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50750254 No.50750254 [Reply] [Original]

masks back in fall
theyre gonna rape us on heating bills
full with braindead boomers, green NPCs and demented retirees
everybody is old as fuck
holy shit I hate this country so much

>> No.50750285

You fucks have been living off the money and work force of whole europe for decades. Fuck off detchefag

>> No.50750293

bro just leave

>> No.50750309


>> No.50750316

lol they're bringing masks back? why?

>> No.50750327

and go where exactly?
some other yuro shithole where I dont even speak the language? fuck that
only places Im interested in moving to wont let me in

>> No.50750328

It was the other way around retard
Since the Euro started the living standard lowered

>> No.50750337

who knows
theyre germans and love to to make and enforce silly rules that make no sense whatsoever

>> No.50750342

You have no concept of people?
They never left....Public transport is in theory mask madatory and also the retarded ffp2 mask but i dont care anyore

>> No.50750357

what about shops and bars etc?

>> No.50750364

Don't wear it.

>> No.50750366

Only transport

>> No.50750370

Everyone hates your country. You know what to do. Time to full Muslim and get 40 virgins.

>> No.50750380

I dont but in the train you have to wear it when the conductor comes or he bitches about fining you 250 euro

>> No.50750394

Where do you live? Most don't say anything to me.
If they are really bitchy just put in on, but never on your own.

>> No.50750402

I will go to spain as i learned spanish in university
I think you can learn it too
I will work for a swiss company remotely and spend much less than in germany
And I probably wont freeze there when winter comes

>> No.50750422

nobody will accept masks again. screen cap this.

>> No.50750430

You forgot the “new Germans” enriching our country.

A few months ago a negro raped to death a sheep. Had to slaughter it to relief from pain. Small Bavarian village. In big cities they rape humans for that but here on countryside not yet

>> No.50750435

bro Im unironically thinking about moving to the canary islands for this winter
I work remote so making money is not a problem
its just the language barrier that worries me and of course I have friends and family here
but Im really past my breaking point, I dont wanna do another winter with masks where the sun goes down at 4PM and everybody bitches at you if you dont wear it correctly
Im sick and tired of this shithole
might get me an airbnb in tenerife for a couple of months and see how I like it
they got great weather, cannabis clubs and I imagine the people arent as insufferable as here in Germany either
Im just really too old/lazy to learn any new language thats the only thing stopping me so far

>> No.50750448

but you dont know how germans operate
they bitch and moan but at the end of the day they always follow ze rules
and they will make goddamn sure you follow ze rules too
because ze rules are ze rules and thats that
all the people bitching right now and saying how they wont put up with this shit will fall in line come october, mark my words
the idea that rules can just be ignored is an alien concept to germcucks

>> No.50750449

you speak english (at least in text) well enough, and that's the only language you need globally.

>> No.50750465

nah man Ive lived abroad before and longterm it sucks when you dont speak the local language

>> No.50750477

Kek, stop losing your cash anon, just check Yopi Network

>Backed by physical gold
>RPG games with many payout options depending on the desires of the player
>Yopigold pursue price stability by buying physical gold

>> No.50750479

you're talking short term in an airbnb. english or if they don't understand english but louder and pointing will do you fine.

>> No.50750495

>you're talking short term in an airbnb.
yeah but thats for one winter
to move there longterm Id have to learn the language and I raelly cant be bothered doing that desu
I wish I was american. if you hate your state you just move to a different one and its all the same language

>> No.50750502


>> No.50750508
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Fresse alman dreck geh weiter arbeiten während ich mir auf deinen nacken einen durstlöscher gönnne wallah.

>> No.50750520

the dutch speak a lot of english and their language is similar to yours.

>> No.50750528

bro its not just about the language
all my people live here
it can get pretty damn lonely if you just pack your shit and move to a countyr where you dont know anyone and dont speak the langauge
Ive done it before and desu I figured Ill just spend the rest of my miserable life in germany
but then they started doing all this corona bullshit and now this energy bullshit its really becoming unliveable here
i made my peace iwth a LOT of nonsense here but I just cant do another winter with masks

>> No.50750550

how bad is it? used to date a german girl and often wonder how she'd be fairing now.
uk here so it's hardly like i'm in a better place.

>> No.50750555

Just go abroad during two months on winter, like you said yourself, and come back afterwards.

>> No.50750560

Anon i hope you got your axe out and got some firewood for the winter

>> No.50750575

>how bad is it?
its pretty damn bad
havent heard from my landlord yet but the gas bill is probably at least gonna double
sun goes down at 4PM in the winter, it makes me depressed as shit every year anyway
last winter was so miserable it was honestly one of the worst times in my life. all the corona measures were in full effect. the media was telling you 24/7 what a scumbag you are if youre not vaxxed. I got kicked out of supermarkts and shit for wearing the mask under my nose. its just pure misery and now this is gonna start all over again.
I just cant do it anymore man. I just wanna live my life in peace and have some sunshine and friendly people around.
i think UK aint all that bad you guys seemed pretty reasonable with the corona shit at least. brits seem fairly easy going and at least have a sense of humor compared to germs.

>> No.50750583

Why are you guys so afraid for winter? Why don't you get geothermal for your house? I'm in usa, i was just kidding at a local geothermal company, it's like$15k for a whole home system

>> No.50750584

yeah thats probably what Im gonna do
i always wanted to check out the canary islands. seems like a good time to do it. might get me a really nice pad with sea views I always wanted to wake up to ocean sounds.
thanks for reading my blogpost.

>> No.50750595

I spent 1 winter in Berlin.

I feel like my entire body aged 20 years in those 6 months. I remember looking at my hands in the cold and they looked like a 90 year old mans skeleton fingers with dry cracked skin and wrinkles. Good luck germanon. I left when the pandemic started because everyone got weird about auslanders, felt like it was "time to go."

>> No.50750596

So much bs about Germany that's not even true. Kek.

Also, I always love the "go somewhere else" crowd. They are absolutely oblivious to the fact that they then are the immigrant faggots no one likes, but I guess it's going to be totally different, because muh white and muh civilized country of origin.

>that's what rightoid brains actually belive

>> No.50750600

if masks mandates come back im just not gunna wear it. yeah ill be that guy idgaf

>> No.50750608

believe* fuck me

>> No.50750617

We still have the 4pm winter darkness though...I want to make it so I can move to Thailand or somehwere in Winter, and then come back to the UK in spring when it gets pretty. I live in a county which is about 96% white in England though so my experience of the UK is much different to someone who lives in London etc.

>> No.50750627

>I feel like my entire body aged 20 years in those 6 months.
same I feel like I noticeably aged over the last 2 years
it was insanely stressful
got gray hears now for the first time in my life and I feel tired and angry all the time
>They are absolutely oblivious to the fact that they then are the immigrant faggots no one likes
it just sucks being some alien in a foreign country
I wish I was born somewhere else just not this shithole here
Id rather be born in some eastern yuro dump at least they are sensible and you can bribe the cops and shit
germany is a horrible place, its all just rules, rules, rules
theyre like robots here
packing your shit and moving to a different country is a lot easier said than done. most people, me included, cant hack it and just come back home after a couple of years.

>> No.50750642

as you should im tired of getting sick because faggots like you cant stay home when you have the flu

>> No.50750648

>germany is a horrible place, its all just rules, rules, rules

canadafag here.

every westoid country is like that now except for red states.

>> No.50750654

>im tired of getting sick
how about you just live healthy instead of forcing other people to wear masks?
I havent been sick in years, despite this alleged killer flu

>> No.50750655

that anon >>50750449 is right
most people on tenerife speak english well enough
I have been there for a month this year
mostly anglos russians and germans there

>> No.50750663

You need to have volcanic activity for that to even be a possibility. The dumb psrt here is the germans abandoning nuclear, but we all know that already.

>> No.50750665

It's the truth. If you go to a 99% white country or asian country like Japan, everyone there will love you and suck your dick because you're a white american. You have no idea how much you're loved. White/asian solidarity is amazing

>> No.50750666

canaries are mostly tourists bro

>> No.50750672

I feel exactly the same about this country, bro. I live in Brandenburg so it's not as bad as in Bavaria - but the amount of braindead people is still staggering.

>> No.50750702

I'm talking about regular flu you trans nigger go neck yourself. nips are wearing masks for decades in their public transport and nobody complains you turkneger
or better fuck off back to your shithole

>> No.50750711

Just go to a place where mostly expats live and stay in the community if you are so afraid of locals

>> No.50750724

listen you hypochondrial shitehad I havent been sick in years and if you werent such an unhealthy (probably fat) fuck you wouldnt get sick either. how about you put the fork down, exercise and eat a salad instead of forcing other people to wear masks because youre a weak piece of shit? just an idea. Im german btw so how about you fuck off back to /pol/
>nips are wearing masks for decades in their public transport
I dont give a shit what the nips do wearing masks is retarded and you are retarded. your shit health is not my problem.

>> No.50750728

masks dont do anything you dumb faggot

jesus fuck you are literally an npc what the fuck are you doing here?

>> No.50750738

bro Ive been there done that, its not that Im afraid of locals its that I dont speak their language. living in an expat bubble gets kinda old. listen Ive done this shit before I can guarantee all you fags who say "just move somewhere lol" have never actually done it. its not that easy leaving all your people behind that you have a lifetime of connections with.

>> No.50750743

There are cucks who wear them already.

>> No.50750758

Da bist du nicht der einzige, anon...
ich wollte nach Indonesien auswandern (war mehrmals dort, geiles Essen, geiles Wetter, geile Natur, geile Weiber), aber als Ungeimpfter komme ich jetzt nicht mal mehr rein. Wäre ja auch zu schön gewesen.

>> No.50750763

I did as it was the best for me and my family
We came to germany from switzerland
Now we leave again as it is the best for us

Just learn the fucking language dude
It is not that hard and spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the world

>> No.50750770

Hol dir doch nen fakepass wie die ganzen gruselmusel

>> No.50750774

Shit bigger try Western Canada. Its literally an endless apocalyptic expanse of white with some dead trees. I get anxiety thinking about it.

>> No.50750783

1x döner mit allem

>> No.50750796

Feels like a rerun, your living in weimar republic atm anon

>> No.50750809

I moved from Germany to France

Everything is the same, except I also get mugged by arabs

>> No.50750835

Scheiße, bist du ich?
Du schreibst genau so wie ich, wenn ich meinen indonesischen Freunden Deutschland erkläre.
Regeln, Regeln, Regeln. Wie du hast einfach geatmet ohne die AtemTreibhausgasvermeidungssteuer zu bezahlen? Anzeige ist raus!
Ich dachte immer, ich sei autistisch, aber seit 2 Jahren denke ich, dass einfach alle Almans autistisch sind und ich bin der einzige normale in diesem Drecksloch.

>> No.50750851
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>> No.50750854

>We came to germany from switzerland
why... would you do that?
bro I must be you becaus I asked myself if Im autistic too lol
but thats not the case
the problem is the germans
literally just go to the netherlands and see whats going on
nobody wears masks
the minute they dropped the mandates the dutchies stopped waring them
in germany you see young people in their 20s wearing thiese stupid diapers
theres something seriously wrong with german people and Ive always felt that way all my life.
they just lack a base humanity

>> No.50750874

i grew up in a small shit town and went to an "elite" gymnasium
the people there were all germans and some of the biggest cunts ever
in like 10th grade I moved to a bigger city and went to a school full with arabs, turks, italians and what not
these people were so much easier to get along with
all these /pol/tards who go on about muh white race can go eat a dick, 99% of germans are complete trash. I wouldnt mind if the arabs take over this country, at least they dont bully you over some stupid mask rules. I had turkish barbers who cut my hair without vaxx pass and shit like that. no germ would ever do that. they can all go eat a dick as far as Im concerned.

>> No.50750902

>theres something seriously wrong with german people and Ive always felt that way all my life. they just lack a base humanity

absolutely true. it pains me to feel that i have more in common with my friends in indonesia than with any German person i ever met in reallife. and it unironically cured me of my racism. Germans are literally robots who just follow orders their entire life. And if you go against the grain, you feel their resistance immediately. just like when i started investing into blockchain infrastructure. "but anon, ze internet money is only used by ze criminals. ze internet money is even worse zan ze cash. we must outlaw ze cash because zer are viruses on ze paper! Also investing is very risky and you vil lose all ze money, please be schlau and put it in ze Sparbuch!"

>> No.50750917

Seriously, now i feel even more that you are me LOL
i also went to an elite gymnasium, where we had to study latin and ancient greek, then i switched to a Realschule because my grades were horrific (i played Counterstrike all day), with the Realschule kids who mostly were Russian and Turkish i went along much better. There was a sense of fun, community and brotherhood instead of constant snitching.

>> No.50750916

"People" still wear then voluentary anon..

>> No.50750938

>bro I must be you becaus I asked myself if Im autistic too lol
Not him, but kek I had the same thoughts recently. Also have been thinking of going to Poland over the winter. Luckily I have lots of friends who did not get vaccinated.
>in germany you see young people in their 20s wearing thiese stupid diapers
german youth are ideologues imho
>they just lack a base humanity
it's like they don't understand the human condition and want to control everything around them. germans HATE when you disagree with them, and it's partly because they feel personally attacked and partly because in this country everyone pays for everyone. e.g. when you go to the hospital or when you lose your job everyone pays and so everyone feels encouraged to talk shit. same with vaccines. you don't take the vaccine, you are vermin. there's pathological shit going on in the language and I just realized after 2020.

wenn der leidensdruck so groß ist, schließt euch den demos an. wenigstens ein paar leute zu treffen die nicht vollkommen abgedreht sind, hilft.

>> No.50750939

Nips wear masks in public transport WHEN they are sick and they are not mandatory

>> No.50750944
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>be me
>bachelor in meme design
>make 21k a year working 50 hours a week in a fucking office
>fucked up career choices because I fell for the do what you love idea which turned out to be complete bs
>realize this life is misery and I need to use my anger as fuel to make it
>start cutting back all costs
>no car, tiny flat shared with gf, only eat at home, basic healthy nutrition
>no new cloths or expensive interests
>save 65% of my shitty income
>put it all in eth
>now worth 200k, 480k at the peak end of 2021
>still accumulating monthly
>crypto gains are tax free after a year
>currently looking into getting a second job for the weekends like food delivery shit, flink, gorillas, you name it.
>will use that to accumulate more and more.
>will likely hit upper 6 figures, maybe even 7 figures by the time the 2024-2025 run peaks
>will leave taxrapistan behind and buy a cozy flat in a warm country
Right now everything is shit but you can use that energy. Speaking of energy I started showering very short and ice cold. I don't heat anything. I'm healthy and actually started to thrive in these shitty fucked up times. If I can do that, you can to. Stay strong freunde, we will make it eventually. Only fear I have regarding the future is shit happening to my parents/brother or my gf not wanting to move with me. She likes life here a little more than me so we'll see how that changes over the next few years.

>> No.50750948

>wenn der leidensdruck so groß ist, schließt euch den demos an. wenigstens ein paar leute zu treffen die nicht vollkommen abgedreht sind, hilft.

wann ist die nächste Demo in Mainz? oder Wiesbaden?

>> No.50750971

You adopt quicker than you think. Couple of weeks ajd you'll dream and think in English.

I'm germanfag too and left Germanistan a few years ago, because this country is done for. I've never been very proficient with languages, but by reading, listening ajd speaking frequently, you will be conversational in no time.

>> No.50750976

>wann ist die nächste Demo in Mainz? oder Wiesbaden?
ok I guess youre really me from another dimension because Im in the same area too lol

>> No.50750978

How old are you anon?

>> No.50750984

don't forget germanbros, DE/OE/CH have only 60/70 percent vaccine uptake, so it's actually not as bad. in anglo and eu countries some of them have 80 - 90 percent. I think only the burgers and poles are as hesitant as us.

>> No.50750987


>> No.50750991

My plans are similar.
But look into Avalanche mate.
In my opinion it has a great future ahead (unlike all these other clusterfuck L1s)
i missed the Avax sale in 2020 (50 cents per avax) because i listened to some fud on cryptotwitter, otherwise i would be set for life now, FML. but i still have a good bag of Avax i got more than a year ago.
Ethereum, Avalanche, Chainlink. Solid bags.

>> No.50751023

God speed anon

Dont forget to leave church if you havent already, its about 60€ per month more for me

For me switzerland may be a destination, but only the country side, have some relatives there, might work with a wfh job, but have a gf which is probably hesistant to leave

>> No.50751025

It is cheap as fuck here and I was sent here to build our german branch in cologne

>> No.50751039

go to frankfurt. if you are students or young enough consider searching for "studenten stehen auf" on Telegram. not going to elaborate on this because i get the feeling i'm talking to feds on a taiwanese houseplant forum, but best of luck to you bros.

>> No.50751056

or instead of telegram hea to stauf(dot)org

>> No.50751060


Was willst du huso mit kryptoscheiße?
Krypto wird doch eh bald gebannt werden dann haste den scheiß umsonst gekauft.
Hol dir lieber Aktien die Dividende zahlen

>> No.50751064

They are programming the normies to support WW3 through high pricing, inflation and supply issues which are "caused by Russia & China".

>> No.50751067

Come to Poland. It’s almost the same but at least you can save in heating

>> No.50751069

Germans are finally reaping what they've sown and I couldn't be happier. Sorry you got caught in the crossfire OP, but the sooner Germany collapses the better

>> No.50751079

New zealand is still wearing them and reeing about how coronas gonna kill everyone

>> No.50751084

Our country is just committing a slow burn suicide and its hilarious to watch.

>> No.50751091

>why yes I have sub 60iq, how could you tell?
yeah, no chruch tax for me. Switzerland is fantastic but obviously very expensive and not exactly welcoming to germans which is more than understandable. I I truly make it big I'd absolutely consider moving there tho.

>> No.50751100
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you had your chance, you fucking blew it

>> No.50751101
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I moved from Lisbon to Berlin because as an engineer I couldn't afford to rent an apartment back in Portugal. Now I live in Alexanderplatz. The thing is, I have to live in Berlin.

>> No.50751221

>ou fucks have been living off the money and work force of whole europe for decades.
Literally the other way around. Just fucking end the euro so we can finally be free.

>> No.50751263

It’s weird how anyone would even be aware where sheep sussy is located

>> No.50751298

Everywhere Aryan folk went things got better. Shit even pajeets produced a Vedic culture when BAC (big Aryan cocks) invaded them.

>> No.50751301

>A few months ago a negro raped to death a sheep
you sure it wasnt some drunk local yokel? kek

>> No.50751309
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>born into the greatest nation on earth
>baww i have to wear a mask >:(

Fuck you, OP. I would KILL to move to Germany. You don't know how good you have it. Try being Australian.

>> No.50751314

This place is r*ddit since last year. Most of you fucks should fuck off yes I’m talking to you (you)

>> No.50751317

>Try being Australian.
seems like the same overregulated nanny state hellhole like Germany, except you got beaches and good weather

>> No.50751322

Anon, I don’t know how to break it to you, but Germany has changed a little in the last 77 years

>> No.50751334
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>live in semi-rural US
>literally none of these problems

>> No.50751342


And Chinese instead of Arabs.


Impossible. Isn't that kind Hitler fellow still in charge?

>> No.50751375

you write like a braindead low iq tard

>> No.50751389

t. Seething pajeet/latinx

>> No.50751392

I have to agree, I like Germany but right now it's looking so fucked.
Other anon is talking about a heat pump, which doesn't need volcanism, just land and electricity.

>> No.50751410

What did the Germs ever do to you?

>> No.50751424

Where did you move anon?

>> No.50751466

lost the war

>> No.50751475

nooo not the heckin maskerinos, my freedom!!!!!

>> No.50751524

>t. Germanicus Sandniggerus

>> No.50751683

>I hate living in this hellhole
this is what every westernoid says about their country but the grass is not always greener on the other side

>> No.50752279


>> No.50752399

Kys cuck

>> No.50752488

Based truth. Since the euro started the industrial areas of southern Europe got removed to favour German exports. Now southern Europe is dependent of Germany. You guys created zombies, now you feed them.

>> No.50752497

I'm in Frankfurt on a business trip. Holy shit, everyone's still wearing masks at 38 celsius. Why are Germans like this?

>> No.50752575

meanwhile running small business here being supplied professionally with gibs and mulattos to do work

Sucks to be you bro

>> No.50752842

Kannste machen nix, außer warten auf Tag X

>> No.50752887

Brain dead npcs, they really think masks do something, therefore wear them voluntary, even if they already got the coof or are vaxxmaxxed

>> No.50752924 [DELETED] 

>industrial areas of southern Europe
WHat? Did they exist
>to favour German exports.
Was only a bad thing for germans exept for the up 1%

>> No.50753108

Moved to London. I know, England has an equally low rep here, but for a 30 y/o with good income it's a fun place. Will move again next year though, somewhere more permanently. Perhaps the Netherlands, pretty based place for European standards, income get by with English while slowly learning Dutch. Germany is permanently dead for me. Highest taxes, incompetent politicians, a population which fetishizes following rules, too many immigrants leeching off our social system and no desire of either political party to change that, woke hipsters dictating the topics of interest. Nah, fuck that.
It's either the Netherlands for me or I'll settle somewhere in southamerica while getting a USA based remote job with good salary.

>> No.50753280

The German health ministry just revealed their Covid plans for this winter.
Mask or even test mandates will make a comeback in many places. Unless you are "freshly vaxxed" which means you got a booster no more than 3 months ago. So basically, you have to get vaxxed 4 times a year now to live a normal life.
I hate our politicians and our retarted people who will comply and enable such policies so much. Germans are the most gullible retards on this planet. At the beginning they said 2 vaxxes would set you for life, then 3, then 4, and now a new one every 3 months. And the people don't notice that the narrative changes every month.
I used to care for my people more but I've come to realize that most are not worth preserving. I won't feel bad if the mass die off of vaxxies begins. Our media will somehow blame the unvaxxed for the situation and people will believe it and turn hostile towards the unvaxxed if the TV told them to.
I want to leave this place as soon as I can, but where to? Almost all western nations are turning to shit but I also don't want to live in a 3rd world shithole.

>> No.50753371

>deutschland verrecke
i can't believe the antifa was right, but different

>> No.50753696

>they then are the immigrant faggots no one likes
>because muh white and muh civilized country of origin
Or just don't be retarded sperg and you can get along fine with people. I've travelled extensively and spent multiple years living in foreign countries and I've had a good time almost everywhere and met and connected with people who have very different backgrounds to me. The developed west is being ruined on purpose by those who rule over it. You're not going to fix that yourself and there's no Superman coming to do it for you. Boomers think the rest of the world is Lord of the Flies because it's full of brown people or whatever, but they don't know shit. Leaving is the most sensible thing to do if you can secure an income.

>> No.50753803

Our own health minister said vaxxes wont work for covid in the first weeks of covid (i think at that point he wasnt health minister yet) , the narrative didnt start at 2 vaxxes, it started at none kek

>> No.50753815
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>> No.50753872
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Some kraut got recently fucked by glowies because he hosted a website for building bombs, based we need more of this engagement

>> No.50754166

>Netherlands, pretty based place for European standards
I go to NL every year for vacation and its like night and day. people there are chill and relaxed, in Geramny everybody is stressed out and in ar ush all the time. honestly just going to a dutch supermarket feels like heaven. suddenly they have enough staff, enough cashiers, you dont have people breathing down your neck and rolling their eyes when you take 2 milliseconds to grab your shit and leave. Germany is a very stressful country even simple things like going grocery shopping are a pain in the ass.

>> No.50754212

honestly I would never want to live there. I get it they make a lot of money but it seems way too similar to germany for me to consider living there. the language sounds stupid. and they all hate germans is what I heard (cant blame em desu).

>> No.50754222

maybe because its not his first language dumbass

>> No.50756073

(((They))) hate Germany with a passion.

>> No.50756105

To be fair everyone does

>> No.50756125

Getting into the US is hellish for foreign Doctors unless you have American nationality. You have to do residency there on a J1 visa which then forces you to go back for 2 years after finishing residency.

>> No.50756188

>in the train you have to wear it when the conductor comes or he bitches about fining you 250 euro
not if you're a Muslim.
I just sit next to Muzzies in the train now, they never wear mask and the conductors have neither the balls to fine a privileged person (Muslim refugee, Jew) nor a German sitting right next to them due to fear of being called out on the hypocrisy.

>> No.50756192

germans are disgusting

>> No.50756194

yeah getting a US work visa is a huge pain in the ass
heres a fun face I work remote for a US company and already had a j1 visa secured. was supposed to move there back in 2020. but then corona happened and Ive been stuck in this dump ever since. trying to get another visa going but the company that was gonna sponsor me is getting hit by the recession and theyre dragging their feet. so I dont think its gonna happen anymore. America is the only place I could see myself moving to, aside from maybe New Zealand and Canada. but those countries also went full retard on the corona thing so meh

>> No.50756248
File: 117 KB, 1000x663, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to south east asia for autumn + winter to be a temporary millionaire

Enjoy your winter lockdown in the dark with self-righteous self-appointed covid police lmao eurofags

>> No.50756276
File: 174 KB, 960x1080, 1641502967756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, there religion literally teaches that we're an entirely evil nation that seeks to destroy the entire world.

>> No.50756363

Canada is just as shit to get into as a Medical Doctor. You have to redo residency in the U.S. and Canada both.
This degree opens every door around the world but closes every door in the only countries that are worth a damn. I know people like to shit on Canada but it's paradise compared to Germany, people at least leave you alone.
Once I finish residency I might try and participate in one of those Australian or Canadian programs where they send physicians to bumfuck nowhere for a couple of years in exchange of getting their residency training recognized.

>> No.50756376

including themselves

>> No.50756412
File: 42 KB, 640x480, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still have more freedoms in this country and earn a lot of money compared to other european countries. The government sucks ball, where should you move if you have no remote job making you tons of money. Gotta keep wagie-ing until Bogdanov pumps my bags.
