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50768827 No.50768827 [Reply] [Original]

I was talking to a Zoomer girl and you know what she told me? She said hey, I tried the young guys - millenial guys are much faster, stronger, and they're sixty minute men daddy

>> No.50768836

>prolly underage

>> No.50768849

ohhh you pay her for sex and she's telling you what you want to hear. gotcha

>> No.50768918

Anyone under 25 is a zoomer.
The only women you SHOULD be fucking are zoomer women.

>> No.50769008

This is what I hear whenever I meet with these girls. They do not want some hairless boy with a perm and lipgloss that asks them their pronouns and splits the bill at Wendy’s. They want a hairy old bastard that will buy a hotel room, a bottle of wine, and holds them by the neck to use like a fleshlight. They have them as a boyfriend for social status reasons, but they are HIGHLY unsatisfied by them. Almost all of the ones I fuck have 20-23 year old boyfriends that live with their parents or 4 other boys in an apartment, play videogames all day, and work some poorfag job.

>> No.50769022
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>20-23 year old boyfriends that live with their parents or 4 other boys in an apartment, play videogames all day, and work some poorfag job.
Wait that's me

>> No.50769075

did you ask her to spread her meat pie so you could inspect your combatibility?

>> No.50769161

I hope you don’t have a girlfriend that has alot of “girls nights” out to dinner. Because that girl is me. And that dinner is my butthole.

>> No.50769496

Is there any way around the ass-eating? I want to date a zoomer girl but I just want to fuck her normally. I don't need my ass ate.

>> No.50769525


>> No.50769543

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.50769550
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Will never be me anon I hold ETH and MATIC. I have the testosterone of a guerilla fully verified homes

>> No.50769589

balding boomer cope lmao

>> No.50769745
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post tits then LARPing slut

>> No.50769811

60 minutes? Who the fuck has time for that? Get the job done in under 10 so you can go to bed.

>> No.50769834

The oldest zoomer is 22. Born post 2000. The oldest millennial is 42. 1980-2000.

>> No.50769872

I did. It was okay

>> No.50769887

Girls are smelly

>> No.50769899

how do i untake the black pill. I normally ignore it with cope but when it dawns on you it really is irrefutable.

>> No.50769901


>> No.50769902

you just know anon here was talking to 14yo cun

>> No.50769907

Zoomers girls belong to big millenial cock

>> No.50769937

Realise that it’s not as bad as it looks.
The internet has skewed your views.
I hate to say it but unironically touch grass for a month and see if youre still blackpilled.

>> No.50769960

18 year olds are disgusting children. They literally speak and think like literal schoolchildren because they know absolutely nothing; they have lived nothing; they have the delusion they know everything like a literal toddlers.

Think that only 5 years ago they were 13; 5 years before that they were only 8; disgusting and that's only 10 years ago.

>> No.50769985
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All 18 yearolds want is a big dick millenial to fuck them like a porn star (as we usually do anyways)

>> No.50770001

Sorry Anon, no. All zoomers are into ass-play. Just don't eat greasy food and use wet wipes/shower before dates and it'll be OK.

>> No.50770052

>She was only 13+5 you sick sonofabitch!

>> No.50770064

I love telling little teenies and college age girls while I'm fucking them that when I was their age, they were 9 or 10 . it makes them start calling me daddy instantly.

>> No.50770111

>caring what women 'think'

>> No.50770205

what grass? fuck off

>> No.50770238


>> No.50770296

Millenial chads > Zoomer incels

>> No.50770305

I’m a 5’4 turbo manlet in America with a body count of 10, I’m not even fit nor rich kek I drive a 2014 civic I don’t get all the dates but once in a while I find something that lasts me a year or so. I’m currently fucking a fat ass Cuban who’s obsessed with me.

>> No.50770319
File: 11 KB, 474x284, 23969838-DC50-49E0-AD6E-7B2C3D452464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-how does she know?

>> No.50770451

I'm 26 and I blow out your millennial roasties and the zoomie girls too.
Its great being the middle chad.

>> No.50770464

Zoomer women are awful. Beware. They are like millenial women just 15-20yrs ago.

>> No.50770599

You got the years wrong

>> No.50770610
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>millennial men are considered more attractive than zoomer boys
Clearly we have not hit the bottom yet for strong/weak men cycle

>> No.50770656

? How?
Millenial: born 1980-2000
Gen z: 2000-2020
Gen alpha: 2020-2040

All other takes is some kind of weird cope to make one feel younger or older. For example, I read one that said the ENTIRE millennial generation was 11 years long. Generations are 18-21 years long, i.e how long from birth to become adult and possibly have new generation. You might be able to argue that it's really 25 years because of the age of when people have kids, but that value is relative anyway, so better to just keep it at 20 years.

Gen x: 1960-1980
Boomers: 1940-1960 (those GROWING UP in the post ww2 boom)
Silent gen: 1920-1940
Greatest gen: 1900-1920 (those growing up during and after ww1)

>> No.50770683

You're a millennial.

>> No.50770707

I have more in common with zoomer girls than with my own millenium ones.
Zoomers watch anime, game and are up to date with internet culture, fucking boring millenial cunts

>> No.50770726

yeah its weird. I guess its more likely that 80% of zoomer girls are attracted to 20% of the millennial men as 80% just watch netflix and...idk what else but most are gay as fuck

>> No.50770788

I dont want to date myself, and a girl up to date on internet culture and anime sounds like a fat lazy slob sitting on the phone/computer/tv all day