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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50811903 No.50811903 [Reply] [Original]

>24 years old
>750k in crypto
>400k in stocks
>160k salary WFH job

>> No.50811927

You're a larping cunt who doesn't have loving parents. Ngmi

>> No.50811943

Are you dating/fucking one or more women?
Are you not fat?

If the answer is no to either of those, you need improvement

>> No.50811948

Fucking abysmal, get those numbers up faggot retard

>> No.50811966

>above 20 years of age
>not a multi millionaire
I would personally kill myself OP it's fucking over

>> No.50811993

I lost more than you're worth in one day last year.

>> No.50812002

Kek that's nothing
>24 months old
>750m in crypto
>400m in stocks
>i'm a neet
get on my level

>> No.50812004

well done, retard

>> No.50812016

>21 years old
>3 blowjobs
>2 teen loves

>> No.50812025

i started with a crisp $20 bill in my pocket when i moved out at 18 and by the time i was 24 i had 700 billion in bitcoin and a trillion in stocks as the ceo of several major corporations. and it's not enough, i don't think i'm gonna make it, i'll be doomed to this poverty forever. everyone knows you need at least 2-3 quadrillion to truly make it but i'm stuck in 11 figure hell

>> No.50812030

Honestly if I had anything less than 8 figures I would just end my ticking life

>> No.50812036

Wasn't even unrealized gains straight up liquidate d for $1.5M. Only have $250k left.

>> No.50812037

Fuck you

>> No.50812053

3 blowjobs in total or from 3 different girls?

>> No.50812060

>24 years old
>1 billion in crypto
>900 million in stocks
Fucking losers.

>> No.50812076

3 blowjobs in total

some people on here never even kissed a girl

>> No.50812138

yikes. i got pearly penile papules but i've still managed to get loads of blow jobs from semi attractive non fat women.

>> No.50812179
File: 36 KB, 369x410, yaaaaaawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another day, another larp on /biz/ yaaaawn. Think of something more creative.

>> No.50812224

no one cares faggot go get stabbed by a gang of niggers

>> No.50812238
File: 7 KB, 203x249, pepe_bogan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>26 years old
>couple of BTC, about 550 stinkies and still accumulating
>about $100k AUD in ETFs and boomer dividend paying stocks
>$22k sitting in a bank account
>made $126k AUD before tax last financial year, doesn't really go all that far though because I live in Sydney
>daily driver is a 22 year old Honda Accord
>just broke up with girlfriend of two years a couple of weeks ago
Honestly don't really know where I screwed up so badly.

>> No.50812254

You are in the top 1% in your age group you attention seeking faggot, kys.

>> No.50812277

Wow that's really amazing bro.

>> No.50812307
File: 83 KB, 820x724, 1648421138573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200b dogbat


>> No.50812311

You are in the top 1% of gullibility, for any age.
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