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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50762848 No.50762848 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any billionaires who are genuinely self-made and weren’t basically born into wealth?

>> No.50762891

Yeah me

>> No.50762900

how'd you do it anon?

>> No.50762907


>> No.50762911

No, the best you can do starting from scratch is a small blue collar company (snow plows, land scaping, junk removal, moving, trucking, antique stores, fences, dog breeding, etc)
if you're high IQ you're probably trying to minimize your expensed and cover it through some sort of internet business.

>> No.50762912

Sucked 1 billion dicks

>> No.50762921

what do you call wealth?

>> No.50762923

Craig S. Wright.

>> No.50762929


>> No.50762934

Oprah Winfrey?

>> No.50762942

T. Nigger lovers

>> No.50762953

Fraud S. Fraud.

>> No.50762990
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The vast majority of them.

>Of those folks, 67.7% were self-made, while 23.7% had a combination of inherited and self-created wealth. Only 8.5% of global high-net-worth individuals were categorized as having completely inherited their wealth.

>> No.50763074 [DELETED] 

Self made as in they started from nothing or self made as in mommy and daddy were millionaires with connections in high places?

>> No.50763106

Self made as in they received only a small loan of a million dollars, or access to one of the few mainframes in the country and the financial support to be able to invest years in learning skills with no immediate returns

>> No.50763117

Yeah me

>> No.50763165

Vitalik Moneyskelly

>> No.50763217

The quote I posted explains this clearly you fucking retard.

>> No.50763242

> just have a few million dollars seed bro

>> No.50763260

No, it doesn't; the categories in your post refer only to inherited wealth, individuals such as Musk or Trump who didn't actually inherit anything but were only able to accomplish what they did through real financial support from their parents to get the business off the ground are lumped in as being "self-made".

>> No.50763278

>individuals such as Musk or Trump who didn't actually inherit anything but were only able to accomplish what they did through real financial support from their parents to get the business off the ground
lmao holy shit read the quote again, there are 3 categories
those people would belong with:
>while 23.7% had a combination of inherited and self-created wealth

Learn to read

>> No.50763297

JK Rowling?

>> No.50763307


>> No.50763313

Is boogie2988’s brother notch self made?

>> No.50763326
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None except for like CZ unironically

>> No.50763330

I don't know about billions of dollars made but I know there have been some inventions that made people a lot of money. The as seen on tv devices being invented by someone is a money maker. These days such items are more often than not made up by corporations. Historically up through the 1980s and into the 1990s quite a few of these items were invented and sold by individuals. One example I know of was I met someone at a party one time who had a member of the family that came up with an idea and marketed a device that cut an onion so that it could be battered and deep fried like Outback Steakhouse's blooming onion. The dude patented it, had it manufactured and sold it late night and during soap operas in the afternoon in tv commercials. He wasn't a billionaire but he did make millions in the 1980s and into the 1990s. He was basically set for life because he came up with a kitchen gadget.

>> No.50763347


>> No.50763348

>inherited definition:
>inherited money or property has been given to someone when the previous owner died


Elon Musk's parents haven't died, he has inherited nothing from them, he would be categorized as self made and not inherited wealth and yet the only reason he was able to start PayPal and become a billionaire was because his daddy owns a diamond mine

Idk if Trump inherited a significant amount from his parents but a small loan of a million dollars from his dad wouldn't count as inherited wealth either

Fucking zoomzooms

>> No.50763377

sirgay fatbelly

>> No.50763386

how do you define 'born into wealth'?

>> No.50763404

Bezos. Rihanna. The Starbucks guy.

>> No.50763416

Use common fucking sense. People above middle class.

>> No.50763425

no if you have to make your first $100k then it's going to take you your youth and then you have to build a company from the ground up it's just not possible to really do in one lifetime unless you play everything flawlessly

>> No.50763430

Kill yourself

>> No.50763544

His dad didn't own a diamond mine, he was a property developer, and once co-owned an emerald mine, not in South Africa but in Zambia, this provided for the lavish life of his family.

>> No.50763571

All parents financially support their children in their education and business endeavours, the extent depends upon how much wealth they themselves have.

>> No.50763590


>> No.50763649

Unironically turning a million or 3 into a billion is still a huge feat. That's like saying it should be simple for anyone to turn 1k into 1m

>> No.50763834

This is such a fucking cucked cocksucker opinion piece it blows my mind my fellow Americans read this shit and think they are being informed.

90% of people in the fuck you money upper class is born into it. This fucking opinion piece tries to frame this shit as inheritance vs make it yourself. No mention of mommy and daddy being able to give you money to invest in shit. No mention of mommy and daddy having high quality connections due to being rich.

Just "lots of wealthy peoples parent's didn't die before they got rich" is all this article says.

What a fucking smoothbrained cocksucking moron you are bro. Just show em an article from a fucking freelance CNBC writer that'll show em!!

>> No.50763860

When I look back at the most successful people in my HS graduating class, the majority of them took over their family business, or their parents were local politicians. You don't really see anybody making it from zero.

>> No.50763862

What about that guy will Smith played in that one movie? Check mate commie

>> No.50764007
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Because some men are weak and become strong and some men are born into the strongest places and become weak. Do not underestimate the power of your birthplace to make you a millionaire, you will make it, provided you invest in vinu

>> No.50764042
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ID: bully

>> No.50764058

Unironically almost 90% right

>> No.50764334

>90% of people in the fuck you money upper class is born into it.
This is the opinion of envious retards that automatically think it MUST be true.
You don't even care about the data lmao

>What a fucking smoothbrained cocksucking moron
I bet you're a socialist bootlicker who wants the state to gain more power over your pathetic life.

>> No.50764462

If Athletes count, then LeBron

>> No.50764480

Bill and Hillary clinton

>> No.50764509

LoL, Hillary has a pretty well known family

>> No.50764551

Wayne Huizenga

>> No.50764557

hey they murdered a lot of people for that money and they deserve respect

>> No.50764624
