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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50769394 No.50769394 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say you were a 22-year-old male with no debt and almost no bills except for cell phone and car insurance and you had about 30 thousand dollars saved with nothing to spend it on. What would you do with the money....hypothetically, of course haha.

>> No.50769404

Pay off my bills as far ahead as I can.

>> No.50769412

buy pussy

>> No.50769418

Use like 15-20% of it to travel and see the world a bit. Then use 25% fund a prototype for a product/business you want to make/do and then get based on the prototype get big investor money to make it a reality.

>> No.50769428

A woman’s hands wrote these words

>> No.50769445

Donate them to the Holocost memorial.
And don't even think about following the Talmud investment strategy, goy.

>> No.50769449

And drugs

>> No.50769456

literally me but I'm two years younger and had 30k invested not saved

>> No.50769473

Women don't post here. I am a male, it's just my opinion. 22 years old is an age where your perspective is still limited and travel is a great way to expand it. And what i don't mean is looking at monuments or sitting in a cafe just in a different city. The point is to meet people you wouldn't otherwise have ever interacted with from all parts of the world, all of which you can learn from.

And using some of your own money to try and make a prototype of something that you will eventually own the rights to and be able to pay yourself a salary from is hardly stupid. It's the high risk high reward position, but it's significantly less of a risk for OP because he's so young and doesn't have other responsibilies. He is in the position to put just part of some cash he has on the line to create something which has a chance to become significant, and he loses nothing but the cash even if it doesn't work. It's good experience for sure.

>> No.50769482

Dump it all into ETH and MATIC then make a cool 10x at least the next bull run.