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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5074163 No.5074163 [Reply] [Original]

Why did the request network holders allow REQ to rise infinitely but the chainlink holders don't let it move five cents? Chainlink has even less circulating supply. WTF is wrong you fucks? Work together the way REQ is.

>> No.5074296

REQ's marketing is extremely aggressive.

>> No.5074340

Just sell OP. It’s over

>> No.5074389

No communication and the project is taking longer then these impatient dummies expected. Good project for 2018 Q2/3

>> No.5074400

People have been fudded, and meme'd to death over this, which is sad. Heres some news for you.

Read this first page 25.

Then this will make sense.


>> No.5074436

Sorry for that, bad copy here you are.


>> No.5074441

Idk man whales

>> No.5074456

just let them struggle

>> No.5074461
File: 331 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171214-183347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll make it easier for them.

>> No.5074516


the funny thing is if you go to Req threads or places where they discuss req on reddit they like it because there's no hyping or marketing.

>> No.5074526
File: 276 KB, 1066x600, 1512356836795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it

>> No.5074527

Because link is a shitty project, outside of biz you never even hear about it.

Its only here that it has this weird autistic cult following

>> No.5074550

Thank you. I greatly appreciate it.

>> No.5074552

SWIFT Alliance Connect, and the secure Alliance Lite2 USB token provided by SWIFT

>> No.5075155

Reminds me of eth circa 1 year ago

>> No.5075350

Spread the word, you are correct.

>> No.5075386


>a shitty project
>moving information to and from blockchains in a trustless way is a shitty project
>why am I even in crypto

>> No.5075430

What is happening here? Are you seriously getting your panties in a twist because of a USB?

>> No.5075613

Not really wadded up. Just sharing news to encourage hope. People can intrepret this how ever they choose.

>> No.5075643

How would one interpret it? All I'm getting is that Chainlink did a PoC with Swift which we knew already.

What are you getting from it?

>> No.5075696

Maybe because nobody knows what going on at Smartcontract?

>> No.5075781

That chainlink is the backend support to intigrate all systems onto alliance. Which fits in line with getting all banks up to ISO 20022 by spring, which the alliance platform should accomplish.

>> No.5075825

This is basically conspiracy theory. AllianceLite has been around forever and even the diagram shows Link is just a service offered on it.

>> No.5075832

well, for me, I sold because of those retards misinterpreting SWIFT's tweet. It would be bad if the pump was indeed because of the tweet, so I de-risked. Blade those idiots

>> No.5075852

blame, though I wouldn't mind blading them

>> No.5075857

Alliance lite 2, is cloud based.

>> No.5075907

As are most services these days. The diagram still shows it as a service that is available on it.

Look I'm not saying Chainlink won't be a service on it that banks will be able to access easily via AllianceLite but Chainlink isn't the backend support to integrate everying because that doesn't make any sense for what Link is.

>> No.5075933

Where in the world is Sergey Sandiego?

>> No.5075957

What do you guys think about LINKPool? I'm pretty hype.


>> No.5075999

agree, i got greedy and chose not to sell at 34 cents thinking that it would pump a little more on dumbasses misreading the tweet. that tweet is the ONLY reason this pumped. ended up selling @ 30 cents, will buy back in with this inevitably drops back to 20-23c. feelsbadman

>> No.5076081

If nothing else it tells you how closely people are watching Link and how quickly and hard it will pump with news.

It went up 10 cents on people misinterpreting a tweet that clearly had nothing to do with Link. Any actual news will send it into orbit.

>> No.5076108
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>It won't stop dumping

>> No.5076187

I'd see it as a way to help bring offchain data(old alliant data) into the new blockchain enviroment. Section 2, first paragraph of the white paper. You bring up some very good questions.

>> No.5076583

this, or it says how many bagholders there are ready to exit when they break even or just take a smaller loss

>> No.5076678

There are some amazing mental gymnastics and large leaps of logic itt

>> No.5076980

Newfags like you that want to make it yesterday are not going to make it tomorrow.

Be patient fuckstick.