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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50781560 No.50781560 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50781566


>> No.50781571

Pls no im still staking its locked in

>> No.50781574

If this happens I'll but so much rope

>> No.50781575

this would literally be perfect thats why it cant happen

we either wont go below $12k or we would go to $3k

>> No.50781598

That’s not the most brutal option

The most brutal option is people fomoing back in to 25-27k before a drop to 9k

>> No.50781610

Sexy daydream.

>> No.50781612

ITT: Bobo porn

>> No.50781624


>> No.50781630

yeah it definately wont be as easy and simple as the same 10k leg down like we had before

everyone is aware of this now so market makers are gonna puill like a fake bullrun to $30k before ulling the plug all the way down again

we probably wont hit $12k or $10k targets but some target nobody is expecting

maybe from $30k to $14k or some weird shit

or from $30k only back to $21k, no cluei

>> No.50781631


>> No.50781632

This isn't TA and you're retarded

>> No.50781635

They are in denial now. 6months of constant dump wasnt enough for poorfags for building stack....

>> No.50781649

It's not even just poorfags. It's just dumb retarded greed which does exist on both ends of this spectrum.

>> No.50781654

Yes please. This will mean a 82% fall from ATH which will signal the next bullrun a few months after. Literally praying to happen so that I can slurrrrp sum bitcorns ayy

>> No.50781657
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I would slurp so many cheapies

>> No.50781664

Any 2018 oldfags here?

Was it also like this everyone waiting for the 3k bottom?

>> No.50781685

nobody imagined 3k bottom. people who did bought once is started rising to 5-6k just to panic on the next dump back to sub 3k.

>> No.50781698
File: 41 KB, 902x542, Screenshot (375).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally everyone and their mother though pic related would happen, then we went to 3k and the entire catalog, literally, was nothing but pink wojacks for at least 24 hours.

>> No.50781712 [DELETED] 


>> No.50781728


but now everyone is execting a drop to $10k

i mean people been calling for $12k since fucking beginning of this year

so what does this mean?

either we wont drop to $10k, or we would drop to $5k

>> No.50781739

I fucking wish but that not gonna happen. Its just too good to be true and motherfuckers aren't gonna allow

>> No.50781771
File: 169 KB, 828x1027, Its coming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the entire catalog, literally, was nothing but pink wojacks for at least 24 hours.

>> No.50781786

I guess it's not accurate to say everyone and their mother, because there were lots of people like MagicPoopCannon who called 3k beautifully. It's just that most of us didn't listen.
Exactly how I remember it, even though it was fucked up it was funny. I hope it happens again lol

>> No.50781813

so right now the situation is people calling $10k beautifully?

cause I feel like everyone is calling for $10k

>> No.50781835

these guys get it

>> No.50781837
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>> No.50781952

Expectations always get subverted and the most unlikely outcome will happen. Everyone expects an 85pct drop to 11k but those drops happened in a good macro environment. We are in a rising interest rate environment so dropping below 11k is perfectly possible.

>> No.50781957
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>> No.50781966

Ah the pink fields. I remember this fondly.
I got out comfyly in december. Made me wonder, if that enjoyment is what the bankers and politian's feel daily for the rest of us?

>> No.50782117

I want to go back (sips)

>> No.50782260
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soon. come 30k or straight down from here we will have those glorious days again

>> No.50782675


>> No.50782698

If we drop down like that and consolidate for a bit you will copy paste the previous one again. You will repeat that to the 0, to the infinity and beyond!

If we go up it will be faster than this which in turn will get us to 20k in sptm and nvmb to have a second chance for spot accumulation. I guess we will have a merry christmas, esp. on eth

>> No.50782771

All these late bobos.. check out some of the posts, ESL or just paint eaters. Really love watching bobos sweat, you'll be LUCKY if we test 17k again

>> No.50783381
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28/29k before claret. Meanwhile shemitah ends in September and you can bet all things go surprisingly quiet into next year. (Unless we are in for ww3 and the end of days in the coming years. In which case none of this matters kek)
It’s all a stage. I’m slurping. Fuck it. Why not.

>> No.50783409
File: 25 KB, 492x598, FCFAB56D-AD41-40F9-AE07-39145DF79518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am saving up for exactly this one. Spent a part of it in June but glad I didn't spend all. It's coming frens and it will be ogre.

>> No.50783430

I'm scared bros

>> No.50783668

And since everybody is calling it, this cannot happen

>> No.50783758

Are you by any chance American?

>> No.50783848

This spot on the chart reminds me of march 31 2019 when I panic sold all my coins because I thought we were headed to $1k.

>> No.50783937

The 2017 bull run was in an increasing rate low inflation economy. We are now in an increasing rate high inflation economy
I don’t want to come off of a retard bull but increasing rates is not strictly speaking a terrible thing for buttcoin

>> No.50783953

Everyone's bullish these days

>> No.50784110

I fucking hate boomers so much

>> No.50785433

Buying at 11,000

>> No.50785657

Yeah. I guess everyone can't wait for the the next bull cycle. I'm holding BTC, NEAR, ORE, MATIC and ATOM in preparation.

>> No.50787139

Feels like yesterday, but time marches onward and never rolls back

>> No.50788655

Are you sure it would ever go that low

>> No.50788761

If we bounce between 20-25k for another couple of weeks, then this feels like a repeat of 6k in 2018 when it comes to sentiment, yes. People were overall bearish and demoralized, but after trading sideways for so long people began buying back in. Then another leg down caused capitulation, as it would this time as well

>> No.50789102

are you fucking stupid you shtihead? actually, it's good there are people like you. you will buy in high, again.
>celsius bankrupt
>voyager bankrupt
>luna cascade
>1 trillion + wiped out of crypto market
>tesla selling 75% of its holdings
>bitcoin hit 17k
keep fucking waiting for that capitulation

>> No.50789294

there was no waiting for the 3k bottom as nobody knew it would come
what we saw was 10 months of unbreakable 6k support but simultaneously also no real rally
so people did not think that 6k was worth buying back in
in this cycle that correlates with the 30k resistance, we flirted with it several times, not as clear as in 2018 tho and it never generated enough positive sentiment to buy back in
now we have another massive capitulation down from the previous support and people are buying back in after massive bearish sentiment, we are in jan 19 right now if you want to follow that analogy

>> No.50789304