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50779530 No.50779530 [Reply] [Original]

Which gambling stocks to buy?

Obvi everyone knows about Draftkings; they dropped from $60s to $12. With that fall stocks like GMBL and lottery.com fell from like $30 down to $0.44.
I would ideally like to hold a basket for something say 500 shares of each betting company that has been fucked like this, then when they take off sell covered calls and make good side money.
Which are the betting stocks to own

>> No.50779571

How about instead of gambling stocks, you by cryptocurrencies? Same thing, greater yield.

>> No.50779629

This is false

Crypto has some greedy rat who built the entire damn system and is going to rugpull. Would be nice if it was a genuine market but its all hype.

A company may also rugpull, but normies actually use the company so it's less about hype and marketing and more about how many normies use the company and what services are actually provided.

Whats funny is that gambling stock or finance stocks are basically the same as crypto just with more traditional steps.

Personally I only like scrap metal, it's the only real market.

>> No.50779711


Not worried about having more money in crypto at this point ; trying to move into stocks mainly selling stock options and have a very good cash flow coming in , I can get these 500 of these stocks for $250 each, and if they can go back to their all time high I could sell options for $250 a week and add to my cash flow

>> No.50779735
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Lottery had one really good quarter ; Marketcap only at 20 million ; would be a 50x if it could go to a billion

But I don’t follow these compnies ; but I know I want a chunk of them

>> No.50779825

bagholding GENI from $3.5

>> No.50779852

I bought playstudios.

Im sick of picking winners for L1.

Companies actually have the obligation to make investors money

>> No.50779886


.t playstudios

>> No.50779894

Geni is a great great one to add; they got killed but could really come back one day ; was in it back in the day; think I’m going to have to come back into it

Never heard of this company; I’ll have to do a deep dive; any reason why you’re invested with them
I like geni because it’s a real picks and shovels approach, is this one in a similar way?

>> No.50779933

He doesn't have shoulders though. Why the fuck does the average retard have such low expectations? You losers set the bar so low.

>> No.50780004
File: 61 KB, 750x1334, 2B51D660-D576-4AB4-92BA-02CA225C12E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the link! Will add to the list of companies I’m following
Chart looks pretty juicy for a nice long term DCA

Compared to the rest of his body it looks better

>> No.50780051

he has a wide frame tho

>> No.50780854

Gelotto. Dyor

>> No.50780906
File: 322 KB, 491x481, 1651268303020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear that the shoulders thing was made up to piss off lanklets, because a lot of tall guys have shit shoulder genetics due to being like a fucking tree.

>> No.50781137

Nah it was just a guy bragging about basically catfishing women.

>> No.50781139

I can see this , for real though shoulders make the difference

>> No.50781142

Beta people have low expectations

>> No.50781145
File: 185 KB, 710x309, fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50782231

Can confirm.
190cm and can't look wide no matter how much I lift.
Dgaf, height is still more attractive to women lewl