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50816951 No.50816951 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any personal finance application with a "scenarios" feature? I.e. "here's how your assets will look like if... you double your spending on food, you stop giving money to onlyfans, you lose all your savings in the inevitable crash, you put 20% of your income into whatever that yields 10% yearly returns, etc."

>> No.50816960

Yeah, it’s called a calculator and a bank statement
I do this shit almost every day because I’m a poorfag

>> No.50816964

That picture really misses the point. Anti catholics do not follow a teaching that says "you shouldn't chase money, helping people in need is the highest virtue", but catholics do.

>> No.50816976

The highest virtue in Catholicism is loving the lord your God with all your heart actually
You stupid dishonest fucking nigger

>> No.50816981

>redditbob twitterpants
go back

>> No.50816984

those churches used to be used to roof and feed the poor
anyone could become a monk as well

But the churches became corrupt like any institution, given enough money

>> No.50817002

If you’re poor and go to a church desperate for shelter they’ll help you.
And any baptized Catholic man can still become a monk.

>> No.50817336

The church can do what it wants with its money. I just think they should pay taxes like everyone else.

>> No.50817357

You could do that in excel.

>> No.50817379

Way to miss the point retarded christcuck
Go back to reading your fairy tales

>> No.50817390

The highest virtue in Catholicism is a young boy

>> No.50817523

6 While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of Simon the Leper, 7 a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table.

8 When the disciples saw this, they were indignant. “Why this waste?” they asked. 9 “This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor.”

10 Aware of this, Jesus said to them, “Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me. 11 The poor you will always have with you,[a] but you will not always have me.

Glorifying God is priceless.
Anyone who criticize this is hypocrite of the highest order.

>> No.50817804

>makes retarded statement
>gets called out
>yOu mISsEd My pOiNt
Nah you just made a retarded statement about something you know fuck all.

>> No.50818214

>at the red cross camp you had to pay for everything

>> No.50818238

>my goatfucker jewish sect is better than your goatfucker jewish sect

>> No.50818704

Cope beyond cope
Catholic priest scandal was a media stunt and nothing more. Catholic priests were never as likely to molest children as secular school teachers, coaches, or even clergy from other denominations, and the priests being moved around was done back in the 70s under the direction of secular psychologists who thought pedophilia could be cured at the time.
I didn’t miss the point at all you fucking moron. Your claim was that having beautiful churches dedicated to God is wrong because it costs money that could be given to the poor since that’s Catholicism highest virtue. Actually Catholicism’s highest virtue is loving God, and if you read the fucking Bible you’d know Judas made the exact same stupid claim when a woman anointed Christ’s head with expensive perfumes, and he accosted him for his stupidity. Besides the Catholic Church is the most charitable organization on the planet and it’s not even close so even that argument doesn’t hold water.

>> No.50818777

You bet jesus made all the villager femoids wet

>> No.50818969

The catholic church is the largest charity in existence. The orphanages, homeless shelters, hospitals, alms giving, and charitable works rival every country on the planet. Fucking cope

>> No.50820712

Please stay on topic

>> No.50820770

i really enjoy how unhinged from reality e-catholicism is

>> No.50820800

because it's a pedo ring

>> No.50820805


Wrong. Nobody should be paying taxes.

>> No.50820854
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Based OP making reddit vatnicks seethe.

>> No.50820855

It literally is not the largest charity in existence, you fucking retarded cathocuck. Novo Nordisk is the largest charity.
t. Protestant chad

>> No.50820971

thw churches absolutely became corrupt nigger look up simony and learn some history

look up the fucking borgias the roman Catholics have been morally defunct ever since
there are individuals within the church that follow the way but with the organisation itself Christ would want little to do

>> No.50821152
File: 1.56 MB, 4032x3024, 32D5CF09-569D-4F36-A2A9-F76FE3B851D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many protestants does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
0, as they prefer to live in darkness

>> No.50821396

hahaha, good one.

I have one too :

So a pedophile, an alcoholic and a catholic priest walks into a bar.
He sits down.

>> No.50821813
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>Cope beyond cope

>> No.50821823
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>Cope beyond cope

>> No.50821870
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just cope though
happens literally world wide and all from the same institution but just a cope

>> No.50821877

>I dont believe in your fables nor will I take the time to actually read them, but I believe that you should behave in a way that I find suitable because those fables have some meme quote about "love thy neighbor or some shit" I heard one time on a TV show
Haha true.

>> No.50821884
File: 531 KB, 1044x604, 1629874386284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the USA to Europe to Asia, Catholics love to fuck young boys

>> No.50821904
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Wonder why it's always gay sexual abuse, is it because Catholicism has been a refuge for homosexual child predators for literally millennia?

>> No.50821930

>but you will not always have me.
I wonder if this is more complex than most people realize. What if he's not speaking about the crucifixion, and he's talking in general? Like over eons?

>> No.50821952

I dont love to fuck young boys, I dont even like to fuck anything that's a boy, I dont even like to fuck anything young. In fact, I dislike those things and I am a Catholic, plus I have never been abused or abused anyone.

>> No.50821980

>Catholic priest scandal was a media stunt and nothing more. Catholic priests were never as likely to molest children as secular school teachers, coaches, or even clergy from other denominations
Is there a proof for that? I keep seeing catholics parroting it but when asked for source they always disappear

>> No.50822000

Dude Catholics are like so le based

>> No.50822027

I've read a book claiming that most Catholic priest are homosexual, number might be as high as 80%.
It makes sense when you think about it, a religious order that forbids you to marry a woman is more likely to attract men uninterested in women.

>> No.50822055

check'd and kek'd
It is true though. Just like US foreign aid is about protecting business interest, not actually helping people. The church is a big grift.

>> No.50824561


>> No.50825972

This didn’t occur to me. Great post.

>> No.50826426

this is the orthodox interpretation
Jesus's message is true on 3 levels
in relation to his events
in relation to something that is constantly ongoing down the ages
and on a higher, spiritual/metaphorical level

all 3 levels are true

>> No.50826985
File: 249 KB, 618x920, jewish rabbis vs catholic priests molestation rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts journo articles
>avoids statistics vs other institutions
Predators go where their prey is you dumb faggot, public schools have 100x the molestation and assault rates.

6-10% abuse rate vs 0.01%

>> No.50827874

why not chase wealth so you can use it to help others? it's not like you have to stay an obnoxious holier-than-thou poorfag to help others

>> No.50827937
File: 214 KB, 461x318, didukno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we only rape 1/18th the amount of children