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50778261 No.50778261 [Reply] [Original]

Wife runs up to me excitedly. Hey this is Sally (not real name) guess where she works? GameStop!

My wife knows im balls deep in the stock and i guess talk about it enough that I would really want to talk to her.

Sally lives near corporate hq in Texas and works in a senior position (Not going to dox her).

I started off the conversation. "I have significant holdings in GameStop and follow the stock daily."

She smiles and asked me if I'm on reddit. "Of course!"

I asked her about the morale of the team. "Very high, everyone is very excited with the direction the company is going. I've worked there for a while and there is excitement and joy at work with what we are doing. Especially the NFT marketplace."

I asked her about the recent layoffs. "Most of the people that were let go weren't engaged in the new direction we are taking." I took that to mean they were dinosaurs or legacy employees that couldn't adapt.

I asked her, How do you feel about the future of GameStop? "Very very bullish. I have most of my net worth in the stock. Ryan Cohen has done an amazing job of turning the culture around. We have had a revolving door at CEO it seems but I like the direction things are going."

I asked her about the buy button being turned off. "It was a big deal. We couldn't believe it."

I then say. "I hope Citadel goes bankrupt."

She retorts. "They aren't the only ones that deserve to."
>Very likely true
>Morale is high, can confirm
>We love all the investor, ape and RC memes
>Up to date transfer agent numbers are shared in the office weekly or so
>Almost all higher-ups have most of their net worth in company shares
>We are focused both on short term battles and long term victories
>Ecommerce and blockchain teams are the core of the company
>Reshaping gaming and finance feels revolutionary

>> No.50778878

Why are you copy pasting old Reddit shit without labeling it as such