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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50771452 No.50771452 [Reply] [Original]

>Soulbound Studio alpha launch & discussion

>Soulbound Labs demonstrates no-code subgraph generation and deployment in 41 seconds

>This month in indexing (and other news), July 2022

>Repo Watch: tracking changes from testing L2 testnet functionality

>The Graph Council Meeting #33 Notes

>Messari publishes Q2 report for The Graph mainnet

>Indexer Office Hours #68, incl. discussion on epoch block oracle

>The Graph Council Meeting #31 Notes - query versioning and epoch block oracle "ready to be prepared for execution on-chain"

>Repo Watch: Experimental migration of subgraphs to L2 through GNS (PR)

>Indexer Office Hours #65, incl. discussion on substreams

>Indexer Office Hours #64, incl. discussion on shellproofs


>Call Calendar

>Network Docs

>Network Statistics & Analytics (inc. Indexers)

>Indexer List

>Gas Price Tracking & Analytics

>Notes on Delegation

>> No.50771698

Thank you for these threads!

>> No.50771710
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ay mane i love dem gurts

>> No.50771714

No problem!

>> No.50771740

I want to invest in GRT but don't know how.

>> No.50771763

What do you mean?

>> No.50772314

How he could get comfortable with financial cuckoldry. If grt stays under .15 cents until qr 2023 ill grab a make it stack, i guess

>> No.50773388

Take your cash, open your toilet bowl, throw cash in said toilet, flush

>> No.50773396


>> No.50773769

Checked and keked
But seriously though, if I did that instead of buying GRT for the last year my portfolio would pretty much be the same

>> No.50774277

I want to invest in GRT and I know how. The problem is that I'm scared bros. I'm so fucking scared of losing my money and GRT tanking. Should I buy in? I gotta about 30K USD on the sidelines. Thinking of yoloing into this as it has been described as the google of blockchain.

>> No.50774289

make it is still 10k right? got my delegated

>> No.50774584

throw 10k in this, 4k in ada (gay but reddit will pump it next run guaranteed even if still vaporware), 5k link, 5k eth, 5k btc, 1k in lunc.
retire in 2025

>> No.50774615

Garbage advice.


Bros, have 500k GRT. Need to get to 1M. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.50774630

lmao mad redditor go back

>> No.50774642

Nigger, you literally have the reddit portfolio. Buying ADA? Are you mentally handicapped?

>> No.50774652

Terrible advice.

>> No.50774653

Into the front of the breadline, yes.
Checked. If it were me id pick up 100k grt for about 12k and put the rest into link.

>> No.50774701

>I gotta about 30K USD on the sidelines
Should save it for this https://icodrops.com/layerzero/
Don't know when/if they start an ICO round, but it seems very promising (can't speak of the token economics).

>> No.50774705

says the faggot reddit spacer
did your wife's bf hurt her last night and you're frustrated you can't do anything about it? poor baby

>> No.50774718

DCA and delegate.

Traditionally 10k/100k, but that might be too optimistic for the next 36 months.

I'd love to have that much delegated with 2023 on the horizon.

>> No.50774740

nice samefagging btw
change up your writing style next time and no, we aren't pumping your shit ico

>> No.50774956
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wtf! a GRT just flew over my house

>> No.50776956
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Hi sirs anybody wanna talk
Good week end

>> No.50776989

gm, how's your weekend going?

>> No.50777690

Its over. Sell NOW

>> No.50778287

Why is my GRT so small now.....

>> No.50779081

Good eveneing Sir

Good I just eat some oatmeal.

>> No.50779609

Liquid supply dilution without proportional buying pressure. Fees ramping up next year should help.

Meatball sub earlier here. Planned on going on a hacking spree tonight but alas, headache. Starting early tomorrow.

>> No.50779619

If GRT was $5 everything would be fine.

>> No.50779637
File: 19 KB, 217x320, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a confession.
I bought GRT when it was over $1 and I'm still bagholding it in shame.

>> No.50780330

Sir donot have regretfull for past mistake... instead have thankfull for always tomorrow

>> No.50781387

As a developer I cannot overstate how good subgraphs are compared to existing solutions. The ecosystem around them has yet to mature but once it does... I suggest you stack gurts in the meantime

>> No.50781765

$40 EOY is FUD!

>> No.50782334

that would fix my life

>> No.50782682

Based noticer

>> No.50783125

As higher levels of abstraction are unlocked in subgraph development, things are going to get interesting, crazy even. Composability is big piece of the puzzle, the technology powering Soulbound's studio another, verifiable indexing and queries also important.

I'd like to see subgraph standard become language-agnostic. Many languages can compile to WASM, which leads me to wonder why you couldn't eventually build a subgraph with them instead of AS, library linking concerns aside.

>> No.50783947

I’m so fucking tired of this poster. The same asshole that uses SAT words over and over again in paragraph form to make GRT seem like some amazing tech development that’s only a matter of months away from blasting off.

How long will it take you to realize this shit is never recovering? The tokenomics are completely destroyed, the hype is gone, the team refuses to market, they’re hemorrhaging clients as the best ones are choosing to build their own, and even bullish cases of migrated queries barely result in any burning of query fees.

Maybe people just don’t give a shit about infrastructure? Especially something that most teams can build themselves and save all the dependencies waiting for The Graph to actually work.

>> No.50784026

Sir please have mercy

>> No.50784052

But it's le goigr of bluopshen

>> No.50784756

>Maybe people just don’t give a shit about infrastructure? Especially something that most teams can build themselves and save all the dependencies waiting for The Graph to actually work.

That's a great point that no one's really considered before.

Maybe projects want to spend precious time and resources deploying and maintaining archival nodes, writing and maintaining software and infrastructure for indexing events and data while accounting for chain reorgs, eventually sharding, and data schema migrations, and hiring personnel to keep it running 24/7 without hiccups in their application stacks. It's not actually the core product they're building, but like you said, maybe people don't give a shit about offloading their infrastructure to reduce overhead.

It's not impossible. A lot of projects did it independently in 2017-2018 to support their applications. A few succeeded, most went up in smoke by 2019 after spinning in the mud and failing to deliver, and a lot of survivors migrated to The Graph for ease of use and cost reduction, but do they really need it? We can retvrn to the way things used to be. Because tokenomics.

A major Web3 social project decided to self-index to maximize content moderation control, and publicly complained about the hosted service being slow. This is truly a damning critique of The Graph that it will never recover from. Sell now, it's over.

>> No.50785702

>muh precious time
>muh resources
The projects that MATTER have plenty of time and resources to run their own indexers. It gives them way more control over the data and removes the need to wait on fucking Edge & Node or whatever other random 5-person “””core developer””” to come in and fix their problems whenever they feel like it.

The Graph is only helpful for indie dev scaffolding projects that actually have restrictions on time and resources. The projects that will lead the charge of the revolution will never trust major infrastructure to another team just because “muh decentralization”.

>> No.50786367

uhhhhhh GRT bros? can you refute this FUD? why won't the biggest dapps like uniswap and aave just self-index? they have the money to do it themselves. these big dapps also provide most of the queries for the graph. is it over?

>> No.50786469

Its over. Sell now

>> No.50786517

It's over
Fuck tegan
Fuck Traniv
Fuck Payne

>> No.50787256

Is fuck payne back? Bullish!

>> No.50787655

It's always been over. At last you truly see.