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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50729776 No.50729776 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50730553

and not a single nigger responds. you all were shilling this shit at the top and not a single peep when it comes crashing down

>> No.50731392

why are you still holding this?

>> No.50732589

Fuck you too

>> No.50732780

even if this shit get's a binance listing, it'll just bleed down to 0.15, fuck my life
>cures cancer
>price doesn't move

>> No.50732821

Maybe you should try buying coins when biz is quiet about them and selling them once the shilling starts. Seriously, did you just learn about crypto? If you get burned from buying the top, that's 100% on you.

>> No.50733320

>cures cancer
>can't even be a proper telegram bot
lmaoing hard at the absolute state of PRQ baggies

>> No.50734270

you know this is a scam rigjt