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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50782247 No.50782247 [Reply] [Original]

>go on date with preschool teacher, we are both 30
>she asks me ‘so what do you do?’

I didn’t know how to tell her I sell ENS domains and sold shitcoins in 2021 that I’m still living off of.

>> No.50782250

Just tell her you work in IT and she'll change the subject.

>> No.50782254
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Must have got awkward then

>> No.50782258

Just say you're financially independent

>> No.50782259

>im in investing
>the ones you're not supposed to be telling about
>if I tell you I might have to kill you haha (onlyworks if you arent ugly otherwise enjoy jail)

>> No.50782280

>I am a gambler.

>> No.50782283

if you made a lot of money then why are you dating a 30yo preschool teacher?

>> No.50782307

>I'm a financial analyst and investment portfolio manager

>> No.50782308
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Good answer. I sperged and told her something even worse than the truth. I told her I sell Pokémon cards online. However I still got my dick sucked at the end of the night.

>> No.50782323

in my experience preschool teachers are often hot and usually very comfy in bed. caring, mommy type

>> No.50782328

its not really a well respected profession, and they have to clean the piss and poo of small kids
not to mention, the wages are shit and they dont have a good amount of holidays

>> No.50782335

>dates 30-yo woman who probably has had miles of cocks inside her

>> No.50782336

Tell her you're a freelance trader and of she ask lore tell here that you specialize on blockchain based assets

>> No.50782343

>go to pick up my cousin from elementary school
>other children are picked up by their hot moms

>> No.50782369

can i be ur cousin

>> No.50782379


>> No.50782412
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>manage to make capital gains significant enough to support your life without employment
>too retarded to be able to describe it to someone in non-technical terms
Here's a proof why free market is a superior "system" for a society to live under, as even complete mongoloids can be well off, living comfortable lives, etc.

>> No.50782425
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>>go on date with preschool teacher, we are both 30
you got money
you sold at the top, buying the bottom these days
and you're dating a 30+ woman
not a 19 y.o. girl?


>> No.50782437

how do you date a 19yo? you mean like pay them or?

>> No.50782614 [DELETED] 

I knew her in high school and had a crush on her back then. 19 year old girls look good but they are typically broke morons with nothing to talk about. I want some damn pussy after I had a break up earlier this year.

her pussy was on fire, I smelled it and felt the heat of it through her jeans, but she didn’t want to ‘be easy’ and give it up on the first date. But that ‘what do you do’ question forces me to hide my power level.

>> No.50782652

There's something cute about the idea of people in their early thirties going on dates and being romantic.
Only if they're both inexperienced virgins though, otherwise it's just depressing

>> No.50782658

go partying/clubbing, its the only way anon

>> No.50782775

30 and freshly out of a long term relationship here, can confirm it's depressing. If you love someone then don't ever let it get too comfortable bros-comfort leads to complacency, and nothing worth having grows in neglect. Before you know it, what you had simply isn't there any more and what you have is making you stagnate

>> No.50782779

>go on date
normies pls leave

>> No.50782788

i'm an autist and i've never been to a club or party in my entire life, nor will i ever

>> No.50782792


>> No.50782888

>don't ever let it get too comfortable
so whats the advice here? go on more fun dates? travel more? how do you avoid comfort with someone you love

>> No.50782904

"I work in sales"


>> No.50782905


>> No.50782918

Get /fit/, sexually toy with them, nonsexually touch them a bunch, make a habit of kissing, surprise them with nice things at opportune times.
You gotta stir the heart a bit, or else they'll start looking elsewhere

>> No.50783073


>> No.50783090

Sounds pretty one sided

>> No.50783248
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>dont have a good amount of holidays

>> No.50783280

yeah. that anon is fucking retarded.

>> No.50783292

>couldnt say “investor”
>instead say “sell pokemon cards”.

>> No.50783324

yes I don't understand these club anons that give their crappy advice. Not every person wants to meet a girl at a club. That's not even marriage material. I would wager a lot of 4channers already have social issues. Putting them in a club with degenerates would make them hate things even more. Go to libraries or book clubs or church, quaint things like that. NOT CLUBS! It's all a joke for them. Let them have their degenerate lifestyle of having sex with other degenerates. It's soulless. Empty. No love. We also have to remember this is /biz/ and there's a lot of psychopaths on here who don't want to have love anyways and they're incapable of loving.

>> No.50783380

All good ideas, although bear in mind if your partner isn't very touchy freely they may find that a bit much. Just keep doing things to make things exciting.
I mean it shouldn't feel one sided because in theory you're doing stuff that you want to do. If you're the only one putting in the effort though, then you're right-you deserve better

>> No.50783549

clubs are for stacies and chads. it's like the real life version of tinder. forget charming the woman all you can do is be tall and handsome because the music is too ear-splitting loud to have a conversation unless you're screaming at her.

>> No.50783664

No anon three months of vacation and 30 holidays ISNT ENOUGH TEACHERS ARE HEROES!

>> No.50783691

> I manage a portfolio of diverse assets

>> No.50783698


>> No.50783714

>talking to a retard preschool teacher

Hey retard, she literally works with kids all day. Not only is she sipping wet to push a few kids out, she’s desperate for any adult companionship. Now get her drunk and fuck her.

>> No.50783721

>i manage a portfolio of diverse ni-i mean people

>> No.50783738

quick thinking lol

>> No.50783805

>no job
>dates preschool teacher

Anon, she's perfect for you. Don't fuck this up!

>> No.50784030

You’ve made variations of this post for years now. Everybody can tell you are a penniless NEET, no need for shitty larps.
If you had a fuckton of money nobody will care where it’s from unless it’s drug money or some shit and even then probably not.
Your biggest problem is making pathetic larp threads, not impressing women without mentioning funny internet money.

>> No.50784421

>so what do you do??
"Preschool teachers"

>> No.50784441

you need to set super low expectations so when she learns the truth its a pleasant surprise

say you live of welfare mostly with occasional subsidy by selling your body to older men

>> No.50786134

You're lucky to still be living off of shitcoins chad. I'm more into passive income streams on crypto and I'd be starting with LP mining pools.

>> No.50786203

how do i join a new church? do i just turn up and sit down at the back

how will i find a wife like that?