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50777774 No.50777774 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50777879

Tranny coin do not buy

>> No.50777894

>supporting pedo furries and globohomo
not even once

>> No.50777898

the eth run begins this year

>> No.50777936

Arbitrum doesn’t have a coin, my automated friend.

>> No.50777972


>> No.50778217

Chainlink will fail

>> No.50778289

What the FUCK is the point of arbitrum? What the fuck can I do on it to make money besides Arbis meme tokens?

>> No.50778554

what are you guys doing to try and farm the inevitable airdrop?
have any of these l2s given out airdrops to people that deploy contracts on their chain? i might start doing that

>> No.50778570

Arbitrum Odyssey bro look it up. Starts after nitro launches.

>> No.50778584

the run to zero yes

>> No.50778594

>The Journey will officially begin on June 21.
was it delayed?
i hope i didnt miss it but i think i did

>> No.50778787

It started, they got to week 2, then they put it on hold while they got nitro together. People who participated in the first 2 weeks still get credited, but they are starting from scratch.

>> No.50778806

why is nitro significant for cl?

>> No.50778866

it isnt. ed is famous for grifting the link marines on twitter for free marketing with his token not needed solution. imagine thinking removing tokens would be bullish for crypto

>> No.50778926


>> No.50778944

You should watch Ed’s recent talk at Consensus. During the questions at the end, he gets asked about sequencing. He mentions that he’s “not allowed to talk about” specific sequencing solutions then in the next sentence describes FSS in general terms.
So at the very least Arbitrum will be a high volume customer of FSS and other services.
But if you go back to his talk at Trufflecon 2020 he says that he’s been discussing having chainlink nodes do the actual validation for Arbitrum, which is a much more core component.

>> No.50778981

Take part in the Arbitrum™ Odyssey™ and explore our great cosmos™ of web3 apps! Happy spacefaring cryptonauts™!

>> No.50779021

>if you get more involved in arbitrum doublespeak he generally talks about an unreleased chainlink feature
yep this is how they conned the twitter marines with fake promises and lies so offchainlabs get free marketing. they dont have tokens to dump so they are reliant on free marketing kek

>> No.50779288

s-someday my arbidoge will make me rich

>> No.50779627

get gmx, stake gmx, get paid in eth

>> No.50779647

I 100% endorse this chad move. For even more alpha I would recommend looking into what projects are taking part in the odyssey, and taking positions in the ones that you think will have good stickiness after the rush of odyssey participants go through.

>> No.50780491
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>> No.50780518


>> No.50781125

but i was told crypto has no use case

>> No.50781141


>> No.50781314

>Easy 7s Ya ID
I feel it

>> No.50781410

Do you do this for free?

>> No.50782551

>40 afk to zero
Oh no no no

>> No.50782611

Point is that you can make transactions on eth

>> No.50782648

checked and validated (PoS)

>> No.50782656

>no rebuttal
>why don't you trust the team after 5 years bro???
>are you a paid fudder wanting to get in cheap???
kek you bagholders are literal children

>> No.50782666
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>> No.50782687

>95% of vaporware oracle enabled volumes
OMG just market bought a million stinkers, I had no IDEA Chainlink surpassed 95% of all oracle enabled volumes, this changes everything!!!!111

>> No.50782734

You seem almost hysterical

>> No.50782747

>fudders are hysterical
>shills hyping up every date, every useless "integration", propagating every wordsalad CL comes up with for marketing, are actually sane and coherent
thank you for showing me the error in my ways, just market bought another million!1!

>> No.50782770

The shills have an incentive to be engaged with their investment. They are, quite literally, invested in it.
The fudders..? Are so upset about LINKies "shitting up the board" by talking about crypto on a crypto board that they're still seething hysterically 5 years later.

>> No.50782781

you are so right! who in their right mind would even DARE to criticize Chainlink for not delivering even 5% of the features they have announced after 5 years?
who would even be dissatisfied after 2+ years of non stop bleeding against the entire market?
these fudders are insane, you are so right, just bought another million!!!!!11
keep up the good work marine!

>> No.50782786
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>> No.50782812


I'm not holding chainlink tokens, but even I think you should take your meds.

What happened to the funny esl jeets?

>> No.50782814

When you can make peace with the fact that the problem is with you, and not with them, your life will improve dramatically.
Did you think it would just always go up in price? Did you think the market would instantly enter into a euphoric hysteria about a complex technical asset, and that hysteria would simply never end? Did you think they would pivot from being quiet developers to gaudy showmen? Did you think these complex functionalities which are anticipated to handle trillions of dollars in eventual throughput would be built quickly?
If you got all those things wrong, anon, then take a lesson from it. Take some humility. Reassess and reweigh your expectations. Seething and lashing out won't make you feel any better and won't make waiting any easier, or things happen any faster.

>> No.50782822

then what are you doing itt? didn't you get the memo, only certified LINK investors are allowed in these threads, are you a paid fudder?
you're right, after all, this has been a 20 year hold right from the start!!!
ps. market bought some more as we speak

>> No.50782828


>> No.50782832

The development time is proportional to the magnitude of the change it's precipitating.

>> No.50782835

yes sir! I'll hold on for 30 years in that case!

>> No.50782848

You don't have to hold on for any amount of time, anon. You need to accept the fact that you have zero control over the amount of time it takes to deliver this technology. Zero. The only thing you have control over is your emotional reaction to the waiting game, and what you do with the time you have.
What if you knew for absolute certain that it would take until 2030? Which it honestly might. What would you do differently? Would you be on here every day pulling your hair out and screaming into the void?

>> No.50782854

yes sir, I'll just keep having blind faith to the team, and after 20-30-40 years, I'll be vindicated!!!

>> No.50782855

>ITT: shills getting buttraped
god it's so satisfying

>> No.50782876
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There's nothing blind about the faith. There are a mountain of metrics, acquisitions, hires, proofs, confirmations. What are you honestly asking for at this point? And you can settle down, you don't need to keep up the act. I'm happy to engage with you.

>> No.50782883

cool, more worthless made up stats from CL themselves, just bought even moar stinkers!!!!

>> No.50782892

What do you want, anon? If that sort of data is not confirmation of progress, then what do you want? What would satisfy you that progress is being made?

>> No.50782898

>How make money with Arb
Buy Chainlink tokens, kid. That simple.

>> No.50782917

>I'll just keep having blind faith to the team
You don't have to have blind faith in the team.
You don't have to have any kind of faith in the team.

There are millions of teams in the world doing all kinds of things, and the wonderful thing is you personally don't have to have any kind of faith in any of them.

>> No.50782919

>really, stfu with your whining, everything is going according to plan, just wait 10 more years
I would be satisfied if you'd stop gaslighting this board

>> No.50782926


>> No.50782927

You don't have to trust the plan.
There are millions of plans being worked on out there, and you don't have to trust any of them.

>> No.50782931


>> No.50782934

Do you sincerely believe that Chainlink is not working towards what they claim to be working towards? And that LINK holders are, at best, being misled, and worst, deliberately misleading others?

>> No.50782941

yes, absolutely
couldn't have said it better myself

>> No.50782942

Obviously if you don't have any faith in any of the teams out there, you should definitely not buy any of their shit.

You don't have to believe that it works lol.

>> No.50782948

actually, I don't even have to buy it, I'll become rich either way!!! hur durr derpity derp rolf lmao

>> No.50782956

There are likely teams and projects out there that will make people rich, yes.
If you think you found one, then buy that.

>> No.50782964

Did you used to hold Chainlink and made a loss on it, and you feel like you got scammed by Chainlink holders who talked you into it with a lot of hopium? But now that the price continues to dump/stagnate you feel vindicated for selling, and the fact linkies keep making threads is just proof they are scammers?

>> No.50782973
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Yo!! I know I did interact with this project as per for its retroactive airdrops, but c'mon, the protocols and participation are becoming damn worrying and, from what I have seen, it needs more scalability.

I'm just looking from afar, but I know that for now, ERC20 tokens, such as Sylo, FLD, and even the upcoming DREEM, are my alphas. I don't give a fuck, but I'm just focusing on solid fundamentals of decentralized communication network protocol, liquidity aggregation and Metaverse of each of these projects respectively.

>> No.50782997

>hurr le profiling of the fudders
no actually my average was $0.27, I begun selling portions of my stack around $30, I unloaded the rest of them around $14, just before LUNA imploded, so no, I didn't "make a loss"

>> No.50783021

it can handle computationally expensive functions that are important for decentralised apps but should not necessarily be completed on-chain due to inefficiency
so it completes them off-chain (hence off-chain labs) and broadcasts the results back on-chain. chainlink is an integral part if this step, since without a decentralised oracle this process is basically completely centralised and poses a massive risk as everything is under arbitrum's control. chainlink oracles can instead turn this centralised and risky method into a decentralised, trustless one

arbitrum stands to basically give -90% fee discounts on lots of complicated transactions, like ones seen in defi
but many defi devs refused to use it, citing "early adoption risks" and waiting for it to prove its reliability
in reality they are most likely waiting for LINK staking (with collateralisation implemented) to prevent exploits and attacks

>> No.50783036

And you've completely lost faith in the project and the team's ability to deliver?
Honestly if you are an early buyer, then that's even more interesting. What killed it for you? Is it just too slow? You were hoping for the full world changing tech stack and all there is at the moment is price feeds, vrf and keepers? Is it that new functionalities get added faster than old ones get delivered? Like they should have fully rolled out DECO before starting on CCIP sort of thing? Was it the lack of neet nodes, with in house vetted nodes only? A combination of these things?

>> No.50783050

you summed it up wonderfully anon, congrats!
I would also add disappointment towards the entire market, paired along with extremely bleak macro economic conditions, and the realization that this technology is literally decades away from being actually useful.

>> No.50783055

>I sold all my Link
And yet here you are, 15 pbtid into a schizoid mental breakdown.

>> No.50783066

>shizoid breakdown
you ought to know, being a schizo yourself

>> No.50783080

Fair enough, anon. Thanks for talking about it. Do you still hold any crypto at all?

>> No.50783113

unironically ETH, not because I believe in it obviously, I'm planning on dumping everything before the merge.
and to provide a sincere response to this>>50782892
I would be satisfied if they started shipping shit instead of blogposting, twitter posting, and releasing new whitepapers full of unfulfilled promises
what's even the point of announcing DECO if it's not going to be ready for 2+ years? shut up and announce it when it's ready
>inb4 ETH fucked up
not my problem, they should have known better, they're the best team in the industry after all, and so many people that have deep understanding of ETH's inner workings are employed by CL, (Ben Chan, Hudson etc)
there is no fucking excuse
oh, Celsius and Bancor shilling were also a strong sell signal for me, not even joking

>> No.50783155

>17 seething pbtid
Take your meds, seriously. This isn’t healthy

>> No.50783160

sure sure just bought more etc

>> No.50783172

I appreciate the detailed answer, and I agree the Celsius connection especially was a completely incomprehensible misstep. Why Chainlink would even want to be in the same room as a CeFi grifter like Mashinsky is beyond me, let alone handing over funds. SBF at SmartCon gives me a similar sour taste, although on an even bigger scale.
It's interesting that we see eye to eye on a lot of this stuff but still fall on opposite sides of whether to remain invested.
Chainlink play their cards so close, that it's easy to fill in all the gaps with rose colored interpretations, but I fully get that this can be giving them too much credit in some cases.

>> No.50783174

You’re ranting and raving about a coin you allegedly profited massively on. Your story makes no sense. You are likely an esl jeet. Kys

>> No.50783179

thanks for the mention, I missed the first tasks.
>starting from scratch.
if that is the case they could talk about it a bit more

>> No.50783185

he's responding to questions i've asked and prompts i've given, anon. You don't have to be here.

>> No.50783193

>SBF at SmartCon gives me a similar sour taste
likewise, I even forgot about that
thanks for being reasonable anon, that was surprisingly pleasant
didn't read; never selling
etc etc

>> No.50783216

>thanks for being reasonable anon, that was surprisingly pleasant
same from me. best of luck with everything.

>> No.50783351

>this has been a 20 year hold right from the start!
10 year hold is pretty usual

>> No.50783532

No it isn’t. 5 years max. If you need more that to make it you’re doing it wrong. This is crypto not boomer stonks

>> No.50783770

>Why Chainlink would even want to be in the same room as a CeFi grifter like Mashinsky is beyond me
What the fuck made him a grifter?
The fact that the used fractional reserves, like literally every financial institution in the world?
By this logic Sergey should turn down literally every single bank, insurance company, crypto project, ... in existence, and its usage would be 0.

Even Aave missed the mark to some extent when they failed to use Proof of Reserve for their Harmony one bridge, and they got exploited for it.
The point is to reel in users and gradually let them see the light and shift towards it.

>> No.50783800

Why is a company whose entire thesis is the birth of trust minimised institutions giving treasury management powers to just-trust-me-bro CeFi lenders anyway?

>> No.50783813

>hurr Sergey should turn down Celsius and SBF
>also Sergey should turn down all banks and institutions because they're globohomo
>also also Sergey should turn down Defi since it's all ponzi scams
>in short: Sergey should work in complete isolation and obscurity for eternity, with only me as their true believer

You faggots are self-sabotaging betas.

>> No.50783820

Swift is a global network of "just-trust-me-bro" fractional reserve bankers.
By your logic, Sergey should definitely not be working with Swift.

>> No.50783863
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When Ethereum merge is finally done there and then the 100k TPS mark for scalability will be achievable. Hopefully sylo will partake of it whilst still ensuring data privacy is assured and data harvesting curtailed.

>> No.50784415

yeah, I'm sure my feelings and thoughts affect greatly the progress of LINK

>> No.50784663

I'm just pointing out how retarded you are.

>> No.50784720


what yall gonna do when vitalik gets confirmed as an speaker in Smartcon?

>> No.50784731

It's all a massive priced in scenario.
The biggest, most obvious "buy the rumor, sell the news" case in the history of modern finance.

>> No.50785168

>cefi is the same as established legacy financial institutions, if you're against CL integrating with cefi, then you're against that as well
stick your retarded mental gymnastics up your ass you retarded, illiterate, derailing moron

>> No.50785257

Well what's the problem with cefi according to you?

>> No.50785281

that they are ponzis not backed by governments/central banks, you absolute massive retard
>huurrrr if you're trusting banks practicing fractional reserve bankning, what's wrong with a couple of literal who "decentralized" protocols?
you're so retarded it hurts

>> No.50785310

>"decentralized" protocols
Anon, it's literally called "centralized finance" by all involved. Nobody is claiming it's decentralized.

Cefi is fundamentally the exact same fractional reserve shit as traditional banks. If you think Chainlink should stay away from cefi, you also think Chainlink should stay away from traditional banks.

>> No.50785343

>Cefi is fundamentally the exact same fractional reserve shit as traditional banks
except that Cefi can fail at literally any time, in stark contrast to traditional banks that will always have the FED bailing their ass
you absolute retarded mong, you're advocating for Cefi to replace the fucking banks, yeah that's exactly what this space needs
fuck yourself for trying to gaslight once again
>huuuuurrrrr cefi = banks I'm telling you

>> No.50785389
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>except that Cefi can fail at literally any time
see pic
And being more likely to get bailed out has nothing to do with the fractional "just-trust-me-bro" fundamentals shared by trad banks and cefi.

>you're advocating for Cefi to replace the fucking banks
You are literally retarded. Literally.

>> No.50785445

Lehman stood for over 180 years you drooling fucking moron, and how about all the fucking others that are still there?
What the fuck is your point? Cefi is safer?? Celsius did nothing wrong? Bancor is totally legit and shit happens?
okay, CL should integrate and promote everybody, they did nothing wrong, you're completely fine and happy with the way the team and Sergey has conducted themselves, you're obviously very happy with the progress which has been made so far, anybody thinking otherwise is a retard and we should market buy more LINK right now
go fuck yourself

>> No.50785488

>Lehman stood for over 180 years
And then it fell lol

>What the fuck is your point? Cefi is safer??
No, fractional systems are inherently unsafe. It's what killed Celsius, Luna, etc.
Full backing + proof of reserves is the way to go. And this can be done decentrally.

But because fractional systems are inferior doesn't mean everyone offering fractional systems are automatically grifters.

>> No.50785496

>I did interact with this project as per for its retroactive airdrops
good morning, sir

>> No.50785510

>Full backing + proof of reserves is the way to go. And this can be done decentrally.
and that's exactly why I am not happy about LINK integrating with them, handing them over treasury funds, and promoting their platforms
you on the other hand, I seriously don't understand your fucking point, you're just lashing out to anybody who criticize is the team I guess, despite agreeing that they shouldn't had integrated with shitty centralized protocols that try to replace the fucking banks.
you just stopped by to call me a retard, thanks I guess, you too

>> No.50785518

>and that's exactly why I am not happy about LINK integrating with them
That means you're not happy about Link working with traditional finance like Swift.

>> No.50785607


>> No.50785677

kind of brain dead my guy, why would link not investigate and provide to every avenue for their product to be used? the reality is the burden was never on link, you fell for the scam or you didn't, if your own research is shit that's a tough life lesson to learn but it's reality, happens when you gamble with your money

>> No.50785707

> 1 week finality
Into the trash it goes

>> No.50785728

Anyone know what this was? Wtf

>> No.50785749

do you know where you are? kek

>> No.50785978

two more weeks guys, trust the plan!


>> No.50786047

I don't understand why someone who made a 100x profit on a project would continue to browse threads about it on here daily and shitpost about how terrible it is. You won, isn't it time to move on?

>> No.50786092

cap tables platform?

>> No.50786143

>handing them over treasury funds

Proof please