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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50766524 No.50766524 [Reply] [Original]

/k/ and /pol/ here, yes i will leave, before that though, I'm here because an ongoing argument going on is about the war of attrition and whether the economy of one side or the other being able to keep going.
Who do you think is better off or if you feel you cannot know is more likely to win?
Here is a pic of a nice trad husband seeking girl who likes guns.

>> No.50766618

how is this even a question? Russia is the one with the surplus of oil/gas reserves. Obviously Russia is in the better position. Unfortunately for drooling retards, nobody cares what region oil comes from as long as it burns. If Europe wants to pay more for oil/gas then that's their prerogative. What you should be asking yourself is why is Europe committing economic suicide, and who does it serve?

>hint: Russia and America

>> No.50766626


>> No.50766641

Alright so heres the deal. Ukraine without the backing of the west is economically dead. Its lost something like 1/3rd of its GDP or more already, has roughly %35 unemployment and is getting shit blown up or losing it daily. Russia is faring much better, however they are also taking an economic hit. Peskov even admits this much. For awhile russia was able to get by and make large profits because they were selling oil at 130 a barrel but now with oil bleeding out (its at roughly 90 right now) combined with western sanctions and that they have to sell oil at roughly a $30 discount to everyone else the state will start getting crunched for revenue.

TL;DR Russia is doing pretty bad, ukraine is getting slaughtered economically but it can be kept up by the west nearly indefinatly

>> No.50766645

Whoever wins I just hope millions of Americans die from it.

>> No.50766697

europe is going to freeze this coming winter kek

>> No.50766698

>He thinks that the West which is collapsing into an economic recession will have the resources to prop up the Ukrainian economy.

>> No.50766708

Russia is winning so hard economically it's not even funny. If Germany would flip and leave NATO that tandem would rule Europe. But they won't for another twenty years. Ukraine is a minor economy even with wheat and grain.

>> No.50766709

The war is planned by the globohomo elites, no one will win (as in gain more than lose).
If you mean the military result, DPR and LPR are most likely to be included in Russia. Russian cities already received orders to send money for their restoration.

>> No.50766720

Not ukraine or russias problem

>> No.50766732
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Interesting, and good posts i would not expect from /biz/. Nonetheless and truly, what i really want to seek is a /biz/ slash /k/ poster who is able to merry both boards.

>> No.50766740

Nigger...Ukraine is propped up by Europe. Are you fucking retarded? Also Russia sales the bulk of its gas to Europe. Either way it matters.

>> No.50766741

>He thinks a group of nations with 50x the GDP of russia couldn't keep an economy a fraction the size of that running


>> No.50766751

>He uses GDP figures unironically.
Ah a midwit in action I see.

>> No.50766761

Russia's got bigger problems than losing a war against the poorest country in Europe, like AIDS and it's population killing itself

>> No.50766810

Well ive been following the war but not /k/ but i can just toss in the military factor as well. Russia has massive amounts of stocked weapons, Even conservatively accounting for the russian lack of maintenance and corruption they have thousands of tanks, artillery guns, IFVs and just about every weapon you would need to fight a war. The issue is however that russia is nothing but a shell of the USSR in terms of production, so these thousands of T72s are the best they got and dont have much more room to produce more. If Ukraine can somehow blow up all of that equipment it isnt looking good for russia. The manpower issue is more interesting though. Ukraine as i mentioned is economically propped up by the west and is treating this fight as a total war. They can mobilize literally millions of men to wage this war. Russia on the other hand has for some reason refused to mobilize, leaving the army in a state it was never meant to fight in with nearly no infantry and way more heavy weapons then normal. If they were to mobilize obviously it would hit the economy at home hard but as mentioned before most of what russia uses to fight (save for rations and some other special minor kit) is all soviet stock. So short of a revolution the russians will keep on fighting even with a large economic hit. Ukraine on the other hand is low on heavy equipment which albeit not required to fight is very helpful. These weapons however are also from the west which means even as ukraines economy gets crushed they can still get an inflow of these weapons

>> No.50766822

What figure do you want to use then to compare economies? Russia v USA + Europe by about any metric you can use results in the USA + Europe being far more powerful

>> No.50766838

AIDS and suicides didn't matter much, because the government was aimed to replace the population with the Middle Asians (former USSR).
However, they are starting to struggle, because the younger generations of Middle Asians are just comparing EU/USA (lately also China) to Russia, find that the salaries in Russia are ridiculously small, and move somewhere else. This, combined with the growing power of China that already took Kazakhstan from Russia and is heavily influencing Russian Far East, leaves the Russian government in extremely vulnerable position.
If you add the current war which is aimed to burn all the bridges between Russia and G7, Russia may become just an extension of China, similar to North Korea.

>> No.50766857

Checked and you compare energy, mineral, agricultural, financial capital and human capital resources. The West if it was hypothetically combined would mog the Russians yes. But they aren't. The U.S. is in a mild recession but running 17.2 percent real inflation. The Europeans are about to go through the most extreme energy crisis in their history with Germany planning on opening Superdome style facilities so the krauts don't freeze to death while they shut down their industry.
Now think non-linearly about the social and political effects of the fourth largest economy failing into a hard energy shock induced economic depression vs the place that has to cut back on its budget a bit and you'll get my perspective.

>> No.50766861

Whichever side has the uglier women because I'll fight against the country with hotties so I can rape them after a nice fire fight

>> No.50766870

Raytheon and Lockheed Martin

>> No.50766940

fat, cheeto crusted fingers typed this.

>> No.50766948
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>think non-linearly
This take is similar to the Deagel meme 2025 population forecasts. They predict the a large portion of deaths will come from SUICIDES of westerners unable to handle the severe drop in living standards. The global East is used to being poor, so they really have not much to lose.

>> No.50766955

If your quoting shadowstats, which i believe you are, there methodology is flawed. If you dont believe me you can use there inflation calculator through time and compare it with the cost of goods then and now. You get things like eggs were 15 cents a dozen if there methodology is right. You are also ignoring that the official number for Russian inflation is %16. The US alone also produces more oil then russia. Human capital in terms of numbers as well as quality also go to the west with russia having a serious issue with brain drain due to higher salaries in the west. The west also has plenty of agricultural resources with the US being covered in grain fields + Europe being more or less food self sufficient in calorie terms with any small deficits being fillable by the US + Canada. Financially is also no contest to the US + Europe which mostly have access to easy credit and run the global financial system

>> No.50766987
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You are weak sauce and i advise you look up Rance. The only side is your own.

>> No.50766992

The entire reason that Russia is attempting to take Ukraine is that they are absolutely fucked for the next ~50 years if they don't.

Take a look at stratfor/zeihan predictions regarding the geopolitics of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIdUSqsz0Io

>> No.50767019

One side lost ten million people and a territory the size of Britain, the other side got millions of new tax payers and a good chunk of land. There is no debate to who is winning.

>> No.50767035

uh-huh, just two more weeks.

eventually they will figure out the fucking quagmire they are in and try to reduce tensions with the rest of Ukraine, which has already vowed to keep fighting them until they take back the rest of their country.

So what will the actual end result be? Will Ukraine accept their losses? Will the Russians?

>> No.50767050

That is indubitably a man

>> No.50767104
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>God, I love petite butts so much, it's unreal.

>> No.50767128

>So what will the actual end result be? Will Ukraine accept their losses? Will the Russians?
What if for a Khazaria? They are both fighting to kill the bigger "nazi".
What will Ukraine look like in the end? How powerful will A3OB be after the war? I like to toss in the 3rd position for diversity, they are a growing movement in Ukraine and close to winning representation in government since they are war heroes.

>> No.50767137

Well yeah this is the first thing any male with his first testosterone spurt sees in early grade school.

>> No.50767194

at some point, the retarded americans are going to piss of china too by meddling with taiwan like they did with ukraine
then it's over, NK, iran etc. and other countries that the west has fucked with will all join in
and we're outclassed as well. they have 10x more soldiers. russia and china both have hypersonic missiles that the west have been unable to replicate, they cannot be defended against

>> No.50767209

Ukraine failed to take back Crimea or the Donbass for eight years.

>> No.50767333

Here is the thing:

Russia and China planned obviously this coordinate attack.

Russia in Ukraine.
China in Taiwan.

Both will fail miserable, as Russia for example is already a shameful lost.

Russia have a very big territory. It's a big country.
Very big territory's gives you plenty of opportunities to explore and extract resources from them.
Bigger territory, more probabilities of everything.
In the case of Russia, their territory are huge and indeed very wealthy.

What do you expect from country from this magnitude?
Well, an powerful army that correspond to it's size right?

They attacked Ukraine.
Putin basically says : "If someone tries to interfere, those ones will regret."

USA + Europe: Send immediately high tech belic power to Ukraine plus financial help.

Russia can't EVEN take over Ukraine.
It's have been +100 days.

Why that happen? It's simple.
Russia have a terrible regime, where their people live in a terrific corruption hell that floats between poor or misery. Everything outside Moscow is shitty.
There are two types of russians. The ones that are ultra retarded and are "fanatic" for their country, and the ones that have barely a minimum IQ and knowledge of how fucked up is living in oppressive regime like that in 2022+ and will do anything to leave Russia.

>> No.50767389

you're dumb, they haven't tried to take all of ukraine, they're just holding the eastern "russian" regions that are loaded with resources
if they really wanted to they could blitzkrieg it in 10 days

>> No.50767392

Russia says that they are there too free their people from Nazis.

FROM NAZIS. Do you understand that?

And yeah, a lot of Russians believe in that.
From it's simple statement, you can calculate how aliened and far from reality they are.
Well, Russia can even at the very end take over Ukraine.

The fact is, they already lost. It's beyond blindness and retardation who believes that Russia will be Ok after so many casualties, sanctions and political wounds.

>> No.50767425

bros, how long until germany caves in and turns on nuclear power again?

>> No.50767449

this, like every modern war they arnt meant to be won but drawn out for profits

>> No.50767461
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Europe has a history of abandoning little countries, not to mention that there is an increase in the need of shit from russkies. US is about to attach Taiwan to its teat, which means Ukraine may see the cuts in gibs.In the mean time, Russia has survived some radical sanctions and was able to even bounce back, Chinese are not happy with US, Israel is getting some heat from Gaza (US will have to give them some money to). Speaking of Chinese, they are fighting their wars with Yuan, meaning that there will be more economic punishment coming towards the west. What I am trying to convey through this retarded rambling above is that Ukraine problem will inevitably be pushed back, media already moving on btw, soon less and less people will give a fuck.

>> No.50767462

everyone knows Ukraine will lose, america just hopes they can drain Russia's resources while they get tied up in it.

>> No.50767480

>you're dumb
>if they really wanted to they could blitzkrieg it in 10 days

Yeah. Of course. They invaded a country saying that they would free people from Nazis and they stopped because well...

They just wanted a small part of it.

They invaded a country that you are saying they could blitzkrieg in 10 days, loose a fucking lots of mans, tanks, helicopters, supply....

LET the enemy alive to free importunate with attacks for ever because...

Well... Nah... We just want a part of a country that we invaded and could take over in 10 days.

Read again what you wrote, and see how pathetic is every single letter of your sentences.
Do it. Please. Use the minimum IQ you have.

>> No.50767491

kikes obv. aggressors, defenders, and foreign subsidizers. it's a show put on by kikes for kikes

>> No.50767547


>> No.50767549


>> No.50767610

they killed or captured most, if not all of the nazi azov battallion in maruipol
and yes, they didn't push far in and are just holding the eastern regions like they said they would
you need to stop watching cnn and reddit, they aren't making carpark countries like america did in iraq/libya

>> No.50767641

China it's going to the same fucking path:

"Those who play with fire will burn and ching chong, chong ching."

Well, Pelosi lands on Taiwan.
Talked what ever she wanted and did their job.
Fly back normally to her home.

By simple movements / actions in this "4D Chess", it's very clear who gonna win and loose on this game.

>> No.50767653

Russia is selling oil to india and china for $20 at this point, almost losing money, only means to get money for russia is gas now and europe is moving away from that, in 2 years when europe starts sucking US cock properly buying burger gas russia will be gone as a country. Ukraine won't lose obviously since nato has 20x potential to supply weapons to ukraine than russia can produce.

>> No.50767666

>Who does /biz/ think will win the Ukraine war economically?
the fact that it's even slightly mentioned around here means we already won, mind power wins again over a weapon, just like dogs like zha0 against Bobo's constant fucking

>> No.50767696

russian bot please

>> No.50767716
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Russia has no path to victory, it already lost. But Russians have a great capacity to suffer, so this will be long and drawn out for them.

>> No.50767717

>Russia is selling oil to india and china for $20 at this point, almost losing money
Yep, if you look at the last 20 years you can clearly see that the powers that be want China to rival USA. This war is meant to give China cheap resources.

>> No.50767718

>they killed or captured most, if not all of the nazi azov battallion in maruipol

Please, tell me you are not Russian and not believe in that.

Because this is Kazakhstan/ Iraq autism level.

It's the same thing that hold on in a airplane that are taking off and believe that you could reach another country because you just "held" in it or something. I mean, airplanes are not slow old rusty trains...

Thrust that there are NAZIS (1933 ~ 1945) in Ukraine are the same level of autism.

I think it's worst, honestly.

>> No.50767731

>we'll get kiev in 24 hours
>gets entirety of VDV wiped out
>we'll get kiev in 3 days
>gets entirety of its modernised t-90 fleet wiped out, loses 15 ka-52
>we'll get kiev in a week
>gets 30000 killed and pulls out of nothern ukraine alltogether
>we'll get mariupol in 2 weeks
>ends up flattening the city so theres nothing really to take anymore
>we'll get severodonetsk in a month
>actually loses kherson
livemapua can't be accessed by russians anymore btw, damage control is turned up to 120%

>> No.50767740

ESL is one hell of a drug

>> No.50767753
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/pol/ is looking at the world through the lens of the jews did it.
/k/ is looking at the world through the lens of the jews are eroding muh rights to control me.
/pol/ is looking at the world through the lens of the jews are doing X to profit how do I copy trade.

In the end we are the same in the sense that we name the jew. But in /biz/ we know that the way money flows will always show the real truth.

>> No.50767760

Still, everything we all should do it's the opposite what /biz says.

>> No.50767800

i'm english, our stupid politicians are throwing away tax payer money and our weapons (that their conscript civilian soldiers can't even use properly) on this shit and russia is just blowing them up and zelensky is snorting it up his nose. according to the uk soldiers training ukraine military, they didn't even know how to zero their weapons
you're retarded if you think ukraine are winning this, everything given to them is being thrown in a bonfire

>> No.50767815


Very good fellow englishman, I am coming from Buckinghamshire oblast and am completely agreeing with you.

>> No.50767818

War is stimulus through destruction. Ukraine is unironicaly bullish for weapons manufacturing and when the dust settles construction companies.

>> No.50767899

Let's assume you are British and your name it's not Ivan.

Ukrainian soldiers right now are your best friends and you should love every single one of them.

You know why?

They are dying protecting Poland, Lithuania, Finland, and even England and their adjacencies.
You know, maybe could have "some Nazis in your country as well".

>being thrown in a bonfire

Somehow it's working. Russia are taking more then 100 days to take over a country they could blitzkrieg in 10 days.

>> No.50767917

>Very good fellow englishman, I am coming from Buckinghamshire oblast

ok, fuck this bots. I'm just leaving.

>> No.50767972

>This war is meant to give China cheap resources.

>the powers that be want China to rival USA

Dude chyna is a country that imports most of it's energy and economically depends on selling shit to western countries while being surrounded by countries that hate them between them and said markets and oil.

we should probably be nicer to chyna, they are fucking fucked m8

>> No.50768000

Russia is completely fucked

Only poltards who have grievances against the west due to being bullied and ostracized for being weirdos would disagree

>> No.50768004

Several countries in Europe are already breaking the sanctions and buying Russian gas again. You heard about it in the news, but it was framed as "oh, poor Russia started pumping gas to Europe again, how pathetic!" Ukraine's strength mainly comes from foreign loans, but those loans will eventually go away once politicians that are more favorable to Russia are put into power. As much as I want Ukraine to win, I unfortunately simply don't think it will happen.

>> No.50768007


>> No.50768027

Well, the problem with the energy is resolved thanks to the Russia-Ukraine war. The dependency on the western markets is a problem that they are going to solve next. If the western countries go full deindustrialization and reduction of the living standards, as WEF pushes, the other markets (Asia, Latin America) will be just as profitable.

>> No.50768042

Not true, Russia doesn't have the pipeline infrastructure to supply China with oil, and even with the chinese building it (pipeline across siberia) it will take a decade or so. The one they have is not nearly sufficient to meet chinese needs let alone demand.

But on top of those things, Chyna and Russia are global competitors. They would probably be more likely to start worrying about one invading the other rather than rely on each other more for energy trade.

>> No.50768046

You’re paraphrasing The Fifth Element

>> No.50768059


>> No.50768063

>Russia doesn't have the pipeline infrastructure to supply China with oil
Nigga you what?
>China ramped up crude oil imports from Russia in May, customs data showed Monday, helping to offset losses from Western nations scaling back Russian energy purchases over the invasion of Ukraine.
>The spike means Russia has overtaken Saudi Arabia to become China's top oil provider as the West sanctions Moscow's energy exports.
>The world's second-biggest economy imported about 8.42 million tons of oil from Russia last month, a 55% rise from a year ago.
Russia is pumping oil to China since when it was still RSFSR inside USSR.

>> No.50768071

truth doesn't need to be paraphrased

>> No.50768096
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that is probably oil transferred by boat, which is easy as fuck to fuck up.

do the chinese and russians even have the capability to secure their own oil shipments to each other?

>> No.50768101

oh sorry, I said oil but I meant natural gas, which is most of the power generation for most modern countries.

Chyna still uses coal though, and is still building more coal plants.

>> No.50768124

>Russia says that they are there too free their people from Nazis.
>FROM NAZIS. Do you understand that?
Yeah that's why most people who socialize on the free internet only support A3OB over jewlisnkly and Putin.
Communism is Judaism.

The planet isn't limited to the current more powerful east vs west.

>> No.50768269

lol no it's not dumbass, new pipeline is working since last year

>> No.50768311


>> No.50768569

Russia chose to fuck itself over economically for the next half a century. It is either going to become a bigger North Korea or will go through a period of coups, juntas and revolutions. It will just fall further and further behind the developed world.

I was watching some footage from the last economic forum where they had representatives from the Taliban present. And then some gray haired really high standing bureaucrat started talking about how all the western companies will come back to Russia in a month. And it was apparent that all the people in charge in Russia are very very stupid and inept and they have no idea of how the world works or what is going to happen.

>> No.50768619

The new CBS Reports documentary, "Arming Ukraine," explores why much of the billions of dollars of military aid that the U.S. is sending to Ukraine doesn't make it to the front lines: "Like 30% of it reaches its final destination."


>> No.50768634

whoever loses, jews win.