same date with RIDE for metastaking on Maiar Exchange for up to 25% APR.

>> No.50856404

It’s a dall e painting ram generated specifically for GNS.

>> No.50856469
File: 9 KB, 1206x146, woifajoeifjaofe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK. DUMP ALREADY DUMPPP I DIDN'T GET TO FINISH BUYING UGHHHH. both my fucking accumulation plays are taking off (INJ and GNS).

>> No.50857444

fucking hell seriously? That’s madness if true. Holy shit wagmi bros

>> No.50857577

dope fuckin’ pic bros… feeling gay af for seb rn fr fr

>> No.50857699

bullish digits
as a side note
anyone concerned if broad crypto keeps pumping the DAI vault will get too low?
a week or two ago i thought we would see this thing at 130% by the time SSS came out
getting worried now :(
can seb pls increase severity of funding fee when longs are this much heavier than shorts...

>> No.50857900

That's a decent yield chad. I'm more inclined to LP mining and I'm getting 53% APY on ORE/ETH.

>> No.50859069

slurpchads we need you!!!

>> No.50859438

What’s a realistic target by the end of the next bull cycle?

>> No.50859472
