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50784574 No.50784574 [Reply] [Original]

>What about you, anon? What was your ex like?

>> No.50784582

ex what?

>> No.50784586

I am still with the gril who first touched my peepee

>> No.50784602

She wasn't communist.
I miss her so much

>> No.50784617
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just say she was a freak in bed but otherwise you weren't compatible

>> No.50784618

She poured expensive champagne on herself like a retard and then lit up. The smell of burning hair and flesh was pretty stinky. Asked if I still loved her. Blocked her on every platform.

>> No.50784667

She cheated on her ex with me, then on me with her ex.

>> No.50784734

I'm asexual, now give me sexual harassment money

>> No.50784811

Which one?
I'll pick the most comedic one, after suffering a heavy breakup I surf through the bountiful realms of tinder to find a special trophy.. Asexual. I had to look the term up, at the time I though it was a term for fish that fuck themselves. Alas no, it means a girl that is completely disinterested in sex at all. I took upon the challenge with the firm intent of changing asexual to sexual, unfortunately I was become with multiple issues. She has DID, that's dissociative identidy disorder but she lived in some chavvy abortion home, think her parents threw her out. We went on a very fine first date we saw Hereditary in the cinema and some other patrons shhushed us, that was a first mainly because of the autistic girl beside me shouting shit out. Our first date went well, I scored. I was welcome back to her abode. I had to sign in and out with the support workers each time but her room was rather nice, we watched some shitty Netflix remake drama of psycho with that talentless actor, seen he was in "the good Doctor" recently. I eventually came to revoke her position as "asexual" to "pansexual" I had no idea what that meant at the time but I was on a roll. We scratched and bite the shit out of each other and dry bumped galore, eventually I took her pants off and went down. I obviously went forward with the usual cock in vagina action but she detested it. She said no but me peepee was so close. This was borderline rape I guess. Eventually her nos echoed like Mario and I pulled my pants up. Her different personsa's came out after, Alice wanted to slit my throat, Cody was a male bro, but she had an 8 year old persona can't recall the name, suddenly I had raped an 8 year old, luckily there was ice cream in the freezer so I fed her ice cream to keep her content, we had a short break from our relationship after this but then got together again, we'd play Divinity: Original Sin together although sadly she gave me headlice so I ended it after that.

>> No.50784832

Immature needy cheaty drunkard

>> No.50784895

I haven’t had a girlfriend since elementary school

>> No.50784904
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Forgot i have a picture of the specimen

>> No.50784995

>implying Champagne burns

>> No.50785048

You did not deserve her.

>> No.50785154

She did not deserve you.

>> No.50785183
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>i never had a girlfriend

>> No.50785207
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>> No.50785231

It's amazing what we'll put up with for some pussy that doesn't belong to a fat girl

>> No.50785269

Looks like ingerlun didn't scoar some fackin goals

>> No.50785298

>sticking your dick in crazy

>> No.50785304
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Which one?

>> No.50785325

Hit the wall and I fucked her sister. True story.

>> No.50785339

i cant speak ill of the dead

>> No.50785340

Based. Was the pussy any different?

>> No.50785440

Needs sound, fren.

>> No.50785514

"ask her yourself"
>point to whichever stacey in the group is hottest or hates me the most or has a bf at the table. even though we never dated.

haha bants

>> No.50785547
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>my w-what?

>> No.50785556

i really wish some people on 4chan that complain about never having a gf get one
theyll realize it changes nothing and most people you date are awful

>> No.50785569

People need a carrot on the stick attached to their head to make then go foward.

>> No.50785575

Crazy sex but super clingy and wasn't business and finance related.

>> No.50785601

>*reminds whore you fucked 10 years ago
>reminds college classmates
She was a bit shy and...

>> No.50785615

She was perfect other than wanting Hillary Clinton to be president but I neglected our relationship because the witcher 3 came out and I was trying to get with my wife Shani and my real gf broke up with me because I didn't contact her in any way for a week heh women amirite

>> No.50785621

She was actually pretty dope, my first too. I’m the one who cut off the relationship because it was going to have to go long-distance for atleast a year+ and I wanted to try my luck with other women. Sometimes I think about the alternative timeline where I don’t do that, but I don’t regret it, I think.

>> No.50785624

You didn`t try to fix her

>> No.50785632

how do you deal with loss?

>> No.50785703

only dated what one can consider a pretty normal girl once. the others had no dads and were fucking crazy

i even dated ethnic chicks for fun but after a year or so they started demanding more commitment and i bailed out.

I pretty much have a different girlfriend every year and it fucking sucks but i can no longer find a normal girl like the one i used to dated so atm i am fucking a pajeeta every day

>> No.50785719

Beautiful beyond belief. Everywhere we went I got uneasy because of all the guys that wanted to steal her from me. It was relentless.
I dumped her because she just wouldn't stop lying to me. She was a nurse.

>> No.50785766

that's my worry if I ever manage to get a hot gf

>> No.50785772

>group looks to her in surprise
>she denies having had any involvement with me
"oh sorry, i thought you meant future ex"

>> No.50785775

True story; fucked round a bit in my younger years, then got with a girl when I was round 23 and that relationship lasted a year. Decided I was gonna marry her. I was 24. Figured time to settle down you know. Went over to her place. Decided to surprise her so I went over earlier than planned. Ring in pocket. Well the only one who got any surprise was me. Walked in (door was unlocked) to find my girl happily banging some dude on the couch.. Yeah.. Needless to say any wedding plans got canceled right then and there.

>> No.50785872

It's the worst because they know it and will play that out against you just to shit test you.

For reference: It's much, much better to have a 7/10 that doesn't pull this shit on you than to have a 9/10 that makes you suffer for her entertainment.

I've only been in 2 actual relationships and both of them were 9/10. I don't know why, but I tend to attract the hot ones for some reason. I don't use any sort of dating apps or anything, they just hit on me. I think it has something to do with my manly and dominating presence.

tl;dr: Don't focus on the very hot ones. They're bitches because of all the male attention they have gotten in the past. That or total whores.

>> No.50785988

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.50786112

>but seriously anon, tell us about your ex
"despite my repeated attempts at humorous deflection you continue to rudely persist with your interrogation. i am now terminating this line of inquiry"
>finally get the laughs i was looking for
>leave on a high note

>> No.50786195
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Native american. She was a heroin addict that did some gangster shit like curbstomping a bitch to death while high on crack. Had a really fucked up family, dad was a crackhead too. She said she was only with me for the dick.

>> No.50786213


>> No.50786233

was she fucking her dog?

>> No.50786348

can someone explain this picture to me?
my first thought was that she did this to herself but she likely can't reach those places on her back

>> No.50786364

She got uppity

>> No.50786409

This. They are marks from dog sex.

>> No.50786416

based. how do i do this? i hate my ex and this is the only way to get revenge

>> No.50786495

Emily was not a bore.

>> No.50786507

What the fuck anon why would you go out with something like that

>> No.50786528

Listen are you gonna sign my petition? I got things to do

>> No.50786538

>He has never had elite tier champagne

>> No.50786567

A cheating coke addicted fat whore who was better at gaslighting me than she was as sucking my cock

>> No.50786574
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My first date with my ex I watched her beat Bloodborne's final boss. She could fill the room with farts after a night of drinking. She kinda looked like Anne frank. Good times

>> No.50786585

so what happened?

>> No.50786607

Took a job across the country and broke up with her. Still friends but I've moved on

>> No.50786619
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Also this, however, unfortunately. I see this here but I am still abjectly ignorant regarding exactly what is being referred to.

>> No.50786641

ah well that's bittersweet

>> No.50786716

Yeah, I see that but I think "ignorance is bliss" is probably more operative than anything else in my recollection.

>> No.50786897

She was my junior high crush. Met randomly after 10 years and we hit it off amazingly. Spent a year together, moved to Spain together for some months.

It was amazing and she was so beautiful - but eventually, we grew tired of each other. She was psycho, got slapped if I stared at some other girls or shit like that, I decided to let go.

She gave birth a few days ago with her new boyfriend (the one she went with after we split 10 years ago). Was a cool experience but I'm very happy and lucky I got out.

>> No.50786898
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>> No.50786901
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26 year old german girl who previously dated a 5'4 arab manlet who was jealous she was spending so much time with me. This was before we dated. Bumped into him in Maccies and he tried sizing me up and realised I could beat his ass so he proposed to her the next day. Musta went out and bought a ring after realising I mogged him.
Anyway so they were engaged for 2 months and then she dumped him because he was mega jealous of how often we spent time together. She left college and I didnt see her for another year till one day I bumped into her at a job interview I was going for (she wasnt)
She told me she had to block my number cuz of her boyfriend but wanted to reconnect.
TLDR we went on 2 official dates, fucked the second date and then she asked me to be her fully committed boyfriend whilst we were in bed. I said to her that we should just hang out and get to know eachother more before moving in with eachother and shit, she ended up crying and then dumped me a week later
Dunno if that counts as an "ex" but its the most recent ive had. This was a month ago

>> No.50786908

Still on my first relationship /biz/lets, got any tips for a young man making his way through the abyss

>> No.50786931
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>"ask her yourself

>> No.50786936

Forgot to mention the 2nd date was at her house and I made dinner with her dad and sat at the dinner table with them. I fucked her in her bed and her dad came in a minute or two before and said "no funny business you two" which was bizzare. Whole situation was fucking mental really, hope I dont bump into her again

>> No.50786959

Questions like this is why I avoid all social interaction which only exacerbates the problem because I'm never put in a situation where I could gather experience. Time to watch another Youtube video.

>> No.50786990

>aspies loading up their Larps

>> No.50787006

she is cheating but I guess you took the bluepill already
be happy anon

>> No.50787017

fuck her as much as you can. sex makes the bond stronger, its biological. and dont let her walk all over you. break up with her at some point even, before she breaks up with you, then get back together.

>> No.50787220

fucked on the second date and then she instantly wanted me to meet her parents and friends. I think she had one serious boyfriend before me

>> No.50787298

>her fully committed boyfriend
What a slut, lol. I wouldn't have touched her knowing she was with an arab before. That shit is tainted.