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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50802470 No.50802470 [Reply] [Original]

>get letter from government (taxes)
>cross out my name and stamp it with
>"Recipient unknown; Return to sender"
>throw it in a mailbox

I've done this since 2015 with every letter I don't want to deal with or I don't recognize, it's literally that easy.
Never paid a dime, no taxes no health insurance, gene therapy, nothing. No consequences either

>> No.50802491


>> No.50802512
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you ip has been logged

>> No.50802523

Fucking based

>> No.50802533
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based and not giving a shit pilled

>> No.50802536

why do you cross out your name though? it's probably also written on the letter inside the envelope, no?

>> No.50802702
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>> No.50802727

I should clarify: I don't open the letter
The crossing out is because the mail gets sorted by machines, they read the name and put it the bag for the mailman in my district, who just throws it into my mailbox again. By crossing out the name the machine cant read it (like a captcha) and spits it out for a human to look at who sees the return to sender stamp and makes sure the letter gets returned.

>> No.50804448

Cant be held liable for failing to take action if he never receives the message.

>> No.50804561

He’s posting at the public library

>> No.50804567

i somehow feel it cannot be that easy. otherwise congrats on beating the system i guess.

>> No.50804648

It is that easy. Which is why when the agencies finally catch on to people who do this, they send agents to deliver the message in person and confirm you've received notification.
And the only way you can avoid that is by living somewhere where a person cannot hand deliver a message without risking death.

>> No.50805793


There is a catch, you can't debtmax for lack of tax history. Likely you'll be fine and they'll never come for you

>> No.50805987

Where can I buy a
>"Recipient unknown; Return to sender"
stamp, sounds like it would save me a lot of money

>> No.50806019

Have fun when one of these new 87 gorillion IRS agents comes to pound you in the ass.

>> No.50806049

>Which is why when the agencies finally catch on to people who do this
Your plan when this happens?

>> No.50806094
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Here, I made a yahoo search for "Return to sender stamp" for you since you appear to be new to the internet. PM me for the link

>> No.50806189

and then one day, for no reason at all, my bank account disappeared.

>> No.50806833

>PM me for the link
Stopped reading there

>> No.50807078


>> No.50807145

This is the most based post I've ever read. That combined with the post from the anon who took out a high interest loan in order to buy Link before its major pump, with a pic of Leo from Wolf of Wall Street shrugging his shoulders saying, "IM NOT FUCKING PAYING" are reasons I love this board.

>> No.50807148
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live inside of a cave that is in the mouth of an active volcano, of course

>> No.50807804

lmao you're gonna get waco'd one day

>> No.50807843

Does this work for letters summoning you to court? If the police come can I just say I don't talk to strangers and then they have to go away? Is it really that easy?

>> No.50807853

Become [redacted]

>> No.50808098
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>opening the door for the police

>> No.50808276

No but seriously, it depends if you get summoned as a witness or some othre annoying thing either dont be at home or pretend to be. Ideally you have someone else in the house who tells them to fuck off you dont live here.
If there is a warrant out for you, teh only real solution is to GTFO either state or country and have a second passport.

>> No.50810237

I feel like in common law countries this should be self-evident and obvious. Unless the government sends Marshals to your house, you can always just not read your mail.

Everything is a cost-benefit analysis. The govt is a business like any other, opening an audit on your taxes costs a certain amount of money. They need to balance that against an estimate on how much money they can recuperate from your (alleged) tax evasion.

If they send you a harshly worded letter because you failed to report a couple hundred dollars worth of taxes, they aren't going to have some agent making $30/hr working your case.