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File: 38 KB, 768x475, Charles-Hoskinson--regulated-business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50770167 No.50770167 [Reply] [Original]

Vasil hard fork in final stages of testing,
Cardano chads WAGMI

>> No.50770180

Two more weeks!

>> No.50770210
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Two more years for the "thousands of dapps"

>> No.50770217

>and we shall use UTXOs, because...

>> No.50770228

They have 42 with 0.1txs, that is almost thousands.

>> No.50770271
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can you come up with a new fud? that would be greaat. thaaanks.

>> No.50770286

Yep, and it's priced in too.

>> No.50770355

Charles is a god. kneel.

>> No.50770361

it's actually priced in, anon.

>> No.50771049
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I was a huge Cardano fan for years. I wanted it to succeed so much. But the chain is still unusable for anything complex or practical.
We should wait for the EVM sidechain to have real smart contracts!

>> No.50771183

>We should wait for the EVM sidechain
why don't you use polygon if you want to pretend you're using a blockchain?

>> No.50771212

Because it's a Cardano thread.
Why don't you fuck yourself with jackhammer if you don't have anything to say about Cardano?

>> No.50771446

I keep hearing about cardano smart contracts "not being real smart contracts". What does that mean?

>> No.50771489

It's like having sex with a woman but the woman is actually Lindsay Lohan

>> No.50771516

It means they offer a really weird feature set based on what's easy to implement and not what's useful for dapps. They are offloading the hard work onto dapp developers instead of doing it once in the core. It's not unexpected, these are not engineers.

>> No.50771561

Jeets can't into Haskell

>> No.50771667

Hey Charles. Where are the dApps?
You said there would be thousands of dApps on the chain by now. Why are there only 580?

Why does Polygon (a much younger chain) have more than 30,000 dApps? Why are you letting Polygon smoke you like that Charles?

>> No.50771841

Well, use https://www.milkomeda.com/ you retard..

Evm on Cardano. Now kys.

>> No.50771869

See >>50771561
Jeets can't copy paste shitcode onto cardano. We have to wait for white people to write good, secure code rather than trusting subhumans with millions to billions of dollars. If you don't understand this after all the hacks recently you are a subhuman shitskin

>> No.50771907

These reasons are kinda vague, can you elaborate? From what I understand, vasil hardfork addresses many of the short comings of current smart contracts. There's a good article about it from a project being built on Cardano called Meld: https://scribe.rip/meld-labs/akamon-beta-improvements-in-babbage-era-7d488e1d0490

The key things to me are reference inputs, scripts, and inline datums.

>> No.50771972

Is this shit ever going to do anything?
Should I buy a bag, and if so, how big a bag?

>> No.50773120

>dApps (soon)
>dApps (soon)
>dApps (soon)
>(soon) (soon) (soon) (soon) (soon) (soon) (soon) (soon) (soon) (soon) (soon) (soon) (soon) (soon) (soon) (soon) (soon)

>Now kys.
Why exactly? How is this an argument or comeback if it can't have dapps?

>> No.50773153
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who cares. cardano had its chance but it's over. This is gen 2 blockchain in a gen 3 world. Should moved faster chuck, but I guess as a non-developer there is only so much he can do.

>> No.50773173

>EVM on Cardano
at least they are finally giving up

>> No.50773214
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>It's not unexpected, these are not engineers.
It's the best statement about Cardano. They hoarded a team of math experts, theorists and researchers who have zero practical software development skills.

>Jeets can't into Haskell
Haskell is good. Functional programming is good. Cardano smart contracts are shit.

>> No.50773245
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>2000+ commits of spaghetti code

>> No.50773310

>From what I understand, vasil hardfork addresses many of the short comings of current smart contracts.
If they didn't abstracted away the UTXO micromanaging then they didn't solve shit.
I want to write simple swap contract without race conditions and third parties and bidding and scoopers and poopers. If I can't do that it's still shit.

>> No.50774421

You would just use marlowe at that point, it's there for a reason.

>> No.50774460

Why would we work harder on developing FUD than Charles does developing his ghost chain?

>> No.50774854
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The female version of "Vasil" is "Vasiline"

>> No.50776086
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what's there to cope with anon? I know Ethereum is shit code and I don't even use it, but only noobs, plebs and fembois use fartdano. The point is at least vitalik can code, charles' entire life is one big larp

>> No.50776125

Charles has not coded a single bit of code on the cardano blockchain. This is actually a good thing m8. He's the steve jobs of crypto

>> No.50776153

He's the RC Cola to Steve Jobs' classic Coke: A cheap knock-off bought by people in the hood because they can at least afford a fifty-cent can.

>> No.50776710
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eutxo is just so much more powerful, yes it's more "machine-level" which means if you're technologically handicapped you won't be effective with it, but people who enjoy software design can appreciate it. It just lends itself so much easier towards parallelization and sidechains and whatever. Just force yourself to think about it for a few minutes, by the clock.

>not real smart contracts
They are turing complete, they just work differently. Watch the Plutus Pioneer Programme if you want to understand how they differ.

The real issue is that until very recently developer experience was literally impossible. Now it's getting better. And Vasil is tremendously useful as well.

>> No.50776720

How the fuck is this scammer still around?

>> No.50776818
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>> No.50776874

>They are turing complete, they just work differently.
I only hear this argument from bad or beginner programmers. There are so much things beyond Turing completeness. You can put your Turing completeness into your ass if you can't reflect on anything and your running environment is a small, closed empty box.

>> No.50776978
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Cardano has an ecosystem, why are you choosing to ignore it?

>> No.50776988

That doesn't sound so bad

>> No.50777008
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Then explain in how far you think they are not real smart contracts. You probably mean that offchain plays a larger role. Maybe you've heard of oracle turing machines, it's a bit like this, the onchain is the verifier apparatus and the onchain the generator, which tends to do more heavy lifting. I don't know what you mean with the other points so I'll assume you're paid to spread disinformation with words 99% of the audience won't understand.

>> No.50777019

> the onchain is the verifier apparatus and the offchain the generator,

>> No.50777028

Fucking Reddit posters- die will you?

>> No.50777538

>Then explain in how far you think they are not real smart contracts.
I already explained that. If you can't create a basic swap contract without super complicated workarounds it's a pile of shit.
They fucked up the design. They could have created a good system with the same design principles. But the whole team is made of theorists without any practical knowledge.