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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50739100 No.50739100 [Reply] [Original]

Can you code frfr to the point where you can make money on your own i.e. self-employed without first having real word experience?
I don't want to be someone's bitch. Fuck interviews. Fuck employers. Fuck careers. I want out of the rat race and want to be 100% alone. I want 100% autonomy.
People are insufferable at jobs. I hate everyone.

>> No.50739386


>> No.50739414


>> No.50739430


>> No.50739469


>> No.50739490


>> No.50739502


>> No.50739577

And this is what you get for being a zoom zoom, OP.

>> No.50739599
File: 517 KB, 1242x1203, ED5AB1C8-4733-4B53-8700-E1DF83E7CA47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was the E
I could have ruined it if I wanted to.

>> No.50739619

Because you know you deserved it, you're an honest but foolish person.

>> No.50739699


>> No.50739713

with an attitude like that your life is going nowhere regardless
enjoy your narcissistic solitude

>> No.50739786

>I don't want to be someone's bitch. Fuck interviews. Fuck employers. Fuck careers. I want out of the rat race and want to be 100% alone. I want 100% autonomy.
Everyone is someone's bitch, even alone you're a bitch to your costumers, a bitch to the advertisers and platforms that you want to use to attract customers, a bitch to the payment processors and banks. There is no 100% alone.

The best you can hope for "alone" is to make something that enough people want. Get 1000 people to pay you $1k, or 100k people to pay you $10, or a million people to pay you $1. Or 100 people to pay you $40/month. It's not impossible, people have done it.

>> No.50739833

I was a 4x away from being a millionaire last bullrun :)
Probably had more money than you'll ever see in your life. next bullrun I'm making it regardless, bootlicker

>> No.50739846
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>> No.50739860

The more important thing would be having a monetizable idea

>> No.50739870

If you can find enough clients then of course you can. Generally, this is the worst way to make money as a coder from what I understand. You're better off draining the nuts kf whatever company allows you to suck their cock.

>> No.50739883

>I was a 4x away from being a millionaire last bullrun :)
kek welcome to 6 figure hell, I was 200k away from being a millionaire in 2018, and I was 300k away from being a million last bullrun. Good luck anon

>> No.50739915

Then make it with crypto no?

>> No.50739917



>> No.50739968
File: 547 KB, 2165x2165, ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People are insufferable at jobs. I hate everyone.
bootstraps you fucking zoomer, pull 'em.

>> No.50739999

Ya, I guess tb'h. It would be pretty pointless to try to learn a different skill being more or less close to retirement anyways.

>> No.50740154

It's possible but extremely unlikely. You'll be motivated for a month at most and then give up.

>> No.50742505

No, nobody can code. It's a myth.

>> No.50742739

Microsoft Office is the most common productivity suite of software tools. 90% of the users have no idea MS designed the parts to be integrated via VBA, nor do they have any idea about the capabilities of Excel or Power BI. In Excel there is the "newer" data model and M language and DAX (same as PBI), but with Excel you still get all the capability built in plus the customization available via VBA. I showed some people in my office how to query a public facing ArcGIS server with Excel and pull the info in, process it, map in Power Map, and refresh it with one button click. You can also program Excel to draw, operate Outlook, PPT, Word and so. Our IT department had no idea. So, yes you can work for yourself providing custom programming for existing software. You would need to educate and show examples what you can do for them and how that will be more efficient and effective. Even Tesla was looking for a VBA programmer about six months ago. Also, by using Visual Studio you can create your own functionality and there are many commercial Nuget packages you can reference for professional level high performance graphing.

>> No.50742795

Lol Excel

>> No.50742926

>Lol Excel
Care to expand Lol'er ?

>> No.50743009

Shut up outcel.

>> No.50744410

Kind of, unless you start a business and get investors and hire people and stuff, but then its probably still a bit like a job.
Ive been working on my own SAAS website/app solo to create passive income so i can quit waging for others, and to make something that can scale properly in and be used by tons of people all by yourself it has taken me 3 years and i havent even started making money yet. Its a shitton of work and you have to be really good, i have 8 years experience, learned frontend plus backend plus can design and have always been smart as fuck.
Yes you can build something faster and try to sell it but its probably gonna be crap and wont last. Nothing is as easy as people say.

>> No.50745218
