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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50808152 No.50808152 [Reply] [Original]

How do you actually escape the wageslave life at a young age without incredibly risky speculative gambles? I don't even need much money. I could live on like $1500/month or less.

>> No.50808177

your OP pic is cringe you come across as being 18 years old

>> No.50808179

>i could live on like $1500/month or less

>> No.50808212

Start a successful business and sell it

>> No.50808221
File: 198 KB, 1242x1008, boomer-doomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't
gamble hard while you are still young
don't wait until you are balding with white hair and beard

>> No.50808234

Fuck off faggot Jew it’s funny

>> No.50808248

>Start a successful business
Wow anon i had no idea thanks

>> No.50808261


>> No.50808275

Thanks. I basically picked a random image from this board that caught my eye.

Explain. Do you think making it is about blowing as much money as possible?

>> No.50808284

>Do you think making it is about blowing as much money as possible?
u dont have mindset so you're ngmi

>> No.50808300

That's a very speculative gamble that also has a lot of work involved.

>> No.50808306
File: 271 KB, 1200x1315, 2C6EBCE9-6B6F-43EF-BB2D-05541678BDE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't. Dogbat is unironically you're only hope.
You may think I'm memeing, but I'm not. STEM grads study hard just to wage slave for 40 years. Same with all fields. You can't do a business without knowledge of a craft which is not taught in schools (this is on purpose). Maybe amazon fba wholesaling could work, but I've never tried it.
This leaves crypto as the final choice. And of crypto, you need a lowcap. Of all lowcaps, dogbat is the one I am most confident in. Simple as.

>> No.50808326
File: 162 KB, 1280x1136, 96F8774A-9E7C-4B7D-BAE5-C0E6B45083E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50809258

You’re dumb as fuck then. Doge mooned because it was the first meme coin and is an actual PoW coin. Shiba also worked because it piggybacked on two different bubbles-the dog/meme coin hype as well as the defi hype (shiba actually has a defi ecosystem). Dog bat is just a piece of shit chink chain shitcoin with no utility and gay memes.

>> No.50809890

That's not an argument. You're throwing a temper tantrum with no logic to it. Dogbat has excellent liquidity and a good ratio of liquidity to market cap. You're also wrong, you stupid monkey. Doge mooned because of elon. Saying otherwise is fucking hilarious. After that multiple dog memecoins rallied. Shib was bought up by some big player. I don't remember the details, but it wasn't from piggy backing per se as ALL dog meme coins were "piggy backing".
Next bullrun all dog memecoins will end up pumping again so the smart high IQ thing to do is buy the lowest market cap one which also happens to be safe which dogbat is because of its good liquidity to market cap ratio. Retard newfag.

You get shit like safemoon and dogelon surpassing a bil market cap. You get shit like hoge hitting the 200m market cap multiple times AFTER dying off. MULTIPLE TIMES. You are a village idiot if you don't think dogbat has the potential to moon again. It's basically guaranteed at this point so long as btc restarts a mini bullrun. Absolute fucking joke of a brai that you have.

>> No.50809941

dogbat also capitalized on the memecoin space with memetools. Listings even in bear markets. Imagine in a bull market when the creation of memecoins ramp up.
The problem here is you have a low IQ so you can't actually use common sense aka you lack foresight. In a way it's a good thing that you don't see it since it would disgust me if idiots like you made money.

>> No.50810301

dog bat is poised to become the coin for anime fans after one of their proposed projects launches, literally gonna bring home all the bonkers from the Internet, November this year is gonna be a good time :)

>> No.50810726
File: 71 KB, 540x960, 248eu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta be willing to take on more risk while you're young and have no one depending on you financially. It's only gonna get harder the older you get, unless you remain single and childless.