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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50797190 No.50797190 [Reply] [Original]

How have you been able to stay afloat during this protracted bear? What has been your strategy? Have you been a brilliant Chad? Or did you give up and do you want to kys?

>> No.50797257

Very simple, find a shitcoin that will 10x soon, buy 100k of it, then when it reaches 10x dump it

>> No.50797280

What? Lol

>> No.50797289

Buy low sell high

>> No.50797303

It's easy to say huh? You cock

>> No.50797391


>> No.50797404

Yeah, but is foolishness to sell now

>> No.50797415

Lol, and you hen hahahaha

>> No.50797429

bought at almost the top
it all crashed down
I did nothing
and now it's going back up

>> No.50797435

lost a fuck load in 2017, so much so that my losses this time have been hardly noticable, I just have held and not looked. Also have made any crypto losses back on SIGA so that's comfy.

Wanted to kms for a bit after 2017 though ngl.

>> No.50797440

> this protracted bear
what? it's not even nearly protracted.

>> No.50797476

It is never too late to start investing in the right direction. As you know, it is not all coins that will survive the bear.

>> No.50797502

Buy high sell low

>> No.50797590

Better for you anon

>> No.50797705
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>How have you been able to stay afloat during this protracted bear

Yeah, the best way to stay afloat is to stake. Stable is a good option.

>> No.50797752
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Dude literally everything is sinking, you start thinking of stable staking preferably in a good asset management protocol or you will end up working in a fucking macdonalds

>> No.50797780

That works. But most stable APYs are just bleh. Binance's especially.

>> No.50797825 [DELETED] 

I've my USD staked on binance for 13% apy and 43% on Freeway. What's your take on this anon

>> No.50797850

put simply, the fact that Chainlink will grow to a $100 trillion fully diluted market cap, conservatively, within the next ten years, has made me achieve a state of content.

>> No.50797916
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Shitcoins won't do anything for you in this market. This is the time to find products that work. Do that or hfsp.

>> No.50797972
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10 years looks far from here. It makes sense staking on a platform and getting immediate rewards in fiat and crypto.

>> No.50797981

Lmao. Passive income is one way to go about this dip. What you stake matters too anon. Pay attention to that.

>> No.50798004
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Nobody fucking cares about such products, everyone's bothered about bitcoin, If Bitcoin dies crypto dies next move

>> No.50798009

I got a job and i larp to my crypto friends that I'm working on secret passive income projects

>> No.50798020

>preferably in a good asset management protocol

What do you mean in this contest? Is it a cedefi platform?

>> No.50798071

Passive income is indeed Gold, that's always a good opportunity for to build wealth and having a good investment machinery like a good Defi protocol makes it possible.

>> No.50798082

I stake my stables. Does that count as working on stable coin projects?

>> No.50798095

CEX staking is shit. When will plebs learn? Locks and no fixed apys. Not that I care.

>> No.50798096

I live in a 3rd world country where the electricity price is low enough that it's impossible for me to lose money by mining.

>> No.50798108

Most people stake because they were asked to. I hope y'all do your necessary due diligence?

>> No.50798138

Some people are dangerously retarded, yes. But you gotta know that platforms like Binance are easier to access. Only reason why I use Freeway more often is because the APYs are higher, and they have a high security level.

>> No.50798191

The locked period on binance is something I don't fucking like

>> No.50798208

Yeah it's annoying but people who stake for long term don't really feel it

>> No.50798229

Stfu if you have no idea about a thing. That's how you get scammed. You're out if you have nothing to offer. Go educate yourself.

>> No.50798250

DCA? lmao. BTC, ETH and MATIC. doing any shitcoin shit is just retarded right now. ponzi only works when we're at an upward trend

>> No.50798358

I'm not a clown like you anon, I stopped chasing pump and dump coins a long time ago. Now I just stake on defi and scout for long term assets

>> No.50798412
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You have a point there. Brokerage system works for security. Safety first before other things.

>> No.50798423

Every single passing day since november 2021 has been an agonizing one the only thing keeping me alive is the promise i made myself years ago that no matter what happens i’d never pussy out and off myself

>> No.50798489

Who fucking cares about utilizing his stables on binance? Most forks prefer using other platforms because of the high APY.

>> No.50798492

Proper research can never be overemphasized. It's not quantum physics.

>> No.50798538

Yeah, everyone has good reasons to use a particular platform. I stake on freeway for the supercharger gains.

>> No.50798573
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If you not researching, DCAing and or staking atm you'll sure get rekt

>> No.50798619

Still saying the same thing pleb. Stick with good utilities or hfsp.

>> No.50798768

That's a factor to be considered but high apys won't do much for you if the token is shit. Even half brains understand that.

>> No.50798792

I've been blessed by God repeatedly.

Mostly just work and not spending money irresponsibly.

>> No.50798815
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Everyone has special preferences. That platform offers fiat, stables and crypto. No surprise if they'll be adding more products kek.
Always do your own research. Avoid getting FOMO or you'll lose your control and get rekt fuck.

>> No.50798868
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If it is reliable and guaranteed, why not? I think these are some of the things to consider before investing in any platform. And mind you, security matters a lot. I hope this will face the fate of Celsius.

>> No.50798904

You just made one of the most valid points in this thread.

>> No.50798976

Nothing is safe
Look at celsius, voyager

>> No.50798996
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Different strategies for different people. Don't be a retard.

>> No.50799000

Well, you better fucking get used to it or switch to an asset management protocol with no lock period.

>> No.50799027

I stake on Binance because why the fuck not?

>> No.50799036

>What has been your strategy? Have you been a brilliant Chad? Or did you give up and do you want to kys?
my strategy going into this was to slurp cheapies. I have a steady income stream from waging, but was too greedy to wait for bottom. down about $35k or so from high of $240k, but it's unrealized. if I sold I'd want to kms but I didn't. hopefully we recover soon. honestly I'll be fine as long as we see another bull run

>> No.50799043 [DELETED] 

Bros, a few words about the Yopi Network, that comes to us from heaven:

>High staking APY (up to 66%)
>New generation of crypto in the payment revolution
>Pay contactless globally with a single app
>There are many solutions to earn cash within the yopi.network

>> No.50799056

A lot of people make it look like rocket science, And it's because they hold so many projects at once

>> No.50799070

No more bridges for me anon. Lending and borrowing projects are also shit. Know where the sustenance is coming from before investing.

>> No.50799156

Flexibility is based. Have missed out on good selling prices cos of locks. Learned my lesson.

>> No.50799249

Celsius failed because they are completely crypto dependent. Had it been they had a robust source of income, this won't be the case.

>> No.50799254

Not your keys, not your money. You can keep being a fag. Don't care.

>> No.50799271

Do we really have true sustenance in crypto? Even the trusted ones still screwed our asses.

>> No.50799350
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>Everyone has special preferences
I hope yours won't send you to the trench.

>> No.50799369

Your comparison is non sense and I think you need one whole day to prove your shit.
Lol, stake wherever you want and nobody is stopping you from that.

>> No.50799374

This are viable strategies worth incorporating.

>> No.50799516

There is always risk. Just saying

>> No.50800217 [DELETED] 

It comes with a back up research and don't pray for failures for we want to achieve its financial security kek. I think your life is miserable.

>> No.50800280

It comes with a back up research and don't pray for failures for we want to achieve its financial security kek. I think your life is miserable.
Yeah, I'm aware of the risks associated in every platform. Don't act like a king.

>> No.50800923

Failure is sweet lol

>> No.50800933

Which do you prefer idiot?

>> No.50801639

I programmed a bot to execute my algorithmic trading strategy and it's been doing pretty well so far, up like 90% on my account this year

>> No.50801984

Failure is part of our success but that's another story as we're referring to the risk and management of the platform.
Maybe anon is investing on shitcoins like memes. What a hell life.
Which bot is that anon? Care to share?

>> No.50801989 [DELETED] 

My strategy to stay afloat was to get in on platforms that would survive the bear market. I found Railgun to be one of them as privacy would always be needed in the crypto space.

>> No.50801998

My strategy to stay afloat was to get in on platforms that would survive the bear market. I found Railgun to be one of them as privacy would always be needed in the crypto space.

>> No.50802096

Shitcoins will only get you rekt there are lowcaps in the market at almost same prices with thit shitcoins with more assurance of doing a 10x and still good enough for long term hodl.

>> No.50802118

This is another strategy but what do I buy?

>> No.50802124

One word anon:
Dolar Cost Averaging
Master it and you will make it no matter what

>> No.50802208

The right direction meaning the next big thing right? well these sectors have been getting the buzz lately
>NFT support
>Identity management
>Asset management and
Just dyor and invest wisely

>> No.50802237

What do you expect in such market anon, the APYs are definitely going to be low.

>> No.50802377

Finally the LINK patriot is here.

>> No.50802472


>> No.50802525

I wfh with an 89k job and consistent small raises that requires minimal work

>> No.50802565

I am curious what is hsfp? and I agree with you on finding products that work or projects that offer such products,currently the cryptospace have just a few of such now like MATIC, ORE, BAT,LINK and a handful of others.

>> No.50802696

Passive income only makes sense in a bull season, everything goes down in a bear season so there no wealth building happening with the ridiculous APYs they offer.

>> No.50803129

No they dont and that's why they get rekt instead of moving their assets to private wallets or staying under the radar with privacy protocols like Railgun.

>> No.50803234

The trust people put on centralised platforms is scary, I means those fuckers can just put a hodl on it anytime. Private DEXs are where the party at now, more security and privacy.

>> No.50803312

I know what you mean by this, lowcaps can pose a lot of risk too but there some really good projuct in the lowcap region doing really well with product adoption and even price action like Ore protocol.

>> No.50803426

>How have you been able to stay afloat during this protracted bear? What has been your strategy?
I have a job.

>> No.50803434

Dca BTC, ETH, BNB and MATIC. You throw a couple of $$$ on carefully selected lowcap like RAIL a potential top competitor in the privacy sector.

>> No.50803445

There's 11 available assets on freeway and it would be better if they'll add more products as they progress. This will also gain traction and increased its liquidity for instance putting matic or fantom.

>> No.50803511

leech everyone around me

>> No.50803538
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simple as

>> No.50803664


>> No.50804102

Without liquidity, project will suffer bankruptcy.

>> No.50804752

Definitely anon. It's just a waste of time engaging in an illiquid market. The difference is that, having another source of revenue other than crypto is heaven if you understand what I'm saying.

>> No.50805156

SBF to the moon

>> No.50805236

>Nice kid

>> No.50805611
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Choosing the best platform is hard as there's always risk on it. Always consider the team and their previous experiences on how they can deliver sustainable output to the community.

>> No.50805721

Wtf is that

>> No.50805917

Secret? Just be happy and invest more

>> No.50806088

I stake there too. I also got into LP mining on Ore Network. The yields are based.

>> No.50806115

Look for presales, dump that shit then average down the ones I like. Already seeing a green portfolio after months of pain.

>> No.50806261

That's the best way anon. At the end of the day, that's your funds and it's up to you on where to grow your seedlings. Fertilize it with care and you gonna reap your rewards soon, damnnn

>> No.50806380

Launching a startup and taking VC money to DCA during the bear.

>> No.50806531

Stop shilling

>> No.50806673

I just didn't overexpose myself.
It's that simple

>> No.50806706

I vant to suck your blood

>> No.50806765
File: 22 KB, 1164x600, 9B8BE8A3-6BFE-4451-953C-492A627147D5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just invest in shit that’s decentralized and has liquidity
(pic related)

>> No.50806913
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very simple, anon. Use raiinmaker to create and share content on social and stack cryptos.

>> No.50806979
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what about stacking top solid tokens by monetizing your social influence? that's what degens are currently doing on raiinmaker.

>> No.50807032

I've heard they democratized the creators community, allowing everyone to take back the value of their social capital.

>> No.50807106

That's cool, anon. I think they offers a path for everyone to earn crypto and NFTs for their social capital and are rewarded based on the true value of their engagement

>> No.50807196

The only “strategy” you need is patience. Most major crytocurrenncies with solid fundamentals will eventually reach their all-time-high again. That would constitute approximately a 5-fold increase. If you are steadily investing in these projects using dollar-cost-averaging, then decisively get out at or near the previous all-time-high, you can make some very impressive gains relative to the risk exposure. This only works if you are patient enough to accept that economic cycles can last years and you are financially secure enough to not need your invested money in meantime.

>> No.50807212

This is exclusive to key opinion leaders and influencers on social media platforms.
I'm more focused on passive income yields and Sylo incentive nodes could be the next big shot in the cryptoverse. Communication in the metaverse is bound to be om high demand anon

>> No.50808437

didn't even mention my project name, couldn't care less about shilling to poorfags on biz

>> No.50809660

Privacy blockchains are growing pretty fast and Railgun living upto expectation already live on 3 multichains ETH,BSC and POLYGON plus NEAR,POLKADOT and SOLANA coming soon.

>> No.50810447

This will make more sense with web3 as identity is tied to our social accounts plus there are products already making this seamless.

>> No.50812556

Giving up is for paper hands. Been doing my research on platforms that focus on asset control and identity management as I see them taking centre stage in the next bull cycle as the need increases fren.

>> No.50812613


"Have fun sucking poop"

>> No.50812622

What does that put links price at

>> No.50812644

$100,000, conservatively

>> No.50812768

LOL, no secret, just do whats right and make sure to only hold assets thats adding value to he space, ALBT will be a good example here.

>> No.50813002

buy low sell high, and stake on gems with decent yields like that of Ride for its fixed 25% APY. you can thank me later chad.

>> No.50813034

ive been DCAing BIT and adding more at any opportunity, because other than the fact that its giving me access to the largest decentralized treasury, there are also talks about BitDAO building its own L1 infrastructure

>> No.50813049


>> No.50814180

My secret is LP mining on Ore Network fren. I get as much as 53% APY on the ORE/ETH mining pool.

>> No.50814831

For me, the secret is yielding using stables, since it's non volatile, and Spool does the job of adjusting my capital allocation across several yield generators, I prefer it to any other.