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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50817100 No.50817100 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to know that ICP has bottomed and that we are never going back to $4.
Now that the dust has settled, we need to stop fudding our own bags.

>> No.50817112

kys ghostchain retard

>> No.50817171
File: 1.60 MB, 1838x3840, 1648050107010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just little over 1 year old chain.
-9 wallets launched
-2 explorer launched
-4 authentication dapps

312 projects in total.
With DeFi this number will go skyrocket parabolicly.
How does it feel to know that ICP is the most active chain on github with the highest amounts of commits.


I will keep bumping this thread because reality will always catch up with false narratives.

>> No.50817182

I really listened to this board many times. I have invested in Link, I have invested in Rubic. But my gut feeling tells me that something is wrong with this project and since the VC scam is known, the decision is made for me

>> No.50817203

These graphics = immediate sell signal for coin being shilled

>> No.50817212

Unless you hold bitcoin (fairlaunch + no-premine, free to mine) pretty much every project received funding from Venture Capitalists.
/biz/ bought link during presale at around $0.08 in 2017. I don't know about Rubic, but I bet you it has VC funding.

ICP dumped hard before some kike had to fix the price 4 days before genesis.

>> No.50817233

Cognitive dissonance is the leading indicator for determining if someone is poor or not. You fulfil all the checkmarks.

>> No.50817266

>How does it feel to know that ICP is the most active chain on github with the highest amounts of commits.
That doesn't mean anything, if you look at the actual commits they're inconsequential padding. A novice would read this and be fooled though the oldfags see right through it.

>> No.50817313
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Sorry bucko.
But all those things mentioned in that gay graph somehow doesn't reflect into the price action.

>> No.50817402


More Developers switching to ICP doesn't mean anything. Developers learning development on ICP gaining experience, becoming accustomed to IC doesn't mean anything

>Developers are the MVP of this entire space, how will you generate network activity without applications that users can use to generate activity on the network? The amount of smart contracts being deployed on IC is skyrocketing.

Time to adjust to the new paradigm. Blockchain is no longer a meme, for the first time in crypto's history, do we have a chain that can scale till infinity.

Greater-fools, hoping that some other chump will buy your bag at a higher price aka the Cardano growth model, no longer works. Chains can't attract genuine through demand network growth will end up on the altcoin grave-yard.
Watch ghostchain without developers die just like Stratis, Neo, Ark in 2017

>> No.50817415
File: 57 KB, 700x1082, www.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, to burst your false narrative, 2021 newfag.

>> No.50817495


Stopped reading there

>> No.50817587

You're right, it's 12 TPS
Block Time :

4.32 s

Current Activity (TPS) :


Addresses :


Transaction Fee :



>> No.50817593

ICP is diluted AF, 480M tokens and you guys are talking about 1K = make it stack. That’s like the 0.0002% of the total supply lmao. Best case scenario you walk away with 1/2M and with inflation and shit that’s maybe decent for getting a house in the campaigns and keep waging
That being said, ICP will hit big but the times of 1000x coins is over. Normies know about BTC, know about ether and shit. ICP price right now should be 1/2$ max for you to consider buying it. Aka 10K ICP is a nice bag to buy.
That being said, I’m all in in ICP NFTs. Blue chips only (BTC and ETH flowers, Pineapple Punks and ICyberSkull. No, Motoko aren’t a blue chip, sorry).

>> No.50817627

By the same logic, ICP is capable of 0 TPS because it's a ghost chain.

>> No.50817654

that's not a bluechip

>> No.50817672

Sure. 5 ICP minting price, managed to 5x (10x at a certain point) during the worst bear market ever and while icp went from 15$ to 4$. Lel
1/1 art and ready to release a collab made with Ludo. Not a blue chip

>> No.50817674
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Here is your response, pajeet NFT flipper.
We know you are from ICPchads aka the NFT cartel and we know you fud ICP 24/7 to bring the price of ICP down so you can break even.
The higher ICP rises, the more money you will lose.

>> No.50817687

Holy based is that why they keep fudding their own bags? ICP holders are some of the most deranged people on this board and IRL

>> No.50817703

>cyber skull
stopped reading

>> No.50817704

Spread more lies, false narratives, easily debunked.
312 projects launched just little over a year without DeFi on ETH/BTC.

>> No.50817707

>That being said, I’m all in in ICP NFTs
Imagine bagholding jpgs and shitting on the actual project.

>> No.50817734

And yet 0 TPS

>> No.50817752

The most deranged people on this board are the ones that believe Blockchain is a meme, and it's just greater-fools theory, hoping some other chump will buy their bags at a higher price.

This is typical 2017 era thinking when chains couldn't scale, couldn't solve the blockchain trilemma. ICP is the new paradigm, legit tech that can scale, can provide security through trustless bridges backed by 10 verified cryptographers, https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&view_op=search_authors&mauthors=label%3Acryptography+DFINITY&btnG=
8 years in development.

What you hold, ICP topples it. That is the new reality. All you can do is create some fantasy false narrative to cope with the fact that ICP makes most L1's obsolete.

>> No.50817764

>Zero TPS
Typical midwit response, blocks write themselves.

>> No.50817773

Imagine bagholding a make it bag (which big wallets make in a day by rewards alone) and shitting on possible 1000x. I’ll wait until the day BTC flowers will end up for auction. Just wait. ICP tech is the best so far but the tokenomics is beyond fucked aka big wallets and vcs will propel the whole Web 3.0 narrative. Not fud btw, plain reality check.
I have literally no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. I’m not shilling NFTs in general, blue chips only. But yeah, Biz hates money so everything good. Keep bagholding tokens

>> No.50817772

cope & seethe bagholder, ive seen the icp chart and its not lookin good for you lads, but you brought this upon yourself really

>> No.50817807
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>> No.50817838

>ive seen the icp chart and its not lookin good for you lads

>Astrology midwit aka T.A pro.
>Muh charts can actually tell you what millions of lunch money traders think, yeah because these guys can move the markets right?

This is why you're poor.

>> No.50817873

You are literally telling me that....
Blocks write themselves, arbitrary value can be moved in telepathically without a transaction between 2 users, that is edged in a block and chained together through a hash.

Go back to /r/CryptoCurrency/

>> No.50817882

wow you seem butthurt, how much did you lose so far?

>> No.50817883

No, I'm saying this is a ghost chain.

>> No.50817933

you're only viewing the NNS wallets which are for staking and voting

>> No.50817935

It's trash. no fud, just real shit. ETH and Polygon are the only things going to survive. everything else on this list is fucking retarded.

>> No.50817983

>Switch to ad-hominem fallacy to avoid the substance of the argument.
Because the market can't, isn't moved by millions of lunch money traders. For every buy, there must be a person that sells. I feel like a retard explaining order-matching, slippage to some incel living with his mom. The state of this board, go back to /r/cryptocurrency.
Liquidity providers run the markets.

>> No.50818011

>still more coping and seething

>> No.50818048
File: 3.25 MB, 3972x5851, PL6qzzP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC, ETH weren't ghostchains 1 year after genesis, right. Adoption takes time, this chain is a little over 1 year old. The fact that midwits like you continuesly fud doesn't help. The fact that FTX kikes and Arkham had to sabotage the price, create a false narrative doesn't help with the price.

>> No.50818087

Avoid the substance of the argument when you get BTFO by fallacy.
Mental astrology midwit thinks millions of traders with T.A pro capabilities can somehow miraculous predict the direction of the price, leaves out the fact that every change deploys professional marketmakers.

>ive seen the icp chart and its not lookin good for you lads

>> No.50818100

>I’m not shilling NFTs in general, blue chips only.
calling jpg nft trash a bluechip is the most disingenuous pajeet behavior i've ever witnessed. anybody who thinks buying digital images "oN tHA bL0ckCHain!1!!!1" is a concept that not only makes sense, but is bullish, is maximum brainlet levels. There could not be a lazier and more obvious scam concept.

>> No.50818256

Typical /biz/ strategy
Get BTFO in this thread, start a new thread

>> No.50818437

Absolute retarded nigger that knows nothing about Crypto.
>Bitcoin fairlaunch - no premine
The rest all funded by VC's or private investors.
Don't buy now KYS in 3 years.
/biz/ bought chainlink at $0.08 presale yet we all pretend it isn't a 'scam'

>> No.50818567

Lmao yes fudding nfts is the crypto fud
I’ll wait for you once I hit a 1000x with flowers while you’re bagholding cycles

>> No.50818651

If coins can be wash traded to insane price levels so can NFT's. It's just insiders trading among themselves for media coverage.
Now suddenly the 'retards' NFT's have value.

Not a single NFT is legally protected by any Jurisdiction in the world.
So tell me, what the commercial value is of your NFT's. I can legally download your NFT, print out stickers, sell stickers on amazon and there is nothing you can do about it.
Your NFT isn't protected by any Trademark, patent, or copyright law.

Most of the nft's issued by the ICPchad cartels are scams.

>> No.50818685

If coins can be wash traded to insane price levels, so can NFT's. It's just insiders trading among themselves for media coverage on sites like coindesk.

Now suddenly the 'retards' think NFT's have value and start mimicking the NFT trend.
Not a single NFT is legally protected by any jurisdiction in the world.

NFT's don't have any commercial value. I can legally download your NFT, print out stickers, sell stickers on amazon and there is nothing you can do about it.

Your NFT isn't protected by any Trademark, patent, or copyright law and that is a hardhitting fact that the niggers from ICPchads would never tell you.

I'm typing on ipad, sometimes it doesn't register.

>> No.50818776

No matter how much you post here and elsewhere im going to keep fudding and you can stay mad about it lol

>> No.50818856

Doesn't concern me, whatever you hold, it will become obsolete within a decade, secondly, the FUD is so pajeet-tier, it's laughable.

>> No.50818862

Ahahahahah biggest midwit filter
Im genuinely lmaoing at you
Wait until ICP explodes. The next bull run will all be about NFTs. Anons here will make millions from Flowers while you keep ranting about muh trademark

>> No.50818919

but i hold more icp than you will ever accumulate and i will continue to fud it and you will continue to seethe

>> No.50818932

Not true. There are tons of cognitive dissonance riddles leftist with plenty of money.

>> No.50818940

>If coins can be wash traded to insane price levels, so can NFT's. It's just insiders trading among themselves for media coverage on sites like coindesk.
>Now suddenly the 'retards' think NFT's have value and start mimicking the NFT trend.
>Not a single NFT is legally protected by any jurisdiction in the world.
>NFT's don't have any commercial value. I can legally download your NFT, print out stickers, sell stickers on amazon and there is nothing you can do about it.
>Your NFT isn't protected by any Trademark, patent, or copyright law and that is a hardhitting fact that the niggers from ICPchads would never tell you.

>What is intellectual property?
The actual midwit here thinks college tier design Jpegs have the same intellectual impact, as for example an ergonomic chair design that prevent back pains for millions of users.

>> No.50819010

You know shit about art or anything related yet you keep speaking lmao
NFTs are art trading 2.0
Wait till I get my Banksy airdropped and then wait for the next peak mania
Pretty sure we can get away with 10M$ per piece

>> No.50819015

Wasn’t it like $400 not long ago?

>> No.50819096

Ok fixed-income, waiting for my monthly paycheck jeet. Keep telling yourself that you hold more ICP than me. You will continue to be BTFO by the rising prices.

I should buy something from an unknown artist on the internet. Picasso charged $30k for something he drew on a napkin. The buyer felt ripped off and asked why he charged $30k.
He replied. Took me 5 minutes to draw, but 30 years to hone this craft.
Keep hoping.

>> No.50819230

I can name 20 other projects that have done a 5x. Doesn’t mean they’re a bluechip.

>> No.50819372

Agreed. Until we know if it will be anything more than just an NFT, the quality of the art leaves much to be desired. If Flowers are S Tier, ICS is D Tier because of the other pixel art NFT projects.

>> No.50819375

but i already bought 100k around $5
remain poor and stay mad hoping to move your markets through biz kek

>> No.50819719

Collab with Ludo incoming, but doesn’t mean shit right? You guys can’t recognise art and it’s okay like this.

>> No.50819828

Liar, you’re not reading through the commits, they’re all meaningful you fucking faggot. Dfinity has 200 developers- they’re building constantly and always have the top commits- only a fudding fucking retard who has not looked into it would say they’re fake-

>> No.50819914

>no btc integration
>eth integration canceled
>no defi
>minecraft won hackathon

Icp bros...

>> No.50820236

what does cardano do to justify 8x larger marketcap?

>> No.50820405

They were able to trick redditors into bag holding ada by tricking them with muh science muh academics garbage without providing results

>> No.50820407

>How does it feel to know that ICP has bottomed and that we are never going back to $4.
Because people realize that crypto has no use outside gambling. Why bother investing in the best garbage when you can profit more from the older garbage?
Seriously, decentralized, "public" own crypto is useless as a technological piece. What we will see in the future is the implementation of crypto as a sovereignty currency (state-run, and controlled by a central bank). Why? because it will be almost impossible to commit tax fraud. But we are a decade away from being able to handle real-world transactions.

>> No.50820654


LMAO yeah the NFT launched by Dfinity themselves isn’t a blue chip. You’re a moron.

>> No.50820716

And, due to novel cryptography and a massive engineering effort- Icp is about to get a lot faster and be about 20times cheaper. Making it cheaper to host than on aws. We’re literally making it bros

>> No.50820757

current activity =/= maximum throughput

>> No.50820827

is there any site where you can compare onchain transaction volume/count/mempool size etc.?

>> No.50820902

which L1s does it not make obsolete?

>> No.50820903

Yes, have fun getting justed by whales and mostly Motoko 2.0. Dick head

>> No.50821050

Waiting for next polygon hack

>> No.50821725

If any of this were true, ICP would already take over ETH. Meanwhile, it's down from +2k to 6$. Kek, get fucked.

Enjoy your suicide bags.

>> No.50821968

waiting for the next crosschain hack, which is every chain that doesn't use trustless bridges like ICP.

>> No.50824099
File: 752 KB, 760x974, craiyon_130321_Employees_are_leaving_DFINITY_in_droves_because_Dominic_is_literally_Hitler_in_the_of.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50824164

glad I shorted on ICP and just happy that I sold tornado cash too. I bought some scrt and monero instead.

>> No.50824237

Yeah legend has it Dominic instructed the 300 engineers they employ with our exit liquidity to make up fake commits to keep us buying

>> No.50824300

How's it feel to know that layer 1 is deprecated?

>> No.50824301

If true this is actually incredibly bullish.

>> No.50824556

it was meant to be a scam.
I flipped some nfts and made money over it,are they going big on metaverse and gaming?

>> No.50824943

Fiverr jeets you are being too obvious. Shoo shoo curryniggers you're just wasting your clients' money

>> No.50826123


>> No.50826849 [DELETED] 
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after half a day of going insane trying to make a dapp i finally did what everyone told me to do and used a virtual machine
after multiple failed attempts at installing ubuntu with black loading screens and having my mouse stuck inside the virtual machine for several hours i increased the memory to 4gb and the storage to 30gb.
ubuntu finally loaded and i simply copy pasted the instructions as before.
the stupid fucking node.js on windows ubuntu was stuck on version 10 but on linux ubuntu it managed to upgrade to version 12 for some bizarre reason. this is not the latest version 16/17 but dfinity said version 12 node.js was enough so i went with it.
i ran dfx new hello and it kept throwing errors (NIGGERRRRRRR)
i googled it and found out you had to install npm with a separate command.
after finally installing npm i managed to run through all the commands with no bullshit or hiccups and the result is in the picture. i found out a super cool feature to save the virtual machine state where you can pause and save the entire computer state. shut down your computer, and load the saved machine the next day and it was like it was never off. this is a super cool feature and im gonna play with it endlessly.


YES i know this tutorial was incredibly simple, and when i finished amazed at how little it did and how underwhelming it was.
but the stupid fucking npm install dfx node.js ubnutu vmware ooga booga gorilla nigger installation path was so fucking anal and stupid i actually feel kind of clever and want to apply to a $200k a year code monkey job at dfinity
im gonna celebrate being slightly less retarded and take a break before i follow part 2 of the dfinity tutorial

>> No.50828132

this chart makes me hot and bothered