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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 466 KB, 640x868, 1653353891570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50769984 No.50769984 [Reply] [Original]

Do not buy Chainlink now! It is pumping as a last try to attract exit liquidity. The company is in huge financial troubles since the Celsius and bancor debacle, insiders have been relentlessly dumping for more than a year now as they knew what was coming. Why do you think it magically underperformed every shitcoin and dropped to rank 30?Ask yourself these questions this moment is crucial the huge capitulation dump is near do not buy now.

>> No.50770000

Ok thanks.

>> No.50770025

phew, just sold it all thanks OP

>> No.50770212

I don't fucking care if this is another demoralization/fud/reverse psychology shitpost, I just want this ABSOLUTE PIECE OF SHIT to pump one last time so I can exit
do a fucking 2x you worthless piece of shit, $8 won't fucking cut it

>> No.50770240

>Dumps from $18 to $5.60
>Unprecedented SIX weekly candles in a row
>6th candle is a 50% drop
>This was totally not capitulation guys, capitulation is still coming!
Huge cope.

>> No.50770293

>muh bottom is in for the nth time
>Unprecedented SIX weekly candles in a row
yeah, after one HUNDRED and TWO (102) of never ending downturn against both BTC and ETH, thanks to these SIX weeks from 4 months ago, the bottom has been found!

>> No.50770298

checked and underrated ok posting

>> No.50770329

Check my id
2 weeks

>> No.50770342

unironically just opened a 10x long. LINK is looking really good right now.

>> No.50770394

anyone that shaves such a high percentage off of their conference was trying to rob you in the first place and once the gig didnt work they tried to get what they could, chainlink is insolvent.

>> No.50770456
File: 89 KB, 1402x837, 1659789743095004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time Link pumped (40% against the market), they just decided to tank the entire global economy.

>> No.50770465

what does that got to do with anything? idgaf anymore, I just want one more exit pump

>> No.50770476

Also covid was because of chainlink pumping

>> No.50770492
File: 143 KB, 1367x596, 1659793155580893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time Link pumps, something happens.

Point in case:
Yes, pic very related.

>> No.50770501
File: 92 KB, 820x593, Screenshot 2022-08-06 214217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink and a bunch of alts will dump now, the RSI is too high. You can buy the local low in ~3 days.

>> No.50770536

that's why I'm waiting for the next decent pump to unload
I don't get your point at all

>> No.50770554
File: 62 KB, 1307x648, chainlink gets listed on robinhood what happens next will surprise and amaze you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single pump gets quashed, what don't you understand.

>> No.50770567

Swingies get the rope. Anyway, if you want to swing, refer to this >>50770501
I think it will dump, imminently. Though, since I don't swing trade I won't do anything about it. I only accumulate.

>> No.50770594

that's why I'm waiting for the next decent pump to unload, what the fuck is your problem psycho
I'm not looking to swing, I'm looking to gtfo
fucking cultists

>> No.50770612

>that's why I'm waiting for the next decent pump
You don't seem to understand.

>> No.50770649
File: 193 KB, 1492x575, 3BE7BBA3-450B-4447-88B2-96D0D24252F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why use 2 hour candles when looking at a 6 month timeframe? Weekly rsi is still very low, link has a long way to run

>> No.50770650

>Asset is down 60% down from ATH after 11 months of bear
>Another 5 red weekly candles pummel it down even further, despair sets in
>6th candle is a devastating 50% downturn with huge volume, no bottom in sight. Text book capitulation candle.
>Asset trades within tight horizontal range for the next 3 months
>Is starting to creep up
>Broke out of 8 month old falling wedge
I mean, how many more bottom signals do you need? If we continue with the meme bubble image, you are literally the embodiment of disbelief.

>> No.50770657

>I'm not looking to swing, I'm looking to gtfo
Oh, my bad. I didn't read your previous posts.
Sell just before Smartcon then. I expect Link's price will pump in the lead-up to it, and then 70:30 odds that the price will pump up after Smartcon too (it will dump if staking is not announced).

>> No.50770672

"This is a sucker's rally"

>> No.50770676

I actually didn't know that changing the candles would change the RSI h-haha... (thanks for showing me that anon).
Anyway, the 2hr candles have been pretty reliable for showing local tops. Handy for swing traders I guess.

>> No.50770684

Surely everyone who was going to sell has sold by now, except op of course

>> No.50770711

>Asset is down 60% down from ATH after 11 months of bear
it's even worse than that
>the bottom is always obvious
yeah, each time my gut was telling me to sell, one of you retards appeared and convinced me this was the bottom, for real this time!
I'll go with my gut this time
ok, I truly expect nothing anymore, all I want is for this shitcoin to behave like every other crypto for once and give me one last 2x, is this too much to ask?
look at rose ffs

>> No.50770721

Imagine getting upset because you're so retarded you took advice from anonymous posters on the internet.
Just imagine for one second.

>> No.50770734

yes, yes I'm a retard and you're a genius, now fuck off

>> No.50770756

You don't have to be a genius to know not to trust anonymous posters on the internet.

>> No.50770778

that's what I'm doing right now, I'm straight up rejecting everyone who offers me advice itt
are you retarded?

>> No.50770797

I'm talking about you whining because you took advice from anonymous posters on the internet.

>> No.50770882

and now I'm rectifying my mistake by not listening to anybody else, including you
suck my dick

>> No.50770906

Why you would even admit to it in the first place, I'll never know.

>> No.50770924

why the fuck do you care you insane schizo
get off my ass

>> No.50770953

>I'll go with my gut this time
Thanks for another confirmation.

>> No.50770966

>Eat shit for 2 years thinking investment will turn around
>Sell at the first hint of the shit eating finally being over
Never change /biz/.

>> No.50770986

thanks for the classic sign that the bottom is not in, since you know, you've posted this a million times so far
>the bottom is in this time for sure!!!
fuck you and let me be, this is all I need to reconfirm you're a fucking cult, why do you care SO FUCKING much about my fucking money?
off yourself kike

>> No.50771039

Alts will correct when BTC corrects. Looking at btc’s chart it does appear a bottom is in as we have seen a huge volume increase. Unfortunately that just means we crab for another year before any serious move up but now is the time to start DCA’ing.

>> No.50771068

k thx, since I need the money like right now, I'll stick to my plan for now

>> No.50771096

Why pump to the teens for a pittance in exit liquidity when they can pump it to hundreds or thousands for fuck you exit liquidity.

Riddle me that bobo

>> No.50771180

>why the fuck do you care
t. 12 pbtid

>> No.50771242
File: 445 KB, 668x1170, 1658329195771361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic fake bottom. Keep buying linkies surely it's different this time!

>> No.50771276


T. Knower

>> No.50771289

>Always do opposite of what biz tells you
Time to buy to some link, i guess. See you at 10 usd, fag

>> No.50771311

Link topping out and preparing to dump as we speak. OP was based for once

>> No.50772154

>the timing of covid = the price action of link
this is a retarded thread that I stopped reading here

>> No.50772238

what about >>50770456

>> No.50772329
File: 1.19 MB, 717x1203, D25CAFAA-A71E-46C8-9497-15C47EC0E8A3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks, Ill be sure to sell other assets to be able to buy if it does crash though. Ill get even more LINK. Thanks