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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50779057 No.50779057 [Reply] [Original]

I’ll start

>> No.50779065


>> No.50779087

Concept artists
Lawyers (paralegal)

>> No.50779199

church clergy
manufacturing technicians

>> No.50779244

Anything in IT including codeniggers

>> No.50779270

based and codenigger pilled

>> No.50779285

Housewives are in high demand. Now good luck finding one, but they are in high demand.

>> No.50779308

There are none because they all have an OF account posting nudes to get money to travel, shopping for their life

>> No.50779309

I think he likely means it's dying out because there's 0 supply due to eternally rising cost of living and labor force dilution. It's a hard to break cycle at this point hmmmm I wonder how this happened

>> No.50779338
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how did zis happen indeed

>> No.50779390

lmao some of the few remaining career paths

>> No.50779415

Just from the ones commercial AIs are going to take this decade
>call center attendants
>car/truck drivers
>menial labor
They will occupy 80% of these jobs while diversity hires are enforced by the government and corporations themselves as the other 20%

>> No.50779469

Cope retard. Engineering is in high demand. I’m 26 and in CNC and millennials are completely out of touch with CNC the boomers are getting scared because it’s absolutely necessary. You can’t just use AI to program the parts, it takes a human to correct the machines and compensate for the margin errors. Would take a super computer to calculate speeds/feed rates and tool variations to machine high quality low tolerance parts

>> No.50779476

This is a more comprehensive list, though ironically menial labor will be one of the last to fall.

>> No.50779527

Who keeps spamming these threads? Did some fag get rejected from an engineering program and is now on /biz/ to seethe?

>> No.50779533

Look up the tesla bot that's coming in 2023. He's supposed to "do things you find boring to do" and is going to be sold at prices acceptable for customers with enough buying power for tesla cars, so it's not for the filthy rich. I do figure specialized govt-approved work robots are going to arrive only at the bleeding edge of this decade though

>> No.50779551

Menial labor like plumbing and electrical work will literally never be automated until we develop Star Wars-style droids due to the infinity number of weird boundary conditions and customer interactions that are essentially impossible to engineer around in advance.

>> No.50779553

Either a NEET or some medtranny, those are the only retards who talk shit about engineering kek

>> No.50779585


>> No.50779659

Indeed no robot will be able to adapt and fix some ghetto's clogged toilet while a nigger shouts at him, well at least not until AGI, which is definitely not going to make an appearance this decade. But I'm afraid you're not taking in account the latest of corporate trend of having buildings be uniformized/simplified In design as well as the pods most people will be living in soon.
So say, if the toilet and the toilet system is always the same for that pod model, a robot would be able to know what to expect from it since ideally the AI would have trained on that design beforehand.

>> No.50779960

Even if that were true simple geographic and environmental variations would make a truly standardized design impossible. Same deal as fruit picking -- the only reason we still hire 3rd worlders to pick fruit is because making robots dextrous enough to pick the delicate fruits without bruising (or outright destroying them) would require a major leap to the point where it's cheaper to hire some poorfags. And will continue to be for some time. The jobs that automation will quickly kill in the foreseeable future is basically every customer-facing wageslave job. The automated cashiers you already see at grocery stores and McDonalds will simply grow more widespread. From there the automation will take more involved wageslave jobs like inventory stocking/moving and cooking (but only for massive chains with no standards like fast food joints). Certain trades like welding will also be scooped up. But for those trades that's in large part due to massive industry investment in learning the automation, which they normally wouldn't do because it's expensive as fuck, but are forced to because zoomers and millennials have 0 interest in trades and the trades are literally dying out, the knowledge will essentially be lost if robots aren't trained. But basically any job that requires extreme finesse + massively variable working conditions + customer interaction is essentially immune from being automated. Paralegals will be automated away decades before electricians. Betting otherwise will result in you saying "just two more weeks guys" for literally the rest of your life.

>> No.50780156

Well I live in the third world so these man made horrors take some time to even reach here. For example just now we're seeing plant-based bug food in fast food lists, so I'm not worried about trades since if anything happens in America the time window would be high enough for a professional here to notice it and migrate elsewhere before automation hit him.

Regarding cashiers, they would be fully automated here if it wasn't for a government ruling "stores are only allowed to have 2 cashier machines per each human cashier" lmao which is kind of a set example on how governments will try to duct tape unemployment in all manners possible before touching the topic of ever-rising automation and devaluation of labor

>> No.50780233

What will happen, a solar flare?

>> No.50780255

Eventually AI will get advanced enough that human coders will not be required to advance the code.

>> No.50780274

they've been saying that shit since the 80s and it still hasn't happened yet
I'm waiting for my robot waifu to put me out of a job

>> No.50780296

10 more years

>> No.50780314
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See Picrel. Similarly, no artist ever artist humoured the thought of robots taking his jobs until Dall-E 2 released this year

>> No.50780317

Makes me sad that this was the first one suggested, but you are right.

>> No.50780361

How is engineering dying?

>> No.50780384

Op is retarded

>> No.50780403

I'd like to see someone try to recreate a window manager with that

>> No.50780435

>Look up the tesla bot
Elon stan detected, opinion rejected

>> No.50780453

>itt: corporate layoffs

>> No.50780488

Lol cope every millenial and zoomer knows CNC thanks to 3d printing and other tinkering machines. Besides wetbacks do it better.

>> No.50780499

>How is engineering dying?
De-industrialization and off-shoring. Also the pay is garbage.

Only exception is computer engineering. Everything is becoming a network connected device with a processor so these companies are hiring computer and systems engineers like crazy. And America is going to start manufacturing more processors in house (https://www.americanprogress.org/article/the-chips-and-science-act-will-invest-in-u-s-innovation-and-create-jobs/).).

And if all else fails transitioning from a CE to a SWE is trivial. You'll seem like a genius understanding computer architecture since modern webdev software engineers don't even know how the operating system works.

>> No.50780531

>And America is going to start manufacturing more processors in house
so there is demand for engineers

>> No.50780567
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two weeks

>> No.50780568

Comparing 3D printing to CNC manufacturing is like comparing dentistry to neurosurgery you absolute retard. Zoomers are completely intellectually priced out of the field, especially when it comes to aerospace