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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50763942 No.50763942 [Reply] [Original]

>27 years old
>dead end job
>no friends, never had sex
>no money

>> No.50764862

nothing you listed is of importance but the cream my nigga

>> No.50765107

>25 years old
>Used to have great friends, lost touch with all of them in college
>Was making good friends again but neglected them too because of social anxiety
>Didn't finish college because of crypto, since 2017
>Associates degree
>No job
>My old friends are getting jobs now
>$85k networth

I don't even their wagie jobs but I do envy their money
I'm so lazy I want to do so many things, art, building community, politics, writing, woodworking, but I can't get myself to stick to doing any of it so I've gained no skill
How does one overcome crippling laziness??

>> No.50765143

>28 years old
>grey hair

>> No.50765144

stop doing things
embrace inaction

>> No.50765145

maybe if you spend 18 hours a day making faggoty posts like that on this childrens cartoon forum your life will improve!

>> No.50765147

>31 years old
>only bachelors degree
>didn't get a real job until 28
>only 150k savings
>only 30k in retirement account
>only make 90k a year
>only slept with about 17 women
>Current girlfriend is only a 6 or 7
>Only bench 225

actually i feel great but i think most of /biz/ would label me a loser.

>> No.50765153

maybe if you spend 18 hours a day making faggoty posts like that on this childrens cartoon forum your life will improve!

>> No.50765164

Damn dude I think you're doing great. You should be 30k savings 150k in investments but maybe you are renting

>> No.50765220

simply understand why you have so many 'passions' - you are avoiding the sting of failure if you commit to one thing and find out you aren't cut out for it

>> No.50765276

lmao bro go fuck something just tell chicks what they want to hear they're so dumb

>> No.50765314

Is this the daily demoralization thread?

>> No.50765320
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What do they want to hear? Do you look like this?

>> No.50765343

>bag holding doge
>no frens
i hate this world

>> No.50765372

That's fine. The alternative is a receeding hairline or balding.

>> No.50765409

They want to hear how hard you’re going to fuck them.

>> No.50765504

>19 years old
>part time retail wagie
>2 friends, never had sex
>no qualification, no drivers license
>only 11,000 usd ready to lose in some crippling financial decision
im browsing term life insurance again bros

>> No.50765530
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Dude just go and talk to women on the street, start small, even something like asking directions etc. It will snowball and you will gain your confidence that way

>> No.50765547

Op, you can still get to a better place in life. Just finished my STEM bachelors at 35 that should net me $50k/year starting and reach to 80k/year at least inflation adjusted from here on our in a low cost of living area.

From 21 to basically 30, I worked dead end jobs such as retail and food service. Smoked weed to deal with my life.

If you have access to free or very low cost medical services, take advantage of them and try therapy. Took me a while, but I had to be open and want to change. Ended up finishing my degree. First got my associates, then got my bachelor's. Also dating in a stable relationship.

There were many times I wanted to kill myself. Glad I didn't.

I hope that you find a better place in life, anon.

>> No.50765561

left one looks like a tranny and is trying to hard. righty is cute

>> No.50765595

This too OP. My social anxiety was so bad I didn't want to leave my parents' house.

Forcing myself to go to the park and say "hello" to a couple of people (without headphone/earpods/etc on) helped a lot.

At first, if one person said hello, it was a success no matter if guy, girl, older or younger person. Even if people didn't say hello, I figure that they were full of anxiety like me. Many people I've talked to in their 20s and 30s since then have confirmed it.

Sometimes this lead to a conversation. Funny thing is that people often opened up once I explain I was using exposure therapy to work on social anxiety since so many people related due to the bubbles we often place ourselves in.

>> No.50765682

That's a man

>> No.50765728
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Either that or all those stats you hear about joblessness, poverty, suicide increase, sex contact decline and obesity are real and show up in places like this.

>> No.50765791

A qt cashier flirts with me at the local grocery story. How do I get the number, and how long after that do I tell her that I want to fuck her brains out?

>> No.50765823

maybe if you spend 18 hours a day making faggoty posts like that on this childrens cartoon forum your life will improve!

>> No.50765890

Yeah I’m renting and waiting for a good multi family opportunity. I want to see how things play with the rising rates

>> No.50767114
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>21 years old
>all my income depends on my champ nfts
>shitty friends, I never had sex
>money depending on the weather

>> No.50767199

This but NEET and I'll be 30 soon.

>> No.50767259

If you can get enough $ into a select few coins for the upcoming bullrun and just be semi patient, you’ll have the money to start some type of decent life. You need to plan and execute things you want to accomplish. For now though focus on making money and investing in LINK, XMR, ROSE, FIL, etc.

>> No.50767318

27 khv here.
I'm gonna go on test and sleep with a lot of prostitutes. Maybe have fun and buy a sports bike. Fuck morality, I realized its better to just be a degen than waste time on women the normal way.

>> No.50767361
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>neet leeching off parents
>part-time manager
>finally made it to the 500oz milestone.
It feels so satisfying bros.

>> No.50767430
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>mfw i met a girl yesterday, after a 4 year dry spell(TWU), and she spent the night
her touch was sweet copium for my soul, doomer days are over boys!

>> No.50767536

pls respond

>> No.50767584

Punch her the next time she rings you up at the cash register

>> No.50767600

>27 is young
>learn some skills
>hire a prostitute and stop being an antisocial neet
>see point #2 and save

But you're making posts like this so you'd rather feel sorry for yourself and post it on biz than actually do anything to help yourself.

>> No.50767662

Not OP. I don't find normalspeak interesting. The things normies talk about, the small talk is just boring as fuck. It's usually them endlessly talking about themselves. How do you tolerate that?

>> No.50767704

Don't forget
>quit 4chan

This takes the biggest mega balls of all, and would exponentially improve the average anons life

>> No.50767868

same but 37, also I am a neet, have a few friends and had sex with over 20 women

oh and all I have is 30k to my name

>> No.50768721

>had 800k in crypto last year
>now have 25k
>stuck on family farm
>no hope
>no friends
>squandered my future by trusting a good in defi

>> No.50768724


>> No.50768750
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>$60k in debt
>-$12 in the bank
>$98 worth of BTC on binance
>living with parents
I just don't know anymore

>> No.50768762 [DELETED] 

>has 30K
>Too cheap to spend $250 on a decent woman and experience sex

Nigga are you gay? If you haven't had sex at 37 through normal circumstances, you probably never will. What are you waiting for?

>> No.50768768

thinking about getting two dead end jobs now for more money in investments

>> No.50768783

Your future was stolen from you by greedy politicians and greedy psychopath billionaires who control them. Only a revolution can change things now.

>> No.50768788

60k debt? wtf,how?

>> No.50768804

Are your parents paying that loan or are you just not paying at all?

>> No.50768810
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join us my brother

>> No.50768867
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Any NEETS or losers in this thread, read this:
>Stoner by John Williams
It will change your life and give you some needed perspective.
Do something you want to do and don't stop until it's done, once you accomplish one big goal, everything will make sense and you'll realize you were making a big deal out of nothing. Life is so complex and sad that you'll always look back and realize the many directions you could've gone in. Just live.

>> No.50768869
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>30 year old
>barely got my bachelor's in supply chain management a couple of months ago
>got a decent starting job paying 60k a year
>i know it's not much but still double what I was making last year

Is it too late for me bros?

>> No.50768908
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>no money
>left school when i was 14 (no degree or any of that shit)
>serous speech problem since i was a kid, can't hold a job sice ppl think it's creepy or i'm making fun of them
>circadian rhythm annihilated by a decade of neet lifestyle
>friends "don't have time" for me anymore
>family don't care at all
>gf? lmfao
>social lady who is supposed to help my case don't know how to read my emails cuz she's like 70 or so (she'll pretend like she does tho)
>honestly not sure if i care about any of it anymore

>> No.50769203

2 failed uni degrees that got me nowhere, it's just unpaid for now and the interest keeps compounding. I don't know what to do with myself, just want to die but too scared to even do that.

>> No.50769717

>3k cc debt
>no money
>no friends
>multiple chronic health issues
It never even began for me.

>> No.50770259

Nah you're doing great. Keep going

>> No.50770287

The 85k networth at 25 isn't bad. Focus on making it worth more even if you have to wage a little, stay dedicated to a goal that by age 30 you'll have passive income of $2000+ a month just by getting dividends or staking rewards. Be happy at 30 living your fullest life.

>> No.50770410

stop posting these useless posts bringing the mood down for all 10 people that use this board, just buy crypto and sell at the top of the next bullrun afterwards with your new gains you can solve all your problems.

>> No.50770487

>22 years old

>> No.50770488

>Any NEETS or losers in this thread, read this:
>>Stoner by John Williams
why. seems like a good book but, sell me on this: how does it tie into the conversation? what is remarkable about it in this context? What brought it to mind?

>> No.50770547

I really hope things start going in a more positive direction for you. I am pulling for you!:)

>> No.50770607

>23 years old
>no work, have worked in the past
>have 9k sitting around in my bank account
>live with parents
>have a gf
>study CS, thinking of quitting

what do anons?

>> No.50770642

don't quit. you don't want to find out what happens to people who quit their degree programs. it's bleak.

>> No.50771296

I listen, wait for something they mentioned that is similar to what I'm interested in, like, or know something about and talk about that. I find that reading fiction books can help since there's conversations in there.

If they talk a lot about themselves, I listen for keywords rather than the whole thing.

>> No.50771462

>or i'm making fun of them
That's fucking hilarious, had a good laugh.
Bless you anon.

>> No.50771485

>stop posting these useless posts bringing the mood down for all 10 people that use this board
Dude stop being such a fucking women, if a stupid post like this makes your mood go down, literally NGMI

>> No.50771525

You sound like what I’ve done and where I’d want to be.

>> No.50771547

If you find her attractive, ask for her number. What’s the worst she can do? Say no? Then at least you won’t be wondering what if? Anymore

>> No.50771578
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>>27 years old
Me too
>>dead end job
No job yet, just internship required for Professional Qualifications.
>>no friends, never had sex
Have some friends although It's a me who ignores them. Had sex, but had to leave her, cuz she ugly.
>>no money
Me too.

I have Masters in Business. Have Professional Qualification, trying to achieve another Professional Qualification right now.

I think i have it better than you, but still, I feel unsatisfied without money.

>> No.50771608

How else am I going to get advice and pretend I have friends while actually living out a crippled existence in what is essentially an Alcoholics Anonymous type place for spergs?

>> No.50772355

no job
no sex
no friends
no ambition

I can live off my investments only because I don't spend money and literally don't do anything

>> No.50772454

Congrats anon. Very based.

>> No.50772501

so many people dont realize that losing friends is just apart of life.

Every young person goes through this event and the first couple times always feels like this major event but as you get older you start to realize its just apart of life.

>> No.50772513

Stupid nigger, life insurance is when you have wife and children. Don't buy anything other than health insurance. If you are working, your company probably gives you insurance. Since you are 19, your dad's job could have you in his insurance. For now, index funds or mutual funds seem like a bad idea, get into PMs, come to /pmg/.

>> No.50772548

>spent teens and 20's living day by day not seeing up anything for the future
>no house
>old cash cars
>have a skill that is in demand but it's outside work and I live in Texas
>if I want to make money I have to work 8-10 hours a day in 105+ heat

I want kms everyday

>> No.50772552

Don't quit. Pull through like a man. If you quit now, life isn't going to get easier. You can do it anon. Make it in life and stick it to the Jews.

>> No.50772569

wrong board

>> No.50773765

27 is still young af

>> No.50773992

>find everything alright?
>What's that?
>I-I'm gonna...gonna f-fuck you

>> No.50774015
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reporting in

>> No.50774029

put yourself in a situation of responsibility. A situation where others depend you. This might wake you up in the way you want to wake up. 50/50 chance.

>> No.50774109
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>have student loan debt
>don't care
>have no student loan debt
Kek, who cares, you'll never be able to pay it off. It's not like you're going to be sent to debtors prison because faggy college scams are too stupid to analyze risky loans for imaginary value. Would suggest not keeping any physical assets on you though.

>> No.50774160
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>50k net worth
>23 years old
>chainlink bagholder
>pre med dropout from a shitty state university
>virgin, living with parents
>my dad hates me and wants to kick me out but he’s stopped by my mom

>> No.50774183

feel like you posted this as some humble brag but it's unironically pretty mid

>> No.50775447

>20k a year job (entry level / junior role)
>3k savings (going to spend it on plane tickets soon)

BUT this is me having turned my life around a bit. I was working at a fast food restaurant for a few years and fucking hated it (besides mostly chill co-workers). GF dumped me because I wasn't trying to improve my situation and she didn't see me as husband/father material.

Broke my heart. 4 months of trying later and I got a good entry level job in marketing. In a year I expect a payrise to competitive / standard rake 31k a year.

Even 20k yearly (which actually is 17k after taxes) is a lot of money to me. Also my job is extremely chill, I actually like going to work for the most part.

>> No.50775463

Don't. Fucking. Quit.

>> No.50775472

>no friends
>no gf/wife
>no kids
>family doesn't speak to me
>living off savings for the past year which are about to run out
going going to off myself at this point desu

>> No.50775501

>300k NW
>90k WFH job
its over for me

>> No.50775508
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>> No.50775669

Anon. Do not fucking quit. Just finish the degree, even if its by the skin of your teeth. Don't fall for the influencer bullshit: you do not understand how grim it is out there without the degree. Just bear it a bit longer.

>> No.50775765

Da fuck? That's great net worth for 22, easily top 1%.

>> No.50775783

Plug through the CS degree, it's the wisest career path. Ignore the FUD.

t. Software Engineer with $180k WFH salary at a startup with no corporate bullshit

>> No.50775878 [DELETED] 

>22 almost 23
>No money, lost 200k
>Studying CIS
>Graduate at 24ish
>Extremely ugly people are repulsed
>Small dick
>No friends
>Never had gf obv

What do

>> No.50775898


>> No.50775908

>50k WFH job
>14k CC debt, accounts closed/charged off
>Settlement offer 8k
>Might just let it sit for 7 years and disappear off report
>No car loan, mortgage, rent payment, etc.
>Gonna stack cash until then
Should I pay it off?

>> No.50775936

Was expecting this answer

>> No.50776073
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>about to turn 25 years old
>15k in savings and investments
>make 25,000 yearly as of right now
>no debt
>never had a real relationship with a girlfriend but had sex
>haven't had a friend in years because of my circumstances

It feels like I'm in purgatory. There's nothing that is happening in my life that is making it worth living but I'm not absolutely wasting my life doing nothing. It just feels like I'm a rat stumbling around in the same cage for the 19th millionth time and I want off the ride.

>> No.50776165

Good luck brother, don't take life too seriously.

>> No.50776174

agencies are cheaper but all of my best experiences have been with individual escorts

good luck dont spend too much money

>> No.50776182
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>negative networth

>> No.50776265

>>50770607 I was in a similar situation to you. I was about to quit but scraped through. I've never been asked for my grades or transcript, they don't matter. But not having an internship made it difficult. So after graduating and failing a few interviews I grinded every problem in the book "Elements of Programming Interviews" and supplemented with leetcode. I started crushing the interviews and now my situation looks like this >>50775783. Go get it.

>> No.50776500

literally me. same age, same everything. Pulling off of $2M cryptobucks to live on, but I don't want or like anything so my monthly expenditures are like $3k and that's only because my jew landlord hiked the rent $400 this year.

Insult to injury, I was seeing a therapist because I figured I had nothing to lose seeing what it was all about and she literally dumped me last week after just four sessions. She said I clearly don't want to change or get better but literally all I do is just go there and tell her my bullshit and ask for insights/help and she has none, she just keeps telling me I need to decide to change. like bitch I tried 'just not being depressed' it didn't work which is why I'm in your office ffs.

I was thinking maybe I'll get a dog, at least he won't tell me I'm a piece of shit and make me do yoga.

>> No.50776502
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I really don't care about having friends or sex anymore. I honestly want nothing to do with normalfags knowing that majority of them genuinely don't care about you unless you have something to offer in return.
I also can't interact well with other internet losers because my interests are far too varied. I can only provide insightful conversations on few topics.

I know I'm going down a dark path, but I literally have no motivation to chase the normalfag lifestyle. It legit sickens me to have to pretend something I'm not just I can blend in with society. But I notice the NEET path is slowly killing me too.

>> No.50776542

Stop being a faggot dude, you have 2 million

Being broke and a loser is way worse

>> No.50776572

imagine thinking a woman knows the struggle of a man. She was just silently judging you, she probably thinks you're gonna be a future mass shooter. Fuck that dumb bitch

>> No.50776677

How the hell do you get dumped by a therapist

>> No.50776796

that's a biological male

>> No.50776812
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>25.5 year old
>net worth of a couple grand
>had what I suppose could've been a mental break and failed out of college at 20
>spent adjoining years taking a couple classes here and there and working
>/fit/ , depressed, supported by my parents and not suicidal.
>good grades, decent charisma on my good days
>upward parabola after hitting what for me was rock bottom
>gotten laid a couple times, fallen in love, lost faith in humanity
>mog those around me when I jog shirtless, crippling personality disorder, empty inside
>just found out I have minor epilepsy

>> No.50776904

spotted the normie

>> No.50776936

>in grad school for a degree that has low earning potential and that I'm not sure I'll enjoy simply because I had to make a decision
>very indecisive about future path or career, burned all my recommendations on schools I ended up not even attending
>0 net worth
>work as wagie at gym
>no gf, haven't touched a girl since 2019, still a virgin
>6k student loan debt
>parents getting sick of financially helping me, living at home

at least I have a car, have a (useless) college degree, and am /fit/ with no major health or mental issues. could be much worse but still doesn't feel like a great place to be in. I really have to figure my career shit out, it's very stressful and it's hard to commit to something and know if i'll enjoy it and be good at it

>> No.50776998

Prostitution is paid rape. Just accept being celibate and move on. Sex isn’t everything. In addition to being morally wrong, seeing an escort will expose you to herpes/HPV and put you at risk of being blackmailed or doxxed if the escort’s email account is compromised. Learn discipline and acceptance.


>> No.50777401

can you fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.50777508

>third wordler
>Neet since I finished my retarded econ degree a year ago
>Learning to Code
>Only Hope is crypto

>> No.50777642

Yeah i feel you bro.

>> No.50777664
File: 1.08 MB, 791x826, 12341241241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead end job
>full WFH work 3 hours a day
>2k link


>> No.50778386
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older than you. no job. friends are dumbshit morons i dont have time for. never touched a broad. 35$ in my pocket.
lovin life and happier than all you combined

>> No.50780395

>halfway through cs degree
>on academic probation after not giving a fuck about school
>NW dropped from 100k to like 10k after being retarded with crypto

I feel so retarded I could’ve been well off right now if i was more responsible and wasn’t so reckless but it’s not the end of the world I guess

>> No.50782626

just shave off everything

>> No.50782722

read the plot on Wikipedia and I really don't see why you would recommend it? Most of us will never marry or have children.

>> No.50783722


Just get a job with double the income again.

>> No.50783835

27 isn't too late is it? I'm almost 28

>> No.50784839

we are the generation who will decide is it late or no
history didnt know precendents before our century, we are pioneers who were allowed to not work, not have sex and social life.