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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50807543 No.50807543 [Reply] [Original]

Wallets that interacted with Tornadocash are now blacklisted and the tornadocash site is down. Semenov is banned from github. This is [ ] for Everest

A) Bearish
B) Bullish
C) Everest is a scam

>> No.50807661

Bro just make your own blockchain.

>> No.50807702

Just fork it it's easy

>> No.50808267

BULLLLISH we are the regulators

would be a shame is something happened to your DEX -Bob

Back in January Bob said that tornado cash users would be treated like NK banks 16:30 - 19:40
Tornado, Zcash & xmr


>> No.50808313

Just fork the code bro/just make new wallet addresses/just never cash out anything from crypto/just live as an international fugitive forever

>> No.50808418

That video is inaccurate. He asks, rhetorically, how many regulated exchanges list TORN, ZEC, XMR and answers zero. XMR is on Kraken and ZEC is on Coinbase and Gemini.

>> No.50808701

way to misinterpret it.
for how long?

"How many Centralized exchanges or licensed entities do you think CAN TOUCH, TORN, zcash or Monero?"


"that's right, so it is one of those things that as soon as you go through one of those you are tainted certainly when you get out to fiat; and what can you really do now that you're walking around with kryptonite crypto"

>> No.50808798

sounds like FUD. people have been withdrawing from these exchanges just fine

>> No.50808872

There is no such thing as tainted monero. As long as it is still listed on KYC exchanges that support bank transfers it isn't "kryptonite"

>> No.50808915

>it never happened before so that means it isn't happening

right and that's why TORN is crashing?

>> No.50808926

Delusional, how much longer do you think CEXs will be allowed to take deposits from non-KYC wallets? Answer: not much longer.

>> No.50808992

buy video game coin

>> No.50809219

Use the 0xMonero 0xTIP. It allows private off-chain Ethereum transactions and also acts as a cheap bridge to BNB chain. Mixing/bridging only costs 4-5 bucks in 0xMR. It almost like they knew this exact thing would happen ;)

>> No.50809383

Lmao imagine thinking uncle scam won’t be coming for exchanges that list monero and forcing them to delist

>> No.50809399

I'll believe it when it happens.

>> No.50809401


>> No.50809429

Yeah buddy I'm sure monero isn't next on the list LMAO...

>> No.50809441

I too enjoy never getting ahead of the curve and being lead around by the nose

>> No.50809492

0xMonero, not Monero. 0xMonero mixes on Ethereum.

>> No.50809550

The cope is palpable
Regulatory compliant chads know

>> No.50809576

Buy ID and VIDYA

>> No.50809674

And this makes what difference? It all gets put on the list and if you get audited you are fucked.

>> No.50809917

>No Mr IRS man you see I used 0xMonero not Monero

How old are you? Do you know how the government operates? They will rape you. Sure you can keep using this stuff and keep your shit anonymous, but it will come with the price of your wealth being black money and only being able to cash out through shit like gift cards or places that take direct crypto txs, all of which will also likely be coming under scrutiny and be expected to only take KYCd customers if they don't want to get reamed by the IRS.

>> No.50810095
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Any Crypto service that refuses to use KYC/AML will be sanctioned as if they were a North Korean bank. Bob called it back in January. Everest is the only crosschain licensed stack built to help them.

>> No.50810267

B obviously

>> No.50811092
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Let me explain.... Fuck you! I was right!

>> No.50811146

Everest ID is a hellish idea anons.

>> No.50811418

It's already here, not just an idea.
"...of the technology.
What is actually happening? There are risk scores attached to wallets based on factors like amount, number of hops, proximity to known bad actors, etc. For example, if someone sent $100k through Tornado Cash, and parts of it subsequently went to seven..."

>> No.50811478
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>> No.50811489
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>> No.50811507
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Some relevant documents

>> No.50811743

So it's just like that huh?

I just buy some low liquidity shitcoin off Uniswap, hold it and then I make it once regulation is fully set in?

>> No.50811802
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Bob will carry the sherpas over the corpses of unregulated defi projects and the best part is we can antagonize and shitpost the unregulated projects into compliance.

>> No.50811849
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>> No.50811867
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If i use tornadocash and covert 0.001eth and then send some of the tornado'd eth to a known eth maxi address would that blacklist him? I wanna fuck with eth maxis

>> No.50811909

Kek unironically yes please do it

>> No.50811925

No, it wouldn't, because of risk metrics. Read the thread.

>> No.50812229

you'd have to send a large amount.
I am thinking people that have large amounts of spoilt ETH could do this

>> No.50812362

Yeah but this shit is all coming down whether you like it or not. Might as well make money on it.

>> No.50812721

>It's here
It's not though. And you can't see how that's hellish?
You're a dumb fucking goyim. Literally advocating for a jewish system.

>> No.50812778
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Profit off of your enslavement; or don't, and be enslaved anyways.

>> No.50812808

good thing the contract is still accessible on ethereum, unless most have forgotten or just never new how that works. I'm not suggesting you should do so, but it should be trivial to make your own tornadocash, but that would be very bad and naughty, the USA would protect their citizens by killing you for that, so don't do it.

>> No.50812877

The whole point of tornado cash is having strength in numbers and blending into the crowd, if you just fork the smart contract then it will be just you mixing coins with yourself.

>> No.50813218

Fucking newfags don't know everyone has seen this coming since the inception of public ledgers, see >>50812778

>> No.50813893

go back to your telegram faggot, noone cares about your faggy kyc coin

>> No.50813976
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Your fud doesn't matter. The Bitso partnership's utility fees will full send Everest in the shorter term, and in the longer term KYCing through Everest will be mandatory. Nobody else has the stack to deliver regulations globally.

>> No.50814009

nobody is going to kyc globally and nobody wants to cash out to “fiat” either you kike faggot, where we’re heading, you won’t need to cash out. ps the american empire is collapsing

>> No.50814063
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>where we’re heading, you won’t need to cash out
Good luck developing sophisticated commerce with your strictly anonymous anarchy chain governance. You're going to need it.

>> No.50814066

holding-pilled desu

>> No.50814162

You're going to need to kyc to interact in your new digital moneyscape that you're not pulling out of for fiat, which is being phased out by Everest.

>> No.50814184

meh, whatever, all i know is that wagmi

>> No.50814420

still think you’re a bunch of faggots

>> No.50814562
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I think you meant a bunch of rich faggots

>> No.50814648

Yeah but we're a bunch of faggots who are right :^)

>> No.50815147
File: 497 KB, 718x888, AC13BE8D-2655-4488-B0A6-0DD6F5B40F72.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly and sincerely I wouldn't trust Bob mother fuckin Reid with my biometrics because he can't be trusted to take care of polaroids!!

I took him to CVS so i could pick up my photos after processing and as I was standing at the counter, with 2 platters of fish tacos Bob vicously shoved into my hands knocking my purse and phone onto the floor making me hold the platters as some indonesian woman ran to pick my phone and purse up.

Bob said "don't worry saldo won't be able to use it because we threatened to deactivate her face next time. "You know I once told Galia I've done more for women than she's ever done in her life."

So I'm standing here holding tacos at the checkout line about to pick up my polaroid photos when Bob pushes the clerk out of the way for not blinking 2 seconds on and off.

He starts rummaging through each polaroid holding it up near the light moving it back and forth closer and farther from his face while yelling "Error" denied, *throwing each photo in the trash basket like a ufo being tossed from space*, "not enough light", "remove your mask", "this one didn't blink long enough"

I tried to tell him it is a picture not a video and he said iOS isn't even supported stop asking because it was already delivered Q1 2019

>> No.50815868
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You should be careful with what you believe about Bob Reid. There’s been so many contradictory stories and allegations… none of it adds up. Did he really fuck a goat? Was he really the general manager of Bittorrent? Did he really advise the G7 leaders on what to say to Facebook? How many different objects has he really shoved up his ass? Are any of the things Galia from Bancor accused him of true? None of it is verifiable. None. Which is ironic given the Everest platform itself is centered around verification of individuals. Think about that for a second. Everest verifies individuals and yet nothing that is known about Bob Reid can ever be verified. It really makes you take a step back and think.

>> No.50816963

There is no contract to track. 0xTIP by 0xMonero mixes off-chain. Think of it as an automated cross chain relayer.

>> No.50816998

Everest should do something to gheir mobile app though, that shit is terrible to use

>> No.50818178

They’re releasing beta this month

>> No.50818262
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This is the libertarian dream, right? Private businesses can do however they please. Why do you want to use coercion to force GitHub to do your bidding? Is that really moral?

(I know libertarians are secretly fucking Nazis in waiting. So do you.)

>> No.50818918
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It's more freaking bullish for privacy coins that are auditable like secret network that's already the leading hub for programmable privacy in Web 3.0

>> No.50818934

Anything mobile shows how weakly centralized it is

>> No.50818981

XMR is also on kucoin and some other smaller fiat on-ramp exchanges

>> No.50819417
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You can say some shitty quotes while I get my ass spanke wen i can stake it on Maiar and earn through on-chain staking as well as metastaking.
I also get cashback when I use the app to make a payment.

>> No.50819463

How can I change my crypto to fiat with low fucking gas fee I'm so rekt already with ETH

>> No.50819668
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Don't be a lazy dick anon,crypto payments has been juicy and fucking easy and fast as I can convert crypto to fiat using the web3payments platform it so freaky sexy.

>> No.50819687

hate me, but I think it's bullshit to delete the github page /ban the dev.
it's not his problem if people would use code for unallowed actions. just creating his contract and the code is not illegal. if someone is aware of a legal point without the use of the contract, please correct me.

>> No.50819727

Fucking new fargs getting scam fast wtf is that

>> No.50819789 [DELETED] 
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What are you fucking faggot go get useful and become rich trading as you can buy and sell houses and car phones and other assholes products and buy wit crypto using BTC ETH USDC and any of the web3 L1 payments gateway

>> No.50819838
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What are you fucking faggot go get useful and become rich trading, as you can buy and sell houses and car phones and other assholes products and pay with crypto using BTC ETH USDC and any of the web3 L1 payments gateway

>> No.50821239

You ok man?

>> No.50821518
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Did you guys ever notice ID2020 Is backed by not just Microsoft, but GAVI? They're the global Vaccine Alliance. https://www.gavi.org/

>> No.50822068

Yes that worried me too because Bob has wrote an article talking about being able to keep your vacc certs in your everwallet

>> No.50822833

yeah there has been plenty of emphasis on "medical history" being part of your "Identity".

>> No.50823164

Vaccine retardation aside you actually do need your medical history to be part of your “identity” if you want to do things like anonymously enter into medical insurance contracts in the future.

>> No.50823294

Of course, I'm just making note of the more telling details starting to align over the years.

>> No.50823378

I hope that in the end they won’t use the tech for stuff like that and stick to useful applications. Probably wishful thinking though.

>> No.50823381

Medical data will become a profit stream among other things. Its why Ocean partnered with them, a Sybil resistant KYC Solution + payment network is what they need to get their platform running.


>> No.50823712

From what I understand Everest prioritizes user-privacy by giving them and only entities that went through the proper legal channels (acquiring a warrant/subpoenaing documents, etc) have access to user data unless explicitly specified by the user that some other entity has access. This upends the personal data market and puts the selling power in the users hands as opposed to Everest, Google, Facebook and the like.

>> No.50823793

Yes it’s one of the main selling points. Centralizing personal data comes with its own risks but is probably worth it to put big data companies out of business.

>> No.50823907
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I'm seeing the positives outweighing the risks.

Big Data is a multi trillion dollar industry, and its all based on mass surveillance of everyone and selling their data that's obtained. If people individually profited off of that data themselves they'd be earning $1000s per year.

>> No.50824195 [DELETED] 

This is why I decided to integrate Everest APIs into our medical app We help connect hospitals, small medical groups and patients. I want to take the data we have and monetize the non PII data in Ocean.

>> No.50824282

Yes it makes much more sense to let people earn passive income from it. Government will access that data if they want it at the end of the day anyways. I also like that it’s a dao which might prevent Everest from turning into what the Web 2.0 tech giants have become.

People are already using Everests APIs?

>> No.50824311 [DELETED] 

Am I not supposed to say that?

>> No.50824400

It’s probably fine I just didn’t know it was actively being used yet, that’s cool.

>> No.50824746
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tell us more about this anon

>> No.50824882
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If true Everest is about to burst out of the gates with full productization isn't it?

Remittance rails built and going live, Bank to Chain Payments being set up, KYC process launched, DAO creation kit teased, Everchain in test setup, Everwallet Beta coming soon, and devs already building on it?!

>> No.50825754

Doesn't the beta release this month? Or is it September?

>> No.50827559
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dicks out for Beta

>> No.50827663

>Where did this money come from anon, as part of the audit the onus is upon you to explain your financial history and what trades you have done
>Well ackshually 0xTIP by 0xMonero mixes off-chain, think of it as an automated cross chain relayer
>...so you can't or won't tell us where the money came from
>You're going to prison son

>> No.50827728

You're going to take more than just the 0xTip in prison, anon.

>> No.50828214

Tornado got Bob'd. Look for many other projects to get Bob'd in the near future.

Faded Everest? Get Bob'd

Dont partner with ID?


>> No.50828227
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CRV getting Bob'd as we speak.

>> No.50828623

So many "stablecoins" seem to be running into big issues at an accelerating pace

>> No.50829055
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>thinking you won't get bob'd
>gets bob'd anyways

>> No.50829153

what does "productization" mean in crypto? is it marketing ?

>> No.50829407
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just keep enjoying lads

>> No.50829598

Haha right? Wen fucking marketing

>> No.50829616

Actually, yes

>> No.50831369

Shameless bump

>> No.50831486

stack my nuts on your face

>> No.50832461

No mega corp is just going to hand over there power you Moron

>> No.50832896

Stop bumping this scam.

>> No.50833512

First off, I'm not familiar with Everest and Second, there are so many privacy systems for users to explore asides the blacklisted ones.

>> No.50835021

Don't who this 3pl8 fallout is but good to know we have our own salty mascot

>> No.50835130

Tornadocash is shit from the get go, better privacy protocols out there that allow smart contract interaction without the use of mixers