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File: 82 KB, 750x744, we were kings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50767854 No.50767854 [Reply] [Original]

I believe that the consequences of the Ethereum merge are not even close to being priced out. This is because, outside the crypto ecosystem, it is broadly believed that cryptocurrency inherently consumes massive amounts of electricity. When I speak to my colleagues about cryptocurrency, this is one of the factors that comes up most often. With Ethereum's migration to proof-of-stake, there will be a slew of articles about how "the second largest cryptocurrency goes green" which will generate considerable interest from those who have so far avoided cryptocurrency due to environmental concerns. In all the discussion and analysis I have seen of the merge's affect on the price of Ethereum, I believe this impact has been severely underestimated. This will be a major development in mainstream acceptance of cryptocurrency and has the potential to generate enormous returns for those who buy in prior to the surge of interest.

>> No.50767884

yes yes, just as the financial elite who has acquired infura and consensys wanted
hope you're happy, the old king is dead, meet the new king same as the old

>> No.50767890

Ethereum, proudly running on AWS

>> No.50767906

>ETH @880
>ETH @1750
>I have decided to buy Ethereum for the merge

Look carefully at what a wrote, put your 2 braincells to work, and realize that you are the dumb money

>> No.50767916

You are fucking retarded and will always be miserable.
The reason - you refuse to benefit if something if it doesn't fit your image of the ideal world.
Guess what, retard, goyim are fucked, don't be one of them.

>> No.50767931
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seething bitcucks

>> No.50767941
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Proof-of-stake is completely untested in the real world and poses a huge, unaccounted-for risk to all funds on the Ethereum network. If centralization begins to snowball the entire system is functionally bankrupt.

Whoever is reading this: if you hold Ether, you haven't hedged enough.

>> No.50768040

I'm not miserable at all, you can be sad at the state of the world but still happy
you on the other hand sound pretty miserable

>> No.50768148

nigger, my average price is sitting at $6 per ETH and I can confidently say you're retarded

>> No.50768157

what kind of a faggot uses your picrel

>> No.50768172

this is a bait thread filled with real replies. newfags go back. eth PoS is a ponzi

>> No.50768176

>Hey let's have a picture of just like, a generic guy wearing an ancient Egyptian headdress. It'll be an easily digestible image of the most typical modern guy embroiled in history, even a child will see the playful symbolism of engaging yourself in the subject. Now, what does a typical modern person look like?

>> No.50768181
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>> No.50768193

Based on the way you called out the guy here >>50768157 I'm pretty sure that's a picture of you

>> No.50768199

Listen the people who can buy your bags are people who already have metamask wallets, binance accounts, and stables sitting on the sideline. We are hitting resistance to previous local top and macro looks shit. Your Eth merge narrative is a nothing burger, and Eth needs to compete based on technology. It can not compete like bitcoin does on pure speculation and store of value using Excel era technology. You say there are new buyers that aren't aware of this narrative and that is simply not the case.

>> No.50768211
File: 185 KB, 1080x1296, indians built pyramids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pyramid builders were brahmins, benchod

>> No.50768213

cope retard 5th element and gary oldman are ultra r*ddit

>> No.50768226

What the fuck does that have to do with what I said? Are you niggers in this thread even people?

>> No.50768262

Anyone who isn't retarded bought around 1000 knowing that.
Ethereum will go through the greatest greenwashing and ESG funding the world has ever seen.
Trillions will flow in ETH over the next 5 years.

>> No.50768290

This is such a retard take.
The only aspect in which PoW is superior to PoS is the distribution phase because miners have to sell which de facto spreads the supply.
However once something like 80% of the coins have been minted (like BTC) it doesn't matter anymore if you are PoS or PoW, the distribution won't change much.

>> No.50768305

wow. now this truly is one of the stupidest interpretations of the PoW PoS argument i have ever read. bravo. you are utterly, sincerely retarded. im speechless

>> No.50768318

sorry i cant get over this this is honestly unbelievable. my god. PoS chuds swallow what this man has written. this is who you are investing with

>> No.50768356

You newfags don't know shit, the gary oldman poster made a good point and you completely ignored it just because of his picrel which was funny if you weren't retarded.

>> No.50768366


>> No.50768406
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lmao ok retard nigger

>> No.50768495

still, you are the retard, because you could buy the bottom of the merge pump
now you are fomoing in the middle/top

>> No.50768511

Eth jumped between those prices in a day or two. I figured I had time to buy Eth below 1k and missed the merge news, then watched it pump overnight.

>> No.50768573

Dumb money is in the room with us
Imagine thinking central banking isn't Proof of Stake

>> No.50768603

>Hasn't seen The Fifth Element
It's okay to be gay but it's kinda gauche to announce it loudly in a public forum, anon.

>> No.50768615

You're gay bro

>> No.50768866

t. no counter argument you dumb faggots.
Be ready for the flippening, it's happening next year.

>> No.50768887

PoS will be the fig-leaf needed to get high ESG scores for Ethereum based trash

>> No.50769410

Do you really want counter arguments ?
Once successfully merged and eferium become a "decentralized" POS chain (where the people printing fiat are able to control most of the stake) basically like binance all any othe L2 (which in reality are completely others chains with other validator and central authorities doing bridges with fees...)
Now would you explain to me what is the economic incentive of using ethereum over other centralized chains ? If i were Amazon CEO would i build on Ethereum (which i already own with AWS) or i would rather build "Amazon Prime Global Chain" and sell to my costumers coins/credits that they will use to buy annual membership ?

Now explain to me 199 IQ fag, what are the economic incentives ?
Now take time to post a reply to my counterargument or KYS unironically

>> No.50769420

*Now explain to me since you are the 199 IQ fag

>> No.50769427

>Verification not required.
I won.

>> No.50769845
File: 120 KB, 1027x1289, shhhhchico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chico pls

>> No.50769908

Should have been buying a long time ago anon lmao. you think whales like bitdao buy hundreds of eth every day because it's not going to moon? come on anon don't be retarded

>> No.50769963

Implying they are not using DAO as exit liquidity
Luna ?