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5075836 No.5075836 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that the implementation Segwit was solely designed to decouple the block from the private key so that they can control people’s coins and steal Satoshi’s coins.

Bitcoin Cash retains Satoshi’s original protocol with private keys inside the block and is the true Bitcoin.

The conspiracy was leaked here:


“I think Satoshi’s a sellout”
“And I think that he could burn his private keys now and not risk the future economy of the world , with an unknown party holding 10% of it”
“Who may have given those keys to his kid, and his kid might be the next HITLER”
“Or he may have gotten a mental illness and gotten whacky himself”
“Or he has some other socially dangerous beliefs”
“This guy’s accruing a lot of money and he’s a variable that we’re unaware of”
“He could be renouncing his control of his keys and he’s not.”
“Which means he’s either a bitch or he’s dead”
“Those are the only two options I’m aware of”

- Bitcoin core dev

>> No.5076120

i just sold my bch lol

>> No.5076160

At least you didn’t convert your BTC to segwit BTC because you’d lose your BCH private key.

>> No.5076193

The bitcoin core dev looks like a faggot, I'm switching over to bch

>> No.5076205

>satoshis vision

>> No.5076243

150k Unconfirmed transactions, how do we fix this, I'm not even pro BCH but this is fucking ridiculous. It takes a week to confirm a transaction

>> No.5076276

>It takes a week to confirm a transaction
i agree its bullshit but thats just not true, unless your skimping on heavily on the tx fees

>> No.5076330

I did a 21k Satoshi fee, that's $3-4 and it has been over 3 days without confirmation

>> No.5076622

It’s like 30$ fees now.

>> No.5076663

im not understanding the confirmations meme. i've yet to encounter a tx that takes more than an hour. am i paying retarded fees each time? i dont check tbqh

>> No.5076767

Probably. Check the transaction.

>> No.5076788

>those repeating digits
goddammit i knew i was paying too much lmao

>> No.5077387

> guyz if we say segwit means your private keys isn't safe on 4chan maybe we'll destroy the real bitcoin i mean bitcoin core

>> No.5077407


Your private key is safe, they just don’t need it to confirm a block anymore.

>> No.5077475

I've had BTC transaction stuck for several days. It's really stressful when you want to do something with it but can't due to fucking network congestion. Imagine moving 2 BTC around and you're like "HURRY UP AND DEPOSIT SO I CAN TRADE" but you can't, because it's fucking stuck.

The way BTC is going right now is bullshit, and I don't even have any Bitcoin Cash (sold them all already)

>> No.5077633

You got to add fees to the tx.

>> No.5078406

bitcoin is digital gold now bro, i'm pretty sure this meme will last the rest of our lifetimes,

nothing to worry about

>> No.5079266

unless markets are tampered with then BTC is doomed to be slaughtered by BCH

BTC = Bilderberg Trash Coin

Help Free The World - Sell It Now

don’t be left holding the bag

>> No.5079372
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It's bad but it's not that bad. I was surprised to see my btc transaction confirm faster than ltc when i was trying to do arbitrage.

>> No.5079440

Well I went with a 21k fee because the previous week it worked fine with just 16k Satoshis. Guess I'll have to wait the full 2 weeks before it's dropped by the mempool.

>> No.5079715

It boggles my fucking mind that big public figures are pushing BTC core when the thing is already completely irrelevant besides mindless retard herds plowing their money into it.

What will be the ultimate payments coin....BCash or Litecoin?

>> No.5079826


Bitcoin Cash will experience monster growth in 2018. Coinbase will probably announce they're adding it in the next day or two, I can't imagine they'll wait till January 1st for an update.

Litecoin is a piece of shit which follows the development path of BTC, the only reason it hasn't had the same issues as BTC yet is it hardly has any transactions. Charlie Lee is absolutely only interested in pumping LTC so he can dump his coins, of which he may have millions - which is why Core treats him like a dog and he doesn't care.

>> No.5079855

Explain to me why its a piece of shit, I am genuinely interested. I have made like $20k on it so far but will definitely get out if there are good reasons to do so.

>> No.5080257


Litecoin development literally only cuts and pastes whatever horseshit Blockstream Core farts out and that is their development roadpath.

In fact the only reason Litecoin is worth anything at all is because BTC is artifically capped at 1MB.

Bitcoin Cash is going to steamroll both because it can and will continue to offer congestion free, 1cent transactions no matter how many people start using it.

>> No.5080477

Litecoin was always a meme until Coinbase fags started buying it.

Ur a diversity of encryption algorithms might not be bad.

>> No.5080914

Congrats on this FUD, seriously. The truth is that Bcash can only scale linearly, not exponentially like Bitcoin once tech gets implement. Also the way Bcash scales is by destroying decentralization and exploding the blockchain to unmanageable sizes.

>> No.5081078

Are you ok?

>> No.5081421
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>> No.5081427

GJ regurgitating core talking points

>> No.5081708

if they are invalid, refute them.

>> No.5081756

moores law

>> No.5081772

also the only centralization that matters is mining centralization
and in that respect BTC & BCH are ==

>> No.5081818
File: 10 KB, 426x246, btc-now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5081883

Wheres’s Bcash?

All these fats that bought bitcoin now don’t have any Bitcoin Cash.

I think that’s called a bait and switch.