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50794927 No.50794927 [Reply] [Original]

Absolutely fucked.

Inflation isn't going back to around 2% unless rates double and taxes are increased especially so in regard to CGT.

100bps minimum rise in September but 150bps should make a decent dent.

>> No.50794946

Midterms in November means that 150bps would not happen. They will probably just fudge the numbers some more and redefine things and then the media will sensationalize some nothingburger story to distract people some more, etc.

>> No.50794962

Can someone spell the argument out for me? Why does the FED (a private bank) give a shit about the election outcome? Is it Muh Globohomo inferences or does someone else have anything a bit more specific, explicit even?

>> No.50794966

inflation is much higher that 9.1% anyway anon, its all bullshit fed to the cattle so they can point their fingers at a bad guy and the game to roll on.

>> No.50794982

They'll do 100 3 more times like they said they would then stop
Inflation has peaked

>> No.50794989


>> No.50794994

Also within the realm that the FED does give a shit. Would it be privy to hold of on hikes or rush hikes and say "look gUys we're really doing something about inflation" last minute before the job losses kick in? People aren't getting fired a day after hikes.

>> No.50794997

>Why does the FED (a private bank) give a shit about the election outcome? Is it Muh Globohomo inferences or does someone else have anything a bit more specific, explicit even?
are you literally retarded? like... seriously. are you unironically asking this?

>> No.50795006

take your meds, touch grass, and have sex incel

>> No.50795027

Based retard

>> No.50795044

I didn't even get a hint that you understood the question. This must be that prized American rhetoric I've seen on TV, in election debates and such.

>> No.50795074

you're right. the fed isn't a slave to leftism, the left doesn't love infinite printing, the fed exists in a bubble separate from society and politics. zero influence. you're right. haha. you're totally right, it's all in everyone's head. you fucking moron

>> No.50795086

>the FED (a private bank)
Come on now, you don't get to repeat the schizo line in here of all places.
It's a central bank for the United States federal government. Created by an act of the congress of the United States federal government. To manage monetary policy for the banks dealing with the fiat currency issued by the federal government of the United States. It transfers the income it generates to the treasury of the federal government of the United States. They routinely testify before and are required to report to the congress of the federal government of the United States. The governors are appointed by the president of the United States and confirmed by the Senate of the United States. They can be removed by the president of the United States directly and immediately.

It's the government.

>> No.50795103

Lmao I'm at like 30000000bps and I live in the middle of nowhere, get better net lmao or maybe look into the starlink shit

>> No.50795104

On what sort of measure can you conceivably say prices are up 6% from a year ago? If prices were up 6% from a year ago nobody would even fucking notice lmfao

I’ve never actually looked at how the fed comes up with that number, line by line. I know core excludes energy prices but still, how the fuck?

>> No.50795111

on retarded leftism measures. disgusting that politicians are allowed to just get away with this without a bullet between the eye

>> No.50795132
File: 105 KB, 1200x900, 62dfb0a87f71d.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even have a republican party at all then? Seems like it just gets in the way of enacting policies when they ought to enact them.

>> No.50795139

>Private bank
On paper yes, in reality no. They work at the order of governments. If Biden says jump to Powell he says how high. The government can nationalize the central bank at a whim if they do not comply with their wishes.
>Destroying demand will solve supply side driven inflation
Yeah sure, but you might as well stop the US as a going concern at that point. 75 points more = credit markets break = end of the US as a country and a return to tribalism. You'll be in a situation where you will consider it lucky if Winnie the Pooh decides to nuke America as it cannibalizes itself to put it out of its misery. Rate hikes are designed to destroy small businesses and bankrupt the American people, not hurt the elite. If they continue to go on hiking it will hurt the elite. Those in power will not hamstring themselves hence the pump; markets are betting on this and it's completely logical, even in the face of dogshit macro conditions.
>Money printer stays on and rates stay low and everything pumps
>USA collapses and cannibalizes itself. Civil war 2.0.

>> No.50795156
File: 307 KB, 1097x827, Original Federal Reserve Board Members.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The FED (a jewish Bank)

>> No.50795199

the governments work at the order of them

>> No.50795209

Antisemitisim is not cool man, please don't do it. Thanks!

>> No.50795237

>75 points more = credit markets break = end of the US as a country and a return to tribalism
Funny how retards have been saying this since january, how many points were increased since then again?

>> No.50795239

this video will explain everything you need to know about american politics


>> No.50795333


The whole 'inflation has peaked' line is a small part of the overall shit storm we're in though. The real pain comes when the rate hikes have had time to mature into real world application - I.e. businesses going bankrupt, workforce getting laid off and unemployment up..

Just as quickly as inflation ramped up (as evidenced in the graph) it needs to come down moderately fast or else we get persistent stagflation.

It's just an all round bad situation to be in made 10x worse because of the geopolitical issues and economic issues with Russia, China and Europe.

If you're Russia.. you're waiting for winter. You are literally waiting with a hand on the lever to Europe's gas supply saying pay X in rubles by Y date or gas off.

This will infuriate the US as the whole euro block against Russia destabilises and new allegiances are drawn up.

It's going to be an interesting year.

>> No.50795353

sounds like a vibescession to me
and that means we can't blame the government or banks or anything, it's our fault. we, the people, for spreading bad vibes.

>> No.50795358

That's a lie and you know it.

>> No.50795360

i agree anon. we've talked ourselves into recession like the idiots we are.

>> No.50795378

Does it matter who is in charge of the government? they’re both corrupt fucking faggots

>> No.50795401

>we can't blame the government or banks or anything
I'm glad you are so reasonable about this. After all, the government has been trying its hardest to prevent our irrational free market from panicking. They even printed a few hundred billion today to help fight the good fight.

>> No.50795487

Also I love how in order to make your statement you conveniently ignored debt to GDP being over 4x higher than it was last time we had inflation. Rate hikes have an exponentially large effect on everyone. 10% today would be like having 40% rates back in the 70's/80's.

>> No.50795548

>rise in September
there's no fed meeting in september

>> No.50795594
File: 108 KB, 522x700, 1659409464114584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you win top retard of August by far ha hahahaha. The crypto niggers who lurked in are retarded as fuck.

>> No.50795638

Hey, i believe in Santa Klaus too!

>> No.50795785

>debt to GDP being over 4x higher than it was last time
I was talkin about January, not when boomers were children.

>> No.50795838

I need to know this anime immediately

>> No.50795889

>If you're Russia.. you're waiting for winter. You are literally waiting with a hand on the lever to Europe's gas supply saying pay X in rubles by Y date or gas off.
aren't Europeans already stocking up gas from other sources?

>> No.50795989

There is already a massive shift in public sentiment regarding Biden. A few months ago people hated this guy, now, once again, they really dont care.

>> No.50796024
File: 9 KB, 250x272, 1336275564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you freaking kidding me?!

>> No.50796737

Yes this is all normal

>> No.50796802

while im neither a fan of the left or the FED, are you honestly saying that Repubs are the responsible party here, in regards to the FED?

Sorry to tell you but the Donald was the best pumper of the economy we've had. And honestly, its not even donalds fault, its just the way of the system we live in. And I think every president that doesnt want a recession (weve been in one since 2008) - with the pain, needs to print more money. Simple as.

Petty politics, left or right, I abandoned all of that shit about 2 years ago when I realized we have absolutely no representation, and the few "sane" politicians that tell the truth, are all in on it too. They just grift people who know the truth instead. Its all a scam.

>> No.50796808

yeah but that won't be enough for manufacturing allegedly.

>> No.50797179

>Can someone spell the argument out for me? Why does the FED (a private bank) give a shit about the election outcome?

They don't. People massively overrated "X won't do Y because of election". The truth is 'the market' and 'the fed' actually don't take their instructions from the President and the only people that actually make their decisions based on an election are politicians themselves. If you followed stock threads in 2020 there was an extremely strong conviction that the COVID rally is all fake and as soon as Biden wins the election the market will pull the rug out. What happened in reality?

>> No.50797419

They don't give a fuck, the market usually rugs in September because it's a jewish ritual month with that 7 year Shemitah cycle. If election schizos were correct then markets wouldn't consistently dump before november.

>> No.50797646

what tf are you talking about? CPI will show that inflation has peaked, this is almost guaranteed. And if that's the case, why would the fed raise by 100bps? They can just chill a bit and do 75bps, and they've even indicated that future rate rises won't be as severe.