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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50745822 No.50745822 [Reply] [Original]

>Browse /biz/ daily for 4+ years
>Still haven't made it
This board is a scam.

>> No.50745831
File: 62 KB, 976x850, bizfrog391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you that 4 years ago

>> No.50745838

its so bad right now - there's not even anything good to shill, or if there is it sure as hell isnt here

>> No.50745841

>browse /biz/ for 4+ years
>makes millions and share no DD on here
imagine coming here expecting to make money and not to just shitpost

>> No.50745843

Why so PUDDI?

>> No.50745851
File: 98 KB, 657x527, 1659498799675396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never not lost money on any of my investments. I have been a regular user of this board since it was created.

>> No.50747618
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This place is purely for shitposting. Maybe one post out of a hundred will have some sort of wisdom you can use.

>> No.50747734

same here but 5 years

>> No.50747767

The golden rule of 4chan is to never browse the board and instead read the sticky. /fit/, /lit/, /fa/ have really comprehensive and useful stickys.

>> No.50748703

Imagine taking financial advice from shitposters on a Kazakh bone carving forum

>> No.50749087
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But i've made money with vinu sir

>> No.50749142

no anon, you're the one most people complain about, the big loser

>> No.50749269

The more I spend time in this shithole, the more I realize only /b/ has its shit straight.
They are aware this site is mostly a gutter.

>> No.50749287

It's more than that (something like 1 out of 20 or maybe even 1 / 10), but it's not enough. By the time you've read 3 or 4 threads: you're brain is so full of fuck that you can't follow anymore and only the shitposting sticks.

>> No.50749290

Shiba was shilled here everyday. Couldve buy $1000 and sell for $10m kek faggit

>> No.50750726

The two projects shilled here since 2017 that made me the most money were 0xMonero and LINK.

>> No.50751045

The /biz/ IQ goes very far down during bullruns, lower than on almost any other 4chan board. It becomes represented by third world people who can barely speak English and underage teenagers, all shilling awkwardly.

>> No.50751058

Go back you dirty newniggerfaggot.
Yes /biz/ is realy bad right now but this is because people give all the baggies and shitposters to much attention. Just report them for off-topic posting or marketing.

>> No.50751081

Folks, a few words about the Yopi Network, that comes to us from heaven:

>High staking APY (up to 66%)
>New generation of crypto in the payment revolution
>Pay contactless globally with a single app
>There are many options to earn cash within the yopi.network

>> No.50751096
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you're listening to a bunch of retarded niggers, many of which are 3rd world and are actively trying to scam you

>> No.50751653
File: 318 KB, 1600x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/b/ is like pic related bro
you think it's stupid at first, but the more you spend time in this shithole the more you realize it goes full circle back to it.

>> No.50751667

just means you are a failure lol

>> No.50753759

/biz/ is for after you make it
if you're posting here before that, you're ngmi

>> No.50753829

>/b/ is like pic related bro
stay there then, fuck off

>> No.50753837

that's not actually possible
from august 2018 to late 2020 the price of eth ranged between $200 and $500
anyone who bought $1k per month would have had about 100 ETH. add to that dydx airdrop, uniswap airdrop, ens airdrop, nfts... you're easily at 200-500 ETH
selling half of that between $3k and $5k (there was half a year to secure that price) is about $1MM saved, with still about 100-250 ETH left over for the next bullrun
and this is the most conservative strategy possible
anyone who joined this board in 2018 has made it. from now on, larps pretending otherwise will be reported for violating united states law

>> No.50753847

/biz/ really is shit these days I am not even that mad that the NIGGER FAGGOT JANNYS tried to ban me for holocaust denial. SUCK MY NIGGER COCK KIKES THE HOLOCAUST IS A LIE

>> No.50753857

If you needed /biz/ to make it in the first place.... I have some bad news for you

also: 1pdtid

>> No.50753923

The only thing I ever bought because of biz was a 1k usd bag of link at .68 cents, it turned out to do ok but I’ve rebalanced it down multiple times (although all above 5 usd). I only did it because like fuck was I going to let all the linkmarines on biz make gains from memetics in an obviously deeply flawed useless project and leave me out. With that said biz put me on to SIGA and the smg guys occasionally produce some interesting tickets that have led to some ideas for me. Overall don’t listen to biz, and make your own ideas.

>> No.50753958

I have an idea that you’re a cocksucking faggot