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File: 23 KB, 195x250, curryman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50763062 No.50763062 [Reply] [Original]

Where's Tinychart? Where's Curryman?
Where has my country gone?
What happened to Algorand General?
Is Yieldly still a ponzi? AlgoGems? Smiley?

>> No.50763093
File: 212 KB, 530x484, 1656297078921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy and HODL. We're all going to make it.

>> No.50763153

Haven't you still get what happens? - All crypto is just ponzi. There is no ways defi will exists, other than that there is no use in any other aspect of the technology. All crypto is just bump and dump crap. Most probably it will grow again in few years, just sell it in time, don't be too much greedy.

>> No.50763604

Too many people got rug pulled by the casino. SNIFF was the last straw. That rug pull was brutal and I think Anons that were enthusiastic about ALGO either sold or are just quietly accumulating ALGO under the governance system.
Also it crashed from its $2 high to its current state. It's hard to give a shit about a coin that dumps that badly in a bear market. I think ALGO will get back to where it was before. I just hope that Anons have learned their lesson and stay away from the casino. It's too easy for Pajeets and Africans to either rug pull or beg developers for air drops and immediately sell, crashing the price and causing the dev to just give up. I've seen both happen.

>> No.50764183


We have ascended, fren.

>> No.50764387
File: 2.39 MB, 1834x1080, algorand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50764456
File: 502 KB, 1284x923, 657836AB-7C8B-47A4-8323-02A4889BE60C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread. There used to be a lot of Algorand hype it seems to have faded more than some during the bear market. I still have confidence in the project though.

>> No.50764727

Algorand is reddits coin, but that's ok, they have been doing better than biz in the last year. There's a few ardent Algochads here, but they are tired of the constant shitting up of a good thread due to Hbagies or matic rajeeshs. Everyone here thinks they are oldfags that have made it, but really man, they all left. There's no need to bicker with stinky pajeets on here. Either way, buy Algo its a good project.

>> No.50764780

Paid shills left a few months ago. No one cares about Algorand

>> No.50765201

I made a ton off of vest and I have some set aside in the humble farm.
Do you think cometa is going to take q shit soon?

>> No.50765745
File: 111 KB, 736x1104, 238F852D-EBD7-437A-B404-65DC55EDCF39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother Algorand as an ecosystem is doing better than ever, and we’re not even in a bull market. Algorand has like five dexes, two money markets, dex aggregators, launchpads, and a bunch of dev shit that you’ve clearly been missing out on. Read through Algorand.foundation for like ten minutes and you’ll get the picture.

>> No.50765917

im sure that neo nazi flag is going to really help the price...

>> No.50765961

It's well known that Silvio Micali's father was a card carrying member of the Blackshirts. Turns out Algorand has fascistic roots kek

>> No.50766970

Y'all gotta get on fxdx

>> No.50767066

That shit is a total scam, don’t trust it for a second. GMX doesn’t make you wait three hours to take profits. FXDX’s contracts are shitty and unaudited. Trading with fucking 30x leverage isn’t a long-term strategy, you’re supposed to be in-and-out in like a few minutes at most. I’m personally waiting for Deridex, or maybe even a superior implementation from the boys at Vestige.

>> No.50767367

Quietly accumulating my Yieldly and Algos. Quiet before the storm because everything that has been said is in fact, still true about the CBDCs

>> No.50767368
File: 102 KB, 1246x878, rttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has an upgrade

>> No.50767542

Yieldly is a FUCKING SCAM. Absolutely anyone can make a staking platform now, and both Humble and Vestige are about to make their yield farm contracts totally permissionless. What does Yieldly provide to Algorand defi that any other platform doesn’t?

>> No.50768111

Here's the QRD of a year into Algorand DeFi:
>DeFi summer was a massive fail, but it was market wide so it got postponed
>Yieldly is a certified scam that deserves to go to 0. Shit contracts and inflationary coin that has brought down in value any coin it has touched. They even bought an AMM and then did nothing with it.
>Algofi is still the biggest project out there, but it's literally used for free Anus rewards, and that's it.
>Folks Finance is a convoluted mess with weird ponzinomics
>TinyChart is ded, Iong live Vestige. Better platform, and they're going to launch a stable coin or some shit like that. Not really sure, but they won a hackathon so at least some ppl think it's worth something.
>Humble is meh. So much talk about reach being the best for the first project to be "just ok" was a bit disappointing, but it's better than Tinyman, although that's not hard.
>Pact feels ded
>Headline is doing a Dex and a shitty options thing that is going to be DOA like all their other stuff
>There's a jeet scam called fxdx or some shit like that that does perps but it has a shitty widraw clause that makes it unusable
>Institutions don't trust the chain so DeFi can't compete with governance
>AlgoDAO sucks ass
>Foundation is literally firing and rehiring for almost all roles, but it looks like the purge is almost over.
>All early projects are ded (curryman, blapu, Akita)
>gems is now a middle of the pack nft market of like 100 out there.
>smile is still doing its thing to mixed results
>Zone is still scamming people with shitty pajeet tier games
>Chain is still autistic a

So in a year's time we've earned nothing and lost our money. Fuck Algorand.

>> No.50768174

Basically all of this is true, Vestige is Algorand’s only hope. EVERYONE has lost money in the past year, Algorand just started on the ground floor. Next bull run, we’ll have so much more going on than you can summarize in a single post, but for now this is a VC chain which intends to ascend beyond EVM hegemony. It isn’t that Institutions don’t trust Algorand, it’s that most institutions aren’t diving headlong into obscure risk assets like ASA LP and Lofty tokens immediately before the invasion of Taiwan. By the end of this year, we’re going to see just how much major institutions trust Algorand over everything else.

>> No.50768312

I'm all in on Vestige. Devoted half my stack to it. But it doesn't look like it's going to move anytime soon so now I'm not so sure. Seems like volume is non-existent for asa's across the board.

>> No.50768548

I think the Vestige play is for a few years in the future. It's one of those that will become a main team within the ecosystem. What we should do atm is bitch to the foundation about it. Cause they keep on getting ignored by it, I still don't know why the foundation hasn't showered them with money to accelerate their shit, yet at the same time complete bullshit like alchemon gets 1M in funding, the vest guys would probably be the best value for buck on the algorand ecosystem at the moment.

>> No.50768580

In regards to the rugpulls like SNIFF killing the vibe, VESTIGE will be launching their audited liquidity locker soon which will be a major addition to the ecosystem and give confidence back to users. I'm looking forward to the return of the casino but from a serious project perspective.

Vestige devs are based af and have had my respect from day one

>> No.50768592

Is it actually true?

>> No.50768631

i sold one curryman NFT for 1337 algo. looking back now, i cant believe someone paid that much for a jpg of a cartoon indian.