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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50803110 No.50803110 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready to baghold your non tradable ETH?

>> No.50803208

what is dex?

>> No.50803225

bullish for ETH

>> No.50803253
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Bob Reid from Everest ID called it in January. Any non compliant Dex/Crypto service will be treated as though they were a North Korean bank, and users blacklisted. Mandatory Everest KYC incoming, nobody else has the stack to meet regulatory standards worldwide.

>> No.50803339
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>> No.50803497

You're a willing slave that wants to make a profit without any regard for morality or principles. Congratulations, you're retarded.

Monerobros keep on winning.

>> No.50803628
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Its what's necessary for progress. You cant build good blockchain/DeFi commerce if everyone is anonymous, and has unlimited ability to Sybil exploit Smart Contracts. Best we'll get is the ponzinomics shitcoin casino we saw cascade liquidate itself this year.

Your Anonymous market will always still exist off to the side but wont be able to build a competent commercial engine creating value.

>> No.50803644


Monero bros we gonna make it.

>> No.50803777

Dumped my eth on this news. Maybe I'm wrong but this could be bad short to medium term. There's so much eth locked up in tornado that I worry it could affect the merge.

>> No.50803835

This makes monero sus brainlet
Being sanctioned means the government can't break it

>> No.50803898

this is bullish for tornado cash and eth

>> No.50803983

Oh yeah by who? The state? Who cares nigger I can use use dex like i always did

>> No.50804014

and cope on your public blockchain

>> No.50804300
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>Its what's necessary for progress.
You call censorship, control, segregation, etc "progress"? Lmao. Progress for the sake of progress is the ideology of the cancer cell.
Smart contracts, as they are, are inefficient and not needed for in the real world.

>Your Anonymous market will always still exist off to the side but wont be able to build a competent commercial engine creating value.
Monero is already gaining adoption in ALL markets: darknet, gray and clearnet. By not submitting to authority, it is exactly why it'll become successful as a currency.
What value are you actually creating? Zero for the people, giving all value - as in even more control - to institutions and governments. That's why you're a slave with no morals that just wants to make money with doom. The lowest level of scum.

Digits checked. Also sold the news, you probably did the right thing anon. Eth is becoming increasingly idiotic by the day, especially with PoS.