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50763300 No.50763300 [Reply] [Original]

Did I choose the right college major biz?

>> No.50763309

probably not

>> No.50763319

hard as fuck major with no real application for jobs

>> No.50763320

Well doubledubbs man, if you were an engineer you would actually get hired.

>> No.50763338

>hard as fuck major
This I completely agree. This fucking major is intellectually back breaking.

>> No.50763366

There is a running joke in physics. Basically, we come up with the equations so the engineers basically get our sloppy seconds, but the engineers don't care because they are too busy making money.


>> No.50763384

Sure. Just make sure you gather some experience in adjacent practical skills like programming, data analysis or similar. A reasonable looking degree in physics is basically just a certificate of having a high IQ and non-pozzed employees will value this highly.

>> No.50763398

Just don’t pick anything that contains the word studies. Ngmi.

>> No.50763456

No, you create equations for some toolsets that let engineers do their job.

>> No.50763488

Thank you for your service.

Found the marketing degree.

>> No.50763522

The toolset is wrong even though the equations are right though


>> No.50763605

We literally create new science knowledge and discover deeper fundamentals about how the universe works from the smallest to the largest scales.

But we get paid shit.

>> No.50763615

Boomers have turned college into a scam.

>> No.50763620


>> No.50763641

Engineer here, we very rarely use any equations. And when we do, it's usually in the form of Excel spreadsheets. We aren't even getting physicists' sloppy seconds, they're just so distant from what we do that we never even think about them.

>> No.50763665

For making money? Probably not. But it is a pretty based major if you're just going to college to "figure yourself out". You'll find that the analytical and critical thinking methods they teach you will seperate you from the rest of the pack wherever your career takes you. You may not graduate as a physicist, but you will graduate as a problem solver.

>> No.50763871
File: 38 KB, 320x422, physics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We literally create new science
lol if by create you mean make up then I agree

>> No.50763925

Lean hard into stats and coding (R, python, Fortran). Phys and math majors are the real workers behind AI/ML. CS majors and software engineers are useless when it comes even to basic stats. I lost count of how many AI/ML with math/phys degree I’ve met and they are usually the ones who know what they are doing.

>> No.50763950

The universe does not care if you believe in it.

>> No.50763967

They don't even have the order that shit happened correct.

First, newton. Then they figured out that galaxies rotate so fast they fly apart so they invented dark matter as an explanation for the galaxies not flying apart. They then noticed that everything in the universe is flying apart at increasing speed so they invented dark energy.

>> No.50764031
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Nah, change now that you can into economic and finances, you will make it for sure that way. If you want to skip that just go straight into investing in vinu

>> No.50764055

extremly fun if you are into it or are ambition to be good at. If you graduate you can truly be proud of yourself

>> No.50764146

>no real application for jobs

>> No.50764241
File: 60 KB, 500x639, physicists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The universe does not care if you believe in it.
lmfao! oh how naive you are! and you're behind on the science kiddo.

The physical, material world is exhaustively defined by an enumeration of measurable quantitative properties (mass, charge, spin, position, velocity, etc). Experiments have shown that the physical world is contextual: its measurable physical properties do not exist before being observed. In other words, consciousness is the property that instantiates all the properties of matter. Without consciousness there is no color, no temporality, and no matter. Therefore, it does not make sense to speak about an "objective" world outside of sensory perceptions.

>> No.50764309

there's literally nothing you can do that a computer isn't already doing a million times faster
sorry OP, shoulda went compsci

>> No.50764321

Fellow engineer here, and the equations we do use are very specific to our industry. I'm a mech engineer in HVAC, and I'm starting to forget the kinematic, dynamic, structural analysis, material science, etc. stuff since it's purely thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, and heat transfer. Not once have I even thought about the physicists who conceived the equations I've forgotten lmao.

Love me spreadsheets tho

>> No.50764431

You'll work your arse off for good grades if you want a good job out of it and then you'll be making as much as the girls that """studied""" human resources. Only do it if you have a passion for the subject

>> No.50764531
File: 197 KB, 1167x825, dark matter soyjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark matter

>> No.50765081

HVAC is a pretty cool field anon, I had a colleague explain psychrometric charts to me once and I loved it.
I'm a systems engineer personally, so much less specialised and more about writing requirements and planning verification and stuff. In my field especially you need to be able to understand the topics and teach them to non-engineers, but it's pretty rare that I get a chance to do anything really technical myself.

>> No.50765124

He's right though.