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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50791259 No.50791259 [Reply] [Original]


how my small business chads doing? made 650$ last month

>> No.50791491

>be roach
>some autist paints you with autists shit
>go through life with gay spiderman logo all over body
>no female roach wants anything to do with you
>die of paint poisonings

>> No.50791693
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This is wrong. The fem roaches would probably overly turned on from the hypervisual stimulation. It's like when humans watch porn and accept it as better than the real thing, in fact roaches like to try to mate with bottle caps because they find the spiked bottom appealing. Spiderman roach is definitely having a ton of roach offspring from multiple roach thots.

>> No.50791762

Does dealing drugs count as small business?

>> No.50791806
File: 63 KB, 1452x785, zfgsfdghfgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Create educational material for schools and teachers. Business has been growing slowly. Excited for the start of the school year as this is the first year where I have available complete year curriculum bundles for multiple subjects. When I started three years ago I was making 50-100 a month. By the end of the last school year I was making around 500 a month. I hope this year it starts making around 1000 a month.

>> No.50791839

Good job man

>> No.50791962

Sucked five dicks at a club last night. Made $1500. Life's good.

>> No.50792170
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A guy that lived around the corner from me 20 years ago made maths mates, a one sheet homework for kids, all the local schools picked it up. Made a decent living just out of that

>> No.50792220

i've invented a device that will allow anyone to do a backflip safely in the comfort of their own home

>> No.50792245

Its what I am hopping that a district somewhere picks up my curriculum which is tailor more toward the digital age of education with things like google class. With education overall going down in the U.S and teachers getting worse and worse it seems to be a growing business. But there is A LOT of competition and I got into it fairly late. Good news is that I've checked my competition and many of them have very inferior products that are still stuck in the old ways of PowerPoint and PDF printables.

>> No.50792254

Ebayfag here, grossed $800 this week before fees and cogs.

>> No.50792261

Ew stay away from me with your gay niggerpox

>> No.50792270

i lied, but feel free to take my idea and make it and take it to the shark tank. don't break your back

>> No.50792329


>> No.50792923

I wanted to start an online business that sells gym machines. Any tips or resources on online business, especially for stuff like machines where you probably have to put warning labels about proper use and stuff? Im not an engineer btw

>> No.50793440

Are you on TPT or some other market?

>> No.50793504

Yes TPT. Its the only please to be really. That's the place that gets by far the most traffic from teachers.

>> No.50793670

The irs has a classification for drug dealing.

“Income from illegal activities, such as money from dealing illegal drugs, must be included in your income on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 8z, or on Schedule C (Form 1040) if from your self-employment activity,” the bureau said.

>> No.50793701
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Fuck I miss playing custom maps all day

I just want to go back

>> No.50793712

they're not allowed to report you to the police but they will come after you if the cops get you.

>> No.50793721


>> No.50794056

I do one-on-one remote consulting for a niche "skill" and pulled $400 last month, up from $50-80 at the start of the year.

Get another $80/mo from an ebook, and trying to build out a product 'ecosystem' around it to drive more income there since it's the closest thing to true passive I have. Working on learning some web stuff too for a longer-term SaaS project.

My goal is to hit $2k/mo by this time next year and be fulltime on my own shit.

I dig stuff like
i.e. digital stuff that is quasi-passive and scalable. I don't really dig stuff like
just because you gotta deal with a lot of real-world hassle (where you gonna store the machines? who's gonna deliver them? what about returns?) I mean no offence it's just that hauling shit around is not for me.

>> No.50794118
File: 58 KB, 1000x1024, a45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started a site just a week ago.
Been making articles with an automated writer on "trending" keywords (think le monke disease, the salami space photo, and the like.)

Also hand-writing niche and genuinely interesting content - especially self-improvement-related articles.
Making gift guides and such.

>> No.50794131

Cont (to bypass the spam fuckers.)
How many views do you anons think I need to have before I can ask companies for random crap to review?
>even the description of the site looks so clickbait-y that the fucking 4chan spam detector fired up
Kek, I guess there's my answer.
>third time reposting this

I think the "monke disease" is the one that fucking triggers the spam detectors. FUCK YOU JANNIES SUCK MY FUCKING BALLS.

>> No.50794185

That's tough to keep up, usually search engines wise up to automated content or wordspinning, and writing about contemporary hot topics is a never-ending treadmill.

I've had more success doing long-tail evergreen content and having that be the SEO backbone of a site. If your site metrics look ok and you have a decent niche cut out you can usually cold email a bunch of companies and ask about affiliate programs. Most will say no but some will say yes.

>> No.50794243

Aye, I'm actually going to pad out the bullshit with good quality content (right now I'm working on a gift guide for non-electric gadgets for little smartphone-addicted zoomies - interesting hobbies and what-not for getting off the computer, put a lot of thought into it.)

I'm also making guides on "how to build bee hives" and those sorts of things.
I'm just using the hot topics + ai content writing to get a foothold in the algorithm, and then I'll be golden.
I don't really do complete garbage either - nothing about "double rape-murder-suicide in Detroit", more oddities and interesting stories that honestly might even be something people search a few years from now.

I honestly think the "James Webb Chorizo Planet" thing will appear on "craziest science pranks" or something of the sort for a few years.

>> No.50794266

P.S. And thanks for the advice on cold-emailing.
I actually signed up for Amazon FBA, I'm building up a "Best Budget Desktops on Amazon.com" reference article with affiliate links throughout.

And I'll reach out to some of the companies in my technology niche as well.

>> No.50794289

So what’s the point of money laundering, then?

>> No.50794333

Nice. If you run analytics on your site (which you should), you can trim the ~80% or so of the generated articles that don't get any traction or content after a few months. 80/20 rule applies to site content for sure.

>> No.50794356

Check'd and cheers.
I absolutely do run them - and thanks for the 80/20 advice!
I didn't think of that - good to efficiencymaxx.

Truth be told, I have only gotten 20 visits so far, but it's only been a week.
So analytics are basically useless - fun to collect the flags though, I get visits from some pretty obscure places.
Hopefully it'll start getting relevant once it's indexed in more places.

>> No.50795558

Bicycle repair service. Got a wagon full of tools and charge a call out fee. I'd be keen to be set up in an inner-city shop to pick up walk in clients, but the cost of rent and competition from chain stores makes it risky. Any SEO reccomendations? I sort of pop up in local facebook bike groups.

>> No.50795708

I have a massage parlor besides my normal job, make most of the hours there myself though. Makes around 2000 per month but it's hard work. Want to do something on the side to earn passive income. Was thinking about writing books about

>> No.50795840

I plan on doing something similar once I'm more established in teaching. From my experience working in schools as an aide, I've found even the best teachers get content from TPT. I think there's a niche in the special education market among older special needs children, who often are given the same coursework as gen ed students, but aren't engaged by it in the same way.

>> No.50795850

how do you earn income from automated clickbait shitposting?

>> No.50795858

How do you get this to scale? If one teacher purchases your lesson plan or worksheet, what is there preventing them from printing it out for the whole grade? Or what is keeping a teacher coming back?

Most teachers reuse the same worksheets for years, so how do you get repeat customers?

>> No.50795950

I've noticed some creators use unique characters or a style that goes along with them. If the material is good enough, I'd assume it gets passed word of mouth. That being said, the problem of reuse could be equal to the problem of using a work photocopier or filesharing to give everything for free to other teachers. Certain creators like Deanna Jump (who I've seen used at my current job) seem to be really popular regardless, and likely make solid money off of marketing to little kids.

>> No.50795982

I'm trying to become a freelance copywriter. My actual writing is coming along nicely but I have no fucking idea how to do any of the business side of things like contracts, payment and invoices.

>> No.50796003

* About fitness and health. But wonder if that's profitable.

>> No.50796503

I lost my job and I'm burning through my savings at a breakneck speed.

What are some things I can buy and resell quickly on amazon?

>> No.50797619

I don't do it anymore because I trade full time now but I used to restore antique typewriters and sell them. It was probably the most enjoyable job I've ever had, love tinkering on shit and having something to show for it at the end of the day. I'd make like 400-600 a month with it. Love those clacking fuckers like you wouldn't believe. Kept a 1927 Remington for myself when I stopped.

>> No.50797635

what are you selling? are you dropshipping?

>> No.50797642

Not paying taxes and avoiding any risks. Lots of criminals are just stupid and anyone who went to prison will tell you about it.

>> No.50797846

You could sell concert t-shirts you found at Goodwill. When you find one look up sold listing for that exact design. Don't buy it if you're not going to get like 10x on it.

>> No.50799446

>before fees
They keep going up and up

>> No.50800575

I know someone who does this ironically. But garages and mainly estate sales. 1970s and 1980s rock T-shirts can sell for upto $150 if you find the right avocado toast numale neckbeard liberal hipster. This guy actually saw the toddler Star-Wars tshirt my dad bought me when I was 4 and the movie came out and offered me $50 for it. I said no, and he upped it to $75, still said no and he finally admitted that for a toddler size original shirt he could get like $500 from some nerd working at Apple or Intel..

>> No.50801550

I created employee attendance tracking software that uses facial recognition. It's mainly for warehouses.
Smile for the camera wagie.

>> No.50801701

So do you let your clients cum on you, or do you just jack them off onto their own chests?

>> No.50802720

How about setting up a weekly 'clinic' in an indie coffee shop, then get it on Google Maps?

>> No.50804348

Is there any copyright issues if I have a publicly available online AI write me articles?

>> No.50805984

Design a system that you can use to train people and then hire them to give hand jobs to your clients. Passive incoom.

>> No.50806129

eBay Hebrews took 20% of my last sale. Shit is going down hill.

>> No.50806282

Where is the best place to sell online these days that balances traffic with fees

>> No.50806546

Unfortunately still ebay, unless you have a particular niche. The other sites don’t have the traffic and amazon is even worse for fees.

>> No.50807411

I wish there could be just a general marketplace site that only charges enough in fees to cover their admin costs (basically what eBay used to be)

>> No.50807542

>how my small business chads doing?
Not so good.
Once everyone finds out you got the monkee pox, no one wants your service anymore.

>> No.50807544

How much actual work goes into that?

>> No.50807562

that's a good idea, hope he sees it

>> No.50807795

I wink at cameras when I see them.

Dunno what this does.

>> No.50808594

what about parts though? do you carry a small selection of tubes, brake pads, shifter/brake cables? Its a good idea but you'd need a collection of small parts necessary for fixes on a variety of bikes

what are typical ebay fees like?

>> No.50808612

AAHAHAHAHAHA. What did you buy a burger and gas for the month with that?

>> No.50808644

>what are typical ebay fees like?
15% which is shipping and taxes. It's still good, you just have to list prices higher. Protip always put the hidden costs in shipping like tack on an extra 5$ people buy more if they see a lower number on the main price

>> No.50808999

Well, to be honest, I haven't earned a penny so far, anon.
But, here's the plan:
>Amazon Affiliates Marketing
>ad revenue
>launching own store

>> No.50809335

Yes the special education field does not have a lot of competition and there is a lot of opportunity for growth there. I would have done it but it is not my specialty.
Complex question. Nothing prevents them in theory, but most of the time schools buy product licenses, with one license per class as it is suppose to be done. Even if teacher share products after purchase it is no big deal generally. Most teaches are not that connected with others of the same grade, and even if they are they tend to teach differently. What works for one teacher might not work for another. Teachers come back because they want more products, and hopefully after a few lessons they purchase a whole year curriculum.
A lot. I have over 700 products and if I say that it took me more than 1000 hours in the computer it would not be farfetched. I also have a lot of experience in education and in the subjects I create products for.

>> No.50810929

doesn't the ai content writing suck? i've tried it out before and it's just unreadable and terrible.
writing articles is so time consuming, it's hard to stay motivated knowing nothing can come from your content that took your so many hours to write.

>> No.50811008
File: 41 KB, 750x458, 1651734782362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job anon

>> No.50811598


Sit on me, smother me, I DIE HAPPY







LOOKS LIKE BRAPS BACK ON THE MENU, BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.50811603

The fees are also charged as a percent of the total final price for the buyer (list price + shipping +taxes) so you pay more than the % of your list price

>> No.50811680

Fuck, this image awoke memories
The anime custom maps were so fun, wonder if people still host DBZ Tribute

I’ve still probably put more hours into custom maps than maybe any game I’ve ever played

>> No.50811984
File: 56 KB, 640x701, 1647371045097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm selling MTG cards online on the largest EU platform : MCM. They are unironically the greatest company ever no cap fr fr and they only take a 5% commission, which is really low compared to ebay and such.
I try to focus on the vintage side of it, that's where the big bux are, but the liquidity is very low compared to the recently printed staples. I'd say i clear around 5 sales/day. Value for each order generally vary between 5€ and 70€.
But i've got some orders for well over 1k€ already.

I'm doing this since 5y already, undeclared because fuck the taxman, all while being on neetbux because fuck society. Life is comfy, i don't make a lot of monies, but i don't really work a lot either lol (1-2h every 2 days, mostly to prepare the orders, then some time figuring out what i should buy next). It's enough to survive and i even make enough shekels to invest in a bit every month.

Also on top of it i always send the orders with the 20g max weight stamps, even though it sometimes go well above 70g, the buyer still get charged with the big stamp, and i pocket the difference. Never had any issue with the postal services after 6K+ orders sent.
Actually, i don't even pay the stamps since i steal them from my local post office. Fuck them too.

>> No.50812710


I fucking loved Uther Party and Angel Arena

>> No.50813453

Why is Mobupi pantsless?

>> No.50813985

based if true

how do you source product?