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File: 147 KB, 1052x1059, America.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50773077 No.50773077 [Reply] [Original]

Not only does America continue to dominate in total economy, but also in GDP per capita. The rest of the developed world hasn't even recovered from the 2008 crisis let alone covid, while America continues to grow exponentially. While young canadians/australians/europeans continue to need 25 years of education to get a job paying 50k USD(if they can beat the thousands of other competitors) and then put a down payment on a 1 bedroom condo at age 37, young Americans are already homeowners by age 25 earning 80k+ USD while accumulating shares in the S&P 500(increasing in value 10%+ per year on average) without even graduating university, typically university grad salaries are 100k+ USD starting, work from home, lots of benefits and stock options, and access to fortune 500 companies for promotion

>> No.50773089
File: 508 KB, 1242x1041, 1659365568534406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with yurop's tech sector?

>> No.50773091

kek europoors

>> No.50773100

What are those meme charts and how it ll push muh effrumz above 10k?

>> No.50773135

>The rest of the developed world hasn't even recovered from the 2008 crisis
yes everyone sensible is aware of this
australia and canada aren't that bad though
iirc australian gdp/capita is ~$50k and canada is dragged down by quebec and it's western territories
but the CoL in australia and canada have exploded in ways america is just catching up with

europe is an economic zombie however
it's a shambling corpse of legacy companies and industries that are slowly being sold or decaying

>> No.50773137
File: 31 KB, 502x346, 1413231031240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in America the "losers"(chuds, deplorables, whatever you want to call them) are still vastly more wealthy then even the middle classes of the rest of the world, even the poorest US state Mississippi is more wealthy than western European countries per capita

>> No.50773163

>be american
>work at mc donalds
>get paid $16/hr
>more than skilled workers in europe
>pay half as much tax

>> No.50773172

You are doomed in Canada and Australia unless your parents buy you a house or are born wealthy, the only exception is Alberta which has American salaries and lower house prices

>> No.50773189
File: 57 KB, 970x741, Capture2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The rest of the developed world hasn't even recovered from the 2008 crisis let alone covid

realistically we're only 10% higher gdp value using inflation "estimates"

>> No.50773203
File: 61 KB, 1262x478, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and if you compare nasdaq with inflation the economy didn't reach ATH again for like 18 years. Obviously usa did well compared to the rest of the world but lol

>> No.50773213

Hey now, we have FREE* HEALTHCARE**.

Most Europeans literally deserve their poverty. The small minority who recognize how fucked they are MAKE IT WORSE by further empowering their governments.

>> No.50773228
File: 13 KB, 256x76, Ntrepid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post brought to you by Operation Earnest Voice™
Now include China, India, Japan, and South Korea on that graph, you disingenuous faggot.

>> No.50773255
File: 34 KB, 857x420, 5ccd097a-772c-4b5je-84fa-e2f76092de3c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it's the house prices in every area with work but australia has a lot of industrial work i've always had the impression you can do well there
can't speak from experience though - i just have statistics
WA and NT have the highest gdp per capita not NSW
and europe has gone backwards

>> No.50773291

Pipe dream post

>> No.50773307

the nasdaq is relatively volatile though and it had a lot of dot com bubble companies in it
the thing is, the usa has recovered whereas europe really hasn't
and the problem is exacerbated by brain drain as educated ambitious europeans flee to america because that's where the money is
heck if you want a good job here odds are you're working for an international company

>> No.50773324
File: 971 KB, 1046x1074, 1659292103224004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strike a cope yuropoor?

>> No.50773365


Inida and china poor shitholes unless you live in a tier 1 city or are brahmin class(in which case you just immigrate to silicon valley), in order to live in a tier 1 city you must be a Tsinghua graduate with 140+ IQ and your quality of life is still lower than Mike Smith 2.7 GPA from indiana univeristy working some middle management job.

Japan and South Korea are both dystopian work camps where the population have stopped reproducing

>> No.50773392

india and china were not part of the developed world and korea and japan have been totally stagnant too

>> No.50773410

If you are upper middle class there is really no best place to live than the US. I'm a eurocuck, making good money and getting assblasted with >50% income tax. On top of that there's a shit load of indirect taxation, for example gas has like a total of 60% taxation. For that amount of taxes I get free healthcare, except it sucks and since I don't want to be queuing for hours/days/weeks with Jamal I still have to pay for private insurance anyway. It really sucks being successful in socialist Portugal, unironically why most people settle for mediocrity in this country.

>> No.50773423

>current USD

hint: the other economies didn't stagnate or decrease by 20-30% in 2 years lmao

>> No.50773433

this post is about your graph +
>The rest of the developed world hasn't even recovered from the 2008 crisis let alone covid, while America continues to grow exponentially.
it shows how much you actually know, OP

>> No.50773444

>your quality of life
Comparing quality of life is disingenuous, you have the background demographics dragging that metric around.

>> No.50773515

tfw my country's economy rests on a mountain of deano shitbox mortgages backed by nothing but a service sales ouroboros

>> No.50773584

smells like cope to me
i'd rather live in a white country, because i'm not poor, than live in a brown country like america and cope with economic statistics while trannies take over.
sure if you're poor america is a better bet, but you're trash at that point so who cares

>> No.50773586

bloody smithster

>> No.50773627

jewnited states economic growth is overwhelmingly driven by """big tech"""" acting as a conduit for the federal government's domestic spying programs (plus some ancillary revenue from third party private industry sales of user data, read the ToS goy.) european countries aren't spineless anti-privacy cuckolds. GDPR consequently puts a massive damper on the value of the tech industry. cope and seethe, sneed and feed, you know it's true.

>> No.50773637

You have it completely backwards. If you're poor in America you have to slum it with niggers but if you're rich you live in a completely white exclusive community in a giant house and phenomenal healthcare and luxury. In Europe, no matter how rich you are you can't escape because it's so dense and you are forced to use the same shitty social healthcare as the lowliest niggers. Even if you pay for private healthcare you can still end up in a public hospital.

>> No.50773641

Whore doll

>> No.50773667

yeah its what happens when the world is forced to use your currency and you hold the printer

>> No.50773671

jewgle claims ~$50 billion a quarter from advertisement revenue alone. ask yourself if this sounds like reality, or if it sounds like a black box project for domestic spying not unlike room 641a or the shit mentioned in the snowden/schutle leaks.

>> No.50773772

Inflation between 2021 and 2022 is over 26% no one can tell me otherwise I’ve looked at the price of the thing I actually regularly buy.

>> No.50773793

That's because america prints dollars and other countries can't.

>> No.50774239 [DELETED] 

The UK is still an economic powerhouse. When their empire was started dying, they decided to take advantage of their remaining overseas territories to funnel international money into UK banks.
How did they do that? Tax havens. British Virgin Isles, Cayman Isles, Isle of Man, Bermuda and many more. Money from all over the world, much of it being proceeds from crime, flows into these tax havens, and from there it is funneled into the City of London for management by UK banks. Trillions and trillions of dollars. And that's how the UK managed to stay relevant, by becoming a financial behemoth built on drug money and overseas tax cheats

Trillions and trillions of dollars

>> No.50774282

Cool, but the government will never in any sense of the word be held accountable for that so who cares?

>> No.50774295

Greatest country on Earth, unironically.

>> No.50774310

I make a 100k a year working a TRADE
desk jockey euorpoors BTFO

>> No.50774321

so GDP also being printed on printers?
sounds stupid, ruskie fella

>> No.50774414

America is shit. This is a complete lie.
You're really going with this huh. Are you trying to lose the midterms on purpose? Fucking asshole gaslighter.

>> No.50774417

yes printing increases your gdp you low iq monkey

>> No.50774574

GDP per capita doesn't mean shit when you don't get the capita.