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50751908 No.50751908 [Reply] [Original]

At my firm, the zoomer college grads aren’t performing as well, and really enjoy the WFH life. Typically people aren’t performing as well in WFH.

Those who do come into the office are lazy as shit.

>Example #1 said they couldn't stay to help out with something urgent that came up because they already called their Uber and had to escort his mom to a medical appointment (seemed like a BS excuse to me).

>Example #2 asked if they could go home early since it was their birthday. It was a Wednesday with an important meeting on Thursday that we needed to finish some extra work for. Disappeared for the night.

>Example #3 said they couldn't do work one night since there was a mandatory social event organized by HR. Again, deliverables due the next day.

Anyone else notice this type of thing happening at work?

>> No.50751922

Their boss has to be firm with them about doing what is needed.

It's a management issue more than anything

>> No.50751924

troll thread but sadly some boomers think like this. you work in an office, not an operating room. your deliverables are meaningless.

>> No.50751935

Why should I care about a job?

>> No.50751942

None of your work is important and you should consider it a gift if even reply to you outside of work hours

>> No.50751987

You will die alone sad hated and in pain like you deserve and want boomer parasite

>> No.50751990

>Example #2 asked if they could go home early since it was their birthday. It was a Wednesday with an important meeting on Thursday that we needed to finish some extra work for. Disappeared for the night.

Haha this wagie is working for a shit company. My company respects and rewards its employees with a day off on birthdays. You heard me, ONE extra day off that is independent of our annual leave allowance.

>> No.50752040

>a shit company
I work in M&A for one of the most influential banks on earth, getting your birthday off is for little children, we are adults not children your birthday is just another day.

>> No.50752110

So u work for one of the biggest problems in society today. Then you want to blame society, kek get fucked faggot. Enjoy being a janitor

>> No.50752243

>day off for birthday

wtf, that's retarded, and I say this as a hardened NEET

>> No.50752245

>u work for one of the biggest problems in society today

>> No.50752284

>I work in M&A for one of the most influential banks on earth
what's the P&L, BS, and cash flow impact of goodwill impairment?

>> No.50752371

Reduce the balance of goodwill
>cash flow
nothing its goodwill

>> No.50752426

too vague, above or below the line?
>Reduce the balance of goodwill
>nothing its goodwill
that's not what i asked.

>> No.50752433

It doesn't matter. Most of these WFH jobs are as fake as the economy that created them.
Enjoy the ride.

>> No.50752457

Kek nice pop quiz now fuck off

>> No.50752508

its a debit to impairment expense, p&l not OCI. credit goodwill. impairment alone has no direct effect on the cash flow statement. your question is not as deep as you think

>> No.50752547

Cash flow is reduced. Is it below the line? I haven’t done accounting in years

>> No.50752597

OP, you sound like a middle manager making the classic mistake in thinking the employees give a fuck about the company, or you, or your deliverables, or the arbitrary deadline you decided is tomorrow. Literally nobody gives a fuck about you, and they owe you nothing.

WFH or coming into the office is irrelevant. If your shit can't be completed in the standard hours available, hire more people or move your deadline to a less retarded date.

>> No.50752630

pre-WFH standard
>90% of office workers are there for 8-10 hours
>are given work that only lasts 2-3 hours max
>most workers either stretch that work for their allotted time or choose the riskier play of getting it all done at once and pretending their working if their boss looks at them
>if they get caught doing the former they are praised as a great worker and if the latter, they are reprimanded severely
>are forced to interact with genuinely terrible people whom you hate on a daily basis
post-wfh standard
>90% of office workers are there for 8-10 hours
>are given work that only lasts 2-3 hours max
>most workers either stretch that work for their allotted time or choose the riskier play of getting it all done at once and pretending their working if their boss looks at them
>if they get caught doing the former they are praised as a great worker and if the latter, they are reprimanded severely
>however, now they can just throw their work on a vm, or separate comp (usually work provided) and use the other for doing stuff to pass the time
>now any forced interactions can simply be solved by you muting the offending parties
>people want to end this all for some reason, when its objectively better

>> No.50752662

Because every WFH thread on here is pure abuse of the system to be incredibly lady. Office workers who have never worked a hard day in their life

>> No.50752668

>impairment alone has no direct effect on the cash flow statement.
yes it does, the question is how do you treat it on the statement of cash flows.
>your question is not as deep as you think
that's the point, and i don't even work in muh banking.
P&L presentation depends on if the goodwill impairment is for continuing vs discontinued operations. continuing operations is above the line (considered an operating cost), discontinued is below the line.

>> No.50752681

>Office workers who have never worked a hard day in their life
so all of them?

>> No.50752694

Yes that's why I said it

>> No.50752719

ok and?
go work in the sun faggot.
im working from home
and working out
and punching the bag

go work in the fucking sun faggot! and dont forget to get stuck in traffic (:

>> No.50752735

everyone was as lazy as they are now but just hid it better

>> No.50752736

>Anyone else notice this type of thing happening at work?
well no because we just hire foreign software developers who speak english, and when we pay them half what we pay an entitled libtard american we still get the same work, often better. they're paid better than they could get anywhere else in their own country, too.
we now have a situation where "immigrants do the job americans won't do" and also "foreign nationals excel at the jobs americans think they're entitled to."

>> No.50752747

And you are the reason why the world needs middle managers. This is why as an employer I support middle management, because I know from reading here just how lazy people can be when they're not supervised

>> No.50752769

>yes it does
All I can imagine you're talking about is adding back noncash expenses when preparing CF statement on the indirect method. If thats what you mean you're being obtuse on purpose. Also GW isn't tax deductible so its not like it will decrease cash paid for taxes.

>> No.50752778

Respectfully kill yourself you kike. I'm never going back to the office and i will continue to make $130k a year in bumfuck Kansas doing 3 hours of work a week you fucking faggot

>> No.50752784

When I was still working at home I constantly blew off work and woke up late it was based

>> No.50752788

And the market will continue to respond with more WFH surveillance tech

>> No.50752818

>Also GW isn't tax deductible
goodwill amortization is tax deductible under certain cases, funnily enough.

>> No.50752838


>> No.50752839

Banker boomer parasite no matter where you hide we will find you and euthanize you PARASITE PARASITE PARASITE PARASITE PARASITE PARASITE PARASITE PARASITE PARASITE

>> No.50752841

Productivity shouldn't be higher than it was for medieval peasants

>> No.50752852

I don't have any WFH employees so

>> No.50752889


i'm hybrid, i have boomer colleagues and bosses that go into the office everyday that pull the same shit and more. my boomer boss lady yells at my coworker (and sometimes at me) that emails must be responded to, yet every fucking day there's 10 emails asking for her to get back to them for 2nd/3rd follow up. i can't wait for the day when i quit and ruin her career in the exit interview about her destroying a team that used to run like a machine with petty arguments, power tripping, nepotism, office politicking, and general incompetence. and i'll be taking my coworker with me.

it's not a wfh problem it's an employee problem, hire better people.

>> No.50752910


They were out breaking their backs in fields. You have no clue. Try it out right now, warehouses and construction crews are always hiring.

>> No.50752944

>reddit spacers are WFH entitled babbies
coincidence? I think not

>> No.50752946

I WFH and will just stay clocked in an hour late for the overtime and spend it watching Paw Patrol with my son.
There's nothing my bosses can do about it lmao

>> No.50752954

And never will, and you’ll STILL pay me! Hahahaha!

>> No.50752962


i'm going to reddit space your asshole

>> No.50752969

ah, a troon

>> No.50752970


>retarded faggot can't read my post

>> No.50752986

Ask yourself this question: does my compensation warrant over performance? Will my bonus make up for lost time with my family and friends? Is my work meaningful/important enough that I should invest ally free time into it? My guess is no, not unless you're in an executive position

>> No.50753001

>redditor thinks someone cares about its opinion

>> No.50753002

We got rid of industrial jobs so now sitting in AC typing into spreadsheets is all we have and it sucks. Its all just busywork. None of it means anything and none of it pays enough. Why should we do more than the bare minimum when we are only paid the bare minimum?

>> No.50753025

Lmao. Surveillance of what?
>sir, he's running LIGMA script on his home network. We can trace all packets into the script and each one gets LIGMA.txt appended to it
>what can this mean. This wfh wagie is tryna haxor our mainframe
>later that day...
>HR "anon, we noticed suspicious activity on your home network, we need to verify you are working or we will terminate. What does LIGMA.TXT mean?"
>anon responds
Many such cases.

This boomer bait thread is fucking cringe. WFH is obviously valuable and successful. Surveillance of Jack shit is a sysadmin cope for more money in their pockets as they Wireshark their employees establishing zero trust between management and the people getting actual things completed. Lmao, let me know how that works for you retard companies that can't trust their employees. I know plenty of people who bust their ass working at home, and have zero desire to fuck off and do nothing. They want to accomplish the task and end the day. Same as it ever was.

>> No.50753032

Office workers typically do just busywork, yes. The kind of person that can work at a company like that, even WFH, is a soulless corporate stooge who will only ever dream of better corporate jobs

>> No.50753034

peasants only harvested summer through fall. They get a break between November and March

>> No.50753047

Okay that i actually didnt know, im not used to burger taxes

>> No.50753074

yeah it sucks.
I'd love to do woodworking to support myself. When I worked in an office, i had zero time to do it.
Now that I WFH, I can run out to the garage and do my hobbies when I want. fuck offices and fuck anyone who wants to go back to one.

>> No.50753090

>Now that I WFH, I can run out to the garage and do my hobbies when I want
>I'd love to do woodworking to support myself
See, you strike me as one of the office drones who will sit with a pile of cash in savings but still only ever aspire to work for someone else

>> No.50753094


And they were also poor as dogshit compared to you. You can work a labor job 2/3rds of the year just like them, own a tiny shack with no utilities, some simple clothing, eat basic food.

>> No.50753096

holy how stupid are you
>Verification not required.

>> No.50753111

You strike me as a nigger wishing it was white

>> No.50753115

You lazy fucks are missing the point.
There is no good incentive for me to put in extra hours or overperform.

>> No.50753121

I clearly said Id rather support myself.
learn to read, dummy

>> No.50753128

I'm not though, but I am right that you have probably only ever aspired to climb the corporate ladder working for someone else
>i'd rather
>but I'll still be a WFH office wagie because it's the safe road

>> No.50753134

I don't work any more than an extra hour at night, just set the deadline back a day if it needs more.

>> No.50753141

technology has increased productivity, we have plenty and dont need to be tortured psychologically by being forced to sit in an office from 9-5 where i waste time and look busy.

>> No.50753155

Post nose.

>> No.50753162

youre mad i dont quit my job?
fucking retard. what does that have to do with anything? Im arguing for WFH, dumbfuck

>> No.50753169


Didn't say you did, but that comparison to medieval peasants is pure reddit and uninformed. Labor work is fucking horrible and I thank every day I get to be in an office chair over that.

>> No.50753173

>you'll always be a lemming
Kek, you'll always be a nigger. It's funny, you can tell so much about my current employment and aspirationa from my post about you being a nigger lmao. Friends, gather round, we have some tarot calypso nigger here telling us the future

>> No.50753190

I'm making fun of you for being an eternal wagie, and by the responses I seem to have hit the nail on the head. Have either of you ever dreamed of doing anything outside of getting a better job working for someone else?

>> No.50753194

>Example #2 asked if they could go home early since it was their birthday.
>be grown ass man
>ask if you are allowed to do shit
lmao, kek even

>> No.50753198

Kek I mute an Indian Dev at work whenever he asks too many questions he could just google.

>> No.50753210

Project much? Lmao. So let me guess, the last book you read was The 4 hour work week?

>> No.50753214

>incredibly lady
And that's a good thing! You're not a freaking anti-LGBTphobe, right?

>> No.50753220

>still only ever aspire to work for someone else
it's the path of least resistance. why would i want to risk my own capital and work insane hours trying to get a business off the ground which might, if i'm really lucky, bring in $200k/year? i can make the same money at no personal risk with a comfy wfh job.

>> No.50753232

I'm currently WFH in that I'm self employed and don't have to try to advocate for WFH to hide from my boss

>> No.50753243

Humorous bait, though also obviously bait. Why post this bait, though? Why smear WFH? The only result is trapping people back in corporate offices again.

>> No.50753245

>it's the path of least resistance
You'd be surprised how this is the first thing that the eternal wagie concedes when he finally admits that he is born to wage

>> No.50753259


>OP, you sound like a middle manager making the classic mistake in thinking the employees give a fuck about the company, or you, or your deliverables

Goddamn, I always wondered why they even think I care. I am not even good at putting up an act. They really think I care about the company, the leadership goals, ambitions or whatever like they were doing something that matters.

All I care about is getting paid and advancing my career so I get paid more in the future. The company could go bankrupt and it's office be located at the top floor of WTC back in 9/11/2001 for all I care.

>> No.50753270

Lmao. Imagine being you, an entrepreneur and that's it. Try being an entrepreneur and a wfh wagie at the same time while you polish your English (not ebonics) by reading fine white literature.
>I don't work for anyone else. I'm free!
Kek. Honestly anon, good on you, but that was me circa 2012-18

>> No.50753285

LMAO based zoomers. You should be learning a lesson here instead of complaining: work is not that important.

>> No.50753296

>but that was me circa 2012-18
Ehh I highly doubt it, you're probably confusing working for someone who wasn't a micromanager with working for yourself

>> No.50753297

What I've noticed is that the ones complaining the most are leaders who were only part in the office to begin with. They want to WFH but don't think that privilege should be extended to others.

I have continued to work at the office throughout the entire pandemic. Strangely my entire team returned to the office without being asked. Hmmmm

>> No.50753306

Gay troll thread, our company has seen improved productivity since we went hybrid. The office has its place but forcing people in every day is just pointless and detrimental

>> No.50753327

>The company could go bankrupt
>All I care about is getting paid
Yes, bankruptcy tends to interrupt the act of getting paid. You are why middle managers exist, or any business that hasn't crumbled to the ground
>time to open this business and rake in the money
>but I also don't care if the business goes bankrupt next month
>oh no where's my money
It really is amazing how zoomers who have zero logic-based thinking are making 100k+

>> No.50753353

Actually the macro data suggests it is increasing productivity because people are as a distribution tending to operate in a cycle of 3 bursts of productivity instead of one long, less productive one. The only thing this might not be true for are zoomers who are the wet dream of the self-important and completely unnecessary micomanager who does so to sate their own ego because zoomers have such poor work ethic they literally require a micromanager to stay on task in a consistently productive way. They fill out the archetype which managers pretend workers are and ruin it for everyone.

>> No.50753385

This. OP is a boomer faggot.

>> No.50753404

Holy fuck you're a dumbass.
>I run a dropshipping business. I'm basically Carl Icahn
Breh. Get real

>> No.50753407

>Have either of you ever dreamed of doing anything outside of getting a better job working for someone else?
you cant read confirmed.
enjoy your shitty dropshipping enterprise

>> No.50753426

Looks like I was right again, you've never been self employed, stop trying to pretend

>> No.50753428
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>Example #3 said they couldn't do work one night since there was a mandatory social event organized by HR. Again, deliverables due the next day.

>social event
>wonder why people want to work from home

Imagine getting reprimanded for not wanting to deal with coworkers when your work is decent.

>> No.50753451
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>don't try to do your own thing, that's hard
>just get promotion then get excited for next promotion
At the end of the day I do like that people like you exist so that people like me can. Employers need employees

>> No.50753453

Boomers are obsessed with the ritual of the office. It's the only thing that makes sense, even if it's all arbitrary and asinine. The dress codes. The daily meetings. The gay little parties. The team building exercises. Wandering around and making small talk for several hours a day.

It's why the myth of being bored after you retire exists. These faggots wasted their entire lives on this pitiful style of living. Now they have trouble imagining a life where they aren't waking up every day to put on a tie and go ask Joe in accounting "how about this weather, huh?" as they take a sip of shitty coffee.

>> No.50753460

My company literally cannot go bankrupt. Middle managers can seethe all they want, he’s not getting me to go to the office.

>> No.50753490

I can care less, you're not my employee
I'm pointing out exactly why middle managers exist, and why lazy people love WFH keeping them away from them

>> No.50753520

I think a lot of stuff can be done WFH, skilled information positions, like people who design stuff, industrial stuff, but don't actually have to touch anything hands on, but most of WFH is call center bullshit and is absolutely on its way out

>> No.50753560

Because they’re irrelevant technically illiterate boomers stuck practicing customs that are totally detrimental to the job?

>> No.50753588

I'm literally 23 not a boomer

>> No.50753598

You likely couldn't even figure out how to do payroll properly

>> No.50753654

>Yes, bankruptcy tends to interrupt the act of getting paid. You are why middle managers exist, or any business that hasn't crumbled to the ground

Nigger, I have plenty of job prospects, if the company goes to shit I'll be somewhere else in no time. You should know this very well since it took HR roasties months to find someone to fill this position.

>It really is amazing how zoomers who have zero logic-based thinking are making 100k+


>> No.50753680

> I have plenty of job prospects
Yes, and those prospects likely have middle managers keeping you roaming retards from driving the entire place under and fucking over everyone

>> No.50753694

I know that it’s not handled by middle management in my company, thank god.

>> No.50753720

You are a typical corporate wagie retard. You think everything happening in your cubicle row is a scandal that requires total strangers to know. No one gives shit.
>maaaaaassa Thomas had another piece of cornbread! Not like me massa, I’m you’re loyal hole and I only eat 1 piece of cornbread like you tell me.

>> No.50753753


>Yes, and those prospects likely have middle managers keeping you roaming retards from driving the entire place under and fucking over everyone

Fair enough, managers should care. Just don't project those same interests onto me is all I'm saying, I guess? Don't know if that sounds reasonable but I guess they could take the hint that we don't exactly have the same interests in mind given the the whole picture.

>> No.50753796

>but I guess they could take the hint that we don't exactly have the same interests in mind given the the whole picture.
You both have the interest of success of companies in mind, sure you can bounce to another one but if everyone had the mindset you do you wouldn't have those options. They project the interest that they too want a paycheck and you're hired to do a job that the company (probably) needs done to help ensure that stable paycheck.

Don't project your hatred of the world and inability to operate in social settings on to other people also just trying to make a paycheck

>> No.50753816

> Don't project your hatred of the world and inability to operate in social settings on to other people also just trying to make a paycheck
He says this completely unironically as a middle manager

>> No.50753820

He’s a fucking college accounting student who thinks anything he’s learning means jack shit in the real world.
Pro tip a computer program calculates all of that shit. If you’re drafting a statement of cash flows that doesn’t require clicking some buttons on general ledger software you’re doing it wrong. Even fucking consolidation is done by software these days.

>> No.50753831

So you're either a nigger, or an entrepreneur who is an asshole. Either way, I wouldn't associate with you..so enjoy being a dickhead working for yourself or someone else. Appreciate all the 0/10 self help advice tho. Maybe there can be your new venture, grifting

>> No.50753880

Not a middle manager, just someone who understands that the continued success of a company and other companies is a benefit to the retards who hate every aspect of the companies they work at beyond the direct deposit
Your posts in this thread are complete nigger tier, I don't want to associate with the people you associate with

>> No.50753924

Holy shit we got a bootlicking toady here! Companies do not give a shit about you. They care about the bottom line only. They will hang you out to dry without any qualms.

>> No.50753945

The bottom line matters of course, that's common sense. But why go through churn when you don't have to?

>> No.50753969

you sound like a colossal dick sucking brown nosing nigger of African proportions. enjoy your trash everyday under the desk of your superiors you yes man low t faggot.

>> No.50754041

Why bust my ass doing more than it takes to keep myself hired? I am expendable and replaceable in corporate eyes, I won’t give more consideration than they’d give to me. Moreover, why bother when a middle management HR retard makes twice what I ever will and does half the work? Getting paid to set up fantasy football for the company for example. Clearly there is enough money going around already.

>> No.50754111

the only bright news from the zoomer generation so far

>> No.50754120

It's partially this, but boomers have also dedicated their lives to making sure anyone younger than them has it worse than them. They have a massive inferiority complex because they know they can never be as strong and good as their parents and grandparents, so their response was to undercut their children and grandchildren. Seeing younger generations freed from the cage they had to spend their entire career in really pisses them off because we weren't supposed to have it better than boomers in any facet of life.

>> No.50754146

i've done maybe 2 hours of work all week
wfh is based

>> No.50754198

People actually believe these posts kek wtf

>> No.50754205

Hard work is what slaves do. American dream is dead and it's great the zoomers are smart enough to see the bullshit and the bag of absolute dog shit they've inherited. "No one wants to work" is a myth. That statement is actually missing 3 words..."for shit pay".

>> No.50754206

In the office or at home they’re going to get the same amount of work done unless you’re a dev with deadlines. Sorry to break it to you kektard

>> No.50754221

>Moreover, why bother when a middle management HR retard makes twice what I ever will and does half the work?
I guess I'm lucky this mindset doesn't extend to Tik Thots making bank for doing nothing, otherwise I'd think you're an actual communist

>> No.50754309

Management are doing some bullshit move about getting people back into the office in sept/oct because it's inconceivable to them that people don't want to waste unpaid hours of their life traveling somewhere that they then have to pretend they're as mediocre as the rest of the idiots there and can't do all their work in 5 minutes flat. Christ I'm getting annoyed just thinking about it.
Anyway, I'm scheduled to be back in 2 days a week while they trial run it and ask for feedback 2 months later in which I can tell tell them it's complete BS and I hate it and then they'll just discard all the feedback and carry on just as they like anyway. So what are my options for getting out of this. Book 2 days leave every week, Go off long term sick? Just keep 'forgetting' every time I'm supposed to go in. Quitting's not exactly an option as there's no guarantee I'll get anywhere else WFH for a similar salary.

>> No.50754332

It is based but at the same time I’m stuck in the house with my bitch wife all day everyday. Holy fuck I hate this cunt. I love my kids so much so unfortunately I am stuck with this fat bitch.

>> No.50754335

>communist for wanting to be compensated appropriately for the work I do
You boomer fucks don’t know how good you had it

>> No.50754366
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>> No.50754386

>compensated appropriately for the work I do
>fuck the company it can go bankrupt fuck them I'll do the bare minimum until they fire me
>wahhhhh why don't they recognize my talents? Can't they just detect how awesome I can be?
>oh and I'll still never care about the longevity of the company because my paycheck magically comes from the internet
I'm 30 you zoomer retard

>> No.50754392

Funny because I will be working hard to get these entitled kids fired at the first opportunity, and I have good rapport with my boss so it shouldn't be too difficult

>> No.50754444

The first priority of 30 year old boomers and zoomers, once boomers die off enough to start to be a minority, should be completely ending social security and halting all payments on state and government pensions, completely.

>> No.50754580

My company can literally not go bankrupt. As for why doesn’t the company recognise my talents? They do, I got a 20% pay rise within the last year for just doing what I do already. No amount of money will make me go back to the office, and if you want me to do work outside of what’s in my contract, pay rise. Simple as, not my problem.

>> No.50754601

>My company can literally not go bankrupt
>but also this company can fuck itself because I can go to another company
Can every company not go bankrupt now?

>> No.50754715

Checked. I'd vote for any politician who ran on a platform of immediate cuts to boomer gibs, but unfortunately the media would portray that candidate as murdering grandma and enough retards would fall for it. Not enough people under 50 think they're justified to vote in their generation's best interests at the expense of generations over 50 who were voting to fuck us over before we were even born.

>> No.50754830

Not gonna tell you my company but the government will literally not let it go bankrupt. Not my problem.

>> No.50754894

Ah you're like one of the niggresses at the department of licensing or any other state employee then. It all makes sense

>> No.50754908

I work three jobs and make over 200k/year, all from home.

>> No.50754960

I actually do work that affects the bottom line and I’m not a state employee. Seethe.

>> No.50754981

That's mid for 3 jobs, I make more from 1

>> No.50754983

Back to work wagie

>> No.50755181

Yep, that’s one (1) email sent, think I’ll go and buy some beer now and relax until quitting time. See you in the other WFH thread.

>> No.50755197

>wagie larping as NEETs
it's sad to see sometimes, but that's what WFH does to a brain

>> No.50755207

I don't understand the problem
The contract states X hours a day so work will only be done is those hours

>> No.50755232

You've never worked in a serious money job, have you?

>> No.50755246

You don’t know how cucked you are my banker friend.

>> No.50755249

Kek this

>> No.50755262

>not his problem

>> No.50755379

quitting time lmao

>> No.50755433


>> No.50755519

Unironically though, useless and lazy workers set the bar for achievement lower. You bet I make it well known in my performance reviews exactly how much slack I'm picking up.

>> No.50755565

Lowest EV of any choice. You are the rentcuck of laborers.

>> No.50756330

paw patrol is based

>> No.50757570


Most students don't take off for their birthday in school. It would be worse though if they try to celebrate it in office unless you're all genuinely friendly beyond being acquaintances.

>> No.50757608

>He’s a fucking college accounting student who thinks anything he’s learning means jack shit in the real world.
i work at a fortune 5 company.
>Pro tip a computer program calculates all of that shit. If you’re drafting a statement of cash flows that doesn’t require clicking some buttons on general ledger software you’re doing it wrong. Even fucking consolidation is done by software these days.
wrong. i built four statement financials for several 12 figure a year legal entities just a few months ago.

>> No.50757632

11** figure a year legal entities

>> No.50757747

This isn't the 50s a good manager needs to bring out the best in his employees and being a little bitch who doesn't enforce anything
Only example 2 could be seen as them being lazy because I would just call off on my birthday

>> No.50757846

Everyone here pretending to be a boss complaining about WFH are actually mcwagies, aren't they?

>> No.50757881

you really know that are a predditor when they do this shit >>50752969 with the space after the reply

>> No.50757893

nobody cares about productivity

>> No.50757901

based trips

>> No.50757920

You get who you deserve. Your problem is you're not taking a chance on non MIT grads. You don't take a chance on the autistic people too who are absolute workhorses. At least I went to RIT.

>> No.50757950

you dont understand the pareto principal hey boss?

youre the 20% doing 80% of the work. get fucked

>> No.50758065

why would anyone work hard for a bank. they work the minimum to get by. they figured out the minimum is pretty low so thats what you get. hard work wont get them ahead and it wont produce anything of value for society so you can't guilt them into working more. its not like you're producing life saving medicines or farming equipment or anything useful. you just shift money around for rich people in some corporate bullshit environment where everything feels like a scam. so why bother

>> No.50758210

No shit, our clients would laugh at us if we presented them with "RIT" grads, whatever the fuck that is
And making 80% of the money, yes

>> No.50758272

cool it bateman

>> No.50758324

cope with it christcuck

>> No.50758367

if you worked hard at a bank and the boss says "good job" do you even feel pride or do you just feel like a chump. you'd feel guilty for doing more then the absolute minimum. lol banks.

>> No.50759067
File: 227 KB, 3316x1896, 1519168742092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>31 posts by this ID
Imagine being this upset and BTFO at the same time.

>> No.50759393

I have this much free time to btfo lazy zoomies

>> No.50759522

who cares lmao

>> No.50760738

What do you mean? You just started out faggot

>> No.50761082

Muh deliverables

>> No.50761457

t. commieformia emigrant

>> No.50762537

without the office life they are rootless and unmoored. Its their only social life. They are alienated from their children and their wife. So they have nothing else other than bossing around others.

>> No.50762695

let the foreigners do our pointless service/tech jobs. let's return to doing work that matters. keeping fucking food on tables, packages at your doors, auto parts to mechanics, working functioning necessities fuck.

>> No.50763192

lol lazy as shit but all the examples are asking them to work free hours. Example 2 is the only one maybe is deliberate negligence but honestly you sound like an assmad boomer that can't salary their employees.