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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 91 KB, 600x458, young male virginity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50779370 No.50779370 [Reply] [Original]

Why are men opting out of the work force?

>> No.50779391

they aren't. touch grass.

>> No.50779414


>> No.50779422
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, Doreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man is

>> No.50779425

The female virginity rate has risen to an even higher level. There will be a day when packs of femcels roam the streets, reverse-gangraping any man unfortunate enough to cross their path.

>> No.50779432

isnt there another chart that shows its worse for females

>> No.50779433

What is the shadow economy for $500 Alex?

>> No.50779434

That’s a hot woman (man).

>> No.50779442

my 140 iq cousin wanted to be a software dev but now doesn't wana do anything cause le communist zoomer meme

>> No.50779448

Based af

>> No.50779456

idk stop rejecting all my fucking job applications for a dumb fucking hole that was able to get into all the diversity programs.

>> No.50779480

>he female virginity rate has risen to an even higher level
except it hasn't

>> No.50779482

Most men opt to become women now. Get with the times, boomers.

>> No.50779489

Because working sucks and sucks more every day. We're in a half century long bear market from ATH. I'm not catching knives.

>> No.50779491
File: 47 KB, 816x492, lack of sex and hypergamy .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True graph

>> No.50779506

>>Sean Rad founded Tinder in 2012 at a hackathon held at the startup incubator Hatch Labs in West Hollywood.[8][9][10] By 2014, Tinder was registering about one billion daily "swipes" and reported that users logged into the app on average 11 times a day.[11] In 2015, Tinder was the fifth highest-grossing mobile app,[12] and in 2019 it surpassed Netflix in annual spending.[13] In 2020, Tinder had 6.2 million subscribers and 75 million monthly active users.[14] As of 2021, Tinder has recorded more than 65 billion matches worldwide

>> No.50779510

Because working is fucking gay

>> No.50779534

>In December 2021, Nyborg announced that the company is working on creating a metaverse called Tinderverse, a shared virtual reality. The company is also testing Tinder Coins in-app currency users can earn as a reward for good behavior, allowing them to pay for the platform's premium services.[82]

lol wut

you ready to jack in to the tinderverse? the future of dating will be a social credit system where the only way to get a date will be to have enough tindercoins for good goy behaviour. oh brave new world

>> No.50779545

I've noticed zoomer girls going for older men.
They'll have young guys as friends on social media, but they'll sleep with older guys that have money and jobs.
I think it's a way to cope being raised without a father.
Zoomer boys suffer because they don't get a chance to get laid.

>> No.50779564

Because most of us know we’ll never get married or have kids so what’s the point? Plus society is full of people I don’t relate to

>> No.50779576


>The surge in popularity of “hookup apps” has been blamed for an increase in the number of STD infections reported in Rhode Island.
>The number of syphilis cases in the state rose by 79% from 2013 to 2014, while incidents of gonorrhea swelled by 30%. Newly infected HIV cases increased by 33% in the same time period.
>Gonorrhea was the most common venereal disease, with infections increasing 700% over a three-year period.

>> No.50779584

Look at that disgusting hole of an apartment it has- what a fucking bug- how many years off your life does it take living in filth like that?

>> No.50779587

>In September 2019, the US Federal Trade Commission sued Tinder's parent company, The Match Group, for knowingly using and/or creating fake users to bait men into paying for subscriptions. The claim includes romance scams, phishing scams, fraudulent advertising, and extortion scams. The suit claims that The Match Group indirectly profited from these scams at consumers' expense.

>> No.50779612

Don’t go to college until 24. Backdoor blue collar cash to your bank account. Then get your pell grant. DO NOT FUCK UP and fall for the work through college meme

>> No.50779661

any nation that doesn't ban tinder will be wrecked by it

tinder is dating now. thats not some minor inconsequential thing. it's now the dominant way that men and women meet. stable family units are not coming out of this, the base of civilization is eroded by it.

as far as i can tell china is the only country smart enough to ban this

>> No.50779822

Priced out of a house, on the verge of being priced out of a car, and the only jobs that will hire pay a few dollars above minimum wage while consumer products continue to inflate in price.
The pandemic was the catalyst. One day you’re a hero and everyone is thanking you, the next you’re demonized for not taking the jab and fired on the spot. I get paid well, but I give minimum effort because that’s all they deserve.

>> No.50779841

>$180k yearly total comp
>still virgin

I don’t know anymore anons…

>> No.50780734

Irrelevant. He'll kill himself long before it's an issue because he's a troon