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50738316 No.50738316 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of boring old boomer advice has survived the test of time?
Work and invest your wages.

>> No.50738423

stop being a faggot and get to work; be a man

>> No.50738461

don't fuck men unless you're greek

>> No.50738481

Wear a condom

>> No.50738487

yeah work your ass off for mister shekelstein but stay poor anyway.

>> No.50738627

> just invest 0 bro

>> No.50738724

Yeah be a man by slaving away your life to the kikes

>> No.50738802

wisdom from my boomer dad

>no one went to Vietnam that didn't want to
>liberals live in make believe land
>Mexico is surprisingly pretty wealthy

>> No.50738824

"Save your money"
>doesn't mean have zero fun, just make sure to 'pay yourself'
"Work hard"
>nobody got a promotion by being actually lazy, and those that did were likely the result of nepotism or they're just really fucking smart and when they DO work it btfo your entire efforts
"Be respectful"
>means not getting too drunk at parties, cursing in public, looking people in the eye and saying thank you
"Get to bed early, get going early"
>try it for a week
much of it really is a great guideline for living life without regret

>> No.50738827

Around blacks never relax

>> No.50738844
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get the biggest fattest whitest woman you can find and marry her asap

>> No.50738860

doesn't matter
weak millenials have brought on the hard times
and the hard times have only just started ;)

>> No.50738870

Around blacks don't relax

>> No.50738871

her tits span clarksburg to parsons

>> No.50739099
File: 19 KB, 222x277, cranky-old-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What kind of boring old boomer advice has survived the test of time?

The number one way wealth is to invest continuously in the market in an S&P 500 index fund.

The largest investment accounts are form dead people or people who forgot about their accounts.


>> No.50739209

Pretty much everything my boomer father told me about money was/is batshit retarded, and this contrasts with the irony of him constantly shilling boomer get rich books like Rich Dad Poor Dad and the like to me

>No son, this crypto stuff is all a scam, dont buy it. Do not buy that chain-link thing or whatever it is for 50 cents, you will regret it
>Son, credit cards are evil, never use a credit card, never build credit. debt is horrible evil, never take on debt, no matter what

Thankfully i never listened to him

>> No.50739283

It's OK to want to get away from something just be sure where you're going is someplace you want to go to

>> No.50739285

things that worked pretty well (every damn shit job that exists) dont work in our timemeline. dont be mad at those fossils.

>> No.50739334

>dead before even cashing out
>best investors

>> No.50739435
File: 221 KB, 705x522, 9E7A6E3A-CE52-4908-AFC6-4AA7DB9FAC0D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live below your means
>buy a small house in the nicest neighborhood possible
>don't buy a expensive car until you're well established financially
>pussy is pussy what matters is the woman it's attached to
>if you know you want kids definitely
have them otherwise definitely do NOT
>what you study in school matters way way way more than you're grade and where you go doesn't really matter if you are going to grad school or pursuing a career in academia
Also pic related

>> No.50739473

Unless you are going to grad school or pursuing a career in academia

>> No.50739474

If you're old, don't look like the wanker in the picture

>> No.50739484
File: 298 KB, 1200x1200, boomer_graffiti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Time in the market beats timing the market
Pretty much the only boomer financial advice worth taking

>> No.50739500

Most boomer don't even know what money is or how it works. The real boomer advice is to look to FDR's example. Rob and loot your enemies whule defending your own territory.

>> No.50739627

Graveyard hands > diamond hands

>> No.50739638

babylon 5 pilot cgi was created on amigas. every commercial and movie credits worldwide used the toaster.

>> No.50739685
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>> No.50739776
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>> No.50740237
File: 180 KB, 517x768, superlative_laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Graveyard hands > diamond hands


>> No.50741312

women belong in the kitchen

>> No.50741327

around black never relax

>> No.50742944

My dad was a plumber/electrician/contractor who cheated on my mom with hundreds of wives of cucks that never learned how to fix things on their own.
Learn basic house maintenance (this also includes your home internet) so you don't get cucked by the handyman/the Comcast guy. Conversely, become a handyman/Comcast guy if you want a never ending stream of pussy

>> No.50743016 [DELETED] 

if your wife gets fucked, whenever she hires anyone because you can't do all the jobs in the world, then either she's a whore or you a cuck or both.

>> No.50743060

most old advice is good. for example, religion, philosophy, etc. The issue is boomers are an especially stupid group of individuals whose life was all hollywood

>> No.50743069

Retarded debt slave.

>> No.50743185

or alternatively don't marry a whore

>> No.50743275

This is a woman’s handwriting, disregard.

>> No.50743363

I was an electrician apprentice for a few weeks and this is true. The amount of attention starved stay-at-home wives I ran into was surprising and if I didn’t have a moral compass I could have cucked at least a few men

>> No.50743517

Do not get into debt.