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50770324 No.50770324 [Reply] [Original]

current neet, I've got a comp sci degree but I don't have a 'love' of tech or anything gay like that. I just want to find which skills will net me the most money from boomers with the least effort

>> No.50770338

>I have a CS degree
>please answer a retarded question about cs

>> No.50770379

how does this bitch access elements in a 2D array if she's afraid of nested for loops.

>> No.50770383

haskell :)

>> No.50770393

Pandas slicing I imagine

>> No.50770412

makes sense but god damn that's still infuriating

>> No.50770426

how can I overcome my fear of print statements?

>> No.50770468

Congratulations on wasting your time.

>> No.50770472

What the fuck kind of bizarre autism is this?

>> No.50770486

string s = "print";
for(int i = 0; i > 10; i++)
printf("%s %s %s %s %s %s, s);

>> No.50770493
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>> No.50770505
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>> No.50770510
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at your skill level no one gives a shit what language you're good at, they only care if you will be able to learn to code, not cause massive losses and outages, and won't be a complete ass hat. you zoomers are seriously retarded.

>> No.50770537

Jesus the simplest of codes

>> No.50770686


>> No.50770715

I hate women so much it’s unreal

>> No.50770718
File: 61 KB, 483x392, dabbu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a complete brainlet: Javascript (It's actually insane how bad you can be at this and still make lots of money)
If you're a high iq: Solidity, salaries on this are insane at the moment.

>> No.50770723

I'm going to statistics and R & Python seems to be the standard

>> No.50770798

Wow someone went to a shit school.

>> No.50770799

If you don't have any industry experience getting some, any, really, is most important, now. I graduated with a CS degree but didn't work my first serious tech job until 8 years after, too. I had already learned programming in school, but mostly Java and SQL, so, over 3 months, I self taught 4-8 hours a day, 7 days a week. Learned HTML, CSS, JS, then some Python and React, and PHP, and brushed up on SQL again.

From this, was able to get an $81k dev job, after about 3 weeks of looking, but it was a shit PHP monolith. While here, I also secretly spent a couple hours each day studying Python more, and learning more patterns and principles (back-end), also. Then, I moved to another, better job, that still has PHP, but also nice Python microservices and functional React. $106.5k here ($123k after benefit matching and semi-annual bonuses). Two and 1/2 years into dev jobs now, and feel experienced enough to easily get decent work, here on out, and feel set for a long time. You'll learn more on a job than self teaching, also, FYI.

>> No.50770867

so tired of this "loop elitism", like avoiding for loops makes you an idiot. in modern programming you can go an entire career without using a particular loop if you dont want to. acting like you need to use both is like being proud of knowing how to operate a telephone switchboard or something from last century

>> No.50770883

I just don't understand why you would go out of your way to use a for loop. It makes doing certain things so much easier and it's not like for loops are complicated.

>> No.50770887

how old are you?

>> No.50770888


>> No.50770907

stream then flatmap

>> No.50770925

Nazis get punched

>> No.50771043

Is this bait? Not knowing how to use various loops is akin to not knowing how to subtract.

>> No.50771053


int rows = arr.length;
int cols = arr.length == 0 ? 0 : arr[0].length;
for(int i = 0; i < rows * cols; i++) {
int x = i / cols;
int y = i - (x * cols);
Object element = arr[x][y]

>> No.50771124

>be first world
>Waste educating your children with 4 languages
>kids grow stressed and with suicidal thoughts
>At the end they have to re-learn everything because those clown languages are useless

>> No.50771225

Based fast inverse square root Quake algorithm.

>> No.50771363

The absolute state of data science

Mostly true but solidity is basically Javascript for blockchain and can be easily learned by a midwit

You are right, but the value is in your ability to do statistics, those are merely the tools, if you do not know statistics and just want a dev job, R is useless and python may count as general programming experience but isn't going to get you hired for knowing it

>> No.50771437

Found the googler. How's the union coming?

>> No.50771501

came here to post this
but most people in this thread wont get it

>> No.50771724

If you want a one-size fits all language that's in demand, easy to work with, and can do pretty much anything these days, you can't go wrong with Javascript/Typescript. Although it's a very popular language, which means more competition.

If you want an easy way into the game though, learn some boomer language nobody teaches anymore that tons of enterprise systems still run on, like COBOL or Fortran. Hell, even PHP is getting harder to find devs on US timezones for.

>> No.50771803

Hardcoded indizes

>> No.50771875

the one you get hired for

>> No.50771918

Declarative iteration over a "slice" or a mapping that operates on the whole thing sequentially in a first order execution kind of way. It's never faster.

>> No.50771976

I'm an aspirational programmer and using loops is a vital skill right?
On the one hand I always think I'm being inefficient looping through an entire array or something but they're so useful.
I genuinely cannot even understand how you would do certain things without using loops.

>> No.50772053
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How can you fuck up as badly as you did.

>> No.50772076

>just want a dev job

Going into category management for consumer goods companies.

>> No.50772146

This retardation is what happens when society keeps celebrating mentally ill people as normal

>> No.50772294

vector functions in pandas are 10 to 50 times faster than looping through

loops are about as vital as If statements. absolutely insane to work around them. If she can hold a Data Science job w/o for loops, im guessing she has domain knowledge and only does statistics. And has someone else do sanitation/entity resolution/all the grunt work.

>> No.50772321


>> No.50772368

>vector functions in pandas are 10 to 50 times faster than looping through
If you're talking about parallelized ones. Not everything in the world is massively parallelizable. Declarative iterative is NEVER faster and it comes up more often than parallelizable tasks, but in that case if you're using something like c# there is a parallel for to handle that.

>> No.50772420

>comp sci degree but I don't have a 'love' of tech or anything gay like that

You'll be competing for jobs with autists who do have that 'love' for tech. Who do you think they're going to hire, you or the autist?

TLDR: You're fucked.

>> No.50772492

yes loops are a fundamental core skill. at the assembly level there is a program counter (PC) which points to memory address containing the current instruction. by using a jump instruction to modify the PC you can create an infinite loop over a sequence of instructions.

a branch conditional (an if statement) can be added to test a condition to exit the loop. what the for loop phobia lady doesn't understand is at a lower level there is essentially no difference between for and while loops.

>> No.50772496

I'd say in terms of learning difficulty vs availability of jobs C# is the best language to invest your learning in. I tried my best to avoid it but ended up capitulating and it's just Java that runs in VS so it's not that bad, and the entry level positions pay 50%+ more than more Javascript/webdev deals.

>> No.50772553

for loops are also practically a while-loop hand-holding shortcut. women just have low verbal intelligence and get scared at the strange code with the semicolons inside the parenthesis; they'd rather write it as an ugly while loop just for "le readability" while actually reducing readability.

>> No.50772558

Pretty much yeah, solidity is "easy" to learn if you want to work at any 3rd rate web3 company
To actually be good at solidity is another thing entirely since you need to understand the EVM in depth

>> No.50772572

I wish I were smart enough to learn entry-level programming. I’m not looking to do it professionally—just as a minor hobby that I could maybe use to improve things for work and personally. I’ve been interested in SQL and Python, but I never move past the first or second tutorial. I just find myself copying whatever they do and not actually learn.

>> No.50772578

>use her version of max(a,b)
>values are equal
>returns 5 because haha random
>plane crashes into the side of a mountain

this is actually the world liberals want

>> No.50772590

>imagine being such a good little cuck you spend 4 years in school and then having to study 8 hours a day after graduating just to lick shekelsteins boots with pajeets

>> No.50772606

This was 100% a joke. It had to be. No one would know the inverse sqrt but write code like that.

>> No.50772674

>Mostly true but solidity is basically Javascript for blockchain and can be easily learned by a midwit
Yeah its not hard to learn I mean more with Solidity if your shit is coded wrong there are actual consequences.

Javascript if you work on a react team with 10+ people you can basically get away with never shipping a working piece of code and people wont ever notice your shit never works.

>> No.50772688

think it was an edit made by /g/

this however was completely real >>50770493

>> No.50772784

javascript is most profitable, it's easy and high demand
every website has it, many mobile apps do aswell
you're running plenty of javascript right on when browsing 4chan /biz/

>> No.50772787

C++ because once you C you will understand what how the OS communicates with software and hardware. Also every language 1990s and up is based on c++.

>> No.50772803
File: 222 KB, 640x960, 0E2A84F5-16FE-4370-B428-AE5F80E502F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why it’s Motoko of course

>> No.50773018

Lol if they're afraid of loops they'll never even get to a webscraper.

>> No.50773065

The most profitable is going to be some legacy shit that only a handful of people still work on. Some companies have like 50 year old backends that still need maintaining and replacing them would cost more than just paying shitton to some lucky dude who still knows the language.

>> No.50773142

She isn't a real data scientist
She holds a job as a diversity higher you dB cunt

>> No.50773169

you can code in functional languages and never use a single loop with recursive functions

>> No.50773231

I hope so. If not, that mindset is why everything requires 12 cores and 16GB memory to run anything these days.
>B-but my framework magic function just DOES it for me!
Fucking jeet code everywhere.

>> No.50773325

Anon you should honestly give up now, you aren't going to have what it takes to develop those skills if you don't enjoy the tech, and if you do it will be by making yourself hate your life.

>> No.50773356
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>imagine not understanding loops

>> No.50773460

>for loops in C are faster than for loops in vanilla python
No shit. Pandas is a wrapper for C nigger.

>> No.50773505

People saying COBOL, are actually serious? I understand it's a boomer language and many old enterprise systems use it but boomers don't like to pay big bucks.

>> No.50773535

Lisp, definitely

>> No.50773549
File: 15 KB, 559x212, WomenInDataScience6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for loops girl
someone post the saga

>> No.50773558

he said profitable not elitist

>> No.50773608
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i have a few

>> No.50773619
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>> No.50773624
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>> No.50773630
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>> No.50773731

It's discouraging that people like these continue to enjoy plentiful job opportunities. Meritocracy when?

>> No.50773782

she probably earns 10x what i earn and doesnt even know how to fucking loop

>> No.50773914

Do you think whatever company she works for will ever actually let her add to the codebase and write new features?
Or are they just paying her to "level up" and teach herself how2code to keep her happy and not letting her know that this is pure vanity?

it seems like she's years away from being able to contribute any valuable software, and given how incapable of accepting advice or criticism or accepting how low her skill level is and how much she needs to catch up, I don't see it ever happening.
So what's the end goal? complete an online "coding with python" certificate then go back to doing the work of an analyst in excel because that's the only thing she can use competently ?

>> No.50774100

Bridge VC fundamentals (cap tables, various dispute legalisms, etc) into smart contracts. Run everything through multisig, stables, and pseudonymity.

>> No.50774159

It's more complicated than that. Many vectorized operations in pandas and other array programming APIs operate much faster by using the CPU's BLAS to parallelize linear algebra manipulations. These can be much faster than vanilla C loop operations.

Write your own matrix multiplication code in C and compare it to np.dot(). The results will astound you.

>> No.50774177

The company that employs her gets to boast about #womenintech and #changetheratio.

>> No.50774332

>dude just learn 2 code
if you don't have a degree in comp sci, it's pointless. Your application will be filtered as soon as they see you don't have it.

>> No.50774423

This country is a fucking joke.

>> No.50774807

Watching all these posts is very strange. I work at a big fintech business as a programmer, and contrary to what everyone seems to believe here, and what these weird social media posts show, the women I work with are mostly very competent. They usually won't put in the same hours as the guys, but the idea that any of them wouldn't know how to handle a for loop is completely laughable. So yeah I'm not sure what to make of this, maybe they get jobs at really crappy companies?

>> No.50774863

There's nothing strange about it. This is the rule not the exception. Apple is a crappy company now?

>> No.50774931

This is the rule? No its not. Have you ever worked as a programmer in a big successful business, and if you have, are you telling me that your female co-workers were clueless and didn't know how to handle the most basic operations in programming? This is just straight up bullshit, the women I work with have masters in AI or Maths or other tough STEM disciplines, they're not some token clueless diversity hires. How the fuck would the business not sink otherwise, our department has like 30% of women

>> No.50775241

Echoing this. I work at medium sized tech company and I've seen nothing like some of the posts here. Even while interviewing candidates, I've noticed that on average, a female will display more technical knowledge than a male. People are forgetting the other side, which is guys that coasted through their degree, struggle with basic technical questions and communicating, and figured that a job was just going to be handed to them. Obviously this can happen with females too, but I've noticed it way more interviewing men.